The X-Files - The Official Collection, Issue 1
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audience thinking, “Well, where’s the
“Never Again”
A disfigured Jeffrey Spender makes
baby and why isn’t she home with
Feeling low, Scully gets herself a
Scully realize that she must give up
him?” And if she is with the baby the
new tattoo, and seeks solace with
baby William for his own safety.
Ed Jerse – who has a rather bizarre
fans are going, “We want her out in the
tattoo of his own.
field. We don’t want her home with the
baby.” It was a very fine balance they
had to play.
David and Kim (Manners) and Chris
Speaking of kids, how excited is your
be directing something. I guess I didn’t
(Carter). I think my body is going to keep
daughter Piper about the likelihood of
realize how much I was missing him
expecting to do something familiar that
having you home more often?
and how integral he was [to the show],
it’s not going to have an opportunity to
Well, she’s not necessarily going to have
and I didn’t realize that we needed his
do. I’ll have the hiatus and then come July
me back home. She’s going to be doing
presence to make a necessary closure.
it will kind of feel like, “Well, something’s
a lot more traveling is what she’s going
supposed to happen now, right? I’m
to be doing.
You and David started on this journey
supposed to go on a sound stage.” So
I don’t know what she’s feeling right
together. How differently do you think it will be interesting to watch how it now. I mean, we’ve had a couple of
you might feel if he didn’t come back
transpires in my body and in my psyche.
conversations about it and she’s just at
to close things out?
that age right now where she’s starting
I don’t think I would have known that
Would you even for a second consider
to understand what it is that Mommy’s
until the very end when I would have
jumping into another TV series?
been doing for her lifetime. And I think
thought, “Well, wait a minute. This isn’t No, I’m just done. Please, it’s been nine she has, for the first time, a bit of a
right. This isn’t right.” I’m very glad
years. There are so many other things to
romantic view of what that is, and I’m
that the show is completely ending
do, so many other things not even in the
trying to break that down as quickly
now because I have a feeling that, even
business that I want to do… and in the
as possible!
though I would have mourned to a
business, but in other ways. Eventually,
certain degree in saying goodbye, it
after I do some features, maybe if HBO
How do you feel about David coming
wouldn’t have been as clean. I feel like
asks me to direct something, I might do
back for the finale?
we have an opportunity now to really tie that. But there are so many things I want I think it’s great. I didn’t realize how
it up in a whole and constructive way.
to do first.
important it would be for that to
happen. When I heard I was very
What will you miss most about The
How about the next X-Files feature?
excited and he called me and we had
Well, there’s one that they’re hoping to
a conversation about the fact that he
There are many, many things that I’m
do in the next couple of years. That I
was coming back and possibly going to
going to miss. I’m really going to miss
would definitely do.
Gillian Anderson
Any concerns about ending the show
experiences in Hollywood make you
room otherwise. And so I don’t have that
now and then having to turn up on the
think the same way?
experience very much. I generally work
set of an X-Files feature a year or so
I don’t trust anybody. I don’t trust
with and get into business with people
down the road?
anybody in Hollywood or Ohio. No,
who are very on the line and honest and
No. I’ve got a lot of stuff that I’m going
that’s not true.
to be doing between now and then
that will be feeding me creatively in
But does working in this business, if
You’re currently gearing up to do a play
completely different ways. So when an
nothing else, make you more cynical?
and a movie. What can you tell us about
X-Files film eventually presents itself, it
Probably, I think. It’s interesting, because
those two projects?
will feel more like a reunion, I think, than
what I’ve heard about that aspect of the
I optioned something that I’m going to
something to dread or be afraid of.
business is much more devastating than
adapt and direct eventually. Hopefully I
my experience. Because I don’t tolerate
can start writing over the summer. It’s a
Chris was asked about the meaning of
that, and I don’t behave in that way
book called Speed of Light, by Elizabeth
the tagline “Trust no one,” and he said,
with people, I have a tendency to bring
Rossner (see boxout). It’s a beautiful little
to paraphrase, “I live in Hollywood,
people into my experience who do not
book. But I’m not sure when I’m going
I work in Hollywood.” Do your
behave that way, because there’s no
to be able to get to that. I’m looking for
Written by Elizabeth Rossner, this debut novel sees the adult children of a holocaust survivor learn about grief, forgiveness and the power of bearing witness from a Latina housekeeper who has also been victimized by government-sponsored genocide. Together, they overcome the tragedies of the past to reconnect with one another and the world around them.
Late last year, Gillian Anderson put up her own money to option the novel which she will adapt to make her feature directorial debut now that The X-Files is over.
Gillian Anderson
“Directing was a transformative experience for me, one that I really enjoyed,” Anderson told Variety last year. “Then when I picked up this book and started reading the poetry of her words, I found myself trying to visualize where the camera should be, the colors of the characters, the texture of the shots. It felt so intimate and natural, like I wrote it myself. I took the steps to option it, something I’d never done before. It’s a beautiful piece that needs to see the light of day and hopefully I can do it justice.”
different film projects for the summer and
then I’m going to do a play in London in
October and then maybe a feature after
that. Or I might take a little time off. The
play is a new Michael
(show) and it’s called What the
Night Is For.
