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Life of a Fool (London Brothers Book 2)

Page 14

by Cm Hutton

  “Hey, look at me, Jace.” He opened his eyes, and I smiled before leaning in and kissing the tears on both of his cheeks. “This is a good thing. We’re all on the same page and can anticipate what Antonio might do. Now, let’s start a plan to stop him. Okay?” I was grasping at straws to help not only my beautiful friend and lover, but to help me too. There was no good ending to my husband getting his hands on me.

  Jason laid his head against my chest, and it broke my heart. This wasn’t my fearless man. He was scared. “I’ll stop him, baby. I promise.”

  “I know.” I rubbed my right hand through his short hair. “Let’s not think about it right now. Go call Craig and Keri, and let’s enjoy our day and look forward to getting the ‘all clear’ from my doctor tomorrow.”

  He leaned up and smiled. “Thank you. Now that is exactly what I needed to hear.” He kissed me tenderly as he slowly pulled me up to standing and cupped my ass. “I’ll go make the call. You go change and put on a bra—now.”

  I laughed. “Okay. Jeez.” As I turned, he smacked me on the ass, causing me to jump and laugh even louder.

  I went into the bedroom, found a pair of jeans and tee shirt, then went into the bathroom and climbed into the shower. I’d gotten much more proficient at putting the plastic sleeve on my casted arm, but could easily whine about it just to get Jace to help me. I loved how he wanted to take care of me.

  After cleaning my whole body, I climbed out, toweled off, and started to get dressed. The second I slipped on my jeans, I screamed. This could not be happening. Not. Yet. I wasn’t ready.

  Chapter 18



  That was what I felt. I dropped my cell phone even as Craig was yelling my name and asking what was wrong. My legs wouldn’t move fast enough. I was already on edge, and hearing her scream was torture.

  I ran through the bedroom and kicked the bathroom door open, looking for him. Thoughts flooded my mind of how he got inside our home, but as soon as I saw Lori Ann curled up on the floor, crying, I knew it was something else. I still took a long look around the bathroom, but saw no threat. I sat on the floor next to her.

  “What is it, baby? What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t want this to happen. Not yet.”

  “What? I don’t understand. Please tell me what’s wrong.”

  She sobbed as she moved over and slid into my lap, letting me cradle her. She was dressed in her bra, tee shirt, and panties. “They…” she sobbed “…they won’t button.” What in the hell?

  “What are you talking about?” I ran my fingers up and down her back.

  “My jeans…” Her sobs were so heartbreaking. “I can’t button them. What happened? I just wore them last week.”

  Ahh… “Shit, you scared me to death. This is about your jeans? Really? What the…” Then my brain kicked in, and I felt like an ass. “Oh, baby.” I kissed her forehead.

  “No. I don’t want this yet.”

  “I know, but it’s going to happen. You’ve been avoiding the whole subject of this baby for two weeks.” I placed my hand on her stomach, and even though I couldn’t see a difference, apparently her body was changing. “I just hope you’re not avoiding talking about it because of me.”

  “Oh, Jason,” she cried. “I don’t know how to feel. This baby wasn’t made out of love.”

  I felt my whole body stiffen and tried like hell to rein in my emotions. “What do you mean?”

  “You know what I mean. It wasn’t like he raped me, but…”

  “Stop. I get it.” I didn’t want to think about that asshole taking from her, but it was obvious that he did. “Tell me about the good times. I need to hear something that won’t make me go insane with anger.”

  She took a deep breath and thought for a long time. Not a good sign. “When we first met and even through the first few years we were together, he was so attentive and loving. My needs and wants were all he seemed to care about. He’d taken over his family’s business just the year before we met and was happy and enthusiastic about the future. I know he loved me, Jace. But things just changed.”

  “How so?”

  “I think he got greedy. I didn’t put it together until later, but I think he wanted to impress the ‘nay-sayers’ so he sought out money opportunities from the wrong people.”

  “Is that when you think he changed? Became a ruthless bastard?”

  “I guess. It was gradual, though, until the last few years.”

