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Life of a Fool (London Brothers Book 2)

Page 16

by Cm Hutton

  Just as his hand laid flat on my stomach, one of the men knocked on the window glass, and I saw fury raging in Antonio’s eyes. “I’m sorry, mia moglie.” My wife. “They will not interrupt us again. Let me see to this and get us on our plane. I want you away from here…both of you.” He smiled and leaned in to kiss my cheek.


  I had hoped Antonio would want to stay, to confirm that I was pregnant before he took me back to Italy, but that was wishful thinking. He was smarter than that. He carefully lifted me from the car and cradled me in his arms as he carried me up the stairs to the Lear jet waiting for us. I could feel my body shaking, but played it off like it was because I was feeling bad, not that I was a nervous wreck and on the verge of puking at the thought leaving the States and Jason behind. I wanted to cry. I hoped he would find me. I stalled as long as I could with Antonio, but it was to no avail. We were boarding the plane and flying a world away.

  When we were on the plane, waiting to be cleared for take-off, I had a small opportunity to reach for Keri’s phone. I’d felt it as soon as Antonio helped me from the car. I was grateful that it hadn’t been ringing or buzzing, giving away the fact that I had it. I was lying back in one of the chairs, my back to Antonio, who was steadily cursing at the men in Italian about their grave mistake in hurting me. I slowly reached into my pants, pulled out the phone, and searched quickly for Craig’s name in Keri’s texts. I figured his name would be easiest to find. I punched in a few words and powered it off without being detected before slipping it back inside the front of my pants. Then, I closed my eyes and prayed.

  Please, God. Protect me. Protect Jason. Help him find me.

  Chapter 20


  “The phone is off, but the last known cell tower ping has her at the Denver Airport. Just like we suspected. There’s nothing after that,” Craig told me.

  It was early morning, and I was frustrated. Antonio’s number had produced a big fat nothing. We couldn’t track it. Most of the guys had gone home. Only Craig and I remained at the townhouse, and he was getting ready to go pick up Keri from the hospital and take her home. I felt like shit for taking him away from her, but he said she insisted that he help me then come back and get her to take her home. I owed both of them a lifetime of servitude.

  “Go home, man. I hate that I’ve taken all your time from Keri. You’ve been a lifesaver, and I’ll never forget it. Thank you.” I patted Craig’s shoulder as I shook his hand.

  “You sure? You haven’t slept since this happened. Why don’t you go lie down for a few hours. You gonna be okay…here in this place?”

  “Yeah. I need to be here. Reminds me of her. Now, go. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Okay. Call me if you need anything.” Craig grabbed his bag and walked to the front door. “I mean it. Don’t do anything stupid, like take off for Italy on your own.” He knew me well.

  “The thought crossed my mind, but I’m not going to leave you guys here in the lurch after all you’ve done for me. I’ll be here.”

  “Good. See you in a bit. Everyone is planning to be here about ten, after getting a few hours of sleep.”

  “Got it.” I stood there, waiting for him to leave. I was ready to be alone and try to wrap my mind around everything. The last several hours had completely jacked with my psyche.

  “You okay?” I nodded. “We’ll get her back. You know that. She’s smart. She’ll find a way to survive until we can.”

  “I know. Now, go.” He paused for a few seconds, then stepped through the door. I closed it behind him and turned around, taking in the emptiness of our place. I closed my eyes and tried to see Lori Ann here with me. I could still smell her scent, and I thought I’d go crazy if I didn’t touch her right that second. But I pushed away from the front door, walked into our bedroom, and called my brother.

  “Hey, man. How are you two holding up?” My younger brother Derek and I had been keeping in touch with all that was going on with Lori Ann. My whole family loved her, had since college, and they were worried about both of us.

  “Not good. He took her.”


  “That wife-beating Italian motherfucker took her. And worse yet, it happened right under my nose. Craig and I were literally twenty feet away.”

  “What the hell happened, Jace? I thought you had guys watching the place?”

  I rubbed my hand down my face. “We did. One of his men shot them. Two cops are dead, Craig’s girlfriend is hurt, and my woman is in his clutches and flying out of the country even as we speak.”

