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Blood Law

Page 25

by Karin Tabke

  She felt his quickening. She swirled her tongue around him, slightly moving her head in a circular motion. She cupped his balls with one hand while she continued to slowly pump him with her other. Perfectly synchronized, she brought him to the surface as he wildly thrashed beneath her. Tensing, Rafael grasped her head, minimizing her movements. In a long, suspended thrust, he released. She held him steady and slowed her sucking, bringing him back to earth.

  His body collapsed back into the damp, rumpled sheets. His eyes closed, his chest heaved, and he lay in a sated sprawl. She wiped her mouth on the sheet and slid up his slick body, snuggling against him. They lay quiet, their emotional and physical bonds forged and unbreakable. No matter what their future held, Falon was confident the bond created here would stand the test of time, war, and, God willing, the Blood Law.

  He stroked her cheek with his fingertips. “The sun rises, my love. Prepare to shift with me, and I will show you a whole new world.”

  She looked up at his smiling eyes. “How do I make it happen?”

  “Think it, see it, feel it, then be it. Soon it will happen, even before you realize you wanted it to happen.” He kissed her quickly on the lips, and an instant later, Rafael, the great golden wolf, stood on the bed beside her. He licked her face.

  Falon smiled, digging her fingers in his thick mane. She closed her eyes. She could do this. Think wolf. See herself as sleek, black, and ferocious. Feel the essence of primal. Run with the wind . . .

  Moments later, Falon was running beside Rafael through the dense forests. No beast dared challenge them. Not the black bear and her two cubs or the humans. Every sense was wide open. The scents of flora and fauna were crisp, clear, and distinct, some distracting but most pleasant. The human scents made her nose twitch. Perfumes, deodorants, and other man-made smells clung to them. They were easy to detect. Their cloying smell would hang like pesticide in the air for days after their passing. With amazing clarity, Falon realized how easy it was to let the human in her go. To be wild and free, at one with nature and her mate, was incredibly satisfying. She could let go of the human world entirely. And never regret it.

  The air was brisk, but the sun was high and warm. They splashed through a stream, along fallen logs and protruding boulders. Rafael showed her how to hunt rabbits, deer, and birds. Her reluctance to eat them was momentary. She was famished. He licked the blood and stains from her fur, and she him. They napped along the riverbank, the sun warming them. When the sun finally began its descent over the western mountains, they made their way back to the cabin. As they ran up the steps, they both shifted at the same time.

  Rafael grabbed her hand, led her into the large bathroom, and turned the shower on. Warm water sprayed her face, washing her free of all scents.

  Her hunger for him had only grown in her wolf form. His thick erection nudged her hip. He was as voracious for her as she for him. He lathered her up, his big hands sliding along her slick skin. He pressed her against the tile wall and took her from behind. His teeth grazed her neck, obliterating Lucien’s mark, replacing it with his own. His ferocity when he did it shook her to her foundation. His possessive nature instilled not fear but understanding; he would allow no man or Lycan to trespass ever again.

  As he thrust into her, he slid his fingers into hers, pulling her arms over her head and against the wall. “You are mine, Falon,” he roughly said against her ear. “If Lucien dares to come to you again, kill him.” His hips thrust hard into her as if he had to make his point by hurting her. But she enjoyed his raw, possessive nature. It was, after all, the nature of the beast. As his female, she understood it and would want it no other way. “I will.”

  She spread her legs wider. He bent his knees behind her to accommodate her new position. But he did not gentle his touch. She cried out in bittersweet pain as his big body pressed her harder into the tile. His fingers tightened to painful around hers. He stretched her body by pulling her arms higher over her head. His deep thrusts forced her sensitive pussy against the tile with each undulation. Her body flamed.

  She leaned back into him, exposing her neck. He growled so ferociously she cried out in real fear. His body swelled behind her, his cock long and thick inside her. He bit her from behind, and as he did, her world exploded into a thousand tiny pieces.

  Rafael came in a harsh, violent rush, lifting her off the shower floor. She cried out, reveling in his furious passion.

