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Life of a Fool (London Brothers Book 2)

Page 15

by Cm Hutton

  “Thanks.” I hung up and spotted the unmarked car. I could see two guys sitting in the front seat. I parked two spaces over and jumped out, heading for them. Both climbed out and extended their hands. These guys weren’t part of the security team. No, they were older…maybe my age. “Jason London.”

  “Hey, man. I’m Tyler Rivers. This is…” I shook Tyler’s hand.

  “I’m Frank Meyer,” he interrupted as I reached for his hand. “Thomas has us up to speed for the most part. I’ve contacted a friend here at the airport and so far there’s no suspicious flights, but he’s still looking. Thomas said the plane would have come from San Diego, right?”

  “Shit. Yes, that’s right. Fuck me! Here I was looking for an obvious flight from Italy, but in my panicked state I totally forgot the bastard was just in California. Thanks. So anything?”

  “There were fifteen flights that left a private airstrip around San Diego within the last week. Most were headed somewhere else. But three of the planes flew to the Denver area yesterday. If it were me, I wouldn’t want to be on the ground too long. People start to notice you more. So, I’ve got a few people looking into where the three landed and which of the planes are looking to take off today.”

  “I can’t thank you guys enough for dropping everything and helping.”

  “Hey, no problem. We take care of our own. That’s why we’re here. And by the sounds of this asshole, we’ve got our hands full.”

  “Yes, we do. I need to get my head in this, but damn…I know we are working against the clock here. We can’t let him get Lori Ann out of the country.”

  “Yeah, but we don’t need to chase phantoms all day either. So, let me call our guy back that’s here at this airport and see what he knows,” Tyler said as he worked his fingers across the screen of his cell phone.

  “He’s right. I know it’s hard to sit, but we don’t have much more to go on,” Frank responded. “You sure she didn’t have her cell phone with her…anything that might give us a signal.” My God, where was my fucking brain!

  “Fuck.” I rubbed my hands down my face. I was losing it. “I doubt it. We were just home, about to have dinner with friends, but I haven’t even checked. What the hell is wrong with me?”

  “Hey.” Frank put his hand on my shoulder. “We understand. You’re a human being, not just a cop, and this is your woman. Hell, I can’t believe you’re as focused as you are, considering the situation. That’s why we’re here. Now. What’s her number?”

  I handed Frank my cell phone and he looked up Lori Ann’s number, then called headquarters and told them the number and asked them to locate it. “What about the asshole? Happen to have his number?”


  “Thank, Mark,” Frank said as he ended his call. “He’s on it.”

  My phone rang right as Frank was about to hand it back to me. Craig.

  “Please tell me you know something,” I barked.

  “As a matter of fact, I do. On a hunch, I walked to the little deli that’s across the street at the corner and asked if they had a surveillance camera, and miracle of all miracles, they did. It only records for forty-eight hours, then erases. So thank God I thought of it now.” He paused. “Anyway, I saw two men…neither of them was Antonio. What I’ve seen so far is that they were lingering around the area at least since yesterday, hiding in shadows where they could. I looked at the last several hours and didn’t see anything too interesting until…”

  “Until what?”

  “As soon as the girls walked out onto the balcony, I saw the one of the men suddenly step out, gun in hand. My guys immediately threw their car doors open, guns drawn, walking toward him. Then, the two pops from behind…silencer on the gun. Guy One was a decoy to draw them out. He turns back and the two of them stand at the bottom of the balcony. One throws something up, and I can see a rolled up sort of ladder start to come down.” He pauses. “Jace, it looks like that ladder was already there. Maybe they put it in place a few days before, hoping no one would notice.”

  No. I knew what he was seeing. “Craig, that is the fire escape ladder attached to the balcony. It was locked, though, with zip ties and not easy to get to from below.”

  “So that was already there? What the hell?”

  “I’d considered removing it, but was afraid she and I might need it to escape, or our security boys might need it to get inside if there was trouble. I didn’t anticipate someone climbing up the fucking building to get to us, especially when we had guys posted outside. Pretty obvious if someone was climbing the side of the building.”