  “Holy shit. Okay, so what now?”

  “There are a lot of us working on it. But I’m going nuts, man. You know me. Having no control is not a good thing.”

  “I know. But you have to try. Don’t go off on your own and make things worse.”

  “What the fuck ever, dude! You’re just like me. What would you be doing right now? And be honest.” My brother would never just sit and wait…never has. He pushed his way into his wife Claire’s life from the beginning and made damn sure she was his from day one.

  “Shit! I’d be on a plane to Italy.” At least he sounded humble about it.

  “Exactly. So, don’t even try to tell me you’d sit and wait for fucking clues. I’m leaving. Now.” I was already walking out the front door, keys in hand, passport in my back pocket.

  “How can I help?” I knew Derek would ask.

  “Honestly, I don’t know. All I can think about is finding my girl. I have to get her back. But if I need you, I’ll call.”

  “Do you want me to go with you? You know I will.”

  “No. Stay and take care of everyone. Don’t freak Mom out about this just yet. For now, let’s keep that between us. I’ll call you with any news.”

  “Okay. Be safe, Jace.” Derek’s voice was more sincere and full of emotion than ever before. I think his near-death experience months ago had really shed new light on how we are all one mistake away from being gone.


  I climbed into my truck and took off for the airport. Craig was going to be pissed, but I had to do something, and he didn’t need to leave Keri right now anyway. I could at least get to Italy and try to figure out the next step.

  Thirty minutes later, I was parked and making my way to the American Airlines check-in. The ticket was going to cost me a small fortune, but it didn’t matter. My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I struggled to get it out as I weaved through the crowds of people. I looked at the screen and saw it was Craig. If I answered, he’d know where I was. Shit. But I had to take his call.

  “Hey. How’s Keri?”

  “She texted me!” What? His voice was loud and crazy.

  “What are you talking about? Where’s Keri?”

  “Not Keri, asshole! I just saw that Lori Ann texted my phone last night. She used Keri’s phone and sent it to me. She’s okay, but on her way to Italy.”

  “Oh my God! She’s okay? Tell me what the text said.” My heart was beating so fast, I had to stop and sit down on a bench.

  “It said, ‘I’m okay. On his plane. I told him so I’m safe for now. Don’t get hurt. Need you, J.’ So, she’s okay. I’m assuming she’s talking about the baby. She must have told him to buy some time. Where are you?”

  Airport slipped out of my mouth.

  “Stupid prick! I knew you would be. I’m no moron, London. I know how you think, how you operate. There was no way you were going to sit still.”

  “Yep. I’m walking to the counter now to buy my ticket. As soon as I get the flight info lined up, I’ll send it to you. I need to go now, be there near her and figure out our next step.”

  “I know. The guys and I are flying out tomorrow. Just be safe. Don’t get noticed.”

  “Right. Gotta go.” I felt relieved knowing Lori Ann was okay right at that moment and that Craig knew where I was headed, but I still had such a bad feeling deep in my gut. I stepped to the counter and bought my ticket to Italy. I had two hours until
the flight left, so after trudging through security, I found a corner, sat down, and tried to rest my eyes. I couldn’t get over the heavy feeling that I was missing something—something huge. I started thinking about every little thing that had happened over the last eighteen hours. Not once had anyone confirmed that it was Antonio’s plane that left from the Denver airport. Not once had anyone confirmed that that same plane was going to Italy. All we knew for sure was that Lori Ann was with Antonio, and he was flying her somewhere. And that information came straight from her. Even her text didn’t say they were going to Italy.

  The longer I sat there, the more I was convinced that I needed to stop and rethink my current choice to leave the country. I called Ty.


  “Hey, this is Jason. Question. Did you ever find out where that plane was headed that left out of DIA last night?”

  “I was actually working on that this morning. I can’t seem to nail anyone down on specifics, but I know he had to file a flight plan. The more I’m looking, the more I’m wondering if he wasn’t taking her back to Italy. Do you know of anywhere else her husband might take her?”

  I sighed. “No. But I think you’re on to something. I’m sitting here at the airport, Italy ticket in my hand, and nothing feels right about it. Have you talked to Craig?”

