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Exile of Lucifer

Page 27

by D. Brian Shafer

  me nor Lucifer. Events don't dictate to the Creator. Neither do

  angels. I suspect there is coming a rather large lesson in humility

  for all of us--Elders, archangels, and the Host at large."

  "How so, Dabran?" asked an incensed Kara. "We have

  remained supremely humble in all of this. If anything we have been

  overly restrained in not fulfilling our destinies earlier." Kara's pur-

  plish aura began to manifest as he now spoke. "We are called to ful-

  fill the destinies for which the Most High has purposed us. To walk

  away from that which drives us is foolish." He was almost whis-

  pering now. "This is only the beginning, Dabran. This is the age of

  angels...join us before it is too late!" Kara immediately took flight

  in search of Lucifer.

  Dabran watched as he disappeared into the Heavens. "I fear it

  is too late already," he said to himself.


  Chronicles of the Host

  First Citizen

  Unlike the first day of Creation, which was filled with excite-

  ment for the unknown, the final event of the Creation found

  the angels anticipating that which had been long awaited: the

  creation of man. No angel dared postulate as to what form man

  should take, though many proposed that man must be superior

  "We rise or fall as one." 215

  to the other beasts of the earth if he was to be the Most High's

  crowning and adored jewel. Thus the commandment went

  forth throughout the Kingdom that every angel should bear

  witness to this, the glorious task at take place in a

  sacred portion of the earth called Eden. All of Heaven was

  pointed toward Eden...and yet the larger unanswered ques-

  tion hung heavily over the Host--who would rule in Eden,

  angel or beast? The very peace of the Kingdom seemed to bal-

  ance on the answer...


  Serus seemed happily his old self again. This was very grati-

  fying to Lucifer, who for a time had questioned the loyalty of his

  servant. Lucifer watched as Serus placed the scroll of the "Creation

  of Man" music that he had just composed in its golden container.

  How easy it was for one as weak-minded as Serus to be taken in by

  Michael and his pleas for loyalty, Lucifer mused. He would one day

  settle accounts with Michael...but patience. Earth first, then


  Kara came into Lucifer's great room unannounced. He

  acknowledged Serus and then greeted Lucifer heartily. He paused

  a bit in his step when he observed Serus.

  "What news?" asked Lucifer, offering drink to his guest.

  Kara brushed aside the drink. "Movement I believe," he

  answered, hesitating a bit while Serus milled about.

  "Thank you, dear Serus," said Lucifer. "That will be all for now."

  Serus politely nodded and left the room carrying the golden


  "I think he can be trusted but until I am absolutely certain

  caution must prevail," said Lucifer. "Besides, Serus shall never be

  entirely privy to this Council."

  Kara walked over to the table and saw a large schematic of

  Lucifer's intended administration of earth. At the top of the chart

  was, of course, the name Lucifer, written in bold flourished letter-

  ing. Under his name were the various ministries and the name of

  216 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  an angel who would lead those areas. Kara looked for his name but

  saw it nowhere. He didn't say anything at first.

  "I see Rugio shall head up your warfare," he finally said.


  "Naturally," agreed Lucifer.

  "And Pellecus will establish your area of teaching and philos-

  ophy," Kara said. "And create your own academy I suppose?"

  "Who else?" asked Lucifer. "It is his dream and he teaches

  what I tell him."

  "Berenius at worship? Is his heart pure in this?" asked Kara,

  surveying the list.

  "He worships as I please and whom I please," said Lucifer.

  "All very interesting, lord," said Kara. "Some of the most

  capable angels in Heaven seem to be helping your guidance of

  earth. The man shall be very fortunate to be stewarded by such

  competent leadership."

  "I quite agree," said Lucifer, waiting for the obvious question.

  "I cannot help but see that my name is nowhere to be found,"

  said Kara finally. "I'm certain that you have not yet devised my sit-

  uation, or perhaps it was an oversight?"

  "No, Kara," said Lucifer in good humor, "not at all. Your

  name will appear on the list..." (Kara beamed with pride.) "...after

  I have been named steward officially. You see, Kara, until I have the

  position secured none of these names mean anything. Least of all

  yours. I am withholding your name as a means of motivation for

  you to make certain of the outcome. You see?"

  "Yes, I see," said Kara resignedly.

  "Now, Kara, hear me out," said Lucifer. "You are the most

  important element in this mission. You are one of the three pivotal

  players in this."

  "I'm listening," said Kara.

