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Qualify: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

Page 13

by TL Mayhew

  Will it be hard working around him? Absolutely. On the few occasions I’ve seen him, often I’d lost some sense of my self-control. I imagine seeing him every day will be difficult.

  I can only hope he’s not involved in the day-to-day mechanical running of things.

  If I can just get through the first day without messing something up or getting fired, then I’ll consider it a success.

  Setting my laptop aside, I head to my room, and change into a pair of shorts, a tank, and a pair of running shoes. I feel a quick run along the beach might help clear my mind.

  I haven’t been for months.

  It used to be three times a week thing but as Josh’s place got busier so did my schedule. It wasn’t easy giving up either but working throughout the day left me exhausted at night. Which left only the mornings, and really, I’m not an early riser.

  It’s a short drive to the closest, not too busy, beach where I can get in a mile or two without having to jump over beach blankets, sandcastles, and kids themselves.

  Pulling into a parking space, I’m pleased when I find this one doesn’t have much of a crowd yet.

  Before exiting my car, I lock my small purse and personal belongings in the glovebox. Making sure I tuck my driver’s license, a spare key, and my cell phone in the small pocket sewn inside my shorts.

  In minutes, my shoes are making a path in the sand as I head toward the water. Once I find a decent spot with a good view and few people, I begin stretching. Touching my toes and doing some lunges. But when I twist my upper body, I catch sight of someone in a car at the top of a small ridge to my left.

  It’s hard to tell from this distance if it’s a man or a woman. Mostly all I can see is their head, but it seems as though they’re looking my way. I stare a little longer, imagining what they might be doing.

  Maybe they’re meeting someone. Or maybe they’re prepping for their own run. Either way, it’s none of my business. I shake their presence out of my mind and head further down the beach.

  The first few steps in the thick sand after not being here for a while are difficult. I welcome the burn in my calves as I increase my speed and after five minutes I’ve settled into a rhythmic pace.

  With the ocean wind blowing through my hair and the scent of saltwater teasing my nose, it’s like I was just here yesterday. I relish in the mountainous scenery in the distance and allow the sound of waves pushing against the shore to clear my mind.

  I’m not sure why I hadn’t thought of coming here sooner. I’m feeling better already.

  When my lungs begin to protest, and my legs feel like jelly, I head back to my car. Stretching again for a bit before slipping inside.

  Only after retrieving my belongings, placing them back in my purse, and buckling my seat belt I am ready to go. Backing out of the parking space is when I notice the same car still parked on the ridge that I’d seen from below.

  There’s still someone sitting inside, which seems odd for a hot California day. The clock on the dash indicates I’d been gone for close to an hour.

  Out of curiosity I drive in that direction. It could be someone who needs help. But it could also be him. A shiver tingles my spine at the thought they’d seen me jogging and I decide not to stop as I drive by but do get the make and model of the car, along with the plate number.

  I don’t plan on doing anything with the information. Nevertheless, there’s no harm in taking it down. I mean if there’s a reason to use it great, if not then it wasn’t much effort in getting it.

  Whomever is in the driver’s seat leans over to the passenger side when I pass by. Making it impossible for me to see who it might be.

  By the time I’m home, and in the parking garage, paranoia settles in. I scan the concrete space quickly before exiting my car and rushing over to the elevator, pounding on the button until it dings and the doors open.

  I will them to close quickly, letting out a sigh of relief when they do and I’m the only one in the small space.

  It’s the same when I reach my floor. I scan the hall then hurry to my apartment door, unlocking it, slipping inside, and locking it once again. Just to be safe, I check the three rooms and all my windows, ensuring they’re locked as well, before dropping onto the couch and pulling my cell out of my purse.

  I swipe the screen until Dad’s picture shows up. I consider calling him, just to hear his voice, and hope it would settle my nerves but decide against it. He’d recognize something was wrong.

  Instead, I grab my laptop and head into my room. Making sure to close and lock that door as well. Two locked doors are better than one I tell myself, not that it gives me any more comfort.

  My shoes are the only thing I remove before slipping between the sheets. I’ll shower in the morning and wash the sweaty sheets later. Right now, I’m going back through all the links Alicia had provided, hoping everything is in order for tomorrow and that it will get my mind off the man from my past.

  Chapter 18


  “That’s it, you’re in the straightaway open her up. See how she handles,” Robert coaches through the speakers built in my helmet.

  The speedometer creeps up to 100 mph. “There’s a slight vibration in the steering. Not excessive or anything I can’t handle, but it will need to be addressed,” I inform him.

  “Got it. Steering.”

  I push it to 150 mph. The steering smooths out a bit, meaning it could be a tire issue. I give it more gas and the speedometer jumps up to 200 mph.

  “Careful, man, you’re coming into a curve rated at 175. We don’t know how she’ll take the turn yet,” Robert warns.

  Robert has been on my crew since just after I started driving pro. He’s a great guy and knows a hell of a lot about cars. I trust his judgment. I have to because my life is basically in his hands.

  I let off the gas, dropping back down to 150. The steering begins to shimmy again, and a quick glance at the RPMs shows they’re consistently running at six thousand. It’s a little high for the lower speed, which means something else needs to be adjusted.

