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War of the Innocents

Page 21

by Michelle Breon

  While Steven inwardly chaffed at the delay, he merely smiled and agreed. He might have a way to assuage some of their fears. “May I use a vidphone?”

  “Aiy, there is one in each room for visitors to use,” Gillian said.

  “And may I have someone join me here?”

  “Aiy, provided that they adhere to the rules of all visitors here.”

  “Thank you. Until nine in the morning then.”

  “Goesh taggen, Mr. Caldare, Wilhelm,” Gillian said turning from one to the other. Once they said good bye, she turned and headed back to the Meeting House and Angel’s office.

  Angel had managed to hold the discussion to only the details of the ship, bringing Tashi and Nik up-to-date before Gillian arrived. Gillian assessed each person quickly, from Nik’s nervous fidgeting to Mischka’s and Tashi’s tense stance, to Angel’s calm acceptance. This would not be a quick or fun conversation, but Gillian knew that Angel planned to go on this mission with the ship.

  Gillian settled into a chair. “Alright. Let me start this by saying that I think the ships are more than capable of protecting the freighters. However, we don’t know this person or his motives.”

  As Nik had quickly pointed out when Angel told him, the man could be planning to kidnap her. “I will go in her place”.

  “I could go as well. I’m comfortable with the ship,” Gillian said.

  “No,” Mischka growled. “Tis too much risk, as neither you nor Angel can protect yourselves. Nik can go.” He crossed his arms over his chest in his usual stubborn manner.

  Angel rose from her chair and mimicked his action. “How can I make the necessary decisions if I do not experience his ships first hand? Mema, you’ve always said that experience is the best teacher. Do not prevent me from experiencing something so vital. Papa, I know you want to keep me safe, but I cannot sit idly by while our treaties are in jeopardy with our neighbors. Should this predicted war come to Llanelyn, we will need all the allies and friends we have. If you must, see if Captain Rhodri can be in the area of Krandul. Mema, let Uncle Jason know and relay to Joel. If anything is wrong, I’m sure Joel will let us know.”

  “That could take more time than we have,” Gillian started.

  Mischka interrupted her. “Foolish you are being. You put yourself in danger.”

  Angel grinned, despite the seriousness of the situation. “Just as foolish as you and my father were for all these years. Tis my turn now. Besides, I don’t feel anything bad. My instincts say that I can trust him to do exactly as he says, protect our shipments and not harm me.”

  “Tis three days to Krandul at freighter speeds and another day or so back at top speed,” Tashi argued.

  Angel shook her head. “My guess is that the freighter was attacked on the second day. The King indicated that the engines were crippled, but the ship twas almost home when they found it. The mercs would not attack too close to Krandul for fear of being detected, so my guess is about the midway point, which would be close enough for the crippled ship to make it home and spread the news. The embarrassment seems to be more desired than anything else, so the ship had to get home. Otherwise they would have destroyed the ship.”

  “Still tis two days out and maybe another two back, if you should be successful. That ship is too small to have a cucina or other facilities. How will you survive?”

  “I know not. But, Mr. Caldare has indicated that tis normal for his pilots to be on multiday missions.” Angel turned to Gillian. “Mema, I know tis what we need to do. I don’t know why or how, but I just know.”

  Gillian chuckled softly. “Alright Angel, you win. We should take all necessary precautions, including checking into this man and his company some more. I’ll contact Jason.”

  “I’ll alert Rhodri.” Mischka growled and shook his head, but turned and stalked quietly from the room. Tashi followed him.

  Angel turned to Nik. “I’m not helpless Nik and I’m safe. Go with them.”

  Nik rose and quickly followed the older men.

  Angel turned to her grandmother. “Tis the Gods asserting their will over me, isn’t it?”

  “Perhaps. Or perhaps you want this trip a bit too much? A time to tech-out?”

  Angel merely grinned.

