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Bred by the Bushmen

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  The time spent with Caleb and Damon White had shown her who she was as a person, as a woman, and she liked what she saw. She no longer saw the useless fat woman she’d believed was there.


  She was a woman of worth who not only loved with her entire being, but also deserved love as well.

  “You’re happy now. You’re good, and you’re going to live an amazing life.” She took a deep breath, and made her way to the living room.

  The scent of the food made her mouth water, and her excitement at the night she had planned filled her up.

  The main door opened, and she turned to see Caleb and Damon talking as they entered. They hung up their heavy coats and stomped off their boots.

  The moment they saw her, they both went silent.

  “Hey, guys,” she said, running her hands down the front of her dress.

  “Now that is the best way to come home, baby,” Damon said, moving toward her. He wrapped his arms around her, and she didn’t care about the chill from his body from being outside.

  “What is all this?” Caleb asked.

  “Well, I thought we should celebrate.”

  Damon cupped the back of her head, bringing his lips down on hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck, moaning as he traced his tongue across her lips, and she opened up, needing him. “You taste good,” he said, pulling away.

  She didn’t have long to wait before Caleb pulled her into his embrace, and took his kiss. Their differences were slight but she’d be able to name each one with her eyes closed.

  Her pussy was already slick, ready, and desperate for the both of them. “Did you do all of your chores?”


  “Good.” She pulled away from them. “I thought we could have some food.”

  “That’s not all that’s on your mind though, is it, Opal?” Caleb asked. He stole a bread stick, taking a bite out of it.

  Heat filled her cheeks, and she offered them both a smile, shaking her head. “No, it’s not all I want.”

  Damon stood beside Caleb, and she watched the two of them. “Then why don’t you tell us what you want?”


  Caleb had never seen such a sexy sight in all of his forty years. The way the dress molded to her curves, he was ready to take her to the floor and fuck her long and hard for hours. The heat in her cheeks was also a turn on. He loved that air of innocence that came with her. No matter how many times he was deep inside her, he wouldn’t ever forget that look.

  Opal wanted to be fucked, and hard. She was sweet and naughty mixed together in an irresistible package.

  Not only that, he’d seen the change inside her. In the past few days, her happiness grew and spread, surrounding every single part of her, and he loved it. He wanted her more than anything else in his life.

  The only thing that would make her look any better was her heavily pregnant with their baby. Fuck. Just the thought of it and he was ready to blow his load.

  Damon tapped his arm.

  He didn’t need to look at his brother to know what he wanted.

  Reaching into his pocket, he held the ring that had once belonged to their mother. He’d been wanting to give this to Opal for some time now.

  “Actually, Opal, there’s something we’ve been wanting to ask you, and we need to do it before you try and have your wicked way with us.”

  “Oh, what is it?” she asked.

  He saw her nerves, and he hated that.

  Grabbing Damon’s arm, he pulled him down onto the floor, one knee bent, and together they held up the ring. She gasped.

  “We know it’s sudden, and we know that this life is not for everyone, and I could probably list a million different ways that you shouldn’t agree.”

  Damon slapped him around the back of the head.

  “You’re meant to name a million ways why this is a great idea,” Damon said.

  “I’m giving her all the facts,” Caleb said.

  This brought a laugh to Opal. “Yes.”

  “We’ve not asked yet,” Caleb said. “Now, I can think of a million reasons you should go back to the city. Hot water all the time. No worries about backup generators. Not having to cook everything from scratch, and of course, not having to garden.” This brought another smile. “But the city doesn’t have us, and I know for a fact you’d miss us. The one reason I think you should stay is that we love you. Both of us love you more than anything in the world, and we’ll protect you always.”

  Tears filled her eyes, and he hated making her cry.

  “That has to be the best proposal in the world,” she said.

  “Is that a yes?” Damon asked.

  “Yes, of course, yes. A million times yes.”

  She stepped toward them as they stood. Damon held her hand as he slid the finger in place. “We’ll make sure you’ll never regret this.”

  “I know I never will. I love you both. This is the greatest day of my life.” She cupped his face, and kissed him hard.

  Reaching behind her, Caleb grabbed her ass, pulling her forward. His cock pressed against her stomach, and they both moaned. Damon moved to stand behind her, trailing kisses down her neck.

  “I want both of you together. At the same time,” she said.

  “Are you ready for that?”

  “I’m more than ready.”

  “You want one of us inside your pussy, and the other to take that ass?” Caleb asked.


  “I think we should give the lady what she wants. We don’t want her to think for a second that we’re not up to her standards,” Damon said.

  She chuckled. “Neither of you could ever disappoint me.” She tilted her head back, and he watched as Damon claimed a kiss.

  Caleb ran his hands over her body, touching her heavy tits, moving down to between her thighs, and cupping her pussy. He groaned when he discovered she wasn’t wearing any panties. “You’re a naughty girl.”

  “And you love me like that,” she said.

  He certainly wasn’t going to complain. Stroking between her slit, he felt how wet she was. Pulling his finger out of her pussy, he licked her cream off, and moaned. She tasted exquisite as always.