  “It’s not your fault. And this?” I laid my hand back on her stomach. “This may not have been created out of love…” I had to stop and really think about my words because the thought of The Italian forcing himself on her made me so fucking mad I didn’t know how to handle it. “…but this is part of you, and that’s all that matters.”

  “I’m trying really hard to accept that, but it’s tough.”

  “It will be okay. Come on. Let’s get you dressed. I need to call Craig back. He’s probably freaking out. When I heard you scream, I dropped the phone and ran. Shit…the whole fucking calvary is probably on its way.”

  Lori Ann laughed. “You’re right.” She seemed better, so I helped us stand and led her to the bedroom to find clothes as I hustled to the living room and called Craig.

  “What the fuck is going on, Jason?” He was pissed. I filled him in on the details and he huffed out an annoyed curse, but I heard Keri in the background say, “Don’t you dare. Lori Ann is going through more than just a crazy-ass ex husband.” I knew I liked that woman! “Well, shit! Okay, we’re on our way. I need to call off the squad. Bye.”

  He hung up abruptly, but I understood why. He’d called in backup and needed to tell them it was nothing…well, nothing they needed to be involved in.

  Lori Ann emerged from the bedroom, eyes puffy, but dressed in yoga-type pants. “Hi, beautiful.” That didn’t help. She burst into tears. I walked to her and wrapped my arms around her. “Stop, please. You’re mine. Both of you. So stop. Now.” I was commanding and she obeyed, looking up at me with questioning eyes before standing tall and slightly nodding her head. “Good. Now, what should we order for dinner? Craig and Keri are on their way here.”

  “Can we have pizza?” she asked sheepishly.

  “If that’s what you want, then yes. Absolutely!” I saw the sad look in her eyes that told me all I needed to know. I wrapped my arms around her waist and said, “Is that something you’re craving, baby?” She buried her face into my chest and cried. “Shh…” I didn’t want to push her, but reality was what it was. We both had to start accepting it. And it was my job to help her.

  “Jace, why?”

  “I don’t know, but we are going to be just fine. Now, dry it up and let’s enjoy our night.”

  Without a word, my brave girl stood tall and walked into the living room and sat on the couch as I made the call to a great local pizza place just down the road. I even ordered an extra for the guys downstairs.

  By the time Craig and Keri arrived, Lori Ann was better. She was happy to see them and find some sense of normalcy. “Hey.”

  Craig kissed her cheek and winked at me just to be a prick before Keri hugged her tightly and whispered something in her ear that had my girl tearing up and reaching for another hug. The girls were bonding rapidly, and it made me happy for Lori Ann.

  “So, what’s for dinner, man?” Craig asked.

  “Pizza from that local place on the next street over.” Craig started to protest, but I quickly cut in with, “Lori Ann thought it sounded good.” It only took a second for Craig and Keri to register what I was saying, but it didn’t matter. My girl didn’t want any secrets.

  “He’s trying to be nice. I just had a major meltdown about my jeans not zipping and then had a craving for pizza.” She wiped a tear and looked down at her feet. I hated how she felt.

  I stepped beside Lori Ann just as her head came up, and she said, “But you know what?” She leaned into me. “I can’t do anything about it. And I wouldn’t do anything
about this baby. I just need some time to accept it. I’m sorry. If you don’t want pizza, it’s okay. We can order something else.”

  “No. Pizza is great!” Keri immediately said as she stepped up to hug Lori Ann. The two exchanged a look, and I glanced at Craig who shrugged his shoulders in confusion. Girls…

  “Well, let’s grab some drinks and head out to the balcony while we wait.” As the girls walked away, whispering their weird girly talk, Craig sat on a barstool and asked, “So, did you tell her about losing The Italian’s whereabouts? Is that part of the reason for all the tears?”

  “As a matter of fact, yes. I did tell her.” I handed him a bottle of beer and watched as he took a long pull on it. “She was a little freaked out, but we talked a lot about it, and she understands. We need to keep her up to date.” I took a drink of my own beer, then said, “Man, she feels it too.”

  Craig nearly choked as he swallowed. “You mean, she thinks he’s going to take her?”