  An hour later, Steven emerged from the hotel. Based on the description given by the desk clerk, he headed in the direction of the only other two-story building that he assumed was the Meeting House to find the Cerato. He noticed the people were generally cheerful and friendly, smiling at him, waving to friends. The sandstone buildings were clean, with well-kept gardens, and curtains fluttering in open windows. No trash blew on the gentle breeze. There were no dark alleys, only wide sunlit walk paths. The few people he talked to chatted amicably, offered well wishes, and pointed out the Meeting House when he asked about it.

  He also did not see any weapons, military personnel or uniforms, fortifications, or other structures that might indicate a hidden military program. When he arrived at the large building that matched the description he had been given, he noted that neither of the double doors had a lock. He opened one and let himself in, then listened for voices. He faintly heard the higher pitch of women’s voices and followed the sound across a wide area to a short hallway. None of the doors on the hallway had locks. The voices came from the last room on the right.

  He knocked on the door. “Cerato, are you available to talk?”

  Gillian opened the door to let him enter.

  “Did you need something, Mr. Caldare?” Angel asked.

  “Actually, yes. I was wondering if you would accompany me to your transporter chamber in about two hours. I would like for you to meet my visitor.”


  “I’d rather explain then. You are welcome to have anyone join you that you wish.”

  Angel nodded. “I will be there.” She paused, then changed the subject. “I hope you are enjoying your stay here.”

  “Yes. Everyone has been very friendly and helpful. The desk clerk at the hotel told me where I would find you, and several people along the way kept me on the correct path. I won’t take up any more of your time right now. I’ll see you at the transporter later.” With that he turned and left.

  Gillian watched as he walked down the hall and across the main area to the double doors. “Well, who do you suppose is joining him?”

  “I’m not sure, but I noticed his bodyguard was not with him.”

  “Aiy. Your grandfather and Nik should be with us. Tashi may as well come along.”

  “Aiy. Did Uncle Jason have any other information?”

  “No. Nothing negative on the company or the man that either he or that reporter friend of his, Ryan, could find. But he wasn’t able to reach Joel either. Oh, and Morgan wants to go shopping on your next visit, so you might want to plan to stay an extra day or so.”

  Two hours later Gillian, Mischka, Angel, Nik, and Tashi met Steven at the transporter. His bodyguard, Wilhelm, was not there.

  Steven smiled at them. “You are right on time.”

  The transporter operator moved the switches and a child appeared on the platform.

  “Daddy!” the girl cried, as she ran to Steven, pigtailed curls bouncing. “I missed you.” She appeared to be maybe five or six years old.

  “I missed you more,” Steven said, playing their usual game as he hugged her close. As her nanny appeared on the platform, he turned to Angel’s family. “Cerato, may I present my daughter Allison. Ali, this is the lady I mentioned the other day.”

  “Tis a pleasure to meet you Allison,” Angel said, smiling at the child.

  “She’s the one who needs to borrow your ships?” the child asked her father.

  “That’s right.”

  Big blue eyes in a cherubic face turned to Angel. “My daddy’s ships are the best. You’ll like them. I get to go out and play bumper ships sometimes.”

  “Tis a fun game.” Angel turned back to Steven. “Care to explain now.”

  “Ali sometime joins me on my
trips. Ms. Childress,” he indicated the nanny, “watches her when I go out and I get to see her at the end of the mission.”

  Mischka scowled at him. “You would put your daughter in harms way for a business deal?”

  Steven hugged her close again. “Only when I trust the people that I am dealing with will I allow Ali to join me. I trust that my Ali will be as safe with you as the Cerato will be with me.”

  Gillian smiled. “And she will be.” She turned to Mischka. “When the ship arrives, we should load it quickly so that Angel can accompany Mr. Caldare.”

  Mischka sighed heavily in defeat. “Aiy, boshquitona.”

  Gillian tried not to grin as she turned back to Angel. “Perhaps Mr. Caldare and his family would like to join us for dinner.”

  “Call me Steven.”

  “Would you like to join us?”

  The child yawned then. “Perhaps. Ali may need a short nap before then, since it is the middle of the night back on Earth.”

  “I’ll send Nik over to your hotel room to escort you. If you are unable to attend, we understand.”

