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War of the Innocents

Page 22

by Michelle Breon

  As the pushing continued, Steven turned his chair in a slow circle to check the area, then called into the comms, “Captain T’Kye increase your aft shields. Tom time to play again. Sync to my controls.”

  “Done. I hope you know what you are doing,” said the translated voice.

  “Ready, sir,” said Tom.

  The shields ships moved as one and began ramming into the second ship, using the shields to shove the ship aside. After several such attempts, the ship moved away. Steven quickly spun the ships and started on the first merc ship, again ramming it using the shields. Finally the first ship pulled away, allowing the freighter to move forward again. Steven returned the ships to the normal flight configuration and the shield ships took up position along each side of the freighter as it moved past the enemy ships.

  “Look, another ship!” Angel exclaimed.

  “Our warship approaches,” said the translated voice.

  The merc ships retreated away from the Krandul warship and left the area.

  Steven relaxed visibly in his chair. “Captain T’Kye thank you for trusting us. Tom stay with them until they are home. Captain T’Kye you are in good hands with Tom. I need to return to base.”

  “It was a pleasure to watch you in action Mr. Caldare,” came the translated voice. “I hope we meet in person sometime.”

  “Tom, I’ll extract now. Contact me when your mission is done. Captain T’Kye it would be an honor to meet you.”

  Steven modified the controls and pulled the ship away from the freighter.

  “Separation complete. I’ll contact you in a few days,” said Tom.

  Steven pushed the button to retrieve the camera drone, then turned back towards Llanelyn. Once the blue light indicated the camera was secured, he picked up speed. He glanced to Angel. “So, Cerato, what do you think? Do you think we can protect your shipments?”

  Shakily Angel replied, “Aiy, though even more I have to ask why you would want to? Knowing Earth as little as I do, this must cost a tremendous amount.”

  Steven turned up his charm a notch. “Some jobs we take on because it is the right thing to do. Our mutual friend may or may not help cover the cost. But now that you have seen our ships in action, you can tell the other diplomats. If only three hire us, the costs for this excursion will be covered.”

  “Aiy, though I may not be able to remember everything.”

  Steven swallowed hard, his heart heavy, even as he smiled at her. “I deployed a camera drone to film both our flights. If you will allow me to connect it to your vidphone, I can download the images to your computer system so that you can review them at any time.”

  “Do you have Grandma’s piloting as well?”


  Angel giggled despite the recent battle. “Grandma will enjoy seeing that. I can help you connect when we get back.”

  “Good. Hopefully the remainder of this trip will be quiet.”

  “Can I try the controls again?”

  Steven reconfigured the ship and let Angel pilot it until she grew tired. While the video clips from the camera would delight the Cerato and her family, the collector program that would download with them, would not. He pushed aside the twinge of guilt he felt at betraying the confidence of people who trusted him and instead concentrated on the job at hand, getting the Cerato back home alive. The shields were down to fifty percent and he believed that his ship had been attacked because she was on board. The question he had no answer for was how the mercs had known that she was there. He had told no one other than Wilhelm, whom he trusted implicitly, and he was confident that her family did not wish her harm.

  Several hours later as the sun rose on the third day since they had left the planet, Steven deployed the landing gear and settled the ship safely on the ground.

  Angel stirred as the engines stopped.

  “Come Cerato, you are home.”

  Angel unbuckled the harness and followed Steven to the platform. She glanced out the front of the ship and could see her family hurrying towards them. Traveling in space had been exciting, but she was eager to see the grass and buildings and to feel the gentle breeze again.

  Angel left the shadow of the ship to meet her family, receiving the usual hugs.

  “How did it go?” Gillian asked.

  “The mercenaries attacked, but Steven’s ships kept them from harming the freighter. He was even able to push them away. Krandul had a warship close by that came in to help as well. Steven has a video of the whole battle that we can watch later.”

