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Love Conquers All (Forever and Always #16)

Page 13

by E. L. Todd

  “You make me good.”

  When I looked at her, I felt all the love I had for her bubble to the surface. I wanted to stay here and spend the night. I wanted to cuddle with her. But I knew I couldn’t. I shouldn’t have even come over here. But I was so desperate and needy, and I gave into my weakness.

  She moved out from under me then pulled on a silk robe. She left the bedroom and returned to the living room. When she was gone, I pulled my clothes back on and followed her. She was pouring herself a glass of water. “Thirsty?” she asked.

  “I’m okay.”

  If she was upset or hurt, she hid it well. “Well, good night.” She opened the door, pretty much kicking me out of the apartment. She wasn’t emotional about it.

  I came to her. “I’m sorry I…used you.”

  “Used me?” She smiled at me. “Believe me, it was the other way around.”

  Why was she making this so easy on me? I was dating other women and I came here just for a quickie. I didn’t promise a relationship or even another chance. But she was okay with that.

  “Well, I have to get up early tomorrow…”

  Wow, she was actually trying to get rid of me. I guess I expected her to ask me to stay with her. And honestly, I wanted her to. But she wasn’t pulling me to her. She was letting me go, giving me no pressure. “Me too.”

  “Good night, Cortland.”

  “Night.” I walked out. Before I could turn around, the door was shut.



  “Okay. This has to go perfectly.” I looked at everyone in the office, giving them a firm look.

  Sean stood behind Scarlet and put his arms around her waist. “We got it, man.”

  “I’ll pick up the lights from the store, and the three of us can hang them across the lawn,” Monnique said.

  “I have a few ladders from the shop,” Ryan said.

  “But how are you going to get her there without raising suspicion?” Scarlet asked.

  “I really don’t know…” I couldn’t think of anything.

  “What if you told her you guys were having dinner with Mom and Dad?” Sean said. “But a car was bringing her because you were already there?”

  I shook my head. “No. That’s too odd. I would never do that. She knows I would come and get her myself.”

  Ryan rubbed his chin. “What if one of us took her? Like Scarlet?”

  Scarlet nodded. “I could say you and Sean have something to do for work and you’ll meet us later.”

  “Hmm…” That was a pretty good idea. “I guess that could work.”

  “I’ll pick her up and drive her there,” Scarlet said.

  “But you have a big mouth,” I snapped. “You might give something away.”

  She glared at me. “I would never ruin this for you. I can do it.”

  “Then where would Sean and I be?” I asked.

  “Let’s say we have a meeting with some investors at a different company in the city. And we’ll be there until dinnertime,” Sean said.

  “Then I would have to lie to her,” I said.

  Sean rolled his eyes. “You’re doing it to surprise her. It’s okay. I lie to Scarlet all the time.”

  She turned and looked at him. “Oh really?”

  “Cat’s outta the bag,” Ryan said.

  “Only when I do special things for you,” Sean said. He gave her a kiss on the neck. “You know that, baby.”

  “You better not be lying now,” she snapped.

  “Nope.” He kissed her cheek and kept his arms around her waist. “You know I wouldn’t do that.”

  “Okay,” I said. “So I need someone to pick up the candles. And there’s a thousand of them…”

  “I can borrow Dad’s Jeep,” Sean said.

  “And what about the food?” I asked.

  “I can get that,” Flynn said. “My brother has a car. I’ll borrow it.”

  “Cool,” I said. I was nervous just thinking about it.

  Scarlet gave me a firm look. “Mike, you got everything.”

  “I need this to go perfectly,” I insisted.

  “It is perfect,” Sean said. “It’s better than the way I proposed to Scarlet.”

  “No.” She turned and looked at him. “The way you proposed was perfect.”

  “Actually, the way I proposed was perfect,” Ryan said. He held up his ring finger, showing the tattoo.

  “Just wait until you hear mine.” Flynn gave Hazel a serious look. She blushed and looked away.

  “Okay. I think we got everything,” I said. “Now I just have to invite her parents.”

  “You’re seriously going to bring them?” Sean asked. “After the way they treated you?”

  “I don’t like them either,” I snapped. “But they are Cassandra’s family and I don’t want to alienate her from them. If I can make nice, I know it would mean a lot to her.”

  “Wow,” Ryan said. “You’re a better man than I gave you credit for.”

  “No. I only am with Cassandra.” I stood up then straightened my tie. “Everything is ready to go. Thank you for helping me, everyone.”

  “We’re family,” Sean said. “We’ll always be there to help.”

  I nodded. “I know.”

  When Cassandra was in the shower, I stole her phone and called her brother. He gave me the address to his parents’ house, and then I snuck away to speak to them. I didn’t want to do this—at all. But I’d do anything for Cassandra.

  When I arrived at their house on the outskirts of the city, I realized just how poor they were. They lived in a bad neighborhood and the place was run down. I couldn’t believe Cassandra grew up here.

  I was still wearing my suit so I was probably overdressed and intimidating, but I didn’t have a chance to change. I approached the door and knocked.

  Feet shuffled on the other side. “It’s him,” Jenny whispered.

