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Taming the Storm (Crimson Storm Chronicles Book 1)

Page 12

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "We need to cool her down. Her body isn't used to using magic and she's used it twice today," Haru instructed.

  "Malachi, fill the bath with cold water. She needs to cool off fast or she's gonna get worse," Aki added.

  I pressed my face against what I assumed was someone's shirt.

  It didn't smell like cherry blossoms like Malachi, but more like strawberries.

  "You’re gonna be okay, Crim. This is just a little side effect. Just relax." I heard Quillian's soothing voice. It was different from his usual harsh tone and made me relax immediately.

  I couldn't stop the tears that stained my cheeks, feeling horrible about everything.

  "Why am I such a burden? Why does James keep hurting me? Do I deserve it? He didn't even care," I cried, unsure whether I was talking out loud or thinking these thoughts.

  "Crim, it's okay. James is a jerk." I heard Yoshi’s voice from somewhere to the right.

  I felt myself being lifted up in strong arms as I continued to cry quietly.

  "Quil, its cold. You're not going in there too, are you?" Aki asked.

  "Don't care. A little cold isn’t gonna kill me, even if I hate it. She needs to cool down and I would rather one of us held her. She's in my arms so it makes sense I do it."

  "Crimson, this is gonna be very cold, but because your body is burning up it won't hurt. I promise," Haru reassured me.

  I didn't care, I just wanted the pain to stop. I knew my internal wounds would remain, but if I could just sleep in peace, I could go back to being my strong self tomorrow. I tried to nod, but I struggled to move my head.

  "She gets it," Malachi assured.

  I felt myself being submerged in water with just my head above the surface, but it didn't feel cold at all. Maybe just a pinch, but it did have an effect, making me sigh in relief. I heard Quil curse while he held me against him.

  The room was quiet and the spinning in my head began to lessen. I felt something cool touch my forehead and my headache began to slowly fade too.

  I moaned in relief, relaxing in Quillian’s embrace as the water finally began to feel chilly against my feverish body.

  I struggled to open my eyes, to see the guys and show my relief, but the dark pull of my mind was stronger and my mind was drifting before I realized.

  These strangers had shown me more compassion, love, and care in the last six days than my family and boyfriend had shown my entire life. That alone moved my heart and made me realize how blessed Storm was to have such men in her life. It made me wish they would stay so I could show them just how much their love meant to me.

  I wanted to learn more about each of them and learn their strengths and weaknesses. Most importantly, I wanted to protect them. I knew I didn't have magic of my own, but I wanted to ensure their safety and never allow their hearts to be shattered again.

  These were my thoughts as my mind drifted and I hoped I remembered my internal vow when I woke up, so I could stand by them.

  "Arigato," I whispered weakly.

  "You're welcome, Crim. Just relax. We'll take care of you. Promise," Quil whispered.

  Before my conscious was claimed by oblivion, I saw the same Kitsune-like creature I had once before. Her pink eyes locked onto mine, holding a level of wisdom and clarity. Her tails waved side to side and she watched me carefully. She nodded her head and I knew she'd heard my vow. She'd hold me to my word.

  I didn't mind. This place would be the guys’ temporary home, and I would learn everything about them. My so-called relationship with James was withering away, but my gut told me one thing.

  One man's loss was another man's treasure.

  "You worry too much."

  "I worry about you, Storm."

  I sighed and let my hands glide through my long silver locks as I stared at Quillian. My gaze trailed down his bare chiseled chest and I had to remember to not get distracted by his attractiveness. Sure, I was upset by the situation, but I wouldn't deny an enjoyable moment with him if it arose.

  "I want to help bring peace to Homatomashi. We all know the Emperor is unwell and people have assumed he's turned a blind eye to all the crime going on. This treaty will help us crack down on this silly organization and we can finally have a break." I laid out the information, needing him to understand our purpose for heading to Nokamato.

  "Storm, I get it. I really do. But my gut is telling me no. The guys feel it too. Especially Aki and Malachi. You know how paranoid they are. Yoshi, Haru, and Itsuki are trying to hide it, but they're just as worried. We just don't want to put you in harm's way," Quillian explained. His normally harsh voice was soft and filled with compassion.

