Book Read Free

Beneath Your Beautiful

Page 9

by Tamsyn Bester

  “Demi what’s wrong?” My heart starts racing and my mind starts conjuring up every possible ‘worst case scenario’.

  “I need your help! Something’s wrong with Huntley. We’re in the girls bathrooms’ at Nicky’s and she’s throwin’ up real bad! She only had two drinks and they weren’t strong enough to make her so sick! Brody and Tommy are here but they can’t hear their phones. Please help!!” she cries.

  I jump out of bed and throw on tracksuit pants and a long-sleeve shirt, grabbing my truck keys and wallet in the process. “Demi, I need you to stay calm and stay with her alright? Do NOT leave her alone, do you understand? I will be there in ten minutes, I’ll get you in the girls bathroom.”

  “Grayson, please hurry! I’m scared!”

  Fuck. I’m going to lose it before I can make it to the bar.

  “I’ll be there now,” I reply and end the call. I fly out the front door and jump straight into my truck, not worrying to let it warm up before I turn the key in the ignition. It takes me six minutes and about four traffic violations to pull into the full parking lot of Nicky’s bar. I stop in front of the door. Luckily the security team all know me and as soon as I explain what’s going on, they let me in.

  The bar is packed for a Saturday night, a combination of students and older patrons who aren’t here during the week. It smells like smoke and stale peanuts and colorful lights flicker over an otherwise dark dance floor. I turn left and head straight for the bathrooms.

  There’s a line outside the girls bathroom a mile long but I push through. “Hey! You can’t go in there,” someone yells. Tough shit. I don’t care right now. I push the door open, almost knocking another girl on her ass. She glares for a second but then takes a good look at me. Recognition flits across her face and suddenly her features turn into a pathetic attempt at being seductive. Not even if I was really drunk, I think to myself.


  A door clicks open and Demi’s small body appears. Her face is red from crying, she looks terrified. As soon as she sees me a fresh stream of tears roll down her cheeks and I hug her, trying to comfort her as best I can without knowing what the hell is going on.

  “Where is she?” I ask softly. She just points to stall she came out of. I let go of Demi and walk into the undersized stall. Huntley is hunched over the toilet, resting her head against her arms. I pull her hair out of her face, noticing how pale she is. Her skin is clammy, her breathing shallow. “Huntley?”

  No response.

  I touch her sweaty cheek. “Huntley?”

  Still nothing.


  “Is she ok?” Demi asks from behind me.

  “I don’t know,” I say, “Who were you guys with? Are you sure she only had two drinks?”

  “I swear she only had the two drinks Luke bought her. I’ve been with her since her and Luke came here after their date.”

  “Luke Bailey?” My voice comes out starker than I mean it to and Demi flinches. She nods yes and I feel my anger raise a notch. Luke Bailey is bad news. He wants girls to think he’s a nice guy but the rumors about him using date rape drugs are enough to prove otherwise. God help the fucker if he’s given Huntley anything.

  “Shit, I think I know what’s wrong with her. We need to get her to the hospital. Now.”

  I scoop Huntley up into my arms and her head falls heavily onto my chest. Her arms and legs are completely limp. I walk out the bathroom with Demi hot on my heels and set out for the exit. The music is loud and there are just too many people here. I start pushing people out of my way, earning me a few cuss words. I ignore them. The only thing I give a fuck about right now is the girl in my arms.


  I turn around at the sound of my name and find Brody and Tommy pushing their way through the throng of people to get to us. “What the hell happened?” he asks.

  “I don’t know yet. I’m taking Huntley to the hospital.”

  Brody looks at the tiny body in my arms and frowns. We exchange a look and I know what he’s thinking. He knows what’s wrong with her and he knows who’s responsible. “I’ll come with you.”

  I nod stiffly and resume carrying Huntley out to my truck. I put her into the back seat and look at a frightened Demi, “Wait right here. I’ll be right back.”

  I turn to look at Brody, “Call Coach and tell him to meet us at the hospital. I’ll be right back.”

  He jumps into my truck and I stomp back inside the bar, scanning the area quickly before I spot Luke grinding with some bimbo on the dance floor. What kind of asshole drugs his date and then just leaves her? The fact that it’s Huntley just makes me furious.

