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Taming the Storm (Crimson Storm Chronicles Book 1)

Page 13

by Yumoyori Wilson

Aki sighed, putting down what looked to be a sketchbook and stood up. He walked over to the kitchen island, but I was too caught up staring at the beautiful piece of artwork on the page sketched in black pencil.

  "Aki, you draw?"

  "A little," Aki replied, walking back from the kitchen with a white velvet box.

  "Aki has an addiction to art. He's like a collector," Quil announced.

  "I'm not," Aki grumbled.

  "You so are," Malachi countered.

  "Woof, woof!" Uru chimed in.

  I grinned and turned my attention back to Aki who stood before me. He presented me with the box.

  "I think it’s best for you to keep Storm's pocket watch. It's hard for any one of us to hold it for long periods of time unless it's in this box and even so, it's not safe for us to carry it," Aki explained.

  "Why is it hard to carry it?" I questioned.

  I took the box from his hand and opened it. A smile formed on my lips as I stared at the watch in awe. Even after all the mess I'd been through, I didn't carry any hatred or despise the watch for changing my life. Deep within myself, I was happy. It was thanks to this whole situation that I was able to realize where I stood with my family and James.

  I could literally die and they would move on and that was the sad reality I had been blinded from seeing until I picked up this watch. I took it out of the white case and allowed my thumb to brush across the front face while my eyes lingered on the pink crystal.

  "This was the weapon given to Storm by her family when she was able to cast spells. Normally, this kind of weapon is given to you when you become of age at eighteen. If someone other than a family member holds it for too long, the magic begins to burn the skin," Aki explained.

  "But the thief had it, didn't he? What if they wrapped it in a cloth or put it in a box?" I inquired, remembering the moment when I'd bumped into the thief in the alleyway.

  "Doesn't matter what you put the item in. It will burn through within minutes. I'm assuming it got too hot for our thief and he crashed into you because he wasn't looking."

  "But I can hold it just fine. Is it because of Storm's essence inside me?"

  "Yes. It recognizes her magic running through you. That's why you can hold it and wear it with no issues. It’s safest with you because you can hide it with Storm’s magic if necessary," Quil explained.

  "Interesting. I'm not very knowledgeable about magical weapons," I confessed, giving them a shy smile.

  Quil frowned. "You should have a weapon designated for you," he pointed out.

  "I'm human."

  "Doesn't matter. Your parents are shifters. The moment the pregnancy is confirmed a weapon is created by a blacksmith and blessed by both the Emperor of Homatomashi and a magician of the same gender. How old are you, Crim?" Quil asked.

  "I'll be twenty-three next month."

  "Twenty-three and your parents haven't given your weapon to you simply because you're human?" Aki inquired. He looked pissed off and Quil’s eyes were already beginning to shift from pink to bright red.

  "I'm not worthy enough to have a weapon. I'm a human. Why would I need it?" I shrugged, walking over to the mirror that hung on the wall close to the door.

  I placed the box on the table that stood beneath the mirror and checked out how the watch would look on my neck.

  "You do sword dance training," Quil countered.

  "Yes. I do it because that was the only thing I was allowed to participate in. Humans and shifters can practice it. The only difference is I can't use the elements like wind or fire to enhance my movements, like you see in the ancient movies and demonstrated by the masters," I explained, trying to hook the clasp of the necklace, but struggled to do so.

  Aki approached me from behind, and his hands brushed against mine.

  "Let me help," he whispered.

  I smiled at him in the mirror and let him take over. He clasped the silver chain and took a step back to let me see how it looked in the mirror.

  I smiled, taking a moment to appreciate the beautiful pocket watch necklace. My finger played with the little charms, making me curious as to what each one meant.

  "You've tried asking your parents for your weapon?" Aki asked.

  "I have and was denied. I don't know where Father is holding it and my mother won't do anything against my father's command. I don't need it anyways." I turned to face them.

  They eyed the necklace I wore and small smiles formed on their lips. I noticed Quil's eyes turned a light blue which my gut told me meant he was sad.

