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Qualify: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

Page 12

by TL Mayhew

  Claps and whistles erupt all around and I can’t hold back the rogue tear that escapes, making a path down my cheek. I mouth a thank-you to Josh and he nods in return.

  I expect that to be the end of it and prepare myself to devour the delicious-looking food presented so elegantly on the table, but the others have something else in mind when they begin chanting, “Speech… speech… speech…”

  Shaking my head and waving my arms amidst the rhythmic chatter, I try and refuse their demands. Unfortunately, I’m dragged forward by the arm and placed in the same spot Josh was in.

  At first, I think the person forcing me is my brother. But when I glance up, I’m met with kind hazel eyes and a soft smile.

  “Just a few words. You owe it to them, or at the very least Josh. This was all his idea,” Kye utters, taking a few steps back and giving me the spotlight.

  I look to my brother. Although his arms are crossed and he has a stern look on his face, he gives a nod, agreeing with the man who it’s obvious he’d rather not have anything in common with.

  Heat settles over my cheeks when the room goes silent and all eyes are on me.

  I never had been a fan of speaking publicly. It’s one of the reasons I love what I do. Just me and a piece of machinery. Sure, they squeak, moan, and sometimes scream but they don’t judge me like I feel everyone in this room is doing now.

  The quickest way out of this situation is to say something short and sweet. But I’m not sure if I can even make my lips move. I feel like a deer caught in headlights. My breaths come more rapidly, and my eyes glaze over.

  There’s movement out of the corner of my eye. I’m sure it’s my brother coming to my rescue, but I hold up a hand stalling him in place. “Ahem. As you might have noticed I’m not much on speaking in front of crowds, even if I do see most of you on a regular basis. You’re all kind of freaking me out staring at me like this.”

  The rumble of laughter eases my nerves a bit.

  “Nevertheless, I know none of you will let me devour any of the yummy-looking food until I’ve given my side of the story.”

  Laughter rumbles again.

  “Josh, when I first came here and saw your handwritten appointment book, I wondered how the post for your job opening ever ended up on one of those hiring apps.” Everyone who is close to Josh laughs heartily at my comment. “But I’m glad it did. I’m thankful you took a chance on me and didn’t try to shut the hood on my head… more than that one time anyway.”

  Ohs and ahs echo off the concrete walls of the garage before Josh has a chance to defend himself. “Hey, I never…”

  “I’m only kidding. Thanks again for giving me a chance. And Andre, thank you for showing me the ropes around here. I appreciate the both of you and all the other hard-working people here at Dragoo’s. Now let’s eat!” Claps and whistles turn to a low rumble as everyone lines up near the table of food.

  Just as I grab a plate and I’m ready to fill it with a slew of pancakes, a cheese Danish, and some fruit, a hand circles around my arm. “Come with me,” Kye says, tugging on me and leading me through the door.

  He pulls me into Josh’s office and kicks the door closed.

  I open my mouth to protest, but my voice is silenced when his hands cup my face, and his lips cover mine.

  Shock is my first reaction. Placing my hands on his chest, I halfheartedly try and push him away, but it’s a failed effort. His chest is like steel and his feet are firmly planted on the floor.

  Once his tongue begins exploring the inside of my mouth, I lose all control and melt into him. Moving my hands from his chest to around his neck and entangling my fingers in his hair, I pull him closer. Pressing his lips harder against mine.

  Neither of us can get enough of the other.

  His hands slide down my side until they’re supporting my ass and he lifts me, taking a few steps forward, gently placing me on the edge of Josh’s desk. Our lips never lose their connection.

  Time stalls as does everything else around me. I’d never imagined I could feel this way for any man, yet there’s something about being wrapped in his strong arms.

  My knight.

  I know it can’t go any further than this. That we can’t be together for the obvious reasons. But it doesn’t stop me from enjoying the moment. This small window of time together.

  He places kisses over my chin and down to the sensitive spot on my neck. “Staying away from you is impossible, Berkleigh Shaw.”