  “Who?” her father asked.

  “Cassandra’s boyfriend.”

  “Why is he here?” he whispered.

  “I don’t know.”

  I pretended I didn’t hear them.

  The door finally opened, and Tate gave me a hard look. “What?”

  No hello? How are you? Nothing? I knew this wasn’t going to work. “I’m proposing to your daughter, and I know it would mean a lot to her if you were there.”

  “Proposing? I don’t remember giving you permission.”

  My automatic response was to unleash a slur of curses and profanities but I kept my anger back. For Cassandra. “I don’t need it, sir. She’s already mine. I’ve been taking care of her for a while now.”

  “Oh really?”

  “She’s been living with me.”

  “Disrespectful,” he spat.

  “Even so, I still would love it if you were there. I love her with my whole heart, and no matter what you say or how rude you are to me, it won’t change anything. I’m not going anywhere. She’s mine.”

  He stared me down for a long time. “You really are Mike Preston? The owner of Linguistics Software?”

  I was insulted he asked. “I don’t lie to get people to like me. Even if you don’t like me as a person, Cassandra will have a luxurious life and never have to stress about money. I’ve bought her a fifteen million dollar home as a wedding gift.”

  “I don’t care about money,” he snapped. “I care about the way you treat her.”

  “I treat her very well,” I said firmly. “Believe me.”

  He still stared at me like he despised me. “When is this happening?”



  “I’m not telling you that information, not when you’re hostile like this. I can’t afford to have anyone ruin it.”

  He sighed while he stared at me. “I can tell I’m not going to be able to get rid of you.”

  “No. Never.” I stared into his eyes and held my ground like a man. “Like I said, she’s mine. She will be my wife and the mother of my kids. Nothing you do or s
ay will change that. And if it came down to it, I know she’d choose me over you. So let’s shake hands and tolerate each other. I’m willing to try if you are—for Cassandra.”

  He didn’t say anything. He continued to stare at me.

  Jenny touched his arm. “He seems like he really loves her.” Her words came out as a whisper.

  “I do,” I said.

  “Just let it go,” she said.

  “I’m glad I knocked her up,” I said bluntly. “I’ve wanted a family since we got together. This just sped up the process.”

  Her dad didn’t like that comment, judging by the redness of his face, but he didn’t respond.

  “I want to be there,” Jenny said. “Cassandra obviously loves him. Let’s just be supportive. Come on, Tate.”

  He processed her words for a long time. “Fine. Okay.”

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “When and where?”

  I told them then extended my hand to shake his.

  He didn’t reach for it. A few seconds passed but nothing happened.

  I continued to hold out my arm and stare him down. “I have all day.”

  Jenny hit his arm. “Tate, do it.”

  I waited.

  He sighed then shook it. “Fine.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Riley.”

  He got in my face. “You hurt my daughter and I’ll kill you.”

  I immediately thought of Zander but I kept Cassandra’s secret. “I’d kill myself if I ever did.” I left their doorstep without looking back, getting into my car that was worth more than their entire house.

  When I got home, Cassandra didn’t ask me where I was. “Hungry?”

  I came behind her and pressed my cock into her ass. “Always.”

  “I hope you like chicken teriyaki.”

  “I like everything you make.”

  She smirked then finished preparing dinner.



  “Sean and I have a meeting tomorrow, so I’ll be working late. But my parents want to have dinner at their house, so I’ll just meet you there.”

  “And how will I get there?”

  “Scarlet will be with Ryan, so she’ll pick you up on her way home.” I hoped she didn’t get suspicious. I needed her to fall for it.


  It seemed like it worked. “Is that okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m just sorry you have to work late.”

  “It only happens once in awhile. I can’t complain.”

  She kissed the corner of my mouth then carried the plates to the table.

  I stared at her ass then gave myself an invisible pat on the back. I successfully tricked her. This plan was in full motion.

  I was nervous all day. When she and I made love in the morning, I kept thinking about what I was going to ask her later that night. I looked into her eyes knowing this would be the last time she would just be my girlfriend. She would be my fiancé soon.

  When we drove to work, she eyed me. “Everything okay?”

  “I’m just tired,” I lied.

  She rubbed the back of my neck. “Well, you have a long day ahead of you.”

  Like you wouldn’t believe.

  “I’m excited to see your parents back together.”

  “Me too.”

  Once I walked her to her office, I gave her a hard kiss. “I’ll see you at dinner.”

  “Okay.” She gave me another kiss before she walked inside.

  Once I was away from her, I released the breath from my lungs. I was so nervous I could barely function. My heart worked in overdrive. I wasn’t scared to get engaged. I was just scared it wasn’t good enough for her. I wanted everything to be perfect.

  The day passed by so slowly. Every time I looked at the clock, only a minute had passed. I tried to concentrate on my work but I kept getting side-tracked. I left the office early and so did Sean. Since Cassandra thought I was in a meeting somewhere else, I didn’t want to risk being seen.

  Sean and I drove out to the house with everything I needed in the backseat.

  “You doing okay?” he asked.

  “I’m nervous.”

  “Don’t be.”

