No Feelings Involved: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance

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No Feelings Involved: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance Page 16

by Siobhan Davis

  All the fight leaves Jordan, and he stares at me through bloodshot eyes for a couple minutes before nodding, and then he walks away with his shoulders hunched over and a dejected look on his face.

  “Are you okay?” Sean asks, concern underscoring his tone.

  I plant a fake smile on my face. “I’m fine. Just hurting for my friend.”

  He nods, as I place my hand on the door of the ladies’ bathroom, indicating my intent. “Okay. I’ll leave you to it. But if he hassles you again, you know where I am.” He presses a kiss to my cheek before walking down the stairs.

  I can’t speak over the lump in my throat as I watch Ryan stride toward me. A sob breaks loose of my chest when he silently draws me into his arms, and I cling to him as I cry, understanding this will change everything between Hannah and me. And not in a good way.



  Summer has been distraught since earlier, and I’m trying my best to comfort her. Even though Miley and Austin are in the apartment tonight, there’s no way I could leave her to sleep on her own. She’s bundled in my arms as we cuddle in bed, having finally succumbed to sleep. I sensed Jordan was harboring feelings for Summer because his behavior wasn’t normal, but hearing him tell her he loved her was still a shock. And I’ve never wanted to beat a guy as badly as I wanted to beat that douche when he told her to suck him off. He’s lucky I wasn’t drunk, or I doubt I’d have shown any restraint.

  When this comes out, it will drive a wedge in her friendship with Hannah. She seems blind when it comes to Jordan, and I’m afraid she’ll blame her best friend instead of pointing the finger squarely where it belongs—with him.

  My protective instincts are in overdrive, and I want to shelter Summer from the incoming storm, but I know I can’t. Feelings of helplessness add to the other turmoil in my head, further confusing me. All I know with certainty is that I’m not letting Summer go. Not when she’ll need me to lean on in the difficult weeks ahead.

  My alarm goes off a half hour earlier than usual, and I rouse the Sleeping Beauty in my arms. “Baby.” I press a kiss to her temple, threading my fingers through her hair. I hate to disturb her when she looks like she’s in a deep sleep, but she needs to go back to her room before Austin wakes. “You need to get up.”

  She snuggles into my body, and I close my eyes, savoring the warmth of her skin against mine. “This sucks,” she murmurs into my bare chest, and a chuckle works its way through me.

  “I won’t disagree. But unless you want your brother to catch you in here, you need to leave. Now.”

  Yawning, she sits up, rubbing sleep from her eyes. Then she turns around, leaning down to press a delicate kiss to my mouth. “Parting is such sweet sorrow,” she whispers against my lips, reciting one of Juliet’s most famous lines, “that I shall say goodnight till it be morrow.” Her smile is adoring as she kisses me one final time before tiptoeing out of my room.

  I’m in a daze watching the closed door after she’s left, because it’s in this moment that reality finally dawns on me.

  I’m in love with her.

  I’m completely head over heels for Summer Petersen.

  And that means I’m totally and utterly screwed.


  “Thanks for agreeing to come with me,” I tell Summer later that night as we leave the gym en route for my sister’s house.

  “It’s no problem. I told Gabby previously I was happy to babysit and getting to spend more time with you is the icing on the cake.”

  My heart thuds in my chest, reminding me of my early morning admission.

  All day, I’ve been walking around on autopilot, dazed and confused, wondering what the hell I’m going to do with the realization I’m in love. I found pathetic reasons to hunt her down during the working day—anything to spend even a few precious seconds in Summer’s company.

  I thought Austin was pussy-whipped with Miley, but I’m ten times worse.

  I’m tempted to blurt out my feelings with the way she’s looking at me, but thankfully, I still have some self-control.

  “Thank you both so much,” Gabby gushes as Slater tries to steer her out of the house. “I appreciate you stepping in at the last minute.”

