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Exile of Lucifer

Page 26

by D. Brian Shafer

  Lucifer's statement.

  "That is wonderful, lord," said Serus. "I would of course be


  "I will naturally have need of a capable angel who will help

  me in certain administrations on the earth," Lucifer continued.

  "But it cannot be simply any angel. No, this position requires a dis-

  creet and trustworthy angel who can assume a position of authori-

  ty and honor and serve well." He clasped Serus' hand. "I mean for

  you to have this exalted place, Serus."

  Serus' mind was reeling. All of his ministry to Lucifer had led

  to this point. Every desire to serve in a place of honor had been

  dashed previously. Now Lucifer, soon governor of the new world,

  was requesting his services in an official capacity. He suddenly felt

  needed...wanted...respected. It felt intoxicating.

  "Of course I expect the utmost in loyalty from those whom I

  appoint to such high office," Lucifer went on. "Both now and in the

  future." He looked at Serus. "You understand, of course?"

  "Of course," said Serus, still overwhelmed by Lucifer's offer.

  Lucifer shot a glance at Pellecus.

  "You must understand, Serus," Pellecus began, "that what

  some might discern as sordid or malevolent is in reality a very sim-

  ple progression of angelic destiny. By assuming the stewardship

  Lucifer is merely following a course long laid out for him. Great-

  ness finds a way, you see?"

  "I'm not sure I follow you," Serus answered.

  "I believe what Pellecus is saying is that destiny cannot be

  denied," Tinius interjected. "Is that correct, Pellecus?"

  "Quite right," he agreed. "But of course some angels do deny

  their destinies and thus we have the potential for conflict and for

  misunderstanding among the Host."

  "Which brings me back to my point," interrupted Lucifer.

  "Loyalty, Serus, is extremely important now. You yourself know

  that there is a group of angels who are bent on destroying my des-

  tiny. Because they themselves have chosen to stay within their

  own boundaries they feel all of us must. I disagree. The Lord has

  206 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  designed us so that we might walk in fullness and freedom. I find

  that to be liberating. There are those who find it disturbing. Of

  course you know all of this."

  "Well intentioned angels to be sure," added Pellecus. "And

  some of our greatest...Gabriel, Crispin, Michael..."

  Lucifer watched Serus closely. He noticed the uncomfortable

  look upon his face as the net was beginning to draw up around him.

  "Now," said Lucifer, "we must clear up a matter regarding

  some of these angels. Serus, know first of all that my love for even

  those who oppose me out of their ignorance remains firm. But

  know also that in their ignorance these angels have stirred up a

  great confusion surrounding me. Fear does that, you know. I am the

  most misunderstood angel in this Kingdom. Yet I press on--my

  destiny holds me captive."

  The bluish aura began manifesting around Lucifer as his eyes

  bore into Serus' very person. Serus had never before experienced

  this intense feeling...alluring and comforting and yet unnerving.

  The dots of Lucifer's steel-grey eyes became a glowing blue as Serus

  saw the reflection of his own face staring back at him. He wanted to

  look away and break the intense feeling, but found himself more

  and more compelled to listen to Lucifer's reassuring words.

  "Serus, your destiny is bound with mine. Just as the others in

  this room have sworn an oath of allegiance to their destinies, so

  you, Serus, are part of my destiny. It is inescapable, dear friend. We

  are bound together to rise or fall as one." He stood up and contin-

  ued, the room filling with bluish haze. "You, Serus, are intertwined

  with me, just as these are. We are one in this. We cannot escape our


  Serus was feeling completely drawn in by Lucifer's dreamy

  words. He glanced at Tinius and Pellecus, who simply nodded in

  affirmation to Lucifer's words. But there was something vastly

  appealing going on. Here was one so great, paying homage to one

  so small. Serus felt woozy as Lucifer spoke, as if his mind was else-

  where and yet able to take in every word. So the price of destiny

  assured was submission given. He had been submitting for a very

  long time. The price did not seem too high.

  "Was it really from this position all of Heaven was to quake?" 207

  Still, at the same time, another voice spoke to Serus. It was

  more subtle, more gentle, but equally compelling. The newly

  rekindled Holy Presence within beckoned him. It gnawed at him,

  breaking into the reverie and distracting his mind, vying for his

  attention. Strangely, he found both voices compelling.

  "And now," whispered Lucifer, "let us talk about Michael."

  "Of course," said Serus, once more directing his mind fully

  toward Lucifer.


  Chapter 14

  "We rise or fall as one."

  The Chief Elder was trying to regain control of the special

  Council meeting. He watched in helpless exasperation as the Elders

  bickered among themselves regarding what had happened at the

  Academy. One after another the angels either defended the debate

  or castigated it, depending upon their standing with Lucifer. He

  finally sat silently as order disintegrated into angelic frustration.