  “Damn,” Craig groaned. “From the tapes, Lori Ann pushed the first guy off the ladder, but the second was right behind him. Keri stepped up to help, but he knocked her out with the butt of his gun. Lori Ann bends to look at Keri, even glances at the fucking doors where you and I are doing absolutely nothing before he hits her in the head and lifts her over his shoulder, hauling her down the ladder. It was so fast. I can’t believe we didn’t hear anything.”

  “I know. And I feel guilty as hell about it too.” As I continued to listen to Craig, I noticed both Frank and Tyler both answering their phones.

  “Well, we’re going to find her. Guy One carried her over his shoulder and Guy Two, who was limping pretty badly, walked south where I saw a car’s lights turn on and the men climb inside. It was a dark-colored sedan, like a Crown Vic. I’m running plates now, but I doubt it will show up. Where are you?”

  “I’m standing outside Centennial Airport…waiting. By the way, you didn’t happen to magically get Antonio’s number, did you? Only asking because we are tracking Lori Ann’s cell, but I’m pretty sure she didn’t have it with her out on the balcony.”

  Again, I noticed Frank and Tyler’s movements, their expressions and the look of urgency on their faces. “Craig, I gotta go.” I hung up before he had a chance to respond. “What the hell is going on?”

  “Let’s go. Now!” Frank yelled. Without question, I followed them into the terminal.

  “What’s happening?”

  “There’s a plane here and at Denver International that fit the details we were talking about. Came from San Diego, only here a few hours and getting ready to depart. Thomas and his guys are on the one at DIA, but we need to find the damn flight that’s here.”

  “Fuck!” We ran through the airport, flashed our badges at security, and headed for the gate that Frank had been told. Tyler was on his phone, relaying all kinds of shit to someone. As we approached the gate, we all saw a small Lear jet taxi away from the jetway, and my heart sank. “We have to stop that plane!”

  Frank was on his phone, Tyler was still on his, and as I watched the plane continue to move, I felt hopeless…for the first time in my life.

  “London!” I heard Frank yell.


  “This isn’t her plane. I just got visual confirmation that only men boarded. All gray headed and flying internationally to Paris,” Frank assured.

  “You sure?”


  “Now what?” I felt lost.

  “We wait for Thomas to call and tell us about the DIA plane. Then, we regroup.” I hated his answer, but what was I supposed to do?

  “I’m feeling a little lost here, boys. I need some guidance.”

  “I know, but we have to wait, man. Go where the evidence and clues send us. You know this.”

  “I do. But if this were your wife, your girl…you’d be as crazy as I am.”

  “Damn right I would. That’s why we’re here to help. It’s hard to think straight when it’s your loved one in trouble. There’s a reason Tyler and I are here.” Frank paused. “My sister disappeared a few years ago. Still haven’t found her. Tyler’s girlfriend…well, that story didn’t end the way any of us wanted it to. He’s okay now. Happened six years ago, but he’s been on a mission ever since. So, you’ve got two people right here that understand. Let us help you. Please.”

  I stood and hugged Frank like he was my long los
t brother. He understood. I needed to trust him. I would trust him. “Thank you.”

  “Thank Craig and Thomas. They knew. They warned us that we might be needed.”

  “Well, fuck,” I muttered.

  “Yeah. So, let’s keep working this. Okay?”

  “Okay.” I couldn’t describe the gratefulness I felt toward these men who truly understood my pain.

  “Ty…anything?” Frank yelled. Tyler held up his hand, telling us he needed a minute. I waited as patiently as I could. I watched Ty’s face, and as soon as he hung up, I felt the weight of the world land on my shoulders.

  “Okay. The flight that left Denver International had a woman that fit your girl’s description along with three men. Bad news is the flight left about ten minutes ago, and no one is saying where it was headed. I’m betting anything this is our plane, though. How the hell he got out of here so quickly is beyond me. I haven’t had anyone else report back about a similar plane. This has to be him.”