  His eyes trailed down my body that was clothed in nothing but a white t-shirt that belonged to my Quil. I knew he was trying to hide his desire for me, but his eyes were giving him away as they went from his normal bright pink to a dark mahogany.

  He walked up to me and slid his hands down my sides, stopping on my hips. I smiled and leaned up to kiss him. He sighed against my lips and his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me into his hold.

  "Just this last task. I promised all of you we'd have a long break. After this treaty is signed, why don't we go to the mountains on the outskirts of Homatomashi? There's a really nice inn there and lots for us to do and see. I know you hate the cold, but I'll keep you nice and warm," I whispered against his lips.

  "Will you now?” he replied, crushing my lips with his. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss while we moved backward till I felt the edge of the bed.

  We fell back onto the soft cushions and continued to kiss like it was our last chance. His hands roamed up my body and lifted the white shirt up to reveal my small breasts. I broke the kiss so he could help me remove the shirt before I laid back with a seductive grin on my lips.

  Quillian's eyes slowly turned to a dark pink and the hard bulge in his tight boxers told me that he wanted me. He slid the black and red material down his muscled hips and kicked them off before he crawled onto the bed, hovering over me.

  "We don't have much time," I reminded.

  "Then we should stop arguing and start fucking," Quillian whispered, lowering his lips to my neck.

  I moaned, biting my lip; I felt his long length tease my entrance.

  "Compromising," I moaned.

  "Same thing," Quil mumbled against my feverish flesh.

  He finished leaving a hickey on my neck and returned to give me a passionate kiss. The tip of his cock teased my throbbing pussy and I knew I was moments away from taking all of him.

  "One last job, then it will be all of us and months of vacation," I promised.

  "As long as you buy me a fur coat and sleep with me every night," Quil bargained.

  I laughed. "Good luck with the army of five men who will fight you for that, but yes, I'll even get you a fur coat that can fit two of us." I grinned.

  "Deal," he whispered, sliding himself inside me.

  "You guys should just go back to where you live or whatever! The Emperor is dealing with the investigation. Nobody needs your help."

  "Would you stop fucking yelling! I swear if Crim wakes up, Mr. Bipolar, I'm kicking your ass!" I heard Aki shout.

  I let out a shaky moan as my consciousness tried to return to the lustful dream I’d been having. Whether it was a dream or a steamy memory, my body wanted to finish. I rolled over to my side, cuddling the pillow next to me. Just go back to Quil’s sexiness.

  "I'm not fucking yelling!" James shouted and I heard something crack.

  I frowned, praying to my ancestors that wasn't anything of mine or of precious value.

  "Tone it down, Bipolar!" Quillian yelled.


  I opened one eye to see Uru wailing. She paused and then everything was silent. She looked satisfied, turning to me and coming to lay beside me.

  I smiled. "You've been doing that for a while haven't you?"

  "Woof," she barked quietly and rubbed her nose against my cheek.

  I gi
ggled and pet her gently before I relaxed.

  I figured I wasn't going to fall back asleep, but I definitely needed a cold shower. If the others were just as hot and sexy naked as Quillian was, I would be screwed. Wait. They aren't even dating me. Crimson, snap out of it. You're still dating Drunk Lover. You aren't together with Quil... or Malachi... or Aki, Yoshi, Itsuki, Haru... ugh!

  I groaned into my pillow and closed my eyes in an attempt to fall back asleep. At least my dreams knew what I wanted even if I couldn’t touch.

  "See, you woke her up, idiot. Fucking kicking your ass later," Aki growled.

  "She's not awake!" James countered.

  "Would both of you can it?" Malachi shouted.

  Everyone stopped yelling and I heard footsteps. I stared at the door that was slightly open and watched it creep open; Aki's head popped through the crack and his green eyes locked onto mine.

  He frowned. "I told you," he announced to the others, before walking into my room. He left the door slightly ajar and came over to where I laid. Uru panted happily, moving to greet him at the edge of the bed. He smiled, something I hadn't witnessed before. The way it transformed his handsome features made me blush.