  “No. Why?”

  “He got a message from Lori Ann. She texted last night saying she was okay, but even she didn’t say they were going to Italy, and she would’ve said those words if she’d have known. She only said ‘on his plane.’ So, maybe start looking for his plane to land here in the States. Hell, the more I’ve sat here and thought about it, talked to you about it, that’s exactly what I would have done. He’s not an idiot. Taking her back to his house in Italy would be foolish. He knows that’s the first place we would go looking. Call Frank. See what he thinks. I’ll call Craig. I’m going to cancel my flight. There’s just something more that I’m missing, but I can’t put my finger on it.”

  “You’ve got it.”

  I hung up, called Craig, and relayed the entire Ty conversation. “Shit. I think you’re right. He’s had time to contemplate where to take her, plan it all out before he made his move. So, what are you thinking?”

  “I just cancelled my flight, and I’m headed out to my truck. I don’t really know where to go or what to do yet. All I know is we need to find that fucking plane. Now.”

  Chapter 21

  Lori Ann

  “Mia moglie…” My wife.

  The sound of Antonio’s voice startled me. My eyes shot open to see Antonio sitting beside me…on a bed. Apparently, I’d fallen asleep and now appeared to be in the small bedroom of the private plane. “Antonio? How long was I sleeping? Did you bring me in here?”

  He reached his hand and cupped my cheek. “Yes. You were sleeping, and you looked uncomfortable in the chair. So, I carried you in here. You shouldn’t be curled up in a chair.” His eyes slid to my stomach.

  I sat up carefully and stared at him. I knew how violent he could be. I also knew he was a kind man at one point too. This Antonio scared me. He was unpredictable. There was no way he was going to let me get away with running from him, staying away all these weeks. But for now, I was going to do what I could to appease him. “Thank you. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

  “It’s okay, amore mio.” My love. “We are almost to our destination. I needed to wake you so you could buckle in for our landing. I hope you don’t mind, but I laid here with you for a few hours and slept.” What?!? He held his hand out to help me slide off the bed. I thought for a second, then realized we probably hadn’t been flying long enough to be in Milan. Oh God! He’d taken me somewhere else.

  “Where are we? I thought you were taking me…home.” The word was like poison. He pulled me to him, pressed his body against mine, and I could feel his arousal.

  “No. I made a last-minute change in our flight plan. I am very pleased with the news of our baby. I would like to take you to a doctor and have you checked on, if that is okay.” He wanted to verify the pregnancy. Fine by me.

  “Yes, Antonio. I’m sure you want to see for yourself.” I gave a small smile and touched my stomach. “Can I ask where we are?”

  “Yes, but I want it to be a surprise when we land. So, I’ll wait to tell you later.” He took his hands and held my face close to his. “Sei mancato.” Missed you. “Ho bisogno di te.” I need you. He leaned in and captured my lips, slowly licking and nipping my mouth before pushing his tongue past my lips. I let him kiss me and tried to remember the man he used to be. When he pulled back to look at me, he said, “Amore mio, I am still angry with you about you leaving me. But I understand that my temper confused you and made you do it. Ti amo. Sei tutti per me. Resta Sempre con me.” I love you. You are everything to me. Stay with me always. “I am very happy about being a father. Your surprise has forced the rest of my anger away. Let me love you, mia moglie.” My wife.

  I smiled as genuine a smile as I could. I used to love to hear him speak to me in Italian. Now, it reminded me of the times when he would beg for forgiveness after he had beat the hell out of me. No, no matter how much of the old Antonio that I saw seeping back in, he was the same man that nearly killed me a few months ago.

  “Come. Let’s get buckled in for our landing.” He held my hand, lifting it to give it a kiss a few times as he walked me back into the main cabin. “Sit here, close to me.” I did as he asked, buckled myself in, and tried to survey the landscape through the window, but it was still dark outside. I looked around for a clock and saw that it was a little after five in the morning.

  “I must have slept a lot longer than I thought.”

  “What is that, amore mio?”

  “I just saw the clock. I must have been asleep for hours.”