  Starting into the turn I’m pleased to find the car hugs the track like the tires are coated in super glue. The steering shimmy is back but overall, it’s handling better than expected. I give it more gas and take the rest of the turn at the max.

  “Lookin’ good. You’re almost back in the straightaway.” Robert offers a rare bit of praise.

  Once the track straightens out, I kick up the speed. “What’s the max you think we can take her?” I ask him.

  “Probably shouldn’t go any higher than what you’ve already done on the straight. With that vibration, we can’t be sure it’s not something more serious,” he instructs.

  “I’m coming in then.”

  “Sounds good, man, see you in a few,” he says, but doesn’t click the radio off.

  Communication stays on until I’ve parked and removed my helmet. It’s a safety measure we implemented when one of the guys dislodged his belt too soon in the pit.

  It was shortly after a minor impact on the track. Gas dripping from the undercarriage. He’d gotten out before the crew had a chance to secure the area with the proper fire extinguishers. Had his helmet been on we could’ve warned him to stay in the car.

  Nothing caught fire and the driver wasn’t hurt but he could’ve been.

  Once I’ve exited the vehicle, Robert and Davis jump over the wall, preparing to roll the car into the back and load it up on the truck. It’ll be hauled back to the warehouse where our service garage is.

  Any of the issues discovered on this test run have been recorded and a mechanic will be assigned to review. I plan on partnering them up with Berkleigh, who will oversee and inspect any adjustments needed.

  It’ll be a surprise to both her and to the crew.

  I trust their skills, but I’ve done some research on her and her family and Grady was right. Stock cars are what she grew up on. If I introduce my idea in the right way there shouldn’t be any ill will from the team.<
br />
  Another tidbit I found interesting, when looking at the list of entrants for the Kansas City race, there was a Shaw listed. Turns out her oldest brother will be driving in the same race.

  I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or someone had planned it that way. It doesn’t matter either way, I welcome the competition.

  Taking one last glance at the practice track, I let out a sigh, realizing the entire time I was behind the wheel, I hadn’t once thought of the conversation with Berkleigh. I’m glad Grady had found this timeslot because I’d been reeling her words over and over in my head.

  It’s not the reaction I’d expected. I mean, hell, it was only a dinner invitation. I could have my choice of many women who would’ve jumped at the chance, but it’s clear that little spitfire is different.

  Why can’t she see that? When we’re together, there’s a calm that settles around us. She gives into me without a second-guess and I’m unable to keep my hands off her.

  I get doing things on her own is important to her and is something I’m in full support of. I’d even said as much to Grady. But she isn’t even giving us a chance. A chance to try and balance a relationship with her career goals.

  If only she could see how good it can be. The thought triggers an idea in my head and I jog to catch up with Robert and Davis, who are waiting for me in the truck.

  Once we arrive at the massive garage doors, Robert backs the trailer next to service bay one and the door opens automatically. The space is big enough for a couple of small planes if it was empty but at this moment there are several cars housed in their respective spaces.

  Robert and Davis roll car sixteen out of the trailer and park it in the bay directly ahead.

  They take turns cleaning up at the washing station and I head for the restroom in my office. One of the benefits of being a boss. The corner office with attached bath. I wash my hands and splash some cool water on my face.

  I take a quick look at myself in the mirror, running my fingers through my hair, ridding it of the flat spots from my helmet, then realize I’d left the track in a rush and hadn’t changed out of my fire suit.

  My change of clothes is still at the track and beneath this suit is only another thin layer of fireproof wear. Not the appropriate attire for meeting a new employee on her first day.

  Pulling my cell from my pocket, I place a quick call to Alicia.

  “Hello, Mr. Kingston,” she says, her tone a little extra sweet today.

  “Please have someone drop by the track and grab my change of clothes,” I tell her, heading toward the door, intent on checking in with the guys. “Oh, and let me know when Berkleigh arrives.”

  “Oh… Ahem…” she stutters on the line.

  “What is it, Alicia?” I question, curious to understand what has gotten her all flustered.

  “Um… She arrived about an hour ago.”


  Standing on the catwalk that overlooks the lobby, I look in each direction then glance over the railing to see Alicia reclined back in her chair, checking her nails. She’s not looking nearly as out of sorts as she sounds. “You mind letting me in on where Miss Shaw might be at this very moment?” I ask her, still through the phone.

  She lazily leans forward and taps out something on the keyboard before glancing up to where I’m standing and smiling. “She’s in the simulation room with Eric.”

  “Alone?” I ask, raising my voice to where anyone in the general vicinity could hear.

  Her eyes go wide, and the smile disappears from her face.

  I’m unsure if she’s surprised by my reaction or if she’s worried she’s done something wrong, neither of which concerns me. What does concern me is the fact my new hire is in the simulation room of all places, alone with Eric.

  He’s not a bad guy, just a little too friendly for my taste. Add to that the fact she’s been in the building and I haven’t had a chance to see her yet. It has me taking the steps two at a time. Heading swiftly down the hall once I reach the first floor.