  Nik led Steven and Ali from the hotel to Angel’s house across the village. The nanny had requested the evening off and Wilhelm had already eaten in the hotel’s dining area. Steven carried a small bag.

  Tashi and Lenni were already in the main area when Mischka opened the door at Nik’s knock. Angel introduced Mary and Lenni to Steven and Ali.

  “I brought you a flight suit,” Steven said as he handed the bag to Angel. “It would be best if you wore it instead of your normal clothes as it interfaces with the ship.”

  Angel opened the bag and pulled out the suit, exactly like the ones he and Wilhelm had worn earlier.

  “I have one,” Ali chirped. “It has my name on it. But it’s getting tight.”

  Steven tickled her affectionately, eliciting giggles from her. “If you would stop growing it would not be tight.”

  Angel took the suit to her room as Mary seated everyone at the table. Nik remained by the hallway to Angel’s room.

  “Where’s Ian?” he whispered.

  “Out with Kira, Petra, and Tork.”


  “He decided to sit this dinner out to allow room for Tashi and Lenni.”

  “Angel, Nik, come sit down,” Mary said.

  Over dinner Angel asked more about the ship and the flight suit. Steven explained everything patiently, with Ali chiming in constantly in her own precocious way. Mary had just served dessert of tarten afal when the little girl started yawning again.

  “I’m sorry to cut the evening so short,” Steven said. “But Ali does need some sleep.”

  “But I’m not tired,” she whined.

  The adults smiled at her knowingly.

  “Alright then, I need to sleep before tomorrow.”

  “What am I going to do tomorrow?”

  “You’ll stay with Ms. Childress and attend to your schoolwork, as you usually do.”

  The child heaved a dramatic sigh. “Boring. I want to play.”

  Angel laughed. “Just like mi cugino Misha. He’s about your age too. And all he wants to do it play.”

  “Where is he?” the little girl asked, looking around as if to see him.

  “He’s at home with his mom and dad. Would you like to play with him tomorrow? That is, if it’s alright with your dad.”

  Ali turned to her dad, wide eyed and pleading. “Can I daddy?”

  “Absolutely, as long as you behave and Ms. Childress is with you.” He turned to Angel. “Thank you.”

  Ali quickly finished her dessert. “Just like apple pie, only better.”

  Mary smiled at the compliment.

  Steven noticed Mary’s reaction to simple praise. “She’s right. The entire meal was much more delicious than we have on Earth. My compliments to the chef. If my ships are protecting the ingredients to such a meal, I feel honored.”

  Mary blushed at the effusive compliment. “Tis mi grandmadret’s recipes,” she said softly.

  Steven turned to Ali. “We do need to go and get some sleep.”

  “Ok, daddy.” She turned to Angel. “Thank you for inviting us.”

  “Thank you for coming. I’ll call Misha’s mom for you and arrange a time.”

  Steven stood as Ali slid off her chair.

  “Thank you all for dinner. It was a pleasure. I hate to eat and run, but I want to be at my best tomorrow. You should rest as well Cerato. My crews are used to sleeping on the ships, but I think you may find it difficult.”

  Good nights were said and Nik left with them to escort them back to the hotel so that they did not get lost in the dark. Angel helped Mary to clean up the kitchen before heading to her room. The four older adults settled into the main area.

  “She tis adorable,” Lenni said.

  “Aiy,” Tashi agreed reluctantly. “I still suspect he tis up to something else.”

  “Aiy,” Mischka agreed. “I just wish I knew what.”

  “Well, I trust him to do as he says,” Gillian declared.

  The following morning, Gillian, Mischka, and Nik escorted Angel to the waiting ship. The freighter had landed outside of Analisse and loading was underway.

  “Good morning, Cerato. Are you ready for this?”

  “Goesh muirnon. Aiy.”

  The excitement in Angel’s voice made Gillian laugh. “She’s hoping you will let her take the controls.”

  Steven chuckled. “We should have time for a quick lesson.”

  Angel hugged Gillian and Mischka. “I’ll be fine,” she reassured them.

