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Secret Date

Page 14

by Victoria Pinder

  Her heart beat faster. She had to tell him her own truth. So she swallowed, and said, “That would be hard. I still love you, so let’s go.”

  She tugged him toward the stairs. At least in the bedroom, no one would interrupt them and she’d be careful of his upper arm—kissing away the hurt. Tomorrow they’d figure out the rest of their problems, but tonight, she needed his touch, his kiss, his everything.

  Natalie’s pillow was soft and the sheets kept her cozy. Her legs curled to cuddle, but all she found was a pillow beside her. At least it was still warm, but as she let out a sigh, she missed Galen beside her. He must have gotten up a few minutes ago, but she hadn’t wanted to move.

  Bed was too inviting.

  The door opened and closed and she heard movement, but she refused to open her eyes. Then the bed shuffled and Galen’s hand gently rubbed her back. He leaned down and said, “Natalie, we have to go.”

  Adrenaline rushed in her veins. There was no way he’d say that if there wasn’t something. She opened her eyes, yawned, and asked, “Go where?”

  Galen’s warm brown eyes made her feel wanted and sexy, but his serious lips pressed together said without words something was wrong. She stiffened. “Rafe is downstairs. He has news.”

  Her pulse zipped. It was time then. She threw the bedcovers off and sat up. “Give me two minutes.”

  “Hurry.” He stood and stepped aside.

  “Definitely.” She only wore underwear but didn’t care as she ran toward the closet. She realized as she chose an outfit that she clearly was feeling more comfortable in this house now. “I’ll meet you there.”

  In five minutes she was dressed and downstairs—she entered the living room where the men sat on the couch with coffees and there was a cup waiting for her.

  She slid into her seat with her nerves now on high alert. She ignored the coffee and asked, “Rafe, Galen tells me you have news?”

  Rafe put his cup down and leaned closer. “Alison is our connection.”

  How many more bombshells would his ex throw? She scooted closer to Galen as he asked, “What?”

  Rafe then pulled out his tablet and showed her picture on it. “She’s the one paying the Perez family.”

  “My ex?” Galen asked in disbelief while he went through the pictures on the tablet.

  Rafe nodded.

  Her skin tingled, and she couldn’t quite think, though she leaned forward needing to understand. “Why? How do you know?”

  Rafe folded his hands together like he wanted to toss a baseball. Galen stood and paced as Rafe said, “I’m guessing jealousy or money. As for how, that’s easier. Please sit.”

  Galen glanced at them both and then took a deep breath, joining her on the couch. “Okay, I’m sitting.”

  She squeezed his hand.

  Rafe took his tablet and flipped through pictures until he stopped at one of them. “These are photos of you two.”

  She met Galen’s gaze. His dark eyes were intense, but this time she understood. They both then turned toward Rafe. “Our first real date.”

  He flipped the pictures forward and showed them another picture of Alison and Rocco. “Rocco showed up the next morning, right after we went skating.”

  Her heart felt like it stopped. She’d let that man, that killer, in her apartment. She should have known better. Her parents taught her better.

  Her mind screamed at her that she could be dead.

  Galen stroked her arm and brought her back to the present. “And here he is at five that morning, with Alison.”

  She swallowed, unsure of what she’d see, but Rafe flipped the picture and she recognized the parking lot she flew through every morning while she skated. Her throat tightened and she managed to say, “That’s super creepy. They were both at the park?”

  Galen touch on her arm warm made her feel safe. “I’ll build you a skating park over the basketball court that I never use anyhow.”

  Right. She needed to be brave and not let crazy win. She blinked and prayed her logic returned. “So it’s clear she handed him cash. How do you know its purpose?”

  “I have a confession that you were to be the target.” Rafe put the tablet down and continued, “Rocco is in custody now, though it’s possible one of his associates will continue the job.”

  At least Rocco would never get the chance to grab her again. She nodded even though she wasn’t sure what she was agreeing to. Galen said, “These photos don’t explain how you know. What if she paid him for something else?”