  "Pellecus represents all that must be taught or re-taught to the

  Host. His ability to bring about a desired philosophy will be criti-

  cal to changing the habits and behaviors of these poor wretches

  who have been taken in all these years by the Academy. Change

  "We rise or fall as one." 217

  what one believes and you change what one does--and ultimately

  who one is.

  "Rugio of course represents my ability to wage war--the force

  and enforcement of the new world. It is unfortunate to thinking

  angels such as you and I that we should still have to deal with brute

  force--however--as we have recently seen the Host is not above

  brawling. For the time being Rugio and his commanders will see to

  our warfare. That brings me of course to you, Kara."

  "And why am I the most important of these three?" asked

  Kara skeptically.

  "You represent my ability to communicate with the authori-

  ties, Kara. You are my voice in Heaven that legitimizes what I am

  doing. You see how neatly the three areas work together? Philoso-

  phy, warfare and relationships--together you three are the heart of

  this crusade. That is why I am holding naming your position to the

  last, Kara."

  "Which brings me to my news," said Kara, still upset and not

  satisfied with Lucifer's attempt at flattery.

  "Ah yes," said Lucifer. "The reason you came. Well?"

  Kara assumed the demeanor of an Elder, settling into a famil-

  iar role once more. "As you know, minister," he began, "the Most

  High shall very soon end His Creation with the completion of man.

  Hence your commission to write an inspiring work for the occa-

  sion. Another one of my proposals to keep you tied in closely with

  the event."

  "So I thought," said Lucifer. "I have already completed it.

  When man is born he shall be greeted by my music!"

  "And he had better get used to it," came a voice from the


  "Ah Pellecus," said Lucifer. "Where is Rugio?"

  "He shall be here shortly
, lord," answered Pellecus, who took

  his seat at the table. "He is shoring up support in the Legion of the

  Northern Portion."

  "Excellent!" said Lucifer. "You were saying of my music..."

  218 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  "That man shall best be accustomed to your music, lord, as it

  shall be with him on earth always!" said Pellecus. "In one fashion

  or another."

  "Well put," agreed Lucifer. "How fortunate shall this beast

  called man be!"

  "As I was saying," continued Kara, "the Most High shall very

  soon create man. It is shortly after this is accomplished that the

  steward shall be named. This is all I know."

  Lucifer paced the room a bit, thinking. "We need more, Kara,"

  he finally stammered. "I cannot possibly make an intelligent move

  with so little information." He looked pleadingly at Kara. "Is this

  all you have?"

  "My lord, it makes sense that none of the Elders would have

  all of the information," said Pellecus casually. "After all, the Lord

  prides Himself on His knowledge. It keeps Him ahead of us and

  therefore in control."

  "Nevertheless I need more," said an angry Lucifer. "I am tired

  of Heaven's plodding. I am tired of waiting. I am weary of indeci-

  sive posturing by a God who is not powerful enough to rein in his

  angels, and yet clever enough to create a world. I am ready for


  "And so am I," came a new voice. It was Rugio.

  "Rugio! You are always my inspiring warrior," said Lucifer.

  "Yes, my friend, you will one day see action--this I pledge!"

  "I have returned from a discreet survey of the commanders of

  the Hosts by legion," he said. "I must report that though many are

  with us, including some of the most powerful angels in Heaven,

  most are undecided or completely loyal to the Lord."

  "We must win over as many as possible while there is still

  time," said Lucifer. "However, we have always known that we

  should never achieve a majority in Heaven. That is why we have

  planned accordingly. That is why I asked you here, Rugio."

  Lucifer invited the angels to be seated at the table. He took his

  usual spot at the head and after a moment or two began lecturing.

  "As Kara has indicated, typical of our Lord, we shall not know

  until the last possible moment what His ultimate intentions for

  "We rise or fall as one." 219

  earth are. I believe that earth is to be mine. The prophecy bears wit-

  ness to this as does sensibility. Our Lord is a God of mercy and

  good nature.

  "I believe that given the overwhelming response in the Coun-

  cil of Elders to have me named, even in spite of some resistance

  there, the Most High will in fact name me lord of the new world.

  And may I remind you that your stake in the new world is no small

  thing either!" The group looked around at each other, satisfied.

  "However, until that occurs we are merely speculating. I therefore

  place the following to you, my most trusted friends." Lucifer set-

  tled into his chair and began the lecture.

