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Blood Law

Page 26

by Karin Tabke

  Rafael swirled his hips as he thrust deeper into her. He hit that sacred place, and she felt her body begin to liquefy. The scent of their sex was thick in the room. Her skin slickened with perspiration. Her breaths became harsh and ragged. She threw her head back as the orgasm reared. She closed her eyes.

  Open your eyes. I want to watch you come.

  Falon opened her eyes. Lucien had moved closer. His face was drawn tight in sexual tension. She could smell his anger and his lust.

  Rafael leaned into her as he pulled back her head. “Mine,” he said roughly and scraped his teeth along her jugular. Falon screamed. The combination of the orgasm, the pain of Rafael’s bite, and Lucien’s voyeurism was too much. It pushed her over the edge, and she tumbled headlong into a wild, raucous climax. With a roar, Rafe followed her.

  Falon collapsed back against Rafael. When he slipped from her, she deliberately kept her gaze off Lucien, but it was more difficult to do so than she would have expected. Turning in Rafael’s arms, she pressed against him, kissing him deeply.

  “Let’s go to bed,” she whispered.

  He dressed, wrapped her in an Indian blanket folded on his sofa, and carried her upstairs. Again, she didn’t look to see if Lucien lingered. She didn’t care, she told herself. If he showed up in her head again, she would find a way to kill him.

  Rafael left Falon sleeping soundly in their bed. The festivities were still well underway when he went back downstairs. He motioned to Anton and Yuri to follow him in to his office. He laughed when he opened the door. Falon’s musk hung like an “I had sex here” sign. His own scent was as prominent. He stopped short and sniffed. The hair on the back of his neck rose. Another dominant male scent mingled with theirs.

  Lucien! Damn him!

  “Lucien was here earlier today,” Anton said, reading Rafael’s reaction to his brother’s lingering scent.

  Rafael whirled around. “Why am I just being told about this?” His brows drew together in a hard frown. “What did he want?”

  “Falon,” Yuri said when Anton hesitated.

  “We told him to go take a flying fuck,” Anton said, closing the door behind them.

  Rafe wished the statement filled him with satisfaction, but all it did was make him tense with dread. “I take it he knows of her Lycan status and Edward’s death?”

  Anton nodded. “He also knows you’re insisting on a council meeting. He didn’t seem to care.”

  “He said your Slayer ploy didn’t work fourteen years ago, and it wasn’t going to work now,” Yuri elaborated. “We didn’t tell him you had the backing of key alphas.”

  “We’ve been busy while you were gone, Rafe,” Anton said, coming around to stand beside him. “We’ve contacted the northern packs. Your father’s kin are anxious to come to your aid, as are several unrelated eastern packs.”

  Rafael shook his head. “How?”

  “The Internet is a beautiful thing, and since we created all of their systems, it was a no-brainer to use technology to get the ball rolling. They will be here by sunset tomorrow.”

  Rafael clasped Anton on the shoulder and squeezed. “Good work, Anton. I will go to Sharia and ask for the council to meet here then. But we have a more immediate dilemma. I’m going to need Talia.”

  Anton and Yuri looked at each other then back to Rafe. “Why?”

  “Talia saw the body, though she doesn’t remember what happened to it. I need for her to remember! I need her to talk about how crazy Lucien was around his Slayer. Talia can spot black magic ten miles away. She will support my claim that the woman had a supernatural hold on Lucien. You all felt it; the council must believe me!”

  Anton shook his head. “By the time we got to you, Talia had called upon the Great Spirit Mother and you were wolf and Lucien human. Other than the blood, I don’t remember seeing the Slayer’s body.”

  “Could she have turned to ash so soon?” Yuri asked. “I thought only the old guys went up like that.”

  “She either turned to ash and we all overlooked it because our emotions were riding so high at the moment, or someone removed her body and buried her ashes.”

  “Will Lucien allow Talia to testify?” Anton gravely asked.

  “I will demand the council call her as a witness on my behalf.” Rafael paced the room, thoughts of his brother infuriating him. “He’s going to be the downfall of the entire Lycan nation if we allow him to do what he’s doing. He needs to be sanctioned, but the council refuses to take action.”