  The water turned cold before they were able to separate. Her legs felt like Jell-O; her skin still burned as if someone had set a match to it. Her heavy breasts tingled, as if Rafael still nipped her. But it was her swollen nether lips and her womb that still called for him.

  Falon shook her head. What was wrong with her?

  “Rafa,” she said, barely able to speak, her energy spent. “My body is possessed by yours.”

  “Do you still ache for me?” he asked finally, gentling as he nuzzled her neck before carefully helping her from the shower. He sat her down on the stool and knelt beside her and lovingly began to dry her.

  She dug her fingers in his damp hair. “I burn for you.”

  “You always will, but especially until you conceive.”

  “What?” This news startled her. She was not ready to become a mother!

  He rubbed the towel over her head, playfully keeping her in the dark. “Your burn is confirmation our bond took. It doesn’t always happen so quickly.” He pulled the towel from her head and dropped it to the floor. He pulled her up into his arms and strode with her into the bedroom. He tossed her onto the rumpled sheets and followed her there. She lay back as he crawled over her, opening her thighs. He filled her in one slick dive. She rose to meet him, wanting nothing more than to stay connected to him like this for the rest of her life.

  We must return to the compound, Rafael said.

  I don’t want to go. Not yet.

  He gathered her up into his arms and gently rocked into her. His body, just like hers, had only one design. To join. Lycans had a sex drive like no other creature on earth. Even when not bent on procreation, they were highly sexual.

  Her orgasm reverberated from her body into his own, shaking him to his foundation. He fought back the beast that clawed for release. It had become increasingly determined to destroy the one thing that stood between his and Falon’s happiness: his brother.

  THEY DROVE HOME in the van, Anton having taken Rafe’s bike. It was still early when the gates opened. But what awaited them was as much a surprise to Rafael as to Falon. The entire pack was there to greet them, clapping and cheering; the faces that had so recently been drawn tight with fear and angst smiled brightly.

  “It seems the pack has accepted you with open arms, Falon,” Rafael said. He reached over and took her hand and looked meaningfully at her. “Do you know what that means?”

  She was too overcome with emotion to answer, so she shook her head.

  “It means they will die for you. My mother was the last female that received such an honor.”

  Hot tears stung her eyes. “Rafa, I am truly honored, but I don’t want anyone to lose their life because of me.”

  He leaned over and kissed her. “It is their honor. It will be mine as well.”

  “No! Don’t say that! We will find a way, Rafael, we will find a way!”

  “I will call for the council meeting tomorrow night.”

  She swallowed hard. “So soon? Can’t we have another few nights together?”

  He shook his head. “There’s treachery about, Falon. The entire Slayer nation is preparing a final defining battle with the coming of the Blood Moon. In two months’ time, if all Lycans do not come together as one to fight, we will lose all. And I mean all. We will fail to exist as a nation.”

  “What of your brother?” she spit. “Will he insist, regardless of what the council decides, to seek his own vengeance?”

  “It doesn’t matter what Lucien plans. I will make sure he will not stand in the way of the packs uniting. United we have a chance; d
ivided we fall.”

  “But that means—”

  He kissed her to silence. “My loyalty is to the Lycan nation as a whole. I will do everything and anything in my power to preserve it.”

  The van had come to a stop, and the pack had begun to gently rock it, calling for their alphas to emerge.

  Rafael squeezed her hand and smiled. “I think they want us to come out.” He looked out at the sea of happy faces then back to Falon. “Shall we, Madame Vulkasin?”

  Falon smiled and nodded. “Yes.”

  To say the pack was happy was an understatement. They were ecstatic. Even Lana, who had been shaved, wore rags, and had been relegated to the lowest rung of the pecking order, smiled when Rafael lifted Falon up. He proclaimed her master Slayer slayer! The house reverberated with loud cheers and hearty hoorays. Music piped in from hidden speakers, mass quantities of food covered tables, beer and wine flowed. The party was on.

  Minutes later, Falon found a private moment with Rafael. “I understand everyone being excited about Edward’s death. But”—she looked around at the laughing crowd that acted more like mischievous teenagers than mature adults who were at their core warriors and had seen more than a seasoned veteran—“why are they so happy?”