  Our parents were supposed to be on babysitting duty, but Dad has a chest infection, and Gabby is worried about Daisy picking it up. She wouldn’t even let Mom come alone in case she’s carrying any germs. Some might say she’s overreacting, but I can’t fault her for the all-consuming way she loves her kids. Besides, I miss my niece and nephew, and it’s nice to have this extra time with them. Although Daisy is asleep, we’ll get to see her in the morning as we’ve already agreed to stay overnight so Gabby and Slate don’t feel pressured to come home early.

  “It’s fine,” Summer reassures her as Billy curls around her leg, gazing up at her like she’s a Disney princess. “We had nothing planned, anyway.”

  Gabby sends me a knowing look before giving us both a hug and letting Slater drag her out the front door. Her son barely gives her a second look, because he’s too enamored with my girl.

  My girl.


  We eat the dinner Gabby already prepared, and then we play a game of basketball before the light fades. “Pretty girl,” Billy says, once we’re back inside, batting his eyelashes at Summer. “Will you watch Avengers Finity with me?”

  “Sure thing.” Smiling, she raises her hand and he high fives her. “I love Infinity War, and I’m a big Avengers fan. The Cap is my favorite. Who’s yours?”

  He grabs hold of her hand, pulling her into the living room. “Iron Man is the best!” He jumps up and down. “I know! I know! Let’s wear costumes!” He drags her in the opposite direction, and Summer giggles, shooting me a disarming smile.

  “Go for it,” I say, grinning back at her. “I’ll set the movie up and make popcorn while you’re gone.”

  I’m munching my way through the bowl of popcorn when Summer and the cute little guy return. “I’m Iron Man!” he proclaims in a gruff voice, puffing out his chest behind his costume and bounding into the room, displaying impressive arrogance like a true mini Tony Stark.

  “And I’m Black Widow,” Summer announces, in an assertive tone, striding into the room behind him in a figure-hugging black jumpsuit, holding two toy swords in her hands. She stands confidently beside my nephew, the two of them projecting superhero status, and I can’t contain my laughter.

  “You dare to laugh at me?” She quirks a brow. When Billy flips up his Iron Man mask, exchanging a devilish look with Summer, I’m on instant alert.

  “What’s going on?” I question with clear caution in my tone.

  “Billy and I made a new rule,” Summer says, winking at my nephew as a wicked smile graces her mouth. “You can only watch the movie if you’re wearing a costume.” She throws something at me. “You’re up, champ. Go get dressed.”

  I inspect the flimsy red and blue silky material with trepidation, my mouth curling in disgust. “Oh, hell to the no.”

  “That’s a bad word, Uncle Ryan,” Billy says, wagging his finger at me. “Now be Spiderman, or I’ll tell Mom you were cussing again.”

  The little blackmailing shit.

  Still, I can’t keep the smile off my face. There isn’t much I won’t do for my nephew, it seems, as I saunter out of the room with the offending costume in hand, subtly spanking Summer on the ass as I pass by her.

  “What the actual fuck?” I question out loud to myself a few minutes later, all tangled up in the too-tight costume. How the fuck does Slate fit into this thing? I tug on the material, trying to stretch it out so it reaches my wrists and my ankles and isn’t molded to my dick like a tight layer of foreskin. That’s assuming it’s Slater’s because right now I’m questioning if this suit is even adult sized.

  Little beads of sweat dot my brow as I finally get the damn thing on. I look in the mirror, laughing at the state of myself squeezed into the minuscule costume, deciding that Summer owes me at least a blow

job for this.

  The instant I step foot in the living room, shouting “I am Spiderman,” because hey, when in Rome and all that shit, the room erupts in an explosion of laughter, and you’d swear there were twenty people in the room not two. Or one point five if you consider Billy’s still a kid.

  Summer drops to her knees, tears pouring out of her eyes, and she can’t stop laughing long enough to speak. Billy is running around the room, giggling and squealing.

  “Hey, it was your great idea,” I say, strolling over to the couch and plopping down on it. The material scrunches up at my thighs, almost giving me a wedgie, and I squirm on the couch trying to get comfortable. Summer shrieks, almost convulsing with laughter, before jumping up and dashing out of the room. “Was it something I said?” I joke with Billy, and he giggles, snuggling up on the couch with me and snatching the popcorn.

