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Caged Page 12

by E. M. Leya

  Tonight's sting was a big one. Two adult men were keeping three young females locked in the house, daughters of the younger man. The girls ranged in age from six to twelve. It turned Marshall's stomach to think about what the girls were going through. Their mother died six months before and the girls had been pulled from school shortly after. When their photos started showing up online, it had been easy to track the pictures to their father's computer, making the whole thing even more infuriating.

  Jessica and Patrick would go in, secure the men, castrate them, then spray paint arrows to the door where the girls were being held. Then after leaving a folder of evidence for the police to find, they would leave the scene and call the police. The STK team never dealt with the children. They only focused on the adults who hurt them. The police had better resources to handle the kids, and the team in no way wanted any child to see what they did to the adults who held them.

  Marshall watched the clock, wishing he could get up and pace along with D. "Ten minutes in." He again checked all cameras in the area, watching for anything that didn't look right. Once the team left the house, he'd deactivate the cameras again so they weren't seen driving out of the area. It wasn't foolproof, but it helped keep the risk of anyone getting caught to a minimum.

  He'd been at the team house working most of the day, and as much as he loved his job, his mind had been on Danny most of the time. They had both fallen asleep on the couch after Danny's bad dream, and Marshall had woken up to find Danny curled up against his side, his arm wrapped around him.

  It had been heaven.

  Marshall couldn't recall the last time he'd woken up to another man holding him. He'd had one-night stands off and on, but nothing serious enough for anyone to stay all night.

  He'd laid there watching Danny sleep, seeing the peace on his face that wasn't there in his waking hours. He longed to see that peace all the time, but he feared it would be a long time before Danny was really okay.

  The nightmare hadn't shocked Marshall. He'd been waiting for one to happen. At the sound of Danny's first scream, he'd been across the hall and into his room without hesitation. He'd longed to pull Danny into his arms and protect him, but he feared that would only make things worse. He never wanted Danny to fear him.

  He had been a bit shocked by the erection. While Danny had been horrified, Marshall had been intrigued. How horrible was it that he had stared at the size of it even through the sweats, thinking things he had no right to be thinking about Danny? He'd swallowed back his desire, making sure not to let it show so he could focus on being there for Danny, but the image was still burned into his mind. "Fifteen minutes in." Marshall forced himself to focus on his job.

  Beside him, Jeremy watched the 911 dispatchers he'd hacked into so he could track them, making sure no calls came in from the area. After what had happened to D in California, the team paid extra attention to everything the police in the area did. They weren't going to miss a call the way they had when D had been arrested.

  "Twenty minutes." Marshall clicked on a traffic camera to check out a car that was driving by. It was going in the opposite direction, but they had to be sure of everything.

  Minutes felt like hours as they waited. Once the team finished, he would wait for them to arrive back at the STK house, then he'd head home. Hopefully to find Danny asleep, but he feared that wasn't going to happen. Danny never slept when Marshall wasn't there. It was probably fear, and Marshall hated that, but he couldn't stop working just to stay by Danny's side. He called and checked on him often, but it was good to let him get used to time alone.

  "Come on." D leaned his hands on the back of Jeremy's chair, watching the screens over his shoulders.

  "They're still within the usual time," Marshall reassured him.

  "I swear this is going to make me old really quickly." D sighed.

  "I'll love you no matter how old and gray you get." Jeremy arched his head back for a kiss.

  Marshall smiled. He wanted that with someone. Watching Jeremy and D together gave him hope that he might someday find someone to put up with him. Having Danny around had shown him how much he liked coming home to someone. He liked the company. Having someone to talk to. And now, after last night, he liked waking up with someone in his arms.

  God, what was he thinking? He couldn't think about Danny this way. He was there to support Danny and help him get through all the shit he'd faced, not lust after him.

  "Thirty minutes." Jeremy's fingers flew over the keyboard. "Still all clear."

  The tension in the room seemed to grow with each minute that passed. It wasn't until D's burner phone rang with a text that anyone dared to relax.