  I moan as the sensation sends shivers over my skin. I want him more than I’ve ever wanted anyone in my life, and I’m this close to telling him, but I know taking that next step would only lead to disaster.

  “Just a little taste, that’s all I’d intended,” he utters against my skin as his hands roam.

  Before I realize, he’s cupping my breasts, and his teeth find one of my nipples through the material of my shirt. “Kye...” I cry out, as he pulls at the sensitive nub.

  He groans and drops a hand to adjust himself.

  Heavy breaths and erotic groans are the only sounds filling the small office. I squeeze my eyes shut and lean farther back on the desk. Soaking in every sound, smell, taste, and feel of the man bringing me so much pleasure.

  Wrapping his arms around my waist, he pulls me to him, rubbing his cock against my pussy as his mouth finds my neck once again. Our clothes the only thing separating us from making the final connection we both so desperately need.

  When I reach for his neck, I knock a pen holder off the desk. The noise is just what I need to pull my mind out of its lustful state and back to the realization this cannot happen.

  I straighten myself, pushing on his chest as I do. “Kye..”

  “Hmm?” he questions, still navigating his lips over my neck.

  “We need to stop,” I breathe out, instantly regretting the words as soon as they leave my mouth.

  His hooded eyes meet mine. Damn, what I would give to peer into those eyes as this man comes undone on top of me. He must see the flicker of desire burning in my own because that arrogant smirk tips his lips. “Are you sure that’s what you want?”

  Am I sure?

  Fuck no.

  But the circumstances…

  “Yes, I’m sure,” I blurt out. Knowing that if I let my thoughts linger, I’ll give in and let him take me right here… in Josh’s office, with a crowd of people—who are here for me—just on the other side of the wall.

  Placing his hands on my hips, he closes in on my mouth once again, before pulling away and lifting me from the desk, setting my feet carefully on the floor.

  This time he turns and leans against the edge of the desk, pulling me between his legs. “Have dinner with me,” he says, tucking a random lock of hair behind my ear.

  On a long sigh, I turn away from him and step farther into the office but the distance between us doesn’t make what I’m about to say any easier. “Kye, as much as I want this, and believe me I do want this… I can’t risk the fallout. I mean I haven’t even started yet and already I was this close… well you know, and with my boss even.”

  “Yeah, I know exactly just how close,” he confirms, glancing down at the impressive bulge taunting me from the crotch of his pants. With no attempt at hiding it, he crosses his arms and pins a stare on me. “I could fire you.”

  My face goes straight with shock, he wouldn’t… would he? It’s not until his lips curve into a mischievous grin that I know he’s only toying with me. “That’s not funny!” I scold.

  He stands and closes the distance between us. His expression turning soft as he cups my head with his hands. “Berkleigh, I understand what you’re saying, but it’s no one’s goddam business—not the crew, not my manager, not even my grandmother—what we do behind closed doors.”

  I nod, but I just can’t get the thought of ruining what I’ve worked so hard for out of my mind.

  Taking his hands in mine, I meet his eyes. “Kye, I feel something for you. I have ever since that first day. You were my knight th
en and you still are. For that, I’m thankful…” I pause swallowing back the emotion building in my throat.

  “But?” he asks, pulling his hands from mine and glancing out the same window I’ve looked out so many times before.

  “But…” I continue, moving over next to him. “…our getting involved will not only have people looking at me differently but also making assumptions.”

  I place a hand on his shoulder. He covers mine with his and we stand in silence for what feels like an eternity before he gives me a gentle squeeze and steps out of my reach.

  “I guess we should get back to the party then,” he mutters, heading toward the door.

  With a hand on the knob, he pauses briefly, as though he’s about to say something but doesn’t. Instead, he steps through the door, leaving me standing there with swollen lips and an ache in my heart.