  “Yes. She feels the same sinking feeling you and I both have, and it has me scared to death.”

  “Oh fuck!”


  “So what are we planning?” Craig asked.

  “What can we do, but just be vigilant. He’s coming. I feel it.”

  “Me too.”

  “I’ll kill him before I let him take her, Craig.”

  “I hear you. Same with me.”

  I rubbed my hands down my face and said, “Let’s go find the girls and enjoy the night.” We walked toward the patio. I paused just before opening the door and turned to Craig and said, “I hate that motherfucker, and all I want is ten minutes alone with him. I hate this out of control feeling I have. I want him dead, dude. I want to leave here and find him, but I’m too afraid to let her out of my sight. The need to protect her and that baby is unfathomable. I’m so overwhelmed with everything. This baby thing has ratcheted all this up several notches. If he finds out she is pregnant with his baby, he’ll stop at nothing to get to her. You know it’s true.”

  “I know. I don’t envy your situation at all. I hate to ask this, but how are you handling the baby thing?”

  “I love her. You know I do. I hate the circumstances, but seeing how badly she’s wrestling with it, I can’t help but do what’s best for her and love both of them.”

  “I agree.” Craig looked out toward the balcony and squinted his eyes. “Where the hell…” He pushed past me and threw open the door. Like in a slow motion movie, I turned to see Keri laying on the wooden deck, blood coming from her temple, and no Lori Ann in sight. “Call 911!” Craig screamed, then I heard him yell for the guys guarding downstairs.

  I was like a robot. I grabbed my phone and dialed, speaking in my clear “cop” voice, but scanning and panicking at the same time. Where was my girl? “Craig, where is she?”

  Suddenly, Craig looked up from Keri and yelled, “OH FUCK!” My knees wobbled as my head caught up.

  “What…No, no, no, no!” I knelt near Keri who was alive, but knocked out. She had blood coming from the side of her head and probably a nasty concussion, but was alive. “Keri, please. Where is she?”

  “She unconscious, Jason!” he yelled before looking back at Keri. He was touching her body, checking for other injuries, forcing himself not to move her. “My God, they could have killed her or taken her with Lori Ann.”

  “Shut the fuck up!” I grabbed his shirt, lifting him away from Keri. “Help me! He took her! Help me, please! You don’t understand. He’s going to let them hurt her.”

  We could hear sirens coming as Craig snapped back and said, “Stop! Let me get my woman on the gurney. This isn’t just about you anymore! They hurt her!”

  I sucked in a deep breath. Even in my panicked state, I knew he was right. I patted his shoulder and mumbled, “I’m sorry.”

  Craig grabbed my arm and said, “We can do this. But I need to make sure Keri is okay. Go downstairs and see why the fuck my guys didn’t do anything.”

  I turned and ran through the house, bolting out the door, and found both young officers with bullets to their heads. Dead. I felt sick. I had to find my girl. That asshole had her, and he would stop at nothing to make her pay.

  “CRAIG!” I yelled, and he came running toward me.


  “FUCK! Okay, let me get her to the hospital. Start with the airports. Now! Call the others on the security team and get them headed there to meet you.”

  “Got it.” I had to stop and concentrate on thinking like a cop. Come on, man…think! Use your training! I immediately dialed Thomas, the oldest and most senior of the men we’d been using to guard the place, told him to round everyone up, and get homicide over to our townhome.

  “Yes, sir.” He paused. “Jason, what the hell happened?”

  I was already outside, my gun in my hand, as I looked around. “Looks like they were headed toward the door. Both are lying facedown, bullets to the back of their heads and guns were apparently drawn because Jennings’ is still in his hand and Perry’s is about a foot ahead of him on the ground. Dammit. Whoever did this didn’t even take the time to pick up their weapons. I’m hanging up. I need to photograph this and get the hell out of here. Hurry, Thomas!”

  “Will do, sir. We’re on our way. Already contacted some of the guys while we were on the phone.”