  “The council has a weak spot for both of you,” Anton said. “You and Lucien are the golden sons. I almost feel like they’re awaiting a miracle that will magically mend the bad blood between you two.”

  Rafael flung his hand up into the air. “Each day that goes by, my hatred for my brother deepens. He has pitted pack against pack. Why the council has steadfastly refused to see his hand in our destruction is beyond me.”

  Both men shook their heads. There was no answer. It was what it was. And for the first time in nearly fifteen years, Rafael had a clear, concise game plan.

  “What if Lucien refuses the council’s request to produce Talia?” Yuri asked.

  “If he refuses to bring her when she can offer key evidence, then they will have to find him in contempt!” Rafael strode to the door, but before he opened it, he said to his two most trusted men, “Keep an eye on Falon. I don’t trust Lucien any farther than I can throw the bastard. Have the women prepare for guests. I’m going to see the Amorak.”

  Rafe was glad for the time to clear his head, but it only confirmed his resolve: Falon would not be sacrificed because he’d killed a Slayer. He’d been well within his rights as alpha to do it. He was the one who’d been wronged, not Lucien. And he would prove it.

  The small village was brightly lit when he approached. Energy crackled in the air. What had them so energized? Had they heard about Falon and her slaying of Edward? It had to be.

  Rafe rode straight to Sharia’s small hut. She was waiting for him on the dilapidated porch. He scowled and killed the engine on his bike.

  “You knew I was coming?”

  “Of course,” her old voice crackled. “Of course.” She turned and wobbled her way into the small candlelit space.

  Rafael followed and was surprised to see Daniel and Maleek, an elder from the North, seated on two new chairs. That was good for Rafael. Maleek had a strong dislike for Lucien. Both men nodded, acknowledging him. “Sit, Rafa,” Sharia said, pointing to a short stool by the window.

  Rafael helped the old woman into her worn rocker before he sat. When he did, he sat forward and said, “You have heard of my desire for a council meeting?”

  “Word travels fast, Rafael, as you know,” Daniel said. “We are preparing.”

  “Good.” He turned to Sharia, “As the elder here, I ask that you instruct Lucien to bring Talia to the meeting to bear testimony on my behalf.”

  “What testimony?” Daniel asked.

  Rafael scowled and thought before he spoke. “With all due respect, Daniel, I choose not to divulge my reasons as it may prejudice my case.”

  “With all due respect, Rafael, I insist.”

  Rafael sat back in his chair. “No.”

  Daniel sat forward, his face tightening. Maleek put his gnarled hand on Daniel’s, staying the man’s next words. The elder looked to Sharia, who nodded. “You are free to have any person present to bear witness. It is my understanding Talia is being held against her will in the Mondragon compound?”

  “Yes,” Rafael angrily said, sitting forward. “The council has done nothing to secure her release. Lucien has been allowed to run roughshod over the entire nation to its detriment.”

  It was Sharia’s turn to place a quieting hand on Rafael’s arm. “My son, the council does not act or not react without great debate. There are valid reasons for action or not. You must trust us. We act with only the Lycan nation’s best interest at heart.”

  “Then why has Lucien been allowed to divide the nation?” />
  “Destiny, my son can not be undone, not even by the council.”

  Rafael stood and swiped his hand across his chin. He wanted to pace, but there was no room to do so. “So you’re trying to tell me all of the shit we’ve had to endure since I don’t know the hell when is destiny?”

  All three nodded in unison.

  “I am in charge of my own destiny! No other entity, including the council or the Blood Law, can dictate to me how I live my life!”

  “Destiny works in mysterious ways, Rafael,” Maleek softly said. “Do not fight it.”

  “I will fight for my beloved! Lucien will not destroy her! Under any circumstances. Tell that to your destiny!”

  He took the two steps necessary to reach the door. He turned to the three who sagely watched him. He felt like the joke was on him, only he didn’t know it yet.

  “The alphas converge as I speak. They will have arrived by dusk tomorrow. Will destiny permit the council to convene then at my compound?”