  I frowned. "Sorry. It reminds you of Storm, doesn't it?" I felt terrible, knowing I shouldn't flaunt Storm's possession like it was mine.

  Aki shook his head and Quil just looked away, blinking a few times. When his gaze returned to me, his eyes were back to their normal pink glory.

  "We're still dealing with it. You shouldn't apologize. That watch was dear to her so it's nice to see someone treasure and protect it," Aki reassured me, putting a hand on my back and rubbing soothingly.

  "Storm would be happy that you have it," Malachi announced.

  We turned to see him sit up and Uru got up and walked onto his stomach. Malachi grinned and began ruffling her white fur.

  "It looks good on you, Crim. Keep it safe and know it holds power to protect you when you need it," Malachi instructed. His sky-blue eyes met mine and I knew he was serious about this.

  I nodded. "Understood."

  He nodded before a smile returned to his face and his eyes lit up like his usual self.

  "So, we have to start training Crim, huh?" Malachi asked, directing the question to Quil and Aki.

  They both nodded.

  I tilted my head in confusion. "Train?"

  "We're still investigating who murdered Storm. Which means you may still be in danger. It's better if we begin to train you so in the event we're not around, you can defend yourself long enough for us to reach you," Aki explained.

  "Still no leads?" I asked, giving them a sympathetic look.

  They all frowned, shaking their heads in frustration.

  "The person we suspect is definitely a part of the organization you've heard on the news. They're known as Nozomi Rukensza, better known as N.R.O.," Quil informed me.

  "Think of them as a gang of shifters and humans who are against peace. Their mission is to cause chaos so that the Emperor can be overthrown and replaced by someone that's more favorable to their cause. Someone who would allow drug transactions and other underground operations to occur," Malachi revealed.

  "The person who killed Storm must have done so by using us as leverage. Storm was amazing in close combat and wouldn't be taken down easily by a few average magic users or shifters." Quil crossed his arms.

  "So, you're saying she was blackmailed. For the sake of protecting you guys or maybe a large number of people, she did what they asked and it ended with her death," I whispered. I bit my lips, feeling a cold shiver go through me.

  "Crim?" Malachi must have noticed my change in mood. He rose to his feet and walked over to me.

  Uru followed and was by my side in seconds.

  "I'm okay...just makes me feel weird saying it," I confessed.

  Malachi pulled me into a hug which confused me for a moment, but I relaxed in his embrace as the sweet cherry blossom scent surrounded me.

  "Nothing will happen to you. We'll train you and protect you. Yoshi is asking around the neighborhood to see if he can gather more info about that night and the increase in crime around the area, and we’ll continue to work on the investigation. All you need to do is focus on yourself and rest up," he encouraged.

  I nodded. "Okay."

  "And do something about your cry baby boyfriend. He complains like a child and is always yelling," Quil grumbled.

  I giggled. "What were you guys arguing about anyway?" I asked, remembering the conversation that woke me up.

  "Just the usual 'get yourselves a damn hotel and leave my place' argument. Nothing interesting," Aki summarized.
/>   "He doesn't want us trying to find the other crystals without Mr. Arashi's permission," Malachi added, stepping out of the embrace.

  "You mean you guys have a lead?" I asked.

  "Maybe. We feel that the thief or people who killed Storm have one. The others have to be in Homatomashi somewhere. The crystals each have strong ancient magic and one crystal can lead to the other. The more crystals we have, the easier it will be to track them down. The magic tries to show you where the crystal is through visions or dreams. Storm said before her parents had passed, they had placed the crystals around Homatomashi and it was Storm's duty to travel and find them all. That's how she learned all about the country and the wonderful people in it," Aki explained.

  "So that's how her legacy was born," I whispered.

  The guys smiled, nodding in unison.

  "Ya," Quil whispered, before walking over to the fridge. He grabbed a bottle of water and placed it on the island.

  "Are you guys going to track down the crystals?" I looked down at the watch on my neck and stared at the pink crystal that twinkled in the light.

  "Yes. But we'll need you for that and we're not going to start that quest until you’re trained and ready," Aki replied.

  "Okay. So...when do I start training?"