  Wilhelm met Steven on the platform, well out of hearing of the family reunion.

  “What did you find?” Steven asked.

  “Nothing. Absolutely nothing,” he repeated with emphasis. “How did it go?”

  “Two merc ships and they were desperate to block that shipment. Though what I can’t figure out is why they fired on my ship? I posed no threat.”

  “Think they knew she was on board?”

  “Perhaps, but how. Her family does not want to harm her and only you and I knew she would be there.”

  “Or perhaps they just wanted any target they could beat up on.”

  “Their fun came at a high price for them.” Steven quickly described the damage he was able to inflict. “Our game the other day improved my accuracy,” he said with a grin.

  “Videos ready?”

  Steven sobered and tossed the data crystal to him. “Everything is there and ready. Let’s go.” He did not wait for Wilhelm to agree as he turned and strode towards Angel and her family. He noticed that the other two men had joined the family now. As he walked, he asked Wilhelm, “Where’s Ali?”

  Wilhelm chuckled. “She was asleep when I left the room. She has enjoyed the trip. She played with Misha both days and went swimming in the lake yesterday. You may have a hard time getting her to leave.”

  They approached the family and Steven turned on his natural charm. “Has she told you about piloting my ship yet?”

  “It was fun. Steven let me take the controls several times. Though the battle was all his.”

  Mischka chuckled. “Like someone else I know.”

  Gillian grinned. “Angel said that you have the battle on video. I for one would like to see that,”

  Steven nodded. “Wilhelm has the data crystal. All I need is a vidphone and I can show you.” He turned to Angel. “Would you like some real food first?”

  Angel blushed. “The food wasn’t that bad, but yes, breakfast would be nice. I’m sure you want to see your daughter.”

  Steven nodded, but before he could say anything Gillian laughed. “Ali is such a sweet girl. She reminds me of Angel. Inquisitive and always getting into mischief. I almost pity her nanny at times.”

  Steven laughed. “That’s Ali.”

  “Why not have breakfast while we watch the video in the Cerato’s office?” Tashi offered.

  Everyone agreed and Nik volunteered to get breakfast from the village kitchen for everyone. Wilhelm handed the data crystal to Mischka and left to get Ali and her nanny.

  The rest headed for the Meeting Hall. Angel talked about the food packets and her piloting lessons as they walked.

  Wilhelm arrived first with Ali, who ran immediately to her father. “I missed you,” she said, throwing her arms around his neck.

  “I missed you more.” Steven wished she could remain this age forever and dreaded the teenage years when she not only would no longer want him around, but when he could not protect her as easily, “Come, breakfast will be here soon. I have a video of the ships for all of us to watch.”

  “Breakfast and a movie?” the child asked in a tone of surprise. “I didn’t think I was that good yesterday.”

  Steven chuckled as Gillian hid a smile.

  Nik arrived with Kira and two large trays of crepes, fruit conserves, fresh fruit, and plates and utensils for everyone. Angel spoke briefly to Kira before she hurried away.

  Tashi and Mischka had arranged chairs for everyone to see the vidphone screen
. Once everyone had food, Mischka inserted the data crystal.

  “Let me fast forward to the battle,” Steven offered.

  Everyone ate in silence as they watched the battle unfold on the screen. When the mercenary ship started firing on Angel’s ship, the family looked at her, but no one said anything.

  Mischka offered his hand to Steven when the battle sequence ended. “Danku. Tis impressive.”

  Steven shook his hand. “Care to see Gillian’s piloting trip now?”

  Mischka started to say something, but Steven indicated his daughter and Mischka remained silent. “Aiy.”

  Steven backed up the recording to the previous segment and showed Gillian’s many swoops and dives. Ali’s laughter became infectious and everyone was laughing by the end of the segment.

  “Can I try that Daddy?” Ali asked.

  “We’ll see.” Steven turned to the nanny. “Ms. Childress, we need to leave soon. Would you take Ali and pack up her things so that we can leave?”