  Many Elders who had decided to seek the stewardship for

  Lucifer were now finding themselves in the embarrassing position

  of trying to defend the riotous activity at the Academy--something

  most angels found to be indefensible. Arrogance was one thing;

  blatant and open strife was unthinkable. Others were more blunt

  and outwardly recanted their decision and admitted that they

  regretted having promoted Lucifer at all.

  Kara watched the proceedings intently, trying to determine the

  best course of action. He knew he must recapture the heart of the

  Council if Lucifer was to succeed. As Lucifer's chief proponent in

  the Council and early advocate of his appointment to the steward-

  ship of earth, Kara must be the chief defender of Lucifer. Neither he

  nor Lucifer had anticipated this violent of a reaction to the brawl.

  Suddenly a thought occurred to him and he meditated on his

  course of action. When at last he was given opportunity to speak he

  210 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  took his place at the dais. The room fell quiet as he approached the

  platform. Respect for Kara remained firm and every angel honored

  him with his attention.

  "I have just observed in this sacred chamber something which

  I never thought possible," Kara began, "at least since the ignoble

  affair at the debate!" He looked over the Council. "Could it be that

  even the Elders have a propensity for brawling?" Many of the

  Elders sympathetic to Lucifer began to smugly look around at the

  others. "Now I certainly am not comparing that rancorous debate

  in the Academy with these genteel proceedings, but if it were any

  more genteel in here I believe
we would have to call upon Michael

  once more to quell things!" The Council laughed.

  "No one questions the tension in Heaven these days, Kara,"

  said Dabran, who was Kara's chief foe in the earlier debate on

  Lucifer's stewardship. "It is the source of the tension which I believe

  is critical." Many Elders roared in agreement. Kara looked around,

  quietly assessing the situation.

  "Dabran, it is well-known that your love for Lucifer has shall I say this?...questionable of late," said Kara. "It is

  therefore not surprising that you would bring charges against him

  in this body--the very body, I might add, which whole-heartedly

  determined that Lucifer should be made earth's governor."

  "Wholeheartedly?" asked Dabran sarcastically. "It was not

  with a whole heart that Lucifer was so named--but with a divided

  and weakened heart. And my love for Lucifer remains forever true.

  It is his behavior I will not tolerate." Kara noticed the Elders nod-

  ding for the most part in agreement with Dabran.

  "You have quite a following in here yourself, Dabran," said

  Kara. "Perhaps we should have named you steward!" Laughter

  broke out.

  "You seem to forget, Kara, that we can name nobody," Dabran

  shot back. "That is the Lord's prerogative alone. I seek no office for

  myself, unlike others in here who will one day regret having

  backed Lucifer." He pointed dramatically at Kara. "Mark me,

  angel! The time will come when every angel who sides with Lucifer

  "We rise or fall as one." 211

  will finally see his true nature--but by then it will be too late. That

  includes you, Kara."

  Kara responded with great indignation. "Nonsense! I seek

  only the welfare of this Kingdom. I promoted Lucifer because he is

  the only angel with the ability to take on such an important task.

  Dabran, I will however agree with you" (he was now pointing back

  at Dabran) "that the time will come when those who oppose

  Lucifer in this will not only see his true nature--and will be aston-

  ished by what they see!"

  The Lucifer faction of angels loudly applauded Kara's words.

  "As to the affair in the Academy I maintain that the fault lies equal-

  ly divided between the two sides. You were there, Dabran. Antago-

  nism came from both groups! It was not simply Pellecus' adherents

  who were the culprits!"

  Kara looked at the Council with great passion. "We angels are

  the Elders of the Host--respected and responsible. And yet just a

  moment ago there was a chaotic situation in here which made me

  feel as if I was back at the Academy trying in vain to maintain

  order! Even the Chief Elder sat in complete impotence as this body

  broke out in argumentative nonsense! I am telling you that charges

  leveled against Lucifer are only fair if the Council charges itself! For

  I see no difference."

  The Chief Elder sat up at the mention of his name. He then

  spoke as Kara finished: "Kara, perhaps you are correct. The

  charged natures of the debate precipitated the events both at the

  Academy as well in here. I will give you that. But would you at

  least agree that there is a tension in Heaven that has never before

  existed--a rift in the Host that threatens to profane this Kingdom?

  Something is amiss here."

  "Of course," said Kara, "and that concerns me more than this

  brawl. What occurred at the Academy was only an effect of the larg-

  er problem among the Host. I submit in fact that the solution to the

  Host's current dilemma is not in shunning Lucifer but in supporting

  him. He is the one angel in Heaven capable of unifying the Host!"