  “I have much to teach you about your people. But, if I had to hazard a guess, I’d say their joy stems from the fact that we have marked each other, and now, when you conceive, so, too, will the other females.”

  It suddenly dawned on her that there were no children and didn’t appear to be anyone younger than herself.

  Rafe read her thoughts. “When the alpha female dies, reproduction stops until the alpha male takes another mate. Or a new alpha comes in and either has a mate or chooses one. When the alpha female conceives, the rest of the pack conceives almost immediately as well. Since my mother’s murder, there has been no accepted alpha female.” He tipped her chin up with his finger and kissed her. “Until now.”

  And it explained why she was a walking sex addict—her body wanted her to conceive as soon as possible so the pack could flourish. She pressed against her alpha. She felt his erection against her belly. “Well, I think, for the sake of the pack, we should go upstairs and get on it.”

  He slid his hand down between her thighs. “I can feel your heat for me, and”—he nipped her ear—“you are so wet, I could fuck you right through your pants.”

  Falon rubbed against his thigh as he pressed it between her knees. He rode up on her, and she nearly came. “Rafa,” she breathed.

  He backed her into his office and deftly shut and locked the door behind them. He drew the blinds and had her clothes ripped off her before she could turn around. He lifted her to the edge of his desk and ravenously assaulted her breasts. Falon caught her breath and leaned back on the slate desktop. Her scent was thick and musky; even she could not ignore its call.

  Rafael’s arms tightened around her waist, pulling her hard against his mouth as he ravaged her nipples. Falon surrendered to him.

  Your scent is intoxicating, Falon.

  Falon stiffened at the sound of Lucien’s voice. He was right behind her! His fingers traced along her spine.

  Dear God, did Rafael know?

  I have powers of my own, corazón. He cannot smell me or even hear me in your head. Unless you tell him. And I don’t think he’s going to be very happy with you if you do that.

  Falon went rigid.

  Shall I tell my brother you covet my touch? It is why you call to me, is it not?

  She gasped.

  “Don’t be shy, Falon,” Rafael hoarsely whispered. “No one will dare come through that door.”

  “I-I’m not afraid of that,” Falon squeezed her eyes shut, terrified to tell Rafael and spoil everything or not tell her beloved and spoil everything. If she could destroy Lucien while he was in her head, she would. But she had no idea how. “I’m hungry,” she lamely said.

  “So am I,” Rafael breathed as he slid down her belly to her thighs. He dropped to his knees and pulled her into his ravenous mouth. Falon hissed as her body liquefied.

  Your musk is powerful, Falon. Lucien said from beside her. It makes me think of things a man and a woman would be ashamed of.

  She swallowed hard, unsure what to do.

  Rafael licked her moist slit. Falon hissed in another breath and rose off the edge of the desk. Dear God. With his hands on her knees, he spread her wider, then pressed his tongue deeper into her opening, lapping her honeyed folds. Falon closed her eyes, her body delirious with desire. She ignored Lucien.

  Let him watch. Let him see what Rafael did to her. Things he would never do. Falon dug her fingers into Rafael’s thick hair and pressed him against her, and as she did she leaned back and looked his brother straight in the eye.

  He laughed, shaking his head. Oh, little one, you would challenge me? He leaned over her and nipped at a turgid nipple. Falon gasped and slapped him hard. Her body vibrated from the velocity of it.

  “Easy,” Rafael whispered against her swollen, weeping folds. He slid a finger into her, and she came off the desktop. Lucien grabbed a hank of her hair and pulled, drawing her body taut. He forced her shoulders to the desk, and from above her, he cupped her breast and again took liberties with her.

  Rafael sucked her clit, as his finger slowly slid in and out of her. Lucien licked and sucked her breast. She raised her hand to slap him again, but instead she grabbed a large hank of his hair and before she knew it, pulled him more firmly to her. She squeezed her eyes shut, unable to look at the man who she despised more than any other man in the world. Her desire for him would show, and she could not bear that he knew. Shame and guilt washed over her. It was because his blood, little as it was, ran through her veins. He made her want him.

