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Secret Date

Page 15

by Victoria Pinder

  His mother put her glass down and snapped his attention on the present moment. “You’re marrying someone who’s willing to wait for you. Don’t disappoint that girl upstairs. I like her.”

  True. Natalie was one in a million and he’d never find another woman like her. It’s why he wanted to marry her. He leaned closer, confiding a secret. “Me too, Mom, a lot.”

  “Don’t blow it—accept that love isn’t what you believe, it’s something you feel.” His mother jumped out of her chair as her phone beeped multiple times with messages. She read a few and then said, “I’m off to talk to the others to see if we can track down your father’s paperwork and see what he actually did with Alison. Just remember your father was all about his legacy growing through you and your siblings.”

  Galen stood to walk his mother to the front door. He put his hands behind his back, thinking about what she said and what she meant. “It’s strange to hear you suspect him now. Most of my life you defended him—even about Catherine.”

  She kissed both of his cheeks like she’d done when he was little. “You were right and I was wrong. That’s life, but don’t hold my mistakes against your Natalie.”

  As he closed the door, he heard light footsteps on the stairs that caused him to turn around. Natalie’s smile was infectious and she glowed with happiness. She met him in the living room and hugged him. “Galen, Caro is going to be my maid-of-honor. Was that your mother? Why didn’t she stay?”

  Fiona was on a mission right now. He took her hand in his. “Natalie, I need to talk to you. Can you spare a few minutes?”

  She had a bounce in her every move as she just beamed happiness and sunshine. “Sure, I found the dress already, so we have a few minutes before I need you to taste a few samples of cake. It’s nice not leaving the house but getting all the samples delivered.”

  “Walk with me to my office.” He continued to hold her hand. Hopefully he’d find the right words. There were too many messes in his life already and Natalie was the one good thing he was sure about. He had to be sure she’d never leave him, no matter what the next curveball might be that was tossed at them.

  Natalie heard Galen close the office door and the room seemed to shrink. It was like they were at work again. She took the seat across from his desk out of habit though her skin felt cooler. She picked up a pen and paper from his desk in case she needed to take notes, but this felt strange so she put them back. What did he want to talk about now? Surely work might wait a day or two.

  Picking out her wedding dress was so much fun while she reconnected with Caro and made friends with Victoria. And Caro’s wedding sounded like it was going to be glamorous and relaxing at a resort.

  But now she stilled and wanted to clutch her cross but held her hands in her lap by force. He took the seat next to her instead of at his desk, so she turned to him. “Okay Galen, what did your mother say?”

  He closed his eyes, like he needed to meditate or something. Then he said in a quiet voice, “She thinks Alison is lying about an abortion if there was a child, as she doesn’t believe my father would pay for anything like that.”

  This time she clutched her cross and didn’t stop herself. She couldn’t think. This wasn’t something she’d ever lie about and couldn’t imagine. What would be the point? “Why?”

  Galen gazed at her and leaned closer. “I told you my mom is Catholic. She made pilgrimages to the Vatican more than once. My father might have kept her as the other woman, but in her heart she was married to him and she feels he wouldn’t be a part of an abortion.”

  She dropped her hand from her cross and let her shoulders relax as she stared at him intently. “So she thinks you might have a child out there somewhere?”

  “Yeah. Or that Alison is lying. She wants to investigate.” Galen’s face was so dark with worry that she wanted to hug him.

  Right now he needed kindness so she winked and tried to break the tension in the room. “That’s kind of funny as you only noticed me when your brother worried I might be having his child.”

  His eyes widened but then some of that deepness seeped from his face. Good. She hoped this meant he’d relaxed, but he took her hand in his. “We take children seriously in my family.”

  She hopped out of her chair and kissed his cheek, then sat back down. “Well if you do have a child out there, we’ll do what’s best for him or her. I’ll be the best stepmother I can be.”

  Color returned to his face in a rush. He squeezed her fingers. “So you’re okay if that turns out to be true.”

  The idea was strange. She might not be a mother right now, but that never meant she didn’t want a family of her own. If she married into a family, she’d find a way to make it work. She tilted her head and wondered what was going on his mind. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  His lips didn’t quite close as he stared at her. “A lot of women don’t want children or other people’s children in their lives.”

  Aw. Well not everyone was her and she wasn’t going to judge. She reveled in the spark that was in their joined hands—it coursed through her with bright energy. Galen was hers and she was his. “I had pretty awesome parents. I’d like to be like them and one day, maybe, we can have our own. But don’t get me wrong here, I hope she’s lying just to get under your skin and then you don’t feel guilty about anything.”

  “I would feel guilty if I had a son or daughter out there. Funny that you see that.” He took his hand back and sat straighter. “But there is more we have to talk about.”

  Whatever it was clearly bothered him. She mimicked his gesture, crossed her arms and fluffed her hair behind her back. “Okay, I’m listening.”

  Again, the tension returned to his shoulders. He seemed on edge, but he leaned forward and put his hands between his knees and gently punched his other hand like he did in meetings. “You’re also sweet and sympathetic and beautiful, Natalie Parker.”