  “Why can’t I stay here?” Ali asked.

  “I need to finish up business here and I know how bored you are when I talk business.”

  “Oh, ok Daddy. But we’ll hurry so you need to hurry as well.”

  Steven chuckled. “Alright, I’ll hurry. Run along now.”

  Once the child had left with the nanny and bodyguard, Steven turned to Mischka. “Thank you. I did not want to talk about the trip in front of her. If she knew the danger I sometimes face she might panic every time I left.”

  Mischka understood more than he cared to admit. “Do you have any ideas on why they fired on your ship?”

  “No idea. Perhaps they were frustrated at not being able to hit the freighter and wanted an easy target?”

  “Could they have been trying to get the Cerato?” Mischka growled.

  Steven shook his head. “No one outside this room knew she would be there. I did not even tell my other ship’s crew.”

  “Were they after you perhaps?” Tashi asked.

  “Perhaps. I have made a few business enemies from my competitors. But again, few people knew that I would be there.”

  “Or perhaps they thought the ship staying out of the fight was actually directing the fight. Take the leader and win the battle,” Gillian offered, recalling that strategy from something she had read.

  “Perhaps. Without asking them, we could guess all day and still not be correct. I do know that I want to investigate these mercs more when I return home. One ship for a merc is normal. Two working together, not so much. Either these are well financed or a large organization. Mercs are generally rogue captains who do not play well with others.”

  “A friend of ours said there may be as many as four merc ships in the area,” Mischka said. “Can you defend off four?”

  “Four would definitely be a well-financed operation. For now, my other ship will stay with the freighter until it is safe and then will handle other customers. When you have the next shipment date, let me know and I will make sure I have a ship here to go with it. Though I am considering sending more than one, especially if there are more than two mercs around. I’ll make that decision based on what I find out on these mercs.”

  “Krandul called late yesterday indicating that the shipment made it safe.”

  “Good. We are all agreed that my ships will continue to protect your shipments for as long as the mercs cause trouble on your shipping lines?”

  Angel looked from Gillian to Mischka to Tashi and finally to Nik. None of them indicated no. She turned back to Steven. “Aiy, y danku. We are very happy to have your help with this.”

  “I started this company to help people. I’m glad I can be of help. Now, Ali and I should be going. I will return to Earth with her via the transporter and Wilhelm will take the ship home.”

  “The least we can do is walk with you to your ship.”

  They group headed out of Angel’s office and was crossing the main area when Misha came running pell-mell in the doors and across the room. “Grandma, where’s Ali? Can I play with her again today?”

  “Goesh muirnon to you too. Misha, this is Ali’s daddy Steven.”

  The boy looked at Steven and his smile faded. “If you’re here, then Ali has to leave now, doesn’t she?”

  “I do need to return home. We were just going to go get her at the hotel. Do you want to join us?”

  Misha nodded and hugged Gillian.

  Steven chuckled. “Looks like my daughter will visit occasionally for play dates.”

  The man in the chair reviewed the early morning transmission from Llanelyn:

  Summation of located files: work records, birth records, death records, banaas signings, planetary defense shield, shield munitions, historical archives, vidphone messages, security camera feeds, crop data, school records, and medical files.

  His reply requested only the files on the shield and the munitions.

  Later that night he reviewed the files from Llanelyn. So the senior General Peterson had helped upgrade the shield and install the munitions from outdated Federation equipment. He should have known, but back then his organization was barely in the fledgling stage of creation and he had just been born. He filed the information away on a data crystal in the folder for Llanelyn and deleted the files that had been sent to him. He pulled the folders for the people from Llanelyn and glanced over the data one last time. He extracted the photograph of Nik, gathered the rest of the papers into a single bundle and added the folder to a drawer labelled Guard.

  He left his office to locate one of his most trusted operatives and handed over the photograph. “Alert me when he next arrives, which should be in a week for the next big conference.”