  With my hand on the knob, I’m tempted to just burst in, drag her out of the room, and up the stairs to my office where I can fuck off my frustration. Instead, I turn the corner and watch them from the observation window.

  We’d installed the almost floor-to-ceiling window specifically for tours of our warehouse. On occasion, school kids are brought by as part of a field trip. They’ll start the tour in the historical room where my trophies are held and information about the Kingston family history, then they’ll move on to a tour of the simulation room.

  Depending on if it’s in use or not.

  When our drivers are doing some test runs, the kids watch from the window. It’s truly a sight to see how their eyes light up as two racers compete on the big screen. Of course, it’s not as exciting as seeing their eyes light up when they get to touch and sit in an official race car.

  Which is why we save that for the last and my favorite part of their tour.

  Looking through the glass I don’t readily see Eric or Berkleigh, and I wonder if Alicia had looked at the schedule wrong. But then the lights are flipped on and Eric comes into view. He has a smiling Berkleigh at his side.

  She’s dressed in the Kingston coveralls and her curves fill them out perfectly. This look suits her. Not the black strapless dress she wore to the bar, even though it made my mouth water, nor the red dress I’d fantasized her wearing.

  No, seeing her in my company’s coveralls, now that’s hot!

  Eric must be thinking the same because he gently grips her arm and stops her inches from him in the middle of the room. A look of panic flashes over her face before he says something and tips her head up.

  Whatever he’d said changes her expression from panic to a perfectly pink blush.

  What the fuck, Eric! She hasn’t even been here an hour. Not that I’m any better, but fuck—she’s mine.

  This time I do cut around the corner, standing before the door, I gather my composure then step inside.

  As soon as Berkleigh sees me walking toward her, she takes a step back from Eric and offers me a shy smile.

  “Kye.” Eric emphasizes my name as he acknowledges my presence.

  “Eric. Berkleigh. How is the tour coming a long?” I ask both but hold her gaze.

  “Actually…” they both say, at the same time. Glancing at one another and grinning.

  “Well…” I press.

  Berkleigh shifts on her feet. “It actually only just started. The simulation room is the first thing we’ve looked at,” she says, glancing from me to the car she drove. Bringing another shade of pink to her cheeks. She licks her lower lip nervously.

  My dick twitches at the thought of her mouth around my shaft. Unfortunately, she laid down the rules. And even though this girl is certainly going to be the death of me, I’ll allow her demands. For now.

  Two can play at this game. “Eric, why don’t you put her in car five and show her how the simulators work.”

  “I’d be happy to, boss.” He turns a wide grin on Berkleigh. “Come on, I think you’ll enjoy this.”

  She follows behind him and I almost chuckle at her wide eyes when he takes her to the same car she’d already driven. She glances over her shoulder and pins a narrow stare on me.

  My last words might just put the final nail in my coffin. “Make sure you strap her in…tight. That one will take her for a ride.”

  I’m almost thankful when he places a helmet over her head, hiding her murderous stare, but I’m also disappointed at not being able to see her reaction in the car. I need to get out of here. If I don’t, someone will surely notice the effect Berkleigh Shaw has on me.

  By the time noon rolls around, I realize I haven’t gotten shit done. Knowing she’s in the building somewhere with Eric has my concentration at an all-time low. Alicia has been keeping me updated on the schedule, but it doesn’t give me any relief not seeing her.

  I consider rubbing one out in my office bathroom, instead I find myself stabbing at Grady�
��s picture on my phone. Hoping a conversation with him will get my mind off her.

  He answers on the first ring. “Hey, man, how was the track?”

  “Hi to you too.”

  “Ah, so that’s how you’re playing it. Should I ask how her first day is going instead?” he asks, his chuckle filtering through the line.


  “It’s a good thing we’re friends. Otherwise, I might be making a trip to your office for a face-to-face meeting.”

  His laugh is deep and hearty. “It sure would make for a good distraction…yes?”

  “I knew it was a bad idea calling you.”

  “Don’t get your panties in a wad,” he says, his tone more serious now. “I really am interested in hearing about the track. We don’t have much time before your upcoming race.”

  I let out a deep sigh, thinking about the things we’d discovered just on the first run. “The car has some issues; I’d planned on pairing Robert or Davis up with Berkleigh to see what they can find...”


  This call is becoming more of a distraction than she is. “But what?”

  “You’d said you’d planned on, like you have intentions of changing your plans,” he points out.

  “Well… I was thinking about working on her myself. I’ll be driving her; I might as well know what makes her tick.”

  His disapproving grunt is loud and clear. “There’s so many different directions I could take what you just said, but I’ll refrain. What I did catch from your suggestion is, either you don’t trust your guys around her and you of all people need to step in, or if you’re not within one hundred yards of her at all times… you’ll die. Have I hit the nail on the head?”

  “Hit it and drove it straight through to the other side,” I tell him matter-of-factly.

  “I sure hope you know what you’re doing, Kye. Not only would you risk putting her in a position she doesn’t want to be in, but you may also risk the reputation of the company.”

  Images of all the positions I could put her in tumble through my mind and this time I do reach for my growing cock, but only to adjust it to alleviate the pressure from it pushing against the zipper of my fire suit.


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