  “Thanks, man.” I hung up and took several pictures of the scene before running to the truck I’d rented when we first arrived. I was focused on getting to the airport as fast as I could while playing out every scenario in my head. How could he have grabbed Lori Ann right under our noses? Had the guys not seen anyone snooping around? Something was really off about the whole situation. Think, Jason! Think!

  The Italian was rich. He had high-paying friends. He wouldn’t fly into the Denver Airport. No, I needed to look for private airstrips. He had to be at one of them. I called Thomas back.

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Thomas, I need you to tell me where the private airstrips are around here. I don’t think Antonio would’ve flown into DIA. Too risky. Send two guys there, and you and the others help me search the private strips. Do you have people you can call to check manifestos for private planes coming and going out of all these?”

  “I’ll get someone on it now. I already had Hooks checking DIA.”

  “Good. Thanks. Now tell me where I need to go?”

  “I’d say start with Denver Centennial Airport. It’s the most popular airport for private jets, and it’s just busy enough that he might be able to fly in and out without being noticed.”

  “Good, now give me directions.”

  “Are you already on 36?”


  “Good. Keep going south until you hit I-25 South. Take I-25 until you see CO #197 or Arapahoe Road. Turn left. Then take a right on Peroria Street. Just follow the airport signs.”

  “Thank you, Thomas.”

  “You’re welcome. And Jason?”


  “We all care about her too. How could we not. She’s pretty incredible.”

  I felt a huge lump form in my throat, and I didn’t know if I could even respond, but I forced out a “thanks, man.”

  “And, don’t panic, Jason. It will take you about thirty minutes to get there. But I have two officers who live west of Aurora, and they are on their way now. They’ll get there before you and start searching.”

  “Thank you. That helps. I just can’t believe he took her right under my nose. FUCK!” I screamed as I hit the dash of my truck.

  “I know. But we’re on it. We’ll find her.”

  “I appreciate your help, Thomas. I need to call Craig.”

  “Sure. Bye.”

  I ended the call and tapped Craig’s number. “Anything?” he asked when he answered.

  “No. But I’ve got people spread out looking. When my brain kicked in, I remembered to check the private airstrips around here. Thomas directed me to Centennial south of town.”

�m glad someone’s head is thinking. This is bullshit! That bastard knew we wouldn’t be at our best if he crippled us like this. I mean, fuck, man. He shot two of my guys and hurt my girl?!”

  “I know. I’m sorry about Keri. How is she?”

  “She’s okay. Probably going to have a major concussion, but she’s alive. I should be grateful they didn’t shoot her. They could have…easily.” I heard the emotion in Craig’s voice as he spoke. He was struggling, and I nearly lost it myself because my Lori Ann could be dead for all I knew.

  I felt bile rise in my throat, but forced it down and said, “Gotta go. I need to concentrate.”

  “Okay. I’m searching all around the townhouse for clues. I’m going to stay here and see what I can find. The homicide team arrived a few minutes ago.”

  “Yeah, that’s good. You didn’t go to the hospital with Keri?”

  “The paramedics are still here with her. They are friends of mine and are taking good care of her. I told them the situation, so they’re going to stay with her at the hospital until I can get there.”

  “Craig, you don’t have to…”

  “Shut up, Jason.” He interrupted. “Lori Ann is my girl too, and I feel sick this happened with us standing twenty feet away.”

  “Thanks for saying that. I’m trying not to lose my shit right now. I. HAVE. TO. FIND. HER. He can’t have her back, Craig.”

  “I know. Just focus on being the bastard detective that we both know you are, and you’ll know exactly what to do.”

  “I’m trying, but damn.” The lump was back. “She fucking predicted this. We did too. If he finds out she’s pregnant…”

  “Don’t think about that right now. Focus on getting to that airstrip. I’m going to make a few more calls. Keep me up to date.”

  “You’re right. Gotta go. Exiting now.”

  “Stay safe.”

  “You too.”

  We hung up, and I focused on my directions to the airstrip. Just as I was turning onto Peroria, my phone rang. Thomas.

  “What’s up?”

  “Hey. My guys are there. Blue sedan parked in the first public parking you’ll see on your left as you enter.”


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