  A fresh round of goosebumps grew on her goosebumps. Galen might be right.

  Rafe gave them a curt nod. “As I said, my detective friends already have a full confession from Mr. Dubois. He was paid to kidnap you and sell you for the highest bid he could get. She even paid for the auction the Perez family intended to hold.”

  The mental image of what he just said played in her mind. Her skin felt clammy and her nose wrinkled. “Ick.”

  Galen hugged her and his closeness was all that mattered.

  Rafe said, “Alison wanted you out of Galen’s life.”

  Perhaps she regretted what happened in their past, but that didn’t matter now. Natalie was happy where she was.

  An idea formed in her mind. No one was going to get to her and she’d never be that stupid again. She sat straighter, stared at Galen and then leaned forward. “Is she desperate for that?”

  “Probably,” Rafe said.

  An idea formed. Would it work? It had to. Confidence gave her courage. “Galen, I think you need to get me a ring today, and we need to put in the papers the biggest wedding announcement we can.”

  His eyes narrowed but he didn’t move. “What are you saying? You still want to marry me?”

  Last night should have convinced him she wasn’t going anywhere. “Yes, I do, Galen. So how about we set a trap for your ex? If she wants to stop us then she can stop our wedding. Can we have a small but well-publicized wedding tomorrow with enough security in place so we’re good?” She couldn’t imagine living her life under threat.

  Galen’s brow furrowed. He had to understand she needed him in her life and in time he’d see what he felt was love, but for now they had to stop his ex and her plan would force Alison’s hand.

  At last Galen said, “I’ll have my mother get the vendors Damien used for his quick wedding.”

  Once Rafe left, she’d explain to Galen if he didn’t understand. Pride filled her at finally being able to do something to help herself and Galen. “Somehow, I’d like my parents here for a few hours, if we are getting married.”

  “I’ll have my security team arrange it with the hospital,” Rafe said.

  Good. Her mother wanted to see her wedding and she couldn’t do this without both of her parents.

  Galen took her hand in his and stared hard at her. “I can’t let anything happen to you, Natalie. It is obvious that Alison is crazy.”

  Crazy just meant they didn’t know why, but she kept her mouth closed. With a nod, she kissed his cheek. Galen was a great man or she wouldn’t marry him anyhow. She lowered her gaze. “I don’t want to be kidnapped or anything, but I’m more than willing to publicly plan my wedding to draw out anyone who might harm me or you, Galen.”

  Rafe stood and took his tablet from the table. “Your fiancée is a brave woman. I’ll leave you two alone but keep me informed of all plans. Everyone at the ceremony will need to be cleared.”

  They walked Rafe to the door and said goodbye.

  Once they were alone, Galen ran his hand up and down her back. “Natalie, are you sure you want to marry me now?”

  Sympathy rushed through her—this had more to do with last night and their conversation than a security risk. She hugged him and spoke from her heart. “Yes, you were honest. I was honest and I love you.”

  Galen didn’t pull away though he said, “I can’t turn into my father.”

  From all accounts his father was awful. She brushed the rough hairs of his morning scruff along his jaw. “I
don’t believe you ever will, Galen Morgan. You have a good heart even if you don’t see it.”

  He kissed her forehead. “And I can’t let you get in any danger.”

  There was the sexy protective streak of her man that made her feel as if she could take on the world. Her stomach growled though so she took his hand and hoped they could find some breakfast. “I’m counting on that.”

  He held her hand as they walked toward the patio where he usually dined. “What type of ring do you want?”

  Getting used to staff would be strange. Until now she’d have gone into the kitchen to scrounge up something small, but here she was constantly served. “Something you picked out on your own will be fine.”

  He nodded and held her seat for her without questioning it. He checked his phone. “Caro is on her way over to talk to you about wedding dresses and outfits—and Mom has the names of caterers.”

  “Your family moves fast.” A full hot breakfast with eggs and toast was brought out to her.