  He noticed my stare, giving me a raised eyebrow. "See something you like?" he teased.

  My face grew hotter and I looked away. "Yes...I mean NO! No, no, no. Ugh, don't ask me questions when I'm half asleep," I complained, using the pillow I had been cuddling to try to hit him.

  He avoided my pathetic attempt, but an amused grin appeared on his face. "How are you feeling, Crim? Sorry, we woke you up," he spoke softly. His amused expression turned into an irritated one as he glanced back at the door.

  "It's fine. Uh, I feel rather refreshed. Wait, what happened?" I asked, now wondering why Aki and the others were in my house as my memory was still fuzzy.

  I knew in any other situation I should have been freaking out that a man I barely knew was in my room, but the other part of me felt I'd known him for years and knew he wouldn't touch me against my will, let alone hurt me.

  "After the issue with your father, Malachi found you and carried you back to meet with us. We arrived at your place and you offered us a place to stay for the night. You got into an argument with your 'boyfriend' and his ass bailed to go cry at his parent's house like a whiny child. Then you got a fever and passed out. Quillian had to hold you in an ice bath for thirty minutes before your body calmed. Then Haru helped heal your feet and made sure your fever wouldn't come back again," Aki explained, purposely emphasizing the word boyfriend in a sarcastic tone.

  He sat down on the floor and crossed his legs. I moved over so I could look down at him, appreciating his biceps that showed in his orange tank top. Down Crim, down. Horny wet dreams aren't an excuse for jumping people.

  "Sorry about that. I get fevers a lot," I admitted, bowing my head.

  "Don't apologize. You were exhausted and weren't supposed to be doing anything but resting. At least you've had a few days to sleep now," Aki admitted.

  "Few days? How long have I've been out?" I asked.

  "Four days."

  I gawked at him and quickly sat up. "FOUR DAYS! What? I didn't even get up? O-M-G, how did I eat? No, how did I pee!" I exclaimed.

  Aki blinked, looking confused by my reaction, but then an amused grin formed. "Don't worry about it. And Quillian is the one who bathed you," Aki revealed, standing up.

  I groaned, grabbing my pillow and fell back into the sheets.

  Great. Meet six strangers and in less than two weeks, I've let them live with me, take care of me, defend me, and one of them has already seen me naked. I'm doomed.

  "Are you hungry now, Crim?" Aki asked.

  Now that he mentioned it I was starving, but I needed a cold shower, seriously.

  "Yes, just let me shower first."

  "Okay. I'll let the others know you’re awake and maybe you can talk to that idiot. He's been a pain in the ass today," Aki grumbled.

  "You mean James? Wasn't he at his parents’ house?" I remembered James was the reason why I woke up to begin with.

  Aki chuckled, leaning over to whisper in my ear, "He came home drunk and missing his sweet Crimson and wanted your love and affection. He's just complaining because he didn't get to have you," Aki confessed.

  I blushed at his closeness, but couldn't help but giggle at his admission. "Did he cry?" I whispered.

  "Bawled his eyes out. It was hilarious and I made sure Yoshi saved a bunch of videos for blackmail." Aki winked.

  "Evil. I like it."

  We shared a look before we both laughed. It felt like a rare moment to see Aki all playful rather than his usual pissed off self. It was the same with Quillian and seeing the soft gentle side of him in my dream. Or memory.

  "Uh...Akihiro? I can just call you, Aki right?" I asked, realizing I'd been shortening their names in my mind.

  "Aki is fine. I've only allowed the guys and Storm to call me by my nickname. But you're cute so it’s okay," he announced casually, but then looked dazed for a moment. It made me wonder if he was thinking about Storm.

  "Cute huh?" I teased. I watched him blush before a scowl morphed on his face.

  "I didn't say that. I wasn't thinking. Never mind." He quickly turned away, walking toward the door.

  "Woof!" Uru barked happily and jumped down to follow Aki who paused in the doorway.

  "You can call me Aki and the other guys whatever you like. Quillian will respond to Quil and Yoshimitsu to Yoshi. Haru and Itsuki are rather easy and Malachi said you gave him a nickname already," Aki assured.