  She scooted closer and let their knees touch. “Well that’s good to hear.”

  He tensed. “I started talking to my mother because I don’t want us to turn into my parents.”

  Her eyes narrowed. Again this conversation made no sense and she reminded him, “We won’t. We talked about that-”

  He interrupted and patted her knee. “I know we did, but my heart wasn’t listening.”

  His heart? This was going down the wrong path. She could wait on love. She wasn’t going to pressure him. She needed to find the right words and coughed to stall. “Galen, I need to know you listen to me-”

  “I said that wrong.” Again, he interrupted.

  Strange. She really needed to understand. She stilled her thoughts and body. “Okay, tell me what’s going on with you.”

  He pressed a little harder on her knee. “I can’t lose you, ever. I’ll be lost without you in my life.”

  Well that was good. She released the tension building in her back and nodded. “I feel the same. I love you and that’s not changing. You’re my hero.”

  “Pfft.” He waved off her last comment and dropped his hand from her knee. “You saved yourself. I’m not your hero.”

  Natalie leaned forward, took his large hands and pressed them together under her smaller ones. “No one has come anywhere near me or my parents, except the one time and you were five feet from me and got shot—you could have died. I only kicked so hard because I had so much to live for. You are my hero, Galen Morgan.” She probed his face to see that he heard her. He didn’t say anything, so she continued. “But I have a question though.”

  He looked up at her and asked, “What’s your question Natalie?”

  Her heart stilled as she let her hands feel that spark between them. She needed his answer, but her face lowered, “I have said all along that I’m not pregnant and I’m probably not. But-”

  “If you are having my brother’s baby we’ll raise him or her together.”

  Perfect. He understood her without questioning. She lifted her chin. “See, you read my mind. Of course, if I am pregnant,
you’d probably be the father. We’ve been very active this month.”

  They both knew they played it safe every time, but still, he chuckled. “Even more reason to get married today. I’d love a family with you.”

  This time the buzz in her skin had her narrowing her eyes. “Wait—did you just use the word love in a sentence about me?”

  His chuckle grew into a full out laugh, but once he slowed down and regained his composure he said, “Natalie, don’t make me laugh. I’m trying to be serious. And I haven’t said what I need to say.”

  A lightness entered her spirit. Good news always made her excited. She sat up and showed her ear to him. “Was I skipping ahead? Go ahead. I’m listening.”

  He squeezed her hand, took a deep breath and held her gaze. “Natalie Parker, if love means that I can’t live without you and that you’re my first thought in the morning and the last thought before I drift off to sleep and that I consider myself the luckiest man in the world that you’re going to be my wife, then I’m very much in love with you.”

  Love for him crashed through her and she threw her arms around him and kissed his forehead, cheeks, chin, and lips.

  He tugged on her waist and settled on a kiss, gently nudging her lips to his and tasting her. She settled into his embrace with her whole heart. The rest of the world didn’t matter.

  Once he let her go her lips tingled for far more, but she straightened her shirt and buttoned his top button that had come loose in her exuberance. “Good, because we have to pick a flavor for our wedding cake.”

  Another laugh escaped his mouth. “That’s all you have to say?”

  She dropped her hands to her side and heard his family and her friends outside the door. She tugged on his arm. “And we have to pick the dinner menu.”

  “Anything else?” He didn’t move at all.

  She stood on her tiptoes, pulled his shirt toward her and pressed herself closer. He didn’t wince though she remembered too late that his shoulder must still hurt. She saw the flash in his gaze, but now she was in his arms and refused to move as she swayed. “I told you already that I love you too.”

  He wrapped his arms around her hips and claimed her lips as her own. Everything was perfect. Nothing in the world could destroy her happiness now.

  Natalie smiled at the photographer who’d just finished taking her photo in her wedding dress on the patio, overlooking the bay. Hopefully she looked okay in print because, honestly, she never liked her smile in pictures, always feeling like it came across as fake.

  The photographer left her alone in the spare bedroom she was using for a bridal suite.

  She checked herself in the mirror and realized that for once, she truly felt peaceful and happy. If Galen had a child out there somewhere, they’d figure out what to do, together.

  Love mattered.

  The door knob turned and Natalie swiveled toward it knowing it had to be her parents. Galen had promised they’d come.

  It opened and even from the hall her mother’s clear blue eyes and her father’s serious brown gaze gave her a surge of confidence.

  She rushed over and hugged her mom first. Her mother normally petted her hair but this time she simply brushed her neck to not mess with the updo. She let her go and waved to her father, who took off his glasses. “Natalie,” her mom said. “You look amazing. Your father wanted to talk to you.”

  Right. She opened the door wide and gestured for them to come in. “You’re both welcome. I’m dressed.”

  They walked in, her father’s face serious as he closed the door behind him.

  Her spine had that “about to be in trouble” rumble at the base while she waited for him to finally speak his mind.

  He pursed his lips, stared at her and said, “This wedding is happening very fast.”

  Ah. She sat down, folded her hands in her lap and waited for him to sit across from her. Once he did, she kept herself still, and focused on her words. “I know, Dad. But it’s perfect so far. The patio is decorated like it took a year. The dress is great-”

  A vein in her father’s forehead throbbed as he interrupted her. “But why are you rushing this?”