  "They're out and headed away from the scene. Cut all cameras." D blew out a long breath.

  Marshall cut the camera feeds, making sure an older feed would play back if anyone else was watching. As soon as Jessica and Patrick had time to get clear of the area and head to the dumpsite to get rid of their supplies, he'd bring the cameras back online as if nothing had happened.

  "Good job, everyone. Now we just pray they make it home safe." Jeremy sat back, still watching the dispatch feed on his computer, waiting for the call to come in to send police to the scene.

  "This never gets easier." Marshall rolled his shoulders.

  "Which is good. If it got easy, we might not pay as close attention to things." D sank down in the chair beside Jeremy. "We've got two more this week. Let's keep our focus."

  They were suddenly busier than usual, which in their line of work wasn't good. It seemed sex trafficking of children was on the increase in the area. Just when they'd linked one group to a site, they found another. Job security, but he wished he didn't have it since so many kids were being hurt to give him his job.

  "How's Danny holding up?" D asked.

  "He's good. Doing well and getting more comfortable with normal things. I think this counselor he is seeing helps, but I don't ask much about it. He comes home happier after seeing him. He said they don't talk much about the kidnapping, but just hang out and play video games while they talk about everyday things." Marshall shrugged. "Whatever works."

  "Have you met the guy?" D asked.

  "Yeah, a couple of times when I pick Danny up. He's pretty casual. Not what you'd expect for a counselor. He's kicked back and easy going. Not all uppity and proper like many you see. He's the type of guy I'd hang out with after work, grab a few beers with."

  D nodded, exchanging a glance with Jeremy.

  "Why? What's up?" Marshall wondered what the look meant.

  "Nothing yet. You know we're looking for a counselor for the team, which isn't easy to find. I've done a background check on Gary, and he could be just what we are looking for. I'm not sure how to go about knowing for sure. He's got a family history of abuse. His sister was raped when she was fourteen by a teacher at her school. Gary was arrested for attacking the teacher before the police got there to arrest him. I'm not sure of the whole story, but charges ended up being dropped after Gary signed up for anger management classes. Hell, you can't blame a brother for wanting to protect his sister," D said. "Just keep your ears open, but don't say anything. In time, we'll approach him if things feel right. Right now, getting Danny better is his and your priority."

  "I just wish I knew how." Marshall sighed.

  "You're doing great. He just needs time. You've given him a safe place to do everything he needs to. He seems to trust you, and for him, that's a big deal. Does he have issues living next door to where he was held?" Jeremy asked.

  "Not at all. He'll sit outside on the deck with me and watch the house. He said it gives him a sense of security to know it's still empty. The police came back two days ago and went in, but I'm not sure why." Marshall had forced himself not to go over and ask.

  "There are no new leads on the case. I think we've got farther than they have running photos through the facial recognition software."

  "I'll dig into that deeper tomorrow. I haven't had a lot of time since we've been
working on our own cases the last week or so. I was really hoping the police would do more, but I should know better. Their caseload is bigger than ours and they're restricted by the law." Marshall turned the cameras back on, making sure everything was as it should be.

  "Police are on the way to the site." Jeremy pointed the tip of his pen at the computer monitor with the 911 information on it.

  "Looks like that's a wrap." Marshall eased away from his computer but didn't turn it off until he was sure everyone was safe and home.

  "Great job tonight. Wednesday I'll be going out on a solo sting, then Thursday Jessica is going out alone. Patrick will be here with you guys as back up, and as always, Rani is a phone call away if he's at work." D rested his forehead on Jeremy's shoulder. "Damn, I'm tired."

  "It's been a long week with a ton of information coming in. You can sleep in tomorrow," Jeremy told him.

  Marshall listened to the two of them talk about everyday things. It was amazing how they could go from serious vigilantes to basic everyday guys in just minutes. Being able to shut down after a sting took time, and wasn't always easy, especially if there were kids on site. Marshall always wanted to stay and listen to the police scanner until the scene cleared so he knew for sure the kids were safe. But not tonight. Tonight he was going to head home, fix himself a hot chocolate, kick his feet up on the couch, and if Danny was still awake, maybe talk him into another movie until they both crashed out on the couch again.