  “I can’t help it. Were you nervous?”


  That didn’t make me feel good.

  “I was nervous until she walked in the room. After that, all of that anxiety went away. When you see how happy she is, you won’t be scared anymore.”

  “You think this is good?”

  “Well, I admit I’m surprised you didn’t ask her in bed,” he teased.

  “I can still change my mind,” I said with a smile.

  “No. I think this is perfect—for you.”

  The ring was in my pocket and I felt the box rest on my thigh.

  “Do you know what you’re going to say?”

  I nodded.

  “How did it go with her parents?”

  “They still hate me but they’re coming. They accept me.”

  “Well, that’s a start.” He gripped the steering wheel while we drove to the house. When we finally arrived, the sun was setting.

  The girls were finishing putting the white lights in the trees while Ryan and Cortland put the candles across the lawn. I got out and started to help them.

  “You doing okay?” Ryan asked.

  “I’m fucking nervous,” I said.

  “You’ll be fine.” He clapped me on the shoulder and walked away.

  “Son.” My dad came behind me then clapped my shoulder. “How are you holding up?”

  “I’m okay.”

  “You got the ring?”


  “You know what you’re going to say?”


  “Then you’ll be fine.” He hugged me and held me for a long time, his hand on the back of my neck. “You’ve made me very proud, son.”

  I tried not to get choked up. I wasn’t sure why his approval meant so much to me, but it did. It meant everything. “Thanks, Dad.”

  He squeezed my shoulder then got back to work.

  An hour later, everything was ready. The hundreds of candles covered the lawn and the trees were wrapped with lights. It was bright enough to be seen from far away.

  I stared at my phone and waited for the signal.

  Scarlet texted me. On the way.

  “She’s coming,” I said to everyone.

  “Okay,” Ryan said. “We’ll hide in the back.”

  They walked away, leaving me alone with Sean.

  “You should hide,” I said.

  “I wanted to stand with you for a moment.”


  He stood beside me with his hands in his pockets. We stared across the street at the open field. The candles cast lights that flickered around us. The house was already beautiful but now it looked amazing.

  Sean rested his hand on my shoulder. “You picked a good one.”

  “You think so?”

  “I know so.” He dropped his hand. “I love you, man.”

  “I love you too,” I said without looking at him.

  “Good luck.” He patted my shoulder and walked away. “I’ll be here for you when she says no.”

  I laughed. “Fuck you, asshole.”

  “Fuck you too,” he said with a laugh.

  When everyone was in the backyard, I was alone.

  Her parents arrived then joined the others. All the cars were hidden down the road, out of sight.

  All I heard was the quiet sound of the world. Crickets chirped and the faint sound of the ocean crashed in the distance. I stood in my new suit, wanting to look different than I did at work. The ring was in my pocket and I was aware of how heavy it was.

  I suddenly had the urge to cry. I never thought I’d become a family man. I never thought I’d commit to one woman for the rest of my life. All of this was too good to be true. When I thought about how happy I was now, I remembered how shitty my life used to be. I wasn’t sure what I did t
o deserve this, but I did something. Now I had a family.

  Headlights appeared in the distance. I knew it was Scarlet. Cassandra probably wondered where they were going, and if she remembered where this house was, she may already suspect it.

  A minute later, the BMW pulled into the front of the house. I stood in the center of the walkway, the rows of candles on either side of me. Everyone took time off work to prepare everything. I wouldn’t have prepared this special moment without them.

  Cassandra didn’t get out of the car. I suspected she was staring at me, unable to believe this was really happening. Finally, the passenger door opened.

  She stood up, wearing a teal dress that showed her swollen belly. Even though we were fifty feet apart, I could see the reflection of the lights in her eyes. Her hair was pulled to one shoulder and golden earrings hung from her lobes. She looked like a princess from a fairytale. I couldn’t believe how beautiful she was.

  She stilled while she stared at me. She studied everything around her, a mesmerized look on her face. I didn’t move. My natural tendency was to go to her, but I held my ground.

  She lifted up her dress as she approached the entrance in the brick wall. Her heels crunched on the gravel until she reached the sidewalk. She gasped when she saw the sea of candles. Then she looked at me, the moisture building.

  Slowly, she came to me, her eyes locked to mine. She stopped in front of me, the tears forming. “Oh my god…”

  I didn’t touch her even though I desperately wanted to. “My life was unbearable before you came along. Every night I was alone, I waited for the darkness to end so I wouldn’t feel so miserable. I teased others for being fathers or husbands, but deep down, I envied them. But never in my life did I think I’d find someone like you. You’re so perfect. Sometimes I think I dreamed you.”

  Cassandra blinked quickly and tears started to bubble.

  I took a deep breath. “Please don’t cry. You’re going to make me cry.”

  She sniffed then laughed slightly. Her hand wiped the tears away.

  “When I saw you for the first time, I thought you were fucking hot.” She chuckled again at my honesty. “And I’ve never made such an idiot out of myself around a pretty girl. But that just showed me how much I liked you. You’re different than the women I usually date. You’re real, strong, and sassy. It annoys me most of the time, but it’s sexy as hell at the same time.”


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