  Neither one of them should worry about her. “Because we’re in love and I’m happy and we want to be together.”

  Her father scooted closer to her and stared at her like he’d check her teeth for possible stolen candy at his store. “So you’re not pregnant?”

  Natalie touched her stomach and her entire body felt awash with sensations as she asked, “What?”

  “It’s the usual reason people rush, sweetie.” Her mother patted her father’s shoulder.

  She shook her head fast, but she didn’t confide exactly what happened at her annual check-up. She lifted her chin. “No, I’m not pregnant.”

  Her mother hugged her father from behind and smiled, “See. I told you my daughter was smarter than that.”

  Her father in his black tux got up and kissed her cheek with a relieved laugh. “Okay. I just want you to be happy and if you’re happy with Galen Morgan, we’re happy for you.”

  Natalie stood and opened her arms for a hug, which he gave without question. “Thanks, Dad.”

  He stepped back and headed toward the door. “I’ll leave you and your mom alone and go check out this reception area. I’ll be back at four as I was instructed.”

  Her mother’s hands trembled slightly, a reminder that she was not quite the pillar of strength she’d always been though her navy blue with sparkles dress complimented her. Her father slipped out as her mom said, “Good dear. See you soon.”

  Natalie closed the door behind her and walked her mother back toward the cushioned chair. Escaping the hospital for the afternoon for her wedding shouldn’t be a drain for her mom, who had a bigger fight against cancer. Ana accepted her help but as she took her seat said, “Security was intense this afternoon. I had to show my license to carry and my ID.”

  “You should be focused on you and being happy for me.” Natalie didn’t want her mom to worry. “You don’t need to always be working, Mom. Remember you’re supposed to be getting better in the hospital.”

  Her mother laughed and patted her hand. “I know but old habits die hard.”

  Hopefully her mother would never know all the real reasons for security right now. This wasn’t her parents’ concern. Natalie held out a necklace for her mother’s opinion as she said, “You and Dad have been happy all my life. I just want to experience half that.”

  Her mother shook her head and then adjusted the pearl necklace Natalie already had on and gave it a pat of approval. “It hasn’t always been easy y’know. Your father and I have had our ups and downs, same as everyone.”

  Her mother then picked up a simple pair of diamond studs from the vanity and held it to Natalie’s ear as she said, “I worked late. He worked days. He was there for you in the afternoons after school when I couldn’t be.”

  Her mother handed her the earrings as Natalie said, “He owned his grocery store and could make the time. You couldn’t. We spent the afternoons waiting for you to join us for dinner.”

  Her mother wiped her face from tears. “And I missed half of them.”

  Natalie kissed her mother’s cheek and then put the earrings on. “You did, Mom, but we loved you and understood.”

  As Natalie finished with the stud back, the door opened and closed.

  Her mother tensed, then pressed against her back. “Stand back, sweetie.”

  Hair rose in alarm along her arms and she straightened, then turned toward her mother and the door. “What?”

  “Natalie Parker.” Alison, Galen’s ex, walked in the room with her red hair now midnight black carrying a bouquet of flowers.

  There was no way to hide the situation from her mother now. Her heart began to race as she clutched her mother’s shoulders and nodded toward the other woman. “Alison?”

  Her mother reached behind her back, but asked, “Who’s this, sweetie?”

  None of this should happen
right now. Her skin was so hot she could melt butter on it, but she tried to remain calm. “Mom, this is Alison, Galen’s first wife.”

  Her mother pressed her lips together but didn’t otherwise move. “I didn’t know he was married before.”

  Alison dropped the flowers on the floor and showed she had a handgun in her hand. She stepped on the petals, breaking the stems with her heels as she pointed.

  Her mother, who always had her dresses tailored to have her gun near her right hand, instantly grabbed the handle of hers without saying a word. Alison said, “We were young but in love.”

  Natalie’s heart raced. The last thing she needed was to let her mother get harmed on her wedding day. Natalie explained, “Galen was 18. They divorced at 21.”

  Alison’s lips parted as her florist apron fell to the ground. “Because his father interfered with my life.”

  This didn’t answer why she’d shown back up in Galen’s life or if Alison had a child or any of the big questions. Natalie rocked on her feet slightly though her mother was cool as a cucumber. Natalie tried to channel that and said, “Look, Galen’s not here right now. He’s getting ready for our wedding. You weren’t invited.”

  Alison lifted her gun and pointed it at both of them. “I took a job at the florist shop to get in here. You have a lot of security.”

  Her mother stepped in front of her like she was going to protect her from harm. Natalie took a deep breath. Trying to keep the kidnapping plot a secret no longer mattered. “We were trying to keep you and the Perez family that you hired out.”

  Her mother’s voice seemed weak from the cancer as she shook her bald head, though she slipped out her gun she had on her thigh under that dress of hers but kept it behind her. “The Perez family. They’re bad news, sweetie, and you’d never be involved with any of them. What’s going on that I don’t know?”


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