  I’m still cursing the damn costume a couple minutes later when Summer returns wearing a Wonder Woman outfit this time. If I thought the crotch of my Spiderman costume was tight before, it’s nothing on how strained it is now I’m sporting the biggest boner known to man. Discreetly, I pull the throw off the back of the couch, covering my nether regions before Billy notices the giant bulge in my tighter than tight pants.

  “Are you trying to kill me, woman?” I ask as Summer flops down on the other side of me. “Death by giant erection,” I whisper in her ear, and she splutters, holding up a hand, trying to compose herself long enough to speak.

  “Stop!” She titters, clutching her stomach as if she’s in pain. “I’ve already had to change once because I peed my pants.”

  I just stare at her, and she cracks up in laughter again. “You seriously peed your pants?” I inquire, fighting a bout of laughter myself.

  She punches me in the arm, but it’s a feeble effort, and I barely feel a twinge. “It’s your fault.” She looks over me, snorting with laughter. “How the hell did you even get that thing on?”

  “It wasn’t without challenge, trust me.” I wink at her, and she rests her head on my shoulder, her light laughter warming my insides.

  “You look totally fuckable in that costume,” I whisper in her ear. “I want you to wear it later when you’re riding me.”

  “Do you think that’s why Gabby and Slater have so many costumes upstairs? Do they play superhero in the bedroom?” she whispers, waggling her brows suggestively as my stomach sours.

  My insides shrivel at the thought, and I scowl at her. “Thanks a bunch for that lovely visual of my sister. Now, I have a renewed urge to punch my brother-in-law in the face.” I know Gabby and Slate usually dress up to go trick or treating with Billy at Halloween, and I’m sticking to that story as the most logical explanation.

  Because, otherwise, I’m likely to land one on Slate the second he steps foot in the door.

  “I think it’s great they have such a healthy sex life. I hope I’m lucky enough to have that when I’m married.”

  I scrub my hands down my face as Billy, mercifully, presses play on the movie. “Can we please stop talking about my sister’s sex life,” I hiss. “You’re making me ill.”

  A serious expression washes over her face. “I guess that’s how Austin would feel if he knew the things you were doing to my body,” she muses, and it in no way helps my current dilemma.

  Thankfully, there’s no more talk of sex during the movie, and the little guy keeps us entertained spouting most of Iron Man’s lines before he’s even spoken them on the screen. Think Billy’s a bit obsessed. His eyes droop midway through the movie, and Summer and I share a conspiratorial look.

  Billy only agrees to go to bed if the pretty girl reads him a bedtime story.

  While Summer reads to him, I check on my little niece, beaming at her tiny little body, wrapped contentedly in a soft blanket in her crib. Her thumb is in her mouth, and she looks like a little angel. I bend down, placing a barely there kiss on her silky smooth cheek, my heart full of love.

  Then I stand just outside Billy’s door listening to Summer reading him a story, complete with animated voices and vivid expressions. As I watch her with my nephew, I can picture her with our kids, and that scary thought is enough to send me scurrying back downstairs.

  I’m on my second beer when Summer reappears in the living room. I finally pried the nightmare costume off, and I’m only in sweats, with my upper torso and feet bare. My cock swells as she strides toward me with a wicked gleam in her eye. She’s still wearing the red corset top, flimsy blue skirt, and gold knee-high boots, and my lust for her elevates to an all-time high when she climbs onto my lap, straddling me. “I’m not wearing any panties,” she whispers, leaning down to claim my lips in a bruising kiss. I slide my hand under that excuse of a skirt, finding her wet and wanting. My fingers slide through her folds, and I pump them in and out of her while she pushes my sweats down to my hips, freeing my throbbing cock.

  I grab her hips and position her strategically, and we both moan quietly as I situate myself inside her. She rocks on top of me, and I’m happy to let her set the pace. She bobs up and down on me, never losing eye contact, and my hand slips into the top of the corset top, my fingers finding a path to her hardened nipples. Her pussy hugs my cock as she continues to ride me, and my heart swells to bursting point while I hold her adoring gaze.

  Her eyes shimmer with desire and something deeper, and I wonder if she’s feeling it too. I move forward, claiming her lips, just as the tappity-tap of heels on the hallway floor brings me crashing down to Earth with a bang.