  I felt my world come crashing down around me. He’d gotten her on the plane and now they were headed back—a world away from me. This couldn’t be happening. I just had my Lori Ann in my arms a few hours ago. She was mine. I felt my body sinking to the floor. Frank knelt beside me. “We will get her back. I promise.”

  “He’ll kill her, Frank. As soon as he figures out she’s pregnant, he’ll hide her away until that baby is born, then he’ll kill her.”

  “Then, we’d better find her before she has that baby. We’ve got some time. Now, let’s get out of here.”

  I stood and walked out of the airport. My emotions were so tightly wound I didn’t know how to deal with them. I wanted to hurt someone…anyone. My phone alerted me to a message. It was from Craig.

  Craig: Answer your fucking phone! I was trying to tell you that I have Antonio’s number!

  What the hell?

  I listened to my voicemail.

  Hey, you hung up before I could tell you that when you first passed me Lori Ann’s phone in the car, back in Italy, I copied The Italian’s number. Just in case…habit, I guess. But YES, I have his number. I’m running it.

  “Holy shit! Craig is my hero.”

  “What?” Frank asked.

  “Craig happened to copy down Antonio’s number weeks ago when we first rescued Lori Ann. He just told me. Thank God.”

  “Is he running it?”


  “Great. In the meantime, let’s regroup and figure out our next step. We need to be in Italy as soon as we can.”

  “WE?” I asked.

  “Hell, yeah! You’ve got a whole team of people here that want to see Lori Ann back home…safe.”

  I extended my hand. “Thank you!”

  “No thanks necessary. You’d do the same.”

  “Yes I would.” I owed these men a huge debt, and I’d never forget it.


  There were fifteen of us piled into the townhouse Lori Ann and I shared—Craig, Thomas, Frank and Ty included. It was 3:00 am, nine hours since my girl had been taken. There had been no contact from her or Antonio, and I was getting more and more anxious as the hours passed.

  I sat on the couch, elbows on my knees, head in my hands, trying like hell to keep calm. I was startled out of my thoughts when Craig put his hand on my shoulder. “Did you hear me?”

  “No. What?” I stood and followed.

  “Come look at the tape again.” Craig had gotten the deli owner to email him a copy of the video footage, and all the men were huddled around the kitchen island, watching his laptop. I inched my way between the guys. “Look. This is the break we need.”

  I glanced closer at the screen and could see a grainy image of my girl leaning over Keri, checking on her after one of the men hit her, knocking her out. She carefully took Keri’s phone out of her hand and slid it into the front of her pants. That-a-girl!

  I gasped as the very next thing I saw was Lori Ann go limp from being hit and that fucking bastard lifting her body—touching my woman—taking her away from me. The sight of her lifeless body disappearing down the sidewalk made me feel sick.

  I spun around. “Holy shit! Tell me you’re tracking Keri’s number?” My heart was beating out of my chest with anger, hope, despair…all of the above.

  “Frank is doing it now. Let’s hope we can pick up a signal.”

  “God, I hope so. I can’t take this much longer. I feel like I’m going out of my fucking mind.”

  “I know. Hang tight, man. We’re going to find her, Jace.”

  Chapter 19

  Lori Ann

  It wasn’t that I went willingly.

  I was taken. I tried to fight. I tried to save us. But he hit me. When I woke up, I was in a car, parked on a runway next to a private airplane. My hands and feet were bound, and a nasty headache was pounding in my head. My left arm was throbbing beneath the cast. I hoped it was only because it was pulled tight to my right hand in the restraints. As I was trying to take in what was happening, the sound of men yelling set my frayed nerves on fire.

  I knew that voice—the one yelling loudest. Antonio.

  This wasn’t going to end well for me.

  Incredible sadness washed over my entire body as my mind pictured Jason—panicked and looking for me. I wanted to cry, but I was too afraid I wouldn’t be able to stop, and I needed to focus on helping myself get away from Antonio.

  The car door jerked open, and there he stood. Staring. Watching my reaction. His face almost looked relieved. I didn’t move. I just watched as Antonio slowly bent and sat in the car next to me. “Amore mio.” My love. He reached his hand to touch my face and I jerked back, closing my eyes. “Shh…I’m not going to hurt you.” His hand rubbed across my temple, and I let out a groan as pain shot through my head. “Quei bastardi.” Bastards. “I’m sorry they hurt you. I told them not to touch you like this. They were only supposed to bring you to me.”