How full an experience has this show been
for you? You started as a young unknown
and you’re leaving as a mature woman
and famous and respected actress.
The fact of the matter is that I grew up
during the course of this show. I started
when I was 24 and ended at almost 34.
That’s almost a third of my life. I was
young and naïve and impressionable and
didn’t have a clue about the business
or anything at that time. Then, to grow
up and to make mistakes along the way
and to experience my life while trying to
be somebody else (Scully) and try to be
something other than myself for 18 hours
a day was an interesting task. I also was
doing that very publicly. So, as I’ve said,
it’s been… surreal.
Dana Scully
Dana Scully
Dana Scully
Dana Scully
F.B.I. Checklist
F.B.I. Checklist
Who’s The Boss
Who’s The Boss
Walter Skinner
Walter Skinner
Walter Skinner
Walter Skinner
Walter Skinner
Walter Skinner
Robert Patrick
Robert Patrick
Robert Patrick
Robert Patrick
Robert Patrick
Robert Patrick
Robert Patrick
Annabeth Gish
Annabeth Gish
Annabeth Gish
Annabeth Gish
Annabeth Gish
Annabeth Gish
Mulder’s Apartment
James Pickens
James Pickens
James Pickens
James Pickens
Chris Owens
Chris Owens
Chris Owens
Chris Owens
Jolie Jenkins
Jolie Jenkins
How to be the next agent Mulder
How to be the next agent Mulder
Guide to solving an X-File
Guide to solving an X-File
and prevent subversive activities throughout
the rest of World War II and the Cold War
era. With the 1940 passage of the Smith
Act, which criminalised advocating the
violent overthrow of the U.S. government,
the FBI was able to convict members of the
Communist Party of America while riding a
high tide of public approval.
o regain some of its once-great
stature, the FBI has made a number
of important changes in protocol.
The Director of the FBI has a limited term
of office to avoid the kind of lifelong
authority Hoover, who served as director
for almost 50 years, held. Freedom of
Information Act amendments have opened
FBI records to the public. The FBI hires and
Cogswell attributes the success to current
promotes more women and minorities. In the
Director Freeh.
wake of the lives lost in stand-offs at Ruby
Ridge, Idaho, and Waco, Texas, Director
“[Freeh] really refocused the use of agent
Louis J. Freeh established the Critical Incident
manpower, and he also developed the
Response Group. Additionally, the bureau
activity of core values and the integrity of
maintains its role as the nation’s police force.
“We are responsible now for well over
200 federal violations, and that [includes]
everything from kidnapping to bank robbery
to cyber crime, which is certainly a new area
for everybody to be involved in, and certainly
it involves a national issue because of the ease
with which people can access information
or access other people’s records through a
computer system,” explains Ed Cogswell, public
affairs specialist for the FBI. “We have 56 field
offices presently, and we have legal attaches
assigned overseas in 23 countries now. And
we’ve been doing training now with former
Eastern Bloc countries of the Soviet Union. We
have a training facility in Budapest where we
actually are training law enforcement officers
in investigative techniques and procedural
matters and legal matters.
“Certainly, we have a larger concentration
the investigative process,” Cogswell says. “So
in counter terrorism activities,” Cogswell
I think that he’s really turned it around in
continues. “We saw some bombings in this
terms of enjoying a better public image of
country – the Oklahoma City bombing,
the FBI.”
the World Trade Center in New York. We
also are looking at the issue of encryption,
Much has changed since the agency’s glory
which could significantly impair the ability
years. The FBI’s had its fair share of high
of law enforcement to conduct electronic
periods and low periods, and the balance
surveillance. That’s really needed in
between the need for security and the
racketeering investigations, corruptions
preservation of civil liberties is still a concern.
investigations, and organized crime
But after 90 years, the bureau has been
streamlined to respond to current areas of
concern, like health care, domestic terrorism
Although some of the FBI’s more controversial
and fraud. Technological improvements,
methods, like electronic surveillance, cause
including advances in DNA research, are used
people to throw a cautionary glance in the
as crime-solving tools in the FBI Laboratory
bureau’s direction, most agree with Cogswell
to aid in violent criminal apprehension. With
that the greater good will be served. In fact,
more than 11,000 special agents and 16,000
public opinion regarding the FBI’s work
support personnel, the FBI is ready to tackle
seems to be on the upswing these days.
the challenges of the next millennium.
Robert ressler
robert resseler
FBI Screen Idols
FBI Screen Idols
octor Who had the Master,
Superman had Lex Luthor,
Sherlock Holmes had Moriarty,
and The X-Files has the Cigarette-
Smoking Man. Resident bad guys,
evil arch-enemies; these are the
men we love to hate. And none of them come
more mysterious and malevolent than Mulder
and Scully’s nicotine-addicted nemesis.
Always dressed in black, lurking in the
shadows behind a cloud of smoke, with a
seemingly limitless supply of Morley cigarettes
never far from his lips, the Cigarette-Smoking
Man is the ultimate man in black. He is
a deceptively ordinary-looking, nameless