  Our eyes pop wide, and she scrambles off me, hurriedly fixing her clothes and smoothing back her hair as I yank my sweats back up my body. I throw the blanket over us mere seconds before my sister and best friend step into the room.

  Thank fuck, we hadn’t switched the movie off.

  “Hey.” My sister’s gaze bounces between me and Summer, and I pray she’s not putting two and two together.

  “You’re home early.” It’s only just past eleven, and I wasn’t expecting them home for at least another couple of hours.

  “Yeah.” She looks up at Slater with uncertainty in her eyes. “Our night was unexpectedly cut short.”

  I raise a brow in silent question. She gulps, knotting her hands in front of her. “Myndi’s waters broke at the restaurant,” she quietly adds.

  “Oh, right.” My chest tightens, like it always does at the mention of her name, but it’s not as constricting as usual.

  “That’s exciting.” Summer smiles at my sister, and I could kiss her for attempting to lighten the atmosphere. “I hope everything goes okay.”

  “Me too.” Gabby chews on her lip as she scrutinizes my face with a furrowed brow. Her gaze flits to Summer, and her eyes pop out on stalks as she takes a proper look at her. “Is that my Wonder Woman costume?”

  A slight blush stains Summer’s cheeks, and it’s the first time I’ve noticed even a hint of embarrassment on her face. Good to know she’s not superhuman. “Yes, I hope that’s okay. Billy wanted us to dress up for the movie.”

  Slater sends me a smug grin, and I know he’s worked it out. Guess I’ll be fessing up in the morning. I flip him the bird and mouth “shut the fuck up” behind the girl’s backs.

  “Of course,” Gabby reassures her while her gaze bounces between us. It looks like she’s debating with herself. Then the lines smooth out of her brow, and she says in a cheery voice, “I think I’ll make coffee. Who wants some?”



  “What’s going on with you and Summer?” Gabby asks me the following morning as we’re eating breakfast in the kitchen. Summer has gone with Slater and Billy to walk Daisy in her stroller.

  “What?” I splutter, almost spitting coffee all over the table.

  “The room reeked of sex last night, and the telltale signs were all over both your faces,” she calmly says, refilling my mug.

  “Tell it straight why don’tcha, Tornado,” I deadpan.

  She’s quiet as she reclaims
her seat across from me. “Does Austin know?”

  I shake my head, swallowing the thick lump in my throat. “He wouldn’t approve.”

  “It’s not his place to approve or disapprove.”

  “She’s young.”

  “And you’re immature.” Gabby flashes me a grin. “I’d say it’s a match made in heaven.”

  I poke my tongue out at her. “That’s a little harsh, sis. I’ve grown up a lot the last couple years.”

  She slides her hand across the table, squeezing mine. “I know you have. I’m only teasing, but, honestly, I think Summer’s perfect for you. She doesn’t take herself too seriously, yet she’s got a good head on her shoulders. And while she’s young at heart, she’s mature in all the ways that count.”

  “She is,” I admit, unable to stop my big smile. “She’s incredible.”

  Gabby’s jaw slackens, and her eyes pop wide. “My God. You’re in love with her.”

  No point lying. My sister is a persistent little minx when she wants to be, so it’s easiest to come clean at the outset. I slowly nod, ignoring the nervous fluttering in my chest. “I am, but it can’t go anywhere.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  “Because I’m not destined for anything long-term.”

  “I’m fucking sick of hearing this bullshit, Ryan.” She glares at me. “Why the hell don’t you believe you’re worthy of love? Why are you so against a loving home and a family like I have?”

  “You know why.”

  “All I know is you felt this way long before Myndi screwed with your head, and I’m sick of your deflective bullshit. What made you so cynical? Especially when we had the perfect example of a loving marriage growing up!”

  “Oh. please.” I roll my eyes. “Don’t tell me you bought into that charade.”

  Her eyes almost bug out of her head. “What the actual fuck, Ryan?” Realization creeps across her face. “This is something to do with Mom and Dad?” Her brow puckers in confusion.


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