  "Hottie McHot Pants!" I announced gleefully.

  Aki gave me a blank stare as if I spoke in a different language. "You two are weird," he mumbled which made me smile. "Go shower. Haru and Itsuki went to get groceries down at the market. Yoshi's surveying the area and Hottie McHot Pants is chilling with me and Quil in the living room."

  "Woof!" Uru announced.

  "Yes, you’re hungry aren't you? You've been a good girl watching over Crim the whole time," Aki soothed, kneeling down to pet Uru who panted happily and wagged her tail.

  I smiled at the scene before me, feeling a little bit of déjà vu at Aki's kindness toward Uru. I could tell he cared a lot for the familiar and it made me wonder how the others had bonded with Urufu. It was one thing for a man to love a female, but to share such a close bond with her familiar too was something you didn't see often.

  He opened the door to let Uru out and looked over at me. "You'll be okay, right? I can get Quil," he suggested.

  I blushed, lifting my hands up to make an X.

  "I'm good. I'll be out within thirty minutes," I reassured him.

  He nodded, giving me a slight smile before he left the room, closing the door behind him.

  I sighed, putting my head in my hands and tried to calm my rapidly beating heart. Cold shower, Crim. You have a lover, remember? Not lovers. A lover who doesn't even care. Ugh. I need to break up with James. But the flat...I'll just deal with it till this gets resolved. Yup. Once we figure out who killed Storm and stole the crystals, I'll talk with him. Moving will be a pain in the ass, but at least I could start a new relationship maybe? relationships? No. You’re not stealing Storm's men. They're busy individuals and deserve someone who is more than just a human. Yes. Someone strong who can use magic. I'd just end up a burden to them like I am to everyone else.

  I grabbed the pillow and cradled it to my chest. I have to calm down and realize this is all temporary. Eventually, they'll all leave to go on with their lives and find someone new to protect. As for James... I guess it’s time I let him go.

  I shuffled off the bed and stretched, realizing how much my body ached; everything was sore. I walked over to the drawer and got out a pair of tights and a pink sports bra. I'd eat something and then meditate for a bit before I went out for a run.

  Maybe that would help me organize my thoughts. But first, cold shower.

  "Where did James go?" I asked
, walking into the living room as I dried my hair with a towel. I'd taken a longer shower than I had originally planned, adding in a bit of time to pleasure myself. One cannot have a wet dream and then get through the day without masturbating. That would be like cheating on yourself. Though, I felt that may have just been my own personal opinion and impatience.

  If I was going to end my 'relationship' with James, that would include losing my only source of sex and I didn't want to admit how sad that thought made me. I guess I'd have to find a vibrator to replace him.

  Now I was standing in the living room in my running gear. I saw Quillian reading a book, Aki sketching something, and Malachi looked to be fast asleep over on the couch.

  Quillian pulled his eyes away from what he was reading. "Mr. Bipolar went to his parents as usual. We're taking up his personal space and apparently he needs to do laundry so he took some of his clothes when he left."

  "We have a washer and dryer," I pointed out.

  Aki stopped sketching to look at me. "We know. We're washing your clothes right now actually," he revealed.

  I blinked in surprise. "You guys are doing housework? Wait, you did my laundry?" I blushed at the reminder they had taken care of me the last four days.

  They looked unconcerned; Malachi rolled over. "We did it for Storm sometimes. It's not as embarrassing as you might think. Don't worry about it," he mumbled in a husky voice.

  "It's not your responsibility though," I whispered, looking at the door.

  James was able to do his own laundry, but couldn't do mine while I was recovering? Talk about great 'husband' material.

  "You are our responsibility," Aki muttered.

  "And you've let us stay in your place. The least we can do is help you out," Quil pointed out.

  "Aki, give her back the watch," Malachi mumbled sleepily as he took one of the cushions and hugged it.

  Uru came up to me and rubbed her head against my legs. "Woof!" She went over and jumped on the couch next to Malachi. She rested across his legs and relaxed. Malachi didn't look like he had minded and remained still.

  "And her phone," Quil added.


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