  Taking the straps of her dress, he lowered them down, tugging the dress as he did. Damon gripped the edge of the fabric, and her tits sprang free.

  Damon cupped them, offering them up to him.

  Taking one nipple into his mouth, he sucked on the hard bud. With the other, he pinched, enjoying her gasps of pleasure as he teased her body. She was on fire already.

  She wriggled out of the dress, and he broke from her nipples to push it to the floor. With only a pair of heels on her feet, she looked so fucking inviting, and it made him ache for her.

  “I’d be so happy if we came home and found you like this every day. Naked, desperate, waiting for us,” Damon said. His hand was on her stomach. Caleb stood, gripping her chin, and forcing her to look at him. He wanted to breed her, to fill her with his seed.

  “You want me to fuck you?”


  “You want me to lick your pussy first?”


  He nodded at Damon, and got his brother to move her toward the couch. Damon sat down, and placed Opal on his lap, spreading her legs open wide, so not a single part of her was hiding.

  One of the things he was sure to buy when he was in town was lots and lots of lube. They planned to share their women often. He had tube in the drawer of the coffee table, in close reach.

  Kneeling down on the floor, he stared at her pretty pussy, which was already wet and ready. He wanted to taste her. Sliding a finger between her slit, he teased across her clit, then moved down, to push inside her. She gasped, arching up, and her cunt tightened around his finger. He added a second finger, watching as she wriggled on his brother’s lap.

  He smiled, seeing the pain on Damon’s face. All in good time.

  The best things in life came to those who waited, and he was ready to torment a
nd tease Opal until she was an aching ball of pleasure.

  The night was young after all, and he had the patience of a saint.


  Damon didn’t know how much more he could take. Caleb was really driving Opal wild, and the feel of her ass rubbing against his dick, was nearly too much. He watched his brother lick her pussy, opening her swollen lips before sucking on her clit.

  She cried out, and he supported her gorgeous tits, teasing her big nipples.

  On and on, his brother pushed her toward her orgasm only to deny her, driving her need higher and higher.

  Caleb pulled away. “She’s so wet for us. Have a feel, Damon.”

  He couldn’t resist, and so he placed his hand between her thighs, and teased around her nub, sliding down to fill her drenched pussy. She was indeed soaking.

  Suddenly, Opal moved. “You’re both overdressed.”

  Going to her knees before him, she attacked his belt, pulling it from the loops, and tossing it to one side. She didn’t stop there.

  In a matter of minutes they were all completely naked, and Opal had kicked off her heels. She pressed her body against his, kissing him hard. She turned to Caleb, doing exactly the same, and keeping a hand placed on his chest.

  Her hand moved down, wrapping her fingers around the length of Damon’s cock. She did the same with Caleb, working his length simultaneously. It was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

  “Suck him,” Caleb said.

  They were on the carpet, and Damon went to his knees before her. Caleb moved Opal so that she was on her knees, and he watched as his brother filled her in one forceful thrust. At the same time, she took his cock into her mouth, and started to suck on him. Wrapping her hair around his hand, he guided her, pushing into her mouth. Each thrust that Caleb did inside her pussy had her moaning, and the vibration in her throat had him so close to wanting to come.

  He held off, loving the feel of her taking him, her lively tongue making his eyes loll back in his head. When he hit the back of her throat, she didn’t pull away, and kept him, taking him even more.

  It wasn’t enough though.

  “I want her pussy,” Damon said, pulling out of her mouth.

  Changing places, he ran his hands over her back. Sliding down, he pressed two fingers inside her, and she gasped.

  Replacing his fingers with his cock, he thrust all the way inside her and groaned as her heat gripped him tightly. She was pure heaven.

  He closed his eyes, staying still within her, just enjoying the feel of their connection.

  Slowly, he began to fuck her, watching his cock appear, her cream coating his dick. Spreading the cheeks of her ass, he stared at her puckered hole. It made him harder yet. With how wet she was, he used her arousal to coat his fingers, and placed them at her ass.

  Coating her anus, he teased her, taking his sweet time.

  The moment he touched her, her pussy tightened around him, and he felt her get wetter.

  “You like that, baby?” he asked.

  She pulled off Caleb’s cock, and nodded. “Yes.”

  “Good girl.”

  Pumping inside her, he stroked over her anus, getting her used to feel of him. After a few minutes, he pushed his finger inside her. At first, the tight ring of muscles held him back, and he didn’t stop. Pressing against her ass, she relented, and he filled her to the knuckle.

  Taking his time, he got her used to his finger before adding a second, and when she could take them both, he spread her open, scissoring his fingers.

  “I’m taking her ass,” he said.

  Pulling out of her pussy, he gripped his length and coated it with the lube Caleb bought, and the pressed the tip at her ass. He made sure to go slow, waiting for her to open up to him.

  “Relax for me, sweetheart. Don’t tense up.”

  She released a little gasp, and he paused, waiting for her ass to open up to him.

  When she started to press back against his cock, he gripped her hips, and inch by inch, he filled her virgin asshole until he was balls deep.