  “Yes, but that is a good thing.” Antonio reached over and took my hand, then leaned in and whispered, “And I rather enjoyed holding you in my arms again and caressing the new small roundness to your midsection.” I gasped and looked down. He was right. Tears formed in my eyes before I could stop them. “What is it?” He turned my face to his. “Why the tears?”

  “I’m not sure. I wasn’t expecting to have a baby, Antonio. Things are so messed up between us, and you know it. This baby won’t fix it.” I sniffed and kept blabbering on. “I couldn’t even button my jeans today.” I leaned down and cried into my hands. I wanted Jason, and the sadness of not knowing when I would be with him again overwhelmed me. But of course, I couldn’t tell Antonio that.

  I felt his hand reach and unbuckle my seatbelt just before my body was moving and I was in Antonio’s lap. “You are right. We have a lot to work on between us. But I am very pleased about this. So, stop these tears. Is there anything you need to tell me? Something more I need to know about your time away from me?” Hell, no.

  “No, Antonio. There is nothing.” I couldn’t believe how calm I sounded as I lied through my teeth.

  “Good,” he said as he kissed my forehead. “Then, let’s stop these tears. Yes?”

  “Okay.” I hated the way Antonio’s commands made me feel like a child, while Jason’s made me feel loved, cherished, and even in control. I wanted my Jason and I would have him again, soon.

  Antonio lifted me back into my seat and buckled me in just as the plane started its descent. “I hope you like the beach, amore mio. I think my unborn baby will be pleased that its mother is happy and calm.”

  “The beach?”

  “Yes. We are landing in Hawaii, il mio amante.” My lover. I felt panic set in. How would Jason ever find me?

  “Hawaii?” I whispered.

  “Yes. I changed our plans. Seems we need time to be alone, away from distractions so we can be lovers again.” He held my hand again and started to rub the back of my knuckles with his thumb. “Is that okay with you, mia moglie?” My wife.

  “What were the other plans, Antonio? Before you knew about the baby? Were you going to take me back to Italy and hurt me? Were you re
ally going to let your men have me? I need to know, please.” I didn’t want to push his buttons, but I had to know.

  “Lori Ann…” It was the first time he’d used my name all night. “…I was very angry with you and your friends. Yes, I was going to take you back to our home, and yes, I allowed my temper to make threats, but I had no plans to do anything but help you see that we belonged together.”


  “I wanted to show you I could be the man you once loved. It’s true that I was going to make you stay there with me. Not as a prisoner, but as mine. I wanted my wife back. I allowed you some time with your friends, but it was time you came home. So, that is what this is. Me retrieving what is mine.”

  “And what about this?” I pointed at my still broken arm and saw his jaw tick. “Are you saying you won’t hurt me anymore? I’m not trying to pick a fight, Antonio. I’m afraid of you. Please tell me you won’t hurt my friends or our baby, and I’ll do whatever you want me to do…go where you want me to go. I know you’re a man of your word, and I will believe you if you give me your promise.”

  He stared at me for a long time. I could tell he was pissed and felt my body start to shake in anticipation of his reaction, but before we stepped off that plane, I needed to know where his head was. I took a huge risk, but if it saved the people around me, then it was worth it.

  Finally, “Yes, amore mio. I will give you my promise not to let my anger hurt you, your friends, and certainly not our baby. I am trying to be patient and understanding.”

  “Thank you, Antonio. Then, Io sono tua.” I am yours. But only for now. And only until I can leave or until my Jason comes for me. Yes. I could do this.

  “Yes, you are. Remember that, mia moglie.” My wife. It was a threat, but I wasn’t afraid this time. I knew I wouldn’t be with Antonio for long.


  We landed without much fanfare and climbed into a car that was waiting for us. The air was warm and breezy. I had asked to use the restroom as soon as we got off the plane, and while I was in the stall, I carefully turned on Keri’s phone, sent another text to Craig, then left the phone in the bathroom, hidden behind the toilet. There was no way I wanted Antonio to catch me with it now. That would be a disaster. At least this way, if the guys were tracking the phone like I thought they would be, it would show them where I was and where I wasn’t.


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