  Daniel scowled while Sharia and Maleek showed the hint of a smile. “Destiny has already set the time at dusk tomorrow.”

  Rafael nodded. “Of course she has.”

  The ride home was quick. His heart, body, and soul yearned for Falon. He needed to feel her in his arms, to know she was real, alive, not a dream. This all felt like a dream. He was not the same man he’d been the night he rescued her from Salene. His life before Falon had been a haze, one ruled by guilt and resentment. He hadn’t truly been alpha until he’d found her, and even then, not fully until she’d marked him. Her love fortified him in ways he had never imagined. She brought everything down to its most basic level. His mission to unite the nation and defeat the Slayers was possible now because of one thing—he not only believed it could happen, he knew with certainty it would happen, with Falon at his side.

  He had always thought he was fighting for his people and, while that was true, he was now fighting for the woman he loved, as well as their unborn children. In just a few weeks, he had discovered what mattered most. He understood his parents’ adamancy that he and Lucien not leave their hiding place when the Slayers came that day. To his parents, he and his brother were the most precious things on earth. The things they would die to protect. And they had.

  He swallowed hard. Just as his mother and father had died so that he and his brother could live, so, too, would he die so that Falon could live.

  His mind was made up. If the council refused to see the truth—if it gave Lucien license to destroy Falon—he would destroy his brother, even if it meant facing his own death sentence. But at least Falon would live.

  FALON WOKE TO Rafael’s lips kissing hers. She stretched, smiling.

  “I missed you, love,” he whispered against her lips.

  “Mmm, I missed you, too.”

  Rafael pulled her against him, stroking her hair as she snuggled into the crook of his neck. Her fingers caressed his chest. “I love you,” she murmured before her breaths took on the deep, even cadence of sleep.

  He kissed the top of her head. “And I you.”

  He glanced at the window just as the blush of dawn seeped beneath the curtains. With dusk, their fates would be decided. And God help them all.

  Twenty - two

  FALON WOKE SLOWLY to bright sunlight and Rafael’s furry body stretched out beside her in the big bed. She smiled, digging her fingers into his thick fur. His big body pressed closer to hers. She wanted to wake up like this every morning.

  No, she wanted to wake up to Rafael’s human body every morning.

  Realization of what was to come struck her with the force of a lightning bolt. This could be their last morning together.

  She rolled over and buried her face in his fur, trying not to cry, trying to be strong, and trying to believe that Rafael could convince the council to set aside the Blood Law.

  In her heart, she knew it would not come to pass. Even so, she was determined to survive Lucien.

  Her body stiffened as she remembered his intrusion last night. He was determined to destroy what she and Rafael shared. His methods were underhanded, and if she were less of a woman and not as committed to Rafael, it may have worked.

  But she was alpha of a great pack. She stood beside a great man. She had destroyed a great Slayer. If left no choice, she would destroy Lucien as well.

  Careful not to disturb Rafael, Falon slid from the bed and into the bathroom.

  Twenty minutes later, when she emerged from the shower, she peeked in on him. He still slept. She wanted to go to him, but knew he was exhausted.

  Besides, the savory scents wafting up from the kitchen called to her.

  She was hungry, and she knew with the coming meeting and the many out of town guests expected, there was work to be done downstairs. She welcomed it. Anything to keep her mind off tonight.

  The women of the pack smiled, casting their eyes downward as she walked into the hub of action. They were busy cleaning the remnants of the night’s revelry, but there was an underlying, undeniable tension in the air. Not, she realized, because she had walked into the room, but because of what was to come that night.

  “Falon?” A petite blonde woman who she had seen on several occasions with Anton humbly approached her. Falon’s natural instinct was to tell her not to act so subordinate, but she knew that she could not. There was a definite and defined hierarchy in the pack, and she was at the top. But she would always treat those under her with fairness and love.

  She smiled, easing the woman’s nervousness.

  “I’m Glenna, keeper of the house. If you would permit me, I’d like to show you around, explain how things have been done. In case you want to make changes.”

  “Thank you, Glenna. I would love to, but first I need to eat. I’m famished.”