  “Be careful,” Gillian whispered. “Say little.”

  “Come home safe, rosso coch,” Mischka said.

  Allison ran to her father. “When will you be back?”

  Steven picked her up and swung her around. “I’ll just be a couple of days. And I will come back for you.” He hugged her close. “I need you to stay with these nice people. Go play with your new friend Misha.” He set her down.

  “She will be fine with us,” Gillian said.

  Without another word, Steven led Angel to the platform. As he accessed the control panel, she waved to the family. Slowly the platform rose. Steven indicated the navigators chair and reminded her of the harness. Angel had fewer problems buckling the harness over the flight suit than over her Cerato robes. She watched the ground recede again, then the ship moved forward and up.

  “Once we rendezvous with the freighter, we will have time for a quick piloting lesson.”

  “And a few questions on the tech, I hope.”


  Many hours later, Steven shook Angel awake. “Wake up. I believe the mercs have arrived.” He indicated a large ship that had appeared in front of the freighter. “The shields are up around us and the freighter. Now watch and see.”

  As Angel watched the scene in front of her, the larger merc ship fired an energy weapon at the freighter. The shield blocked the weapon. Several more blasts were fired, those failing as well. The merc ship next tried several physical weapons and all bounced away to detonate harmlessly.

  Steven laughed, enjoying Tom’s success so far. “Cerato, what do you think of my ship?”

  The merc ship stopped firing on the freighter. It pulled back slightly, as if contemplating what it needed to do to penetrate the shields. Angel could envision the captain discussing what to do with his bridge crew. “Aiy, tis impressive.”

  The merc ship turned away from the freighter and targeted the ship Angel was in.

  Steven studied the merc ship. “What are you doing now?” he asked aloud. As the freighter approached, he checked the shields as he said, “Oh no you don’t.”

  Several energy blasts followed his words. The shields held. The ship fired physical weapons on their second volley. Angel froze in fear, unable to do anything as she watched the munitions approach the small ship, only to be deflected harmlessly away. She released the breath she had been holding.

  Steven muttered under his br
eath. “Tom, let’s merge.” He turned the ship towards the freighter, easily maneuvering his smaller ship around the large merc ship while avoiding more munitions. As he neared, he modified the controls on the ship. “How’s it look from your side Tom?”

  “Reading 201, sir.”

  Munitions struck the combined shield at that moment, only to bounce off harmlessly. “Time to play,” Steven grinned.

  As the next volley of munitions came in, Steven turned the ship and headed for the munitions. Angel watched as the munitions bounced away, this time directly back towards the merc ship, one striking their shields. A few more munitions followed and Steven bumped them back as well, again striking the merc ship, the final one striking the hull.

  The merc ship backed away and stopped firing.

  “Captain T’Kye can you coax any more speed out of your ship?”

  The freighter increased speed and the shield ships increased to match.

  “Tom how’s it looking?”

  “199, sir, but check our six.”

  Steven flipped the ship to find another merc ship bearing down on them.

  “They want round two.” He turned to Angel. “Are you alright? Can you handle this some more?”

  Though white with fear, Angel nodded.

  Steven grinned at her. “Time to play again.”

  Again Angel watched as Steven used the shields to bounce the munitions back at the attacking merc ship. Several volleys later, the second merc ship pulled back with hull damage.

  “Is it over?” asked Angel when she could finally find her voice.

  Steven shook his head. “I doubt it.”

  They watched as the second ship moved to be alongside the first ship, blocking the path of the freighter. Steven flipped the ship to face the second while Tom’s ship faced the first.

  “Captain T’Kye, continue moving forward.”

  “Are you crazy?” the translated voice asked.

  “Push them at full speed. Our shields will hold. Meanwhile, call Krandul for assistance.”

  “They are blocking our signal.”

  Steven flipped open a panel and entered something into a keypad. “Now they can’t block your comms. Trust me.”

  The freighter sped up again, the shield ships matching. Angel watched as the merc ships held their ground, their engines firing up more.


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