  He needed to be careful. The places his mind was going weren't safe. He should go home and go straight to his room. The last place he needed to be was curled up with Danny again.

  He stood up and stretched.

  "You can go, Marsh. I've got this if anything changes. Go home and get some sleep," Jeremy said.

  "You sure?"

  "Yep. Nothing to do here other than debrief. Head on out." D smiled. "Thanks again for all the work you do."

  "Nowhere I'd rather be." He meant that. He couldn't think of another job that would be so fulfilling. "See you two tomorrow." He saluted and headed out the door.

  As he got in his car, he cursed himself for being so excited to get home because it was the person who was there he wanted to get to, not the house.


  Marshall wasn't too shocked to find the living room lights on when he got home. It was late, but he'd expected to find Danny waiting for him. He parked, got out of the car, and headed inside. He found Danny on the couch watching TV. "Hi, sorry I'm so late." Marshall walked into the living room. "Everything okay?"

  "Yeah, just couldn't sleep so I came out to watch a movie. How was work?"

  "It was good. Everything went smoothly. I'll have to go in later tomorrow for a few hours, but no more late nights until Wednesday." Marshall set his keys down. "I'm going to change clothes, then make some hot chocolate. Want some?"

  "How about I make it while you change?" Danny pushed up from the couch.

  "Thanks, that'd be great." Marshall was touched by the gesture. He wasn't used to anyone taking care of him. "I won't be long."

  He hurried to his room and slipped out of his jeans and into a pair of sweatpants. He pulled a fresh t-shirt over his head, ran his fingers through his hair, then headed out. Danny was still in the kitchen, so he joined him there. "Any reason you couldn't sleep? No new nightmares, are there?"

  "No, I did manage a couple of hours, but then I just woke up. I got up to go to the bathroom and decided to kick it on the couch for a bit and watch TV. I'll regret it tomorrow when I'm tired, but it is what it is."

  "We can both sleep late, then I'll teach you how to make my famous blueberry pancakes." Marshall's stomach growled as he said it.

  "Sounds like you're craving them now." Danny pushed a coffee mug to him.

  "Jeremy got us Chinese food for dinner. Wasn't that great. It was from a new place that just opened. I won't be going there again." Marshall followed Danny to the living room. "What are you watching?"

  "Goonies." Danny blushed. "I remember it from when I was little and my mom had me watch it. She said it was one of her favorite movies."

  "It's one of mine too." Marshall loved the movie. "It's one of those you can watch a thousand times and never get bored with it." He sat down, pleased when Danny sat beside him, their legs brushing against each other.

  He closed his eyes, reminding himself that Danny wasn't someone he should be interested in. It was probably nothing more than he needed to get out, go on a date, maybe get laid. But that idea brought him no excitement. He didn't want to go out with anyone. He wanted to be right here with Danny. Fuck, he was screwed.

  "So right after you left, Jessica called. She asked if she could come over tomorrow and teach me how to bake a few things. I'd asked her the night of the party, but didn't think she was serious."

  Marshall's eyes widened. "Jessica is teaching you to bake?" She didn't share her recipes with anyone. The whole team was always begging her to make things. Even her simple chocolate chip cookies tasted better than any he'd ever had before.

  "It's okay, isn't it? I didn't want you upset since she's your friend." Danny looked worried.

  "No, not at all. She's our friend, not just mine. I was just shocked. Jess doesn't let anyone know what she puts into her baking. We've all asked. I'm a bit stunned she's willing to show you. Then again, you two did hit it off that night."

  "You don't think she thinks I like her, do you? You know, like a girlfriend?"