  Glenna nodded. “Galiya has outdone herself this morning. Come,” Glenna, said, extending her hand and waiting for Falon to precede her toward the back of the house.

  As Falon sat down to a feast for dozens, she invited Glenna to join her.

  The woman’s cheeks flushed. Falon could tell she wanted to refuse, not out of disrespect but from fear. Falon sipped her coffee. “I only bite Slayers.”

  Glenna’s big brown eyes widened. “How did you defeat Edward?” she gushed, dropping into the chair beside Falon and raptly awaiting the tale. Falon smiled inwardly as several other women, who just happened to find themselves near the kitchen, drew closer.

  Falon plopped a piece of the most delicious cinnamon roll ever baked into her mouth and slowly chewed. The other women seemed to be waiting for permission to approach. She waved them over. Just as Glenna had, they hurried to take the available seating and turned expectantly toward her.

  Shrugging, Falon said, “He threatened my man, so I ripped his throat out.”

  Glenna’s eyes shone bright. “I heard you ripped apart a metal cage first and even took pity on that treacherous bitch Lana.”

  “My treachery was the act of a woman scorned,” Lana said from the doorway. “I realize it was wrong now.”

  “Do you really, Lana?” Glenna demanded, narrowing her eyes at the lesser female. “Or do you realize it was wrong because you got caught?”

  Lana bared her teeth at Glenna but did not come farther into the room.

  “Your desire for an alpha has been your undoing, Lana. Rafael and Falon may be forgiving, but the council will not be,” the pretty brunette next to Glenna said. “You will not survive the night. Now be gone with you.” She waved Lana away as if she were an annoying gnat.

  Falon chose not to interfere. Lana had committed high treason when she went to the Slayers. It was Lana who’d told them of Falon’s coming and her handling of Lucien. Because of Lana’s treachery, several of the pack had not returned from the warehouse.

  Lana curled her lips and snarled. “You act so high and mighty, but with the coming of the Blood Moon we will all die!”

  “Do you have so little faith in your alpha, Lana?” Falon asked, rising and walking
toward the traitor. “If your life is spared, what part will you play in seeing the battle won? Or will you run to the enemy again?”

  “What alpha?” Lana spit, not caring about her disrespectful tone. Glenna hissed in a breath and stood. Falon waved her off. Lana continued her tirade. “Lucien’s position will be upheld by the council. Rafael will die to save you. Then what will we do? Unite under Lucien, who cares for nothing or no one but himself?”

  Her words sent a ripple of apprehension through the gathered women.

  “You give Lucien too much power, Lana,” Falon softly said, but the edge in her tone was unmistakable. “Rafael will not die trying to protect me. Lucien will die when I rip out his throat.”

  The women gasped. Falon continued toward the woman, who now hunched and quaked by the doorway. “You saw what I did when I saw Rafael fall. I tore those metal bars apart. I shifted into a powerful wolf, and I ripped Corbet’s throat out. Do you think Lucien would receive less from me?”

  “You underestimate me, Falon,” Lucien said from behind Lana. Stools and chairs scraped across the wood floor as they were hastily vacated. Every woman in the room, save Lana, scrambled behind Falon.

  In Falon’s head, Lucien was formidable. Here in person, he exuded such a lethal sensuality she could smell the terrified females around her exude come-fuck-me pheromones. Lucien was the ultimate bad boy. And as with all bad boys, they were no good for any woman.

  Falon’s temperature rose. Not in lust but in anger. How dare he show his face here?

  Lucien caught Lana’s chin in his hand. As if she were on a cloud, she rose to him, all flushed and fluttery. He kissed her. Sharp breaths hitched behind Falon. “My thanks for your confidence, Lana my love. Despite your low opinion of me, you will be rewarded.” He turned his golden eyes to Falon. “Prepare yourself, corazón; tonight you will share my bed, and tomorrow?” He smiled menacingly. “Tomorrow you will die.”

  Falon squarely faced him, focusing every ounce of energy and concentration on him. “Tonight will be your last on earth if you think I’ll go with you.”


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