  “How are you feeling?” Caleb asked.

  “It feels … weird,” she said.

  Caleb pushed some of her hair off her face, and Damon closed his eyes, feeling her ass tighten around him. Fuck, it was even tighter than her pussy.

  “Are you ready for me inside you?” Caleb asked.

  “Yes!” She was panting now, wanton and eager.

  Damon moved so that he was on the floor. His cock still deep within her ass, and she was spread open, ready to take Caleb. She held onto his hands, and when his brother pressed inside her pussy, he groaned.

  With every added inch, her ass squeezed him even more.

  “I knew this was going to be good but I didn’t realize it was going to be this fucking good,” Caleb said.

  “I feel so full, so out of control,” said Opal.

  “Let go, baby. Enjoy yourself.”

  Caleb worked his cock inside her pussy until fully seated, and they both stayed still, giving her time. Only when she was ready did they both move, creating a rhythm that took the pleasure to the next level.

  The instant he saw Opal, he knew she was the one but right now, deep inside her, loving her with his brother, there was no doubt.

  He loved her more than anything else in the world, and would give her whatever her heart desired. She held his hand, kissed his brother, and thrust against both of them, taking and giving with equal measure, and he fucking loved it, more than anything.

  She was incredible.

  “You feel so good,” Caleb said.

  “The best,” Damon agreed with him.

  “Please, I need it, please,” she said, begging.

  Reaching between her thighs, he teased her clit. With a few strokes, she came apart, screaming their names. Her release set off his orgasm as her ass squeezed him like a vise. He saw stars dance before his eyes as he filled her with wave upon wave of release.

  Seconds later, he heard Caleb groan. All three of them finding their pleasure with each other. He couldn’t help but wonder when she’d become ripe with their child. He could hardly wait.

  They collapsed on the floor before the fire. The comforting scent of burning wood and cedar mixed with the dinner waiting for them.

  “Do you think we’ll ever make it to the bedroom?” Opal asked.

  “I don’t know. I’m getting quite attached to the floor,” Caleb said.

  Damon laughed. “I think we’re going to need to buy a fluffier rug. My ass has carpet burn.”

  They all burst out laughing.

  “I love you guys so much,” said Opal.

  Damon cupped her cheek, and pressed a kiss to her lips. “You’re our entire world.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Four months later

  Opal wore her rubber boots as she navigated the thawing trails. With each step, her boots suctioned into the muck. She didn’t care because it meant spring was on the way in and winter on the way out. The birds sang in the trees above, dozens of different melodies. She’d fallen in love with the land, and couldn’t imagine life in the city ever again.

  The men were busy making outdoor pens for the animals they’d purchased. They were arriving next week, so they had to get things finished in time. They bought two milking goats, a dairy cow, and half a dozen hens. The fresh eggs, milk, cheese, and butter would make life even better for them. It was empowering to live independently without having to travel to town too often.

  She’d hiked farther than she had before, but she felt the need to be alone for a while with her own thoughts. In the distance, she saw a structure, and discovered a small wooden shack. It was still on the brothers’ land because they owned thousands of acres, way too far for her to wander beyond. Her curiosity soared.

  Opal lifted the wooden lever holding the door closed and then gave it a push. The hinges whined loudly as the door swung open. Dust motes danced in the beams of light coming from the small windows. There wasn’t much inside, just a
n old stone fireplace, a square dinette table and chairs, and a wooden cupboard. She ventured inside, opening up the cabinet to find some old preserves in glass jars. Opal wondered who put them there and how long they’d been stored. The glass windows had a thick layer of dust, making them nearly opaque.

  She sat down on one of the chairs, imagining fairy tales like Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Opal giggled to herself. She’d never felt so at peace with herself and her life.

  There were some marks on the wood in one corner, so she got up to investigate. They were growth marks for different years when Caleb and Damon had been kids. She smiled, trying to imagine the brothers as children. Even at twelve they’d been taller than her.

  A shadow passed by the small window, making her gasp. She hadn’t heard any footsteps and, in the light of day, she didn’t expect any animal encounters. Her carefree mood shifted to caution.

  The door was still ajar, so she waited to see what would appear in the doorway after rounding the corner. She held her breath, biting her lower lip in anticipation. Please don’t be a bear or another crazy man. When nothing showed up, she wondered if she’d really seen anything.

  She closed the cupboard and walked tentatively to the door. There were only the soothing sounds of nature waiting for her, so she pulled the door shut.

  “What are you doing way out here?”

  Opal gasped and twirled around into Damon’s arms. She looked up into his eyes, her heart still racing.

  “You scared me.”

  “Good. You were naughty wandering so far.” He opened the door and forced her to walk backwards into the cabin.

  “What is this place?” She had no fear of Damon. His words only inspired desire inside her.

  “Before our parents built the cabin, this was home for over a year. Then it was our playhouse.” The shack was tiny. She couldn’t imagine the four of them living comfortably.

  “You had it rough.”

  He shook his head. “It was an adventure.” Damon hoisted her up to sit on the wooden table.

  “Now, tell me why you’re here, Opal.”


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