  I tap his shoulder and as he spins around my fist connects with his jaw. He hits the ground and the girl next to him screams. I grab his shirt collar and yank him up again. I know security will be here in less than one minute so I need to make it short. I’m quite a bit bigger than he is so I look down at him and we’re so close our noses are touching.

  “Listen here you piece of shit,” I growl so only he can hear me. “If I find out you drugged her I will find you and I will break every fucking bone in your body. You better pray I don’t find you near her again, because if I do, you’ll wish you were dead.”

  His face pales and his eyes widen to the size of saucers. “You got it?”

  He swallows and nods once before one of the bouncers pulls me off him. I willingly let go and then tell the bouncers to get him out before he drugs anyone else. I don’t stay to watch what they do to him. Instead, I make a beeline for my truck.

  All I want to do is get Huntley to the damn hospital.

  ** ** ** ** **

  “Where is she?” Coach Morgan yells while running into the emergency room. Mrs. Coach isn’t far behind and she looks as terrified as Demi was.

  “They’re busy checking her out now and running some tests,” I reply. “Demi called me from Nicky’s and I got there as soon as I could.”

  “Thank you Grayson,” Coach Morgan says. He wraps his huge arm around his teary eyed wife and kisses her forehead. I look over at where Demi is sitting with Brody, who’s comforting her and telling her it will be ok. I will never forget how terrified she looked. I just hope Huntley is going to be fine.

  Just then the doctor comes walking out holding a clipboard. The look on his face worries me. “Mr. and Mrs. Morgan?” he asks, looking around.

  “Here,” Coach Morgan replies. The Doctor motions them into the waiting room and I follow behind. “Are you her parents?” the doctor asks.

  Coach Morgan shifts a little, looking down at his wife with a sad expression on his face, “No, we’re her aunt and uncle but we’re all she has. Both her parents are dead.”

  Something inside me shifts, sinking low into the pit of my stomach. I can’t imagine losing both my parents and the thought alone is enough to make me break. My need to protect Huntley is stronger now, knowing how alone she really is.

  “Alright. I believe this is the young man that found her and brought her in,” the doctor gestures towards me. I nod, waiting impatiently to find out if Huntley’s ok.

  “Is she ok?” Mrs. Coach asks, her voice cracking with emotion.

  The doctor takes a look at his clipboard again and then back up at all three of us, “She tested positive for Rohypnol.”

  “Sonofabitch,” I curse, loud enough to make the doctor flinch.

  “What concerns me,” he continues, “Is the dosage. Had she not vomited most of it out and had this young man not known to bring her here immediately, she might’ve been in serious danger. We pumped her stomach and we’ve given her some fluids through an IV drip but she will have to stay here overnight for observation. Our visiting hours are over but you can go see her if you’d like, just not too long. Room 405 down the hall.”

  The doctor shakes Coach’s hand and then leaves. My body sags in relief knowing that I got to her in time.

  “Sweetheart, why don’t you go see our girl,” Coach Morgan says softly, wiping his wi
fe’s tears, “I need to talk to Grayson for a few minutes.”

  She shoots me a small smile and nods, leaving me alone in the small waiting room with Coach. “I can’t thank you enough,” he says turning to face me. He’s a large man, only two or three inches taller than me but right now he looks small, worried. “I don’t know much about the nature of your relationship with my niece, but by the look on your face I know you care about her, a lot.”

  I swallow hard. How do I explain my feelings for Huntley when I don’t even know what they are? I should probably just be honest. “Yes Coach, I really do.”

  I meet his unreadable expression and watch as understanding makes its way across his tired features. “Do you know who might’ve done this?” he asks. His voice is so low but I can hear the anger coursing through every word. I know Coach pretty well and I’ve only seen that signature tick in his jaw twice – the first time was when someone insulted his wife and now.

  “I have my suspicions, but nothing concrete. Demi said Huntley went on a date last night, with Luke Bailey, and then they stopped by the bar for some drinks. Demi also said she was with Huntley all night and she only had the two drinks that Luke bought her.”