  The expected shouts and arguments amused Kara. He watched

  as Dabran again rose to speak for the group who wanted to withdraw

  212 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  the stewardship petition. Dabran gave Kara a bemused look,

  sighed and then began speaking. "I'm quite sure, Kara," he began,

  "that when you say that Lucifer is the solution to the dilemma you

  mean by his withdrawal in this affair, correct?" The room exploded

  in laughter. "How can the most divisive angel in Heaven be the

  source of its unity?"

  "Lucifer is not a divider," said Kara. "His appointment will be

  a uniting force for all of the Host." Kara saw the bewildered looks

  on most of the angels. "Hear me out. The Creation draws to a close.

  The tension itself will naturally subside as these events end." Kara

  walked the front of the platform as he spoke. He pointed in the gen-

  eral direction of the earth. "If in fact Lucifer becomes governor of

  earth, his departure will mean that the Host will enjoy everything

  it wants. Those who support Lucifer's stewardship will be over-

  joyed that he will lead from the earth, and that angels will forever

  have a stake in the greatness of our Lord. Those who don't support

  Lucifer will be gratified that he will vacate Heaven and they can

  once again resume their duties, however dull!" The angels laughed

  heartily at this statement. Even Dabran smiled in amusement.

  "Lucifer's ministry will forever flourish. He is the Chief of Worship

  and shall always be--whether from Heaven or from earth. He is

  dedicated to his duties completely.

  "I submit, fellow Elders, that to move against Lucifer now is a

  critical error in judgment which will invite more tension. Too many

  powerful personalities are now involved which will only compli-

  cate the situation should Lucifer or Pellecus be charged. I urge this

  body to allow the Creation to dictate events. When the Creation

  ends, I assure you, so will this conflict!"

  The room applauded Kara's words. It was evident now that

  the Council was coming down in agreement with him. Dabran wait-

  ed for the applause to die down before addressing the group. "If I

  could only believe that to be true, Kara," he said, "I would most

  certainly drop the matter." He looked at the Council resignedly.

  "However, it seems as if you have the body with you once more in

  a matter involving Lucifer. I can only say that for myself, I hope

  that you are right. But I am doubtful that events will be dictated by

  "We rise or fall as one." 213

  Creation. My feeling is that when the present Creation has ended

  something far more significant and disastrous is waiting to


  Dabran looked with compassion at Kara and walked over to

  where he stood. Grasping Kara's shoulders he continued. "We have

  had our differences in here, my friend. This body knows where I

  stand in all of this. I cannot persuade you differently. You have cho-

  sen your course of action--as must we all."

  He lowered his head in deep thought and then continued. "I

  must confess to you that I have an overwhelming sense of sadness--

  as if everything is about to change." He looked deeply into Kara's

  eyes. "And somehow, Kara, I am most sad because I feel that very

  soon your choice will lead you to a place to which I can never

  go...and that we shall never see each other again."

  Before Kara could respond the Chief Elder called the

  to order as Gabriel entered the chamber. Kara watched Gabriel

  whisper to the Chief Elder and then take his place at the platform.

  Gabriel saw Kara, but didn't acknowledge him or any other angel.

  He read from a scroll as the Elders listened in rapt attention:

  "To the Twenty-Four Elders of the Host,

  The Most High, Lord of Heaven and earth, King of the Universe and

  Most Holy God, has determined the creation of His crowning and most

  sacred jewel. The Most Holy One commands all angels of the Host to wit-

  ness this, the creation of man, in Eden, on the new world called earth, and

  so forever to share in this most holy and joyous occasion. So be it done

  unto the Lord!"

  Gabriel finished, acknowledged the Chief Elder, and departed

  before anyone could throng him with questions. Dabran quickly

  broke off to a group of angels as the room buzzed with excitement.

  All over the room the word man was being tossed about. Finally!

  Kara thought to himself. This was news that should make Lucifer

  very happy. The final creature--he who would inhabit the earth

  and be governed by Lucifer--was about to be made. This could

  only mean that pronouncement of Lucifer as steward must shortly

  follow! Kara was glowing with anticipation for final victory. His

  214 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  thoughts were interrupted by his remembrance of Dabran's state-

  ment before Gabriel's announcement.

  Kara walked over to Dabran.

  "Thank you for your words, Dabran," said Kara. "But I

  believe you have spoken out of turn, as had many of the Host. This

  creation of man does not mean an end to our fellowship, but a

  beginning of a greater fellowship. A fellowship spanning both

  Heaven and earth. Lucifer shall surely follow as governor and

  peace shall conquer the tension in the Kingdom. It is time!"

  Dabran looked at Kara tenderly. "Peace shall indeed reign in

  Heaven once more, Kara," he said. "But it shall not be by you nor


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