  The operative nodded once, tucked the photograph away and returned to his weapons training.

  The man sent another reply to the collector program, to sleep for now.

  Chapter 11

  Lessons in Innocence

  “Has it really only been two weeks? It seems so much longer,” Angel commented as she walked to the transporter flanked by Nik and Ian. Despite the late hour, Angel felt well rested from a nap earlier. She planned to reach Earth with enough time to check into the hotel, then attend the treaty signing ceremony for Parrhesia.

  “Aiy. You’ve been busy,” Nik replied dryly.

  Ian remained silent during the walk across the dark village to the transporter chamber. Nik was right. His tutoring task had turned into a research assistant task lately. Angel no longer needed, nor had time for, lessons and, with the next term starting soon, he wanted to return to the university. To reduce the boredom, he helped Mary around the house and spent many hours outside, talking to the locals or traveling about in a hovercraft experiencing the natural world. While he loathed the idea of leaving this peaceful, unrestricted society, thoughts of continuing his education beckoned him. Gillian and Mischka had agreed with his plan to leave. Angel accepted the change with the aplomb of a teenager. Mary had seemed the saddest member of the family and had insisted on making a special dinner and dessert for him last night. He planned a short visit with his family, while he talked to Jason about discontinuing Angel’s lessons. Yet he worried that Angel lacked knowledge in one area, and that one area could get her into significant, highly damaging, and very personal trouble.

  Nik indicated for Ian to follow Angel, so that he could go first and make sure everything was secure. Ian agreed and Nik disappeared as the operator punched a few buttons. Angel followed Nik. Ian took one last look around at the world that had become more home to him than his family’s apartment. Resolute, he stepped onto the pad and signaled the operator.

  “You can always come back,” the operator said as he punched the buttons.

  Ian smiled tightly in understanding as the operator disappeared and Angel and Nik appeared before him. Yes, he could come back to visit, but he needed to move on with his education. Ian followed Nik and Angel to a bench where they all waited quietly on Tuttenrock for the operator to signal that the transporter was ava
ilable for them.

  Several transporter pads later, they finally landed on Earth. Ian followed Angel and Nik to the hotel. Angel checked them in and indicated that she did not need help in the room. The trio quickly dropped their bags in the room, then headed for the lobby to meet the Chancellor and Joel at the agreed upon time. Angel introduced Ian to the others as her Advisor.

  Joel appraised Ian. “You are not from Llanelyn.”

  “Correct. Dr. DeWitt sent me out to help Angel learn about Earth matters. My job there is done, and I will be returning to the University. But I would like to see the signing ceremony as it will be the only one I may ever get to see in person.”

  “You are a student of Jason’s?”

  “Correct. If this is a problem, I can stay here.”

  Joel shook his head. “No problem.” He looked from Nik to Pieter. “As the signing ceremony is a small, invitation only, ceremony, there are no weapons restrictions this time. However, I ask that you keep any weapons out of sight, unless you’d like to explain to the President’s security detail.”

  “Aiy,” Nik agreed. Pieter nodded as well.

  Joel turned back to Angel and the Chancellor. “The transport pod is out back as usual.”

  As they boarded the transport pod, Angel asked about the Chancellor’s efforts to effect change on Parrhesia.

  “Some of the older ones are still fighting the changes,” he admitted reluctantly. “Those who visited Llanelyn with me keep explaining that most of the changes will not affect our people. It will be slow I fear.”

  “Want some friendly advice?” Joel asked as he switched on the autopilot. At the Chancellor’s nod, he continued. “Pick three changes, two that you believe are the most critical, and one that is much less critical. Fight for all three changes equally for a while, then finally agree to doing the less critical one later. Sometimes that will make your adversaries feel that they won something, while you get the ones you really wanted.” He grinned boyishly.

  “Hmmm, and that works?” asked the Chancellor.


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