  I opened my eyes to look at him. I didn’t know how to read his statement. Was he angry his men had hurt me? Or angry they had gotten the first hit instead of him. I didn’t ask. I didn’t say a word. “Tell me, amore mio, are you okay?” His hand cupped my cheek.

  “No, Antonio. I’m not.” It was true, but more than that, I decided to play on the sympathy that I was getting. Maybe if his anger was directed at his men for a little longer, I could survive long enough to come up with a plan. I hoped like hell I still had Keri’s phone in my pants. I tried to slide it under the waistband of my panties, but couldn’t feel if it was still there.

  “Tell me.” For a moment, I could see the man I used to love. His eyes were kind and gentle.

  “They hurt me, Antonio.” And right then, I decided I’d go big…so I could go home to my Jace. “They could have hurt your baby, too.” I rubbed my bound hands across my stomach and hoped like hell that I’d played my card at the right time.

  I watched as his eyes flashed with anger. “What?” His hand fell from my face as he looked out the window at the men standing nearby. “Speak. Now.”

  “I just found out. I didn’t know until I had…”

  “Had what?” He was still angry, but calm.

  “I had some bleeding, and I didn’t know what was wrong. I went to the hospital and they told me.” I was careful to glaze over the details. I didn’t want to piss him off. I was too vulnerable. My life was in his hands.

  He stared at me for a long time. I wasn’t sure if he was deciding whether to believe me or if he was trying to decide what to do with me. “How do I know you are telling the truth, amore mio?”

  “I am. But you can take me to the doctor and see for yourself if you want to, Antonio. This is your baby.” I felt sick just saying the words to him. But the decision was made—I would do anything to get back home safely to Jason. Anything.

  “Mi hai stregata, amore mio.” You have bewitched me, my love. “I am so angry with you for running away from me…with the Americans. And they have killed one of my men.”

  “Antonio, they
were trying to protect me.” I carefully reached my tied hands over to his lap and fought not to flinch when I touched his hands. “I was scared of you. It was my fault. Don’t be angry with them. Please. You have me now. Io sono tua.” I am yours. He closed his eyes, squeezed my hands, and leaned his head back on the seat.

  “Ho un debole per te.” I am weak for you. I knew I had him. That was what he’d always said when I’d won him over about anything. Antonio was telling me he wasn’t going to hurt me, at least not tonight.

  He leaned up, looked into my eyes, and without a word took the ties off of my wrists and ankles. “I’m sorry they were rough with you. I will make sure they understand their errors.” Picking up my right hand, Antonio turned it over and kissed my palm several times. It was a move he’d done thousands of times during our good years. “I have missed you, amore mio. Ho bisogno di te. Solo tu mi capisci.” I need you. Only you understand me.

  Hell yeah, I understand you. That’s why this game has to be played carefully. Lives, not just mine, depend on me being a great actress.

  “Antonio,” I said softly.

  “Please, mia moglie. Ti voglio baciare.” Please, my wife. I want to kiss you.

  I hadn’t thought through this part of the game. Antonio would expect things. Fuck! “Antonio, I’m not feeling well. Can you help me?”

  “Oh, amore mio. I’m sorry. Yes, what do you need?” He looked down at my stomach, and I had the urge to hide my tiny bulge with my arms, but didn’t.

  “Where are we going? We are just sitting here.” I wanted to know in case I had a chance to text Craig or Jason.

  “Ah, yes. The plane should be ready now. Hold on and I will get you on board and will take care of anything you need. May I?” He reached his hand out to touch my belly, and I could only nod, allowing him to touch me.

  His hand noticeably shook as he placed it on me. I wondered if this baby meant more than I thought it could to him. Surely not. Maybe the old Antonio that I knew years ago would have loved becoming a father, but not the violent man that beat the living shit out of me more than once. I had to keep that Antonio in my mind…always.


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