  Right now she felt like a princess as she placed a napkin on her lap. She’d have to make friends with his staff if she intended to live here forever.

  His phone dinged again. He picked up a fork to eat and read the text message. “My mother wants to know if you have any food preferences.”

  Her breakfast. She nibbled the toast but then joked, “Part of me wants to see your family eat hot dogs and hamburgers.”

  His face grew serious. “We can do a backyard grill a different time.”

  A bigger laugh came out of her now that started in her belly and worked its way through her. Finally she said, “So that’s my first no.”

  A grin emerged on his face as he realized she was teasing. “Natalie, don’t change on me.”

  Good. He understood. She took a bite of egg and swallowed the heavenly taste in her mouth. “Likewise. I need you to relax and be yourself with me, Galen. We’ll survive whatever happens together much easier than we’ll survive on our own.”

  Both of them ate with renewed gusto. Last night they’d worked up this appetite, and now that she was planning a wedding for tomorrow, she needed more energy than ever before. Hopefully this would stop whatever his ex intended and launch her and Galen into happily-ever-after. The biggest obstacle was for him to realize what love truly was and accept the emotion. Time was her best friend on that one.

  Galen let Caro and his sister Victoria in and they immediately flew upstairs with workers after workers, who’d passed security outside, and then brought their samples up to the bridal station.

  Galen sat in his living room and waited. And worried about what happened either today, any minute, or tomorrow. Would Alison be caught in time so no one was in danger? Or would she give up and just go away?

  His mother texted that she was coming over, but the door was constantly being used by workers for this wedding tomorrow.

  His mind kept going back to Natalie and how easily she’d said she loved him.

  Perhaps it was easier for Galen when she hadn’t said it, but now there was no way to forget her sweet words or attitude.

  She was nothing like his mother, except that she believed wholeheartedly in her feelings for him. He pressed his coffee cup to his forehead and tried to concentrate on anything else.

  It didn’t help though.

  He was going to marry her. He couldn’t lose her, but he was lost on what to do about her simple belief in love.

  A hand pressed against his shoulder and he opened his eyes— his mother with her dark hair with streaks of gray in an updo had finally arrived. She sat on the couch next to him. “Galen, you sounded stressed on the phone. Is everything okay with you?”

  He let his shoulders drop but couldn’t meet her eyes. “Mom, you didn’t have to come over.”

  She looked up the stairs as another worker rushed toward the door, presumably to get another case of dresses for possible selection. The chaos was why he’d taken the seat that faced the grand piano instead of the constant activity.

  His mother turned around and asked him again, “Where is Natalie?”

  He patted her knee. “She’s upstairs with Caro, picking out a wedding dress.”

  Fiona smiled brighter and motioned for him to join her in the air conditioned sun room, slightly further away from the activity. Potted plants, a round table, and white chairs with tall backs. They looked nice but were uncomfortable.

  He followed her and once they took their seats, his mother asked, “So, you have a few minutes. Are you having second thoughts on the wedding?”

  She knew him well, and his cheeks heated with shame. “Yes and no.”

  She scooted closer to him and he sat back, bumping his shoulder awkwardly. Why had he kept these things? Once she was settled, she put her hand on his. “Tell me.”

  Right. He needed to make sense to someone so he started with his mom. “I want to marry Natalie tomorrow. I want her with me for the rest of my life.”

  She nodded her head like she liked what he said, but then she slid her gaze from him to look at the bay out the windows. “That’s good, so what’s the but?”

  Natalie hadn’t understood. He needed his mother to get it. She’d been there all his life and her example played in his heart.

  A maid came in and gave them both waters and left a snack of crackers and sliced cheese. He swallowed the water fast and put the glass down as the maid left. Once they were alone, he told his mother, “But she says she loves me and gets all sweet and kind—even after I told her I don’t believe in love.”

  “Aww.” She let out a breath like she was relieved and then said, “You have your brothers’ issues.”

  “What?” He crushed a cracker and dropped it to the plate. Both of his brothers seemed perfectly happy these days, married to women they clearly adored.