  “Alright, I will have a word with his swim coach in the morning and then I’ll call him and his daddy in for a little chat. He messed with the wrong girl.”

  “It’s not the first time he’s done something like this. I’m just sorry it had to happen to Huntley for the fucker to get caught,” I say, not even worrying about cussing in front of Coach.

  We leave the waiting room and while Coach heads towards Huntley’s room I go to where Brody is sitting with a sleeping Demi. “Take her home,” I whisper, “I’m going to wait to see Huntley.”

  He gets up, careful not to wake Demi as he places her against his chest. “Call me later,” he says. We bump fists and then he’s gone, leaving me alone in the emergency room. Memories of the night my sister died come flying into my head, crash landing like it happened yesterday. I push them away, not wanting to deal with all those emotions again.

  I must’ve dosed of because when a small hand grabs my shoulders, I startle. My eyelids fly open and Mrs. Coach is standing in front of me. “Grayson honey,” she whispers, her voice soothing but tired, “Huntley’s asking for you.”

  I stand and stretch, feeling stiff from the position I fell asleep in. It’s already close to four am.

  “We’re going to head home now but we’ll be back later as soon as Huntley’s been discharged.” I hug her goodbye and feel her shake. She’s crying again and I think it can only be from relief. Coach takes her from my embrace and places her in his own, saying goodbye as they exit the hospital.

  Huntley’s room is quiet and dark. The sliver of moonlight skims through the tiny gap between the pale blue curtains and falls on her face. Even in a flimsy hospital gown with messy hair, she looks iridescent. Picturesque.

  I walk to her bed and start taking my shoes off. The distance between us is enough to push me over the edge and I need to be close to her, knowing that close isn’t close enough. “Grayson?” she whispers, her eyes barely open. Her voice is scratchy and hoarse and if I didn’t know what caused it I’d think it was sexy. But the sound makes me angry all over again. Someone hurt her. That makes me see red.

  I climb onto the small hospital bed, careful not to move her too much. “Sssshhh” I whisper. “I’m here.”

  She grips my shirt like her life depends on it, like she’s being starved of oxygen. My arms wrap around her gently and I cradle her in my chest. “I’m so sorry,” I say against her forehead. “For everything.”

  “Don’t leave me,” she replies. “Please don’t leave me.”

  My anger dissolves at the simple request and the vulnerability that streams through her soft voice. She falls asleep quickly but doesn’t loosen her grip on my shirt.

  I don’t know how to respond. I’ve been avoiding her and what I feel for her.

  I don’t think I can anymore.

  I don’t think I want to.

  Chapter 13

  ~ Huntley ~

  I try opening my eyes but they feel like lead and I can’t figure out why. When the pain in my head registers, I groan and realize that my whole body is sore and achy. Eventually I muster enough strength to open one eye, if only barely. I roll over but the bed I’m lying in doesn’t feel like mine. In fact, nothing feels familiar. Except the smell of mint, apple pie, and Grayson. Is he here? I attempt to lift my arm to feel if he’s next to me but it too feels like lead. What the hell is going on?

  I hear mumbling around me and this only serves to further confuse me.

  “Just give her a few minutes to come around,” a voice says. It’s foreign and laced with authority. I don’t recognize it.

  I fight harder to gain some semblance of consciousness, pushing away the drowsiness and exhaustion that blankets both my body and my mind. The lack of control I feel over my own senses is enough to send me into a panic and I start moving around restlessly.

  “Huntley, sweetheart, you need to relax,” Aunt Emma’s soothing voice breaches the heavy walls of fog surrounding my brain. I take a deep breathe, clutching every oxygen particle and willing it to bring my body back to working order. “Where am I?” my voice is hoarse and scratchy and my throat is dry. There’s a God awful taste in my mouth. Yuck.

  “You’re in the hospital sweetheart. Can you open your eyes?”

  I’m in the hospital? Why? What happened?

  I open my eyes, still with some difficulty, and slowly start taking in my surroundings. It’s a small private hospital room with pale blue curtains and two chairs in the corner. I roll onto my back and look at my aunt, noticing how her face relaxes with relief. “What happened?” I croak out. I still have all my limbs, along with ten fingers and ten toes, all in working order even if they are a little heavy.