  "No, not Jess. I'm sure she's just excited to hang out. Jess doesn't date much. She's kind of closed herself off to men from what I can tell. She's everyone's best friend, but no one's lover. I've never known her to date in the time I've known her." He leaned closer, his shoulder against Danny's. "Whatever she teaches you, you have to share with me."

  "She swore me to secrecy. I can't share any recipes, but I can share the results." Danny grinned. "You said I needed to gain weight. This might do it."

  "You need to gain, I don't." Marshall laughed. "But I'm willing to gain a few pounds if it means I get to eat anything Jess has taught you to make."

  "I was watching the cooking channel today. I'm thinking I might like to try making a few dinners if you'd let me."

  Marshall turned to him. "Danny, the house is yours too. You cook whenever you feel like it. Just let me know what we need to buy when we go shopping. I'm happy to have you cook for me anytime you want." He placed a hand on Danny's thigh. "I'm glad you're finding things that interest you."

  "I am. I watched a baseball game today and loved it. I didn't understand all of it, but I think I can learn."

  "Would you like to go to a game sometime with me?" Marshall smiled, even though the moment he said it, he realized it would be like a date, and that sent a thrill up his spine.

  "Really, we could?"

  "Of course. I'll look tomorrow and see when I can get tickets. I haven't been to a game in a while. My aunt and I used to go, but since she died, I haven't been. It'll be fun. Maybe later in the year, we can do a football game too." He hoped Danny would still be staying with him then, but he couldn't stop him from going out on his own if he wanted.

  "You're the best." Danny reached over and hugged him tightly.

  Marshall tried not to show his shock at the hug. He welcomed it, but the fact that Danny had done it was surprising. He tended to keep touches light and simple, but he held on to this hug for a long time. Long enough for Marshall to smell the shampoo in his hair, and the scent he'd come to catch from time to time that he just simply associated with Danny. He hugged him back, enjoying the closeness. "I'm glad to have someone to go with."

  Danny eased back. "You make things so easy. All the things I've never done but want to, I feel safe doing them with you."

  "I'm glad. I never want you to be scared to ask me for anything. I'm happy to help you learn things and get through all your firsts."


  "Of course." Marshall smiled.

  "Even if some of those things I probably sh
ouldn't ask?"

  Marshall sat back a bit, wondering where this was going. "Like what?"

  Danny ducked his head. "It's stupid."

  "Wanting to learn something is never stupid." Marshall took his hand. "It's not easy having missed out on so much. What is it you want to do?" He thought this might be where Danny asked him to teach him how to drive.

  Danny bit his lip, a flush working up his neck. "I want to know what it's like to be kissed."

  Marshall tried to hide his shock and also his yearning. "Kissed?"

  "Yeah. You got me thinking the other night when you asked if I liked boys. I think I do, but how would I know? I mean, I…" He shook his head. "It doesn't matter. Forget I asked. I can't be physical with anyone anyway. I'd be too scared. I was just thinking about what you'd said and thought a kiss would tell me if I liked boys."

  "Liking boys or girls is about more than a kiss. It's finding them attractive. Like when I watch people walking by, I don't notice the girls and their boobs, but I do notice men and their ass or thighs. I really like thighs." Marshall grinned. "I've never looked at a girl and thought about kissing her or holding her. Even when I was younger, I always thought about being with a boy. I was never comfortable around girls the way a lot of boys are. I mean, they made good friends, but I never got all flirty and stuff with them like my friends did." He wasn't the one who should be talking to Danny about this, but who else was there? His counselor? Did they talk about sexuality and all that when they met? He had no clue.

  "I'd rather kiss you than Jessica." Danny shrugged.

  "But is that because you trust me more than her or because you find me more attractive than her? Do you notice her breasts, her makeup, the way she smells like flowers?"

  Danny shook his head.

  What was he supposed to do here? Was Danny really thinking about kissing? What else was he thinking about? He'd thought this stuff would be the last thing that Danny would worry about so soon. Then again, maybe with the sudden return of his erections, it meant his sexual hormones were stronger? Was that possible? He needed to ask Rani. "So you want to kiss and see how you react?"


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