  Now that he thought about it, he’d heard Mitch call Tess “my love” more than once.

  His mother brushed her hand on his chin. “Mitch and Damien both almost blew it with their wives because they too didn’t like my example of love.”

  She’d locked herself away for days, unable to eat every time his father left. He had a vivid memory of being on the other side of the door as a boy wanting his mother to come out and eat dinner that he’d cooked for her with them. He didn’t mention now how he’d sat outside her door, waiting for her, like a puppy. Instead he simply said, “Mom, you cried for our no-good father.”

  She covered his lips and bent her head as if in prayer. “Don’t speak ill of the dead. No matter what awful things he did to our family, he was still your father and he loved you in his own way.”

  Yeah right. His father never did anything that didn’t benefit himself first. He shook his head and said, “Like paying for an abortion with Alison?”

  She stared at him with big blank eyes. “What?”

  Fair. That was a bombshell he hadn’t processed either. Or the fact she was the one planning against his and Natalie’s relationship. The entire scenario hardly registered as facts, but he leaned against the table, folding his hands in front of him. “Alison stopped by yesterday. Said she had an abortion and that’s why she left me.”

  His mother, the eternal Catholic, blessed herself like she prayed. “Your father did not believe in abortion. He wouldn’t have done that. He kept what he thought was his.”

  Or his mother didn’t know his father as well as she wished. He didn’t put anything past him though his heart beat slightly faster now. “Alison seemed certain.”

  His mother stood and paced as she shook her head continuously. She was processing this news, perhaps better than him. He sat straighter and finally she turned toward him and asked, “Can we have Rafe check into that too? I knew your father. He kidnapped Catherine and gave her to an employee’s family to raise. He kidnapped Victoria’s infant baby, made her think her daughter was dead, though he let Colt raise the baby. There is every reason to suspect he’d take Alison’s baby if she didn’t want it. He’d never let anything happen to a member of the Ho
use of Morgan and you and your son or daughter would be part of his legacy.”

  No. It was way too late to even think about this. He had no children. If he did, he’d have never let Alison go. The thought stopped him and he couldn’t move a finger. His pulse raced; he stood as well. “Any baby would already be eight or nine. We married at 18, divorced at 21 and I’m about to turn 30.”

  Fiona turned toward him and stared at him with determination. “Either Alison has the child hidden away or the baby was raised by someone else or she lied and was never pregnant to begin with. We’ll have to figure that out and fast. I’m going to talk to Peter and Isabelle as well about my suspicion.”

  The way she was so sure made him pause. Perhaps she was right. Maybe she wasn’t but it was worth checking out. He texted Rafe about what Alison had said and what his mother thought.

  Done, he glanced at his mother who finally retook her seat and drank her water. He heard more staff bringing trunks through his living area and decided to stay in the sun room with his mom. “How do you think Natalie will feel about me never saying I love you to her?”

  She patted his hand like he was an errant school boy. “That’s silly. You love her.”

  No. He dropped his head. So she was just like Natalie and not understanding him. He let out a small sigh. “How would you know that?”

  She cupped his face with her palms. “Galen, you’re my serious one in the family and you’d never marry Natalie if you didn’t love her. You just need to realize that love doesn’t make you weak. You’re not your father and she’s not me and personally I love how she makes you laugh. She’s good for you and she’ll be perfect as your forever wife.”

  No. He’d never abandon or twist the definition of family and he’d never hurt Natalie like his father had done with his mother. He tried to tell his racing pulse to relax but it didn’t work. Instead he kept his own head down and asked, “Mom, is that what you said to Mitch and Damien?”

  She shrugged, sipped her water and finally admitted, “I might have called Mitch an idiot. Tess had left him before he admitted his problem.”

  “I remember seeing her at the airport.” Galen recalled how upset his brother had been on the phone when he’d told him she’d left. At least Tess hadn’t gone far, and he’d joined her that night in her hotel, so their lover’s quarrel ended quickly.


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