  Rafael tightened his lips around her hardened, sensitive nub and sucked hard, launching her to the moon. She cried out, arching her back, riding the orgasm out as her chosen one lapped at her drenched pussy and his brother mauled her nipples then shocked her when his lips took hers. His thick tongue invaded her mouth. She tried to wrench her mouth free, but he grabbed her chin with a powerful hand, forcing her to accept him.

  Falon gasped, caught up in an erotic maelstrom. Fear clashed with the shocking reality of what was happening to her. Her body ached for Rafael and she could not help but respond to him, but Lucien’s hands and mouth heightened the experience. It did not matter to her body that her mind and heart didn’t want him. How was that possible? What did that make her?

  Rafael pulled her to a standing position. Lucien’s lips painfully tore from her lips. She bit back a cry. Rafael smiled. “Your cheeks are flushed, Falon. Did you like that?”

  “Yes,” she helplessly said.

  “I love when you come in my mouth.”

  Mutely, she nodded, trying to keep from glaring at Lucien, who now stood behind his brother.

  I see there is one thing my brother and I can agree on. I’m sure I will enjoy you coming in my mouth even more. Knowing that my brother will be howling at the moon as I take you will be my greatest pleasure.

  I’m going to kill you, Lucien.

  I look forward to you trying.

  Get out of here.

  Oh, no, I’m having too much fun. Do you know what I’m going to do to you when my brother fucks you?

  Shut up.

  I’m going to fuck you from behind.

  You are foul.

  “Rafa,” Falon said, as he began to undress. “I don’t feel very well. Can we, can I go to bed?”

  He’ll know you’re lying. You will never convince him you don’t want to fuck.

  “Not feeling well?” He touched her cheek. “You’re flushed and warm.”

  A large warm hand stroked her ass, then slipped down between her cheeks. Falon bit her lip and pushed back against the edge of the desk. She heard Lucien’s head whack the edge

  Damn, woman.

  Get away from me, or I’ll do more than that.

  Falon took Rafael’s hand and press
ed it to her cheek. “So much has happened in the last two days, hell weeks! I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed.”

  She looked up at him to see if he was convinced. The sharp glint his eyes told her he wasn’t.

  “What’s really wrong, Falon?”

  She took a deep breath. “Lucien, he—” She had to tell Rafe. Or Lucien would plague her the rest of her life.

  “Does he intrude?” Rafael raged. His eyes flared red, and she watched him fight the beast. Falon backed away, genuinely afraid at his instant fury. She had hoped he would not flash, but knew when it came to Lucien, Rafael had a zero flash point.

  “No! No, I-I was just thinking—what if he tries to, you know, do something underhanded?”

  Rafael pulled her into his arms, instantly calming. “He is weak, Falon. His vengeance drives him. It will be his downfall.”

  My brother fools himself.

  You are half the man your brother is.

  You will pay for that, corazón.

  Falon wrapped her arms around Rafael and stood up on her toes. “I love you, Rafa. I could never love anyone as I love you.” And she meant it. “Now take me, before I start howling at the moon.”

  Twenty - one

  WITH DELIBERATION, FALON turned around and set her hands on the edge of Rafael’s desk. Lucien stood on the other side facing her. She wagged her naked bottom at Rafael, who stood behind her. “Come to me, lover. Take me, mark me, then take me again.” Her glare never wavered from Lucien’s except when Rafael entered her and she closed her eyes, savoring the thick heat of him. Her nipples beaded, but her skin pebbled when she opened her eyes to see the fury contorting Lucien’s face.

  He refused to allow her to look away. Rafael’s hands held the cradle of her hips as he thrust into her. She arched her back as sensation mounted on top of sensation. Rafael’s taking of her while Lucien watched was oddly thrilling. When Rafael pulled her hair back, arching her back into a C, her breasts jutted out only a foot from Lucien. Her nipples were hard and sensitive, craving a man’s touch.


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