  I take a moment to compose myself, and straighten my clothes, before heading back into the service garage where everyone is still gathered. I’m lucky most are finishing up their plates of food while others are chatting and not paying any attention to their flustered coworker.

  Reaching for another plate, intent on filling my own with food, I glance around looking for Kye, but neither he nor his crew are anywhere to be seen.

  “They left,” Elliot says dryly.

  I nod but don’t make eye contact with my brother.

  “You’re walking a dangerous line, Berk.”

  Not in the mood for his judgment, I spin around and speak a little too loudly. “Don’t you think I know that?”

  He looks from me to the rest of the room where I can only assume all eyes are on me, before glancing back with a sympathetic stare.

  I lower my voice. “I ended it anyway. So, there’s no reason for you or anyone else for that matter to be concerned.”

  “I’ll never not be concerned for you, Berk. You’re my sister and being an older brother, it comes with the territory.” He lowers himself so he’s eye level with me. “Are you sure you’re going to be all right? I can cancel my airline reservation…”

  “What? No…” I’m a horrible sister, I’d totally forgotten he was leaving today. “I mean I’d love for you to stay longer but there’s no need for you to change your plans just for me.”

  He chuckles. “Nice save. For a minute there I thought you were glad I’d be gone.”

  “Of course not! You can stay as long as you want.”

  “I appreciate that, but I need to get back, otherwise Dad will be on a plane out here and then we’ll both be screwed.” He offers me a wink and a smile. “Walk me out to my car?”

  I place my still empty plate on the table and walk out with my brother. We say our goodbyes then he gives me a long brotherly hug and slides into the driver’s seat of his rental.

  “Text me, letting me know you made it home safely,” I shout before he closes the door.

  He waves from the interior and I wave back then push down the emotion settling in my throat as I watch his car disappear around the corner. Another man and another moment where I’m left standing alone with an ache in my chest.

  When I head back in the garage, the thought of food turns my stomach, but I know I need to eat something, so I toss a few grapes in my mouth then make my rounds, chatting and thanking the party guests for coming.

  Their well-wishes are appreciated, unfortunately my focus isn’t on anything any of them had to say. Instead, my mind drifts to an earlier encounter.

  The feel of Kye’s touch, the spicy scent of his cologne, and the way his body felt against mine.

  Can I do this?

  Will I ever be able to work around a man who leaves me feeling the way he does?

  “I am so fucking screwed!”

  Josh chuckles from my left. “That you are, sweetheart. But remember you’ll always have a place here if things get too… heated.”

  I turn and without warning pull him into the biggest bear hug I’m capable of. “You don’t know how much that means to me.”

  He stiffens at first, but I don’t let go of him and eventually he gives in, returning my tight squeeze.

  It’s in this moment I allow the tears to fall. No longer holding back the emotion I’ve been fighting most of the day.

  For Kye.

  For my brother.

  And for the man holding me now.

  Chapter 17

  Today is Sunday, which means tomorrow I start my job with Kingston Racing.

  The weekend flew by and I feel as though I slept through most of it. Waking only long enough to eat and shower before tucking myself back under the covers atop my soft bed and drifting off again.

  All the emotion I’d expelled on Friday had finally taken its toll.

  As many times as Josh said he wouldn’t, a couple of his tears made an appearance. He’d tried to swipe them away but not before I’d seen them. I didn’t say anything, but it warmed my heart knowing he felt something.

  Now that the goodbyes are over, and I’ve gotten enough sleep to last an entire week, the anxiety is starting to kick in.

  I’m at a loss as to what I should be doing today. Alicia had sent a text on Friday with a link directing me to their onboarding process for new employees. It’s the typical human resources stuff and a section on how to obtain an official Kingston Racing single-layer fire suit, created specifically for the crew members.

  Although Kingston is new to having a woman on their crew, Alicia mentioned in a text that they did have some women-sized suits in stock. When I’d replied thanking her, I’d also asked her why. The reason she’d given was ridiculous.