  "Next week? Let's give your body a few more days to rest. You can still go for your runs if you like, though," Aki assured me, glancing down at my attire.

  "If you're going for a run, I'll go with you," Malachi announced.

  "WOOF!" Uru agreed happily, jumping up to pet my legs with her paws. I smiled, kneeling down to give her a hug.

  "You wanna go with me, Uru. Yes! I know you do." I ruffled her white fur.

  "I get no love," Malachi whined dramatically.

  I smiled, looking up at him. "Go change, Hottie McHot Pants," I ordered.

  A wide smile formed on his lips and his sky-blue eyes twinkled with happiness.

  "On it, Hottie." He ran to the spare bedroom and then into the washroom in a flash.

  "Here's your phone, Crimson. I think you missed a few calls," Aki announced from the couch, my phone in his hand.

  "It must be due to my commissions. I'm gonna fall behind if I don't start working soon," I confessed, checking my emails.

  "You do commissions? I've never seen your name," Aki inquired.

  "I don't use my name, that's why. Just a pen name. I'll change it soon anyway. Don't know what to, but..." I trailed off.

  "What's wrong?" Quil asked.

  "I realized when I died that there would be nothing left of me for people to remember me by. I create art for people, yet they would never find out who I really was. I would die and be forgotten by everyone and my legacy would be just as the human girl who was a disgrace to her family. Not Crimson Arashi who created art because she was passionate about it. Or the Crimson who regardless of her challenges was able to get to the top of her sword dancing class. All people would ever remember me by would be rumors and negative impressions from my family. And that scares me," I revealed.

  The guys were completely stunned, both looking at me like I'd grown a horn on my forehead. I let out a nervous giggle.

  "Sorry. That was depressing. It's just what goes through my mind as of late. I'll figure out a new pen name soon." I tried to move away, but Aki gently wrapped his hand around my wrist to stop me.

  "Stop apologizing, Crim. If something is bothering you, say it. We won't judge you because of how you feel. Your feelings are valid. We were just taken aback by them because...they have such a deep meaning and we absolutely get it," he whispered.

  I sighed in relief and gave him a small smile. "Thanks."

  "Crimson Storm," Quil spoke up.

  I turned to give him a weird look. "I'm not in flippy mode, Quillian," I pointed out.

  He shook his head. "Your pen name. Make it Crimson Storm," he clarified.

  "But it has Crimson in it. Wouldn't people figure out it's me?" I asked.

  Malachi emerged from the washroom in black runner tights and was halfway through putting his shirt on which gave me a few seconds to admire his lovely six-pack of hotness.

  "There are many Crimsons around the world. Just as there are many individuals with Storm as a surname. No one would know it's you. Aki can make you an epic logo. Aki, make Crim a logo," Malachi ordered.

  Aki rolled his eyes. "I'm not gonna do it if you order me like that," he grumbled.

  I looked to Aki and placed my free hand on top of his. "Would you make a logo for me? I mean, if you have time and you're not busy with the investigation," I asked politely.

  I was good with paints and watercolor, but I hadn't been able to work on digital art and had no clue how to make a logo that could be used online. Aki's face grew red and he looked away shyly.

  "If you want me to," he mumbled.

  I smiled. "Please?" I urged.

  He took a quick look at my wide eyes and glanced away again. "Sure."

  I squealed, "Thank you, Aki!" I took a step back to bow before giving him a quick hug.

  He went stiff for a few seconds, but then relaxed, returning the embrace. "You're welcome, Crim."

  "I want a hug for helping create this wonderful conn—" Malachi began, but was hit with a pillow.

  "Stop trying to get a hug for doing nothing," Quil grumbled, walking over to me and Aki. He opened his arms up and gave me a quick wink.

  I laughed, giving him a hug.

  "Now that's just playing dirty. Can I get a hug? Pretty please?" Malachi pouted.

  The front door unlocked and Haru and Itsuki came into the room.

  "We're back!" Itsuki announced.

  "Why is Crim hugging Quillian?" Haru asked, putting the groceries on the island. When he finished, he walked over to us.

  "We're making Malachi jealous by giving Crim a hug," Aki announced.