  “Miss Morgan, my name is Doctor Rowland. I was the doctor on call last night when you were brought in.” Dr. Rowland is older but still somewhat attractive. His expression is serious and if I wasn’t lying in a hospital bed I would cower under his unyielding gaze. I wait patiently for him to explain why I’m here.

  “You were drugged last night, with a significant amount of Rohypnol,” he explains. He takes a look at the chart in his hands and then back at me. “Quite frankly, you were lucky to have been brought in when you were.”

  I was drugged. With Rohypnol. A date rape drug.

  Dr. Rowland must see the alarm on my face because he continues before I can say anything. “There were no signs of any other physical trauma or sexual assault.” His tone softens and the gravity of what could’ve happened to me hits me like a freight train.

  But it didn’t happen. I wasn’t raped.

  Tears start sliding down my face and I recognize that it’s from relief, rather than the thought of might’ve happened, that’s causing them.

  My aunt sits next to me and pats my hair, whispering calming and reassuring words. “It’s ok, sweetheart, you’re fine. No body hurt you. You’re safe.”

  “Who brought me in?”

  “Demi called Grayson when you girls were at the bar last night and he brought you straight to the hospital. You were in pretty bad shape when he found you.” Her voice is small and it’s her turn to start crying. She grabs a tissue and dabs under her eyes. “Oh Lord, I’m such a ninny. I’m sorry, sweetheart. I don’t want to upset you. We’ve had a very long night.”

  The only word I pay attention to is Grayson. I do a quick scan of the room. The disappointment of not seeing him here is crushing. “Is he here?”

  My aunt shifts and looks down instead of meeting my questioning eyes. “No, he left about an hour ago. We told him to go get some sleep. He stayed here all night and only left because we forced him to. He didn’t leave your side all night.”

  Dr. Rowland clears his throat, “You will be able to leave in an hour Ms. Morgan. Your aunt has my card and I want you to call me if you feel ill at any time.”

  I nod, unable to form words. He leaves the room and I relax back into the uncomfortable hospital bed. I start thinking back to the events of last night and the only thing I remember is being at the diner with Luke. It was awful and clearly the evening only got worse.

  “Do they know who did it?” My curiosity is getting the best of me, despite my inability to think coherently.

  “Do you remember anything?”

  I shake my head no. “I went on a date with Luke Bailey. We were at the diner and then we decided to meet Demi and some guys from the football team at Nicky’s bar. I remember getting there but then it all goes blank.” I choke back a sob. The uncertainty of not knowing what happened is terrifying. Then I think about Grayson. He’s the one who brought me in but he wasn’t at the bar.

  “Uncle Alex might know who did it. He’s taking care of it so you don’t have to worry about it ok?” Aunt Emma gives me a small smile.

  I want to return her smile but I don’t. My thoughts are scattered like broken glass and my emotions are a mess. I’m exhausted.

  An hour later I walk into the entry way of my apartment, grateful to be home. Before I can step into the living room, Demi comes running down the short hallway. She grabs me in a hug and nearly knocks my breath from my lungs.

  “Oh my God!” she cries, “I’m so glad you’re ok.”

  “Me too,” I choke back, trying to fight my own tears.

  She pulls back and gives me the once-over. The concern on her face is endearing. “Can you tell me what happened?” I ask.

  She nods and her eyes gloss over again. She pulls me to the couch and we sit down before she starts recalling the events of the previous night.

  “You and Luke stopped by Nicky’s after your date,” Demi’s voice is soft with a slight tremor. “He bought you two drinks and then you started acting weird. It was like you were wasted but I knew it wasn’t possible after only two drinks. I took you to the bathroom and you got sick.” She fiddles with her hands in her lap and I place my hand on top of hers to reassure her. I need to hear what happened. It’s the only way to quiet the noise in my head. “You started getting really sick and when I looked again, you had collapsed on the floor against the toilet. You just kept heaving until there was nothing left. You stopped responding after an hour and I panicked. I called Grayson and he came and got you. I was so scared!” I pull her too me and hug her close, barely able to keep a lid on my own tears. If I break down now it will be too much. I can’t handle more.


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