  It seems a few of the track bunnies had requested official suits to wear to the races. Although theirs didn’t protect them from anything, since they were generally unzipped down to the waist, allowing their large bikini-clad breasts to poke out.

  Some even wore them just like the racers, folded down and resting on their hips, exposing their entire upper half. This was confirmed with photos Alicia had included in the text.

  My only thought after viewing the pictures is… great I’ll be wearing the same suit flaunted by beautiful busty blondes, whose only goal in life is to hook up with as many of the racers and crew as possible.

  I slap a hand over my mouth wondering where those bitchy, judgmental thoughts came from. Then I remember the photos with Kye and one of those very busty blondes at the track. The same one who’d conveniently had her head in his lap at the bar.

  Jealous much? I think to myself. Even though I’d told him I didn’t think we should be together, it doesn’t mean I’d enjoy seeing him with someone else.

  My cell rings, pulling me from the ridiculous thoughts. I swipe it off the table and hit answer. “Hi, Daddy!”

  “How are you holding up?” Dad asks, his deep timbre rumbles through the line, calming me almost instantly. “You’ve got a big day tomorrow.”

  I blow out a deep breath. “I’m a little nervous but otherwise good. How are things there? Are you still prepping the car for the race in Kansas?” I’m honestly curious about what’s going on back home.

  “Nerves are to be expected, sweetheart. Just make sure you eat and get plenty of sleep.” He chuckles. “I’m not having anything to do with that race or the car. That’s all your brother’s idea. Dante decided he wanted to take a spin around a track, using an upgraded suspension on that Camaro ZL1. He says he’s not entering competitively. Just more about getting the car on something other than a practice track.”

  It’s my turn to laugh. There’s no way Dante is entering a race and not expecting it to turn competitive. It’s in his veins. All our veins. “Well, I’ll believe it’s a non-competitive race for him when I see it.”

  “My thoughts exactly. I’m looking forward to seeing you there as well,” he says, before a muted conversation with someone on his end distracts him. “I’m sorry to cut this short, sweetie, but I need to go. Good luck tomorrow. Call me in the evening and let me know how it went. Love you.”

  Why would I be
there? “Wait… what do you mean seeing me there?” I question, but I’m only met with silence.

  “Dad?” I ask again.

  Pulling my phone away from my ear, I stare at the blank screen of my phone. He disconnected the call, leaving me hanging with what he’d said. I don’t care what he’s doing or who he’s with, I tap out a text.

  Me: What do you mean seeing me there?

  After a few minutes I see the three dots appear, indicating he’s typing out a reply.

  Dad: It’s Kye’s first stock car race.

  Dad: I assume you’ll be there with his crew.

  Dad: Did he not tell you?

  Why wouldn’t he mention it?

  Me: NO!

  Dad: Watch the racing news.

  I toss my phone on the couch and head into my room, picking up my laptop, intent on searching for Kye Kingston racing schedule. Why I hadn’t thought of doing this sooner is beyond me. I expect I’d planned on them providing me with a list or something.

  Nevertheless, there it is right there in black and white. Small track race, Kansas City Motorsports.

  The entrants are listed in alphabetical order and I stare intently at the list. Kye and Dante competing with five other drivers. I knew eventually this would happen. One of my brothers would be racing against Kye, but I had no idea it would be this soon.

  I’m also not sure how I feel about it.

  Obviously, I’d want them both to win but when it comes down to it, who is it I want to get that checkered flag? My brother or the man who has a part in supplying my livelihood?

  There’s no way I can choose. My anxiety has just doubled in size.

  Looking at the dates of the race, I realize it’s in only a few months. Since Kye has never raced a stock car, not officially anyway, he’ll need to get his car prepped and get in a shit ton of test runs.

  Even more reason it makes sense for me to put a stop to us. He doesn’t need the distraction. The thought lifts the tiniest bit of relief off my shoulders. Letting him go was the right decision, but it doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt or that I didn’t wish I hadn’t done it.


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