  "Oh, well in that case. Good afternoon, Crim," Haru said softly outstretching his arms.

  I smiled and walked into his embrace. "Afternoon, Haru."

  "Glad to see you’re awake, Crim," Itsuki said softly, walking over and waiting for me to finish with Haru to give him a hug.

  "You are all haters. H.A.T.E.R.S.," Malachi emphasized, clapping with each letter.

  "Just come over here and hug her and stop clapping," Quil complained.

  "Oh no! Mr. Bipolar may be rubbing off on him. Haru quick, cleanse him before he's tainted forever," Itsuki joked.

  "Kusokurae!" Malachi swore and I laughed.

  "Just come here," I giggled.

  He shuffled over and I gave him a big hug.

  "Are you happy now?" I pulled back enough to look up at him.

  "I'm satisfied for now," he replied, glaring at the others who chuckled.

  "Go for your run, you two," Aki encouraged, moving back to the couch and picking up his sketchbook.

  "I'm gonna go nap," Quil announced.

  "We're going to make dumplings with miso soup." Haru gestured to the kitchen.

  "Make sure there's rice. Did you guys buy kimchi like I asked?" Malachi questioned.

  "Yes! You texted us twenty times as a reminder," Itsuki grumbled.

  "Twenty times for kimchi?" I asked, staring curiously at Malachi.

  "I like spicy food," he mumbled.

  I grinned. "Let's go?"

  "Yup! Guys we’ll be back later. We have our phones with us if you need anything. Let's go, Uru. You're coming too," Malachi called out to Uru who was being petted by Aki.

  "WOOF!" She ran over to us.

  I figured she didn't need a leash because she was a familiar. I glanced around at all of them and thought about Yoshi too. "Is Yoshi gonna be home in time for food?" It was way past noon and too late to call it lunch, but I was worried he hadn't eaten.

  I heard the door open and Yoshi walked into the room. "You called?" He winked.

  "Welcome back, Yoshi."

  He slid his shoes off and came over to me. "Glad to see you up, Crimson. We were worried," he admitted, pulling me into a hug.<
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  "See, he didn't even need to ask her!" Malachi complained.

  The others ignored him, moving on to their various activities.

  "Ask you what?" Yoshi looked confused.

  "Hottie McHot Pants was just upset he got hugged last earlier," I teased.

  "Ah. He'll cool off," Yoshi replied with a serene smile.

  "You guys have forty-five minutes to get a good run in before the food is ready," Haru announced.

  "Going!" I called, excited to get some fresh air and stretch my muscles.

  "Guess I'll see you later," Yoshi said to me.

  I nodded. "Are we all gonna eat together?" I asked.

  The guys all looked at me and nodded. "We'll always eat together if possible. That's the new rule," Itsuki said softly.

  "Okay." I gave them a wide smile.

  "Let's go, Hottie," Malachi encouraged.

  "Be back soon!" I promised.

  Malachi brought over his running shoes and I slipped on my white ones. I grabbed my keys and opened the door, gesturing for Uru to go out first. Malachi held the door for me and reached out his hand for the keys. I smiled, handing them over and walked to the elevator.

  When we reached the entrance of the housing complex, I took a deep breath of fresh air. I was glad it wasn't rush hour and the streets were still quiet.

  "You ready, Hottie? Don't get left behind." Malachi grinned, stretching his arms and legs.

  "Don't cry when you lose to me," I taunted.

  "You’re talking to an amazing sprinter and athlete," he reminded.

  "And you’re talking to a long-distance runner. Endurance is more important than speed," I countered.

  "True. Let's get going." He took off running, leaving me and Uru behind.

  "Chotto!" I called out in Japanese.

  "Woof!" Uru dashed after him.

  I sighed, but a smile formed on my face as I watched them run down the street.

  I knew it would be weird to adapt to both worlds; the world I was used to living as a human and the new world of magic and shifters. I glanced down at the pocket watching, cradling it in my hand.

  It may be hard to adapt, but sometimes change is necessary for one to grow. It’s time for me to work toward a new life and prepare to avenge Storm Yuna.

  "Akihiro?" I whispered.


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