  "The way I view things there are three distinct ways in which

  this will play itself out. The first way, and the way that we must

  work towards and hope for, is that the Lord will name me steward

  outright. There will be no questions and the authority shall pass to

  me. Michael, Dabran, Crispin--all of those who opposed us--shall

  suddenly be in the uncomfortable position of having to accept the

  Most High's decision."

  "I shall particularly want to visit Crispin on that day," said


  "I believe we all shall have some visits to make," agreed


  They laughed.

  "But until that happens," said Lucifer, "we must continue to

  be vigilant and industrious--and above all, discreet. We must not

  give up on any angel who might possibly join us. And we must not

  give in to those who will not. That is the first scenario and, I hope,

  the eventual one."

  The group all nodded in agreement.

  "But given the erratic nature that our beloved Lord occasion-

  ally displays, we must also look at a second scenario. It is quite

  within the realm of possibility that the Lord will request that I

  administer the earth from on high--that is, from Heaven--so that

  my duties here will not be hindered in any way. In such a case I

  would have to appoint an embassy on earth and establish my

  220 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  authority through another until some opportune time, at which

  point, I would vacate Heaven and assume complete control."

  He looked the group over carefully. "I would entrust this tem-

  porary earthly ministry to someone whose ambitions would not

  become a nuisance later on." He looked squarely at Kara. "I'm

  afraid, Kara, that leaves you out altogether--at least in this instance

  and until I was firmly established. Only then would I bring you

  down to govern with me."

  "I don't understand at all," protested Kara.

  "You are far too clever for your own good, Kara. You are

  ambitious by nature and given certain advantages will take them. I

  therefore have decided that so long as I remain in shall


  Pellecus and Rugio gave each other a smug look.

  "I must say that my loyalty for this body is certainly being

  tested," said Kara.

  "It isn't that I don't trust you, Kara. It's simply that I don't

  trust your ambition."

  Kara remained silent as Pellecus and Rugio snickered.

  "And this brings us to the third and most difficult possibility,"

  continued Lucifer.

  "Which would be?" asked Pellecus.

  "Rebellion. Opposition. In short...war."

  Pellecus and Kara both jumped from their chairs. Rugio alone

  remained passive and fixed. They began to protest and Lucifer

  waved them down.

  "You have just demonstrated the wisdom of having warriors on

  one's side," said Lucifer. "You two, largely ignorant of warfare, com-

  pletely panicked at the mere mention of the word. Rugio however,

  trained in the craft of war, remained vigilant. And this is why war,

  though a catastrophic risk, is still a possibility--and a winning one."

  "Nonsense," said Pellecus, fully recovered from the devasta-

  tion of Lucifer's suggestion of war. "How can we face the Most

  High and the Host of Heaven, most of whom are loyal to Michael?"

  "Several ideas come to mind immediately, Pellecus," answered

  Lucifer casually. "Do you think I have not thought this through? You

  "We rise or fall as one." 221

  overestimate the Host's ability to wage war--especially on itself.

  You saw what happened at the Academy--complete chaos! The

  angels untrained in war were virtually ineffective as compared to

  those who were warriors. Not even Kara or Gabriel were effective.

  I tell you that should it come to open conflict, Heaven will be

  thrown into disarray and the Lord will do anything to prevent this

  from happening.

  "He cannot abide disorder--and that is our advantage. I

  promise y
ou He will compromise rather than risk a rift that will

  forever echo His impotence in His own Kingdom. Trust me, friends,

  there is pride in this--yes, pride in the Most High God--and He

  will not allow His name or His Kingdom to be associated with such

  disgrace. He will beg me to take the earth's stewardship! That is

  why if it comes to war, we can win."

  "Still it is an enormous risk," said Kara, still reeling from the

  horrifying thought of war in the Heavenlies that might jeopardize

  his standing in the Council of Elders. Kara's assumption all along

  was that if Lucifer did fail in this enterprise, Kara would maintain

  his place on the Council and explain that he had been completely

  deceived with everyone else.

  "Something else happened at the Academy, if you recall,"

  Kara continued. "Michael merely entered the room and the order

  was restored."

  "True, Lucifer," agreed Pellecus. "Michael's commanding

  presence might put an end to any outbreak of conflict--as well as

  put an end to your dreams."

  "May I remind you that you share in the outcome of my

  dreams for good or for bad," said Lucifer. "We rise or fall as one.

  We fight not only for freedom but now for our very existence. We

  crossed that line long ago."

  "Still, Michael presents an enormous problem," protested


  "Agreed," said Lucifer. Looking at Rugio. "Rugio?"

  Rugio understood the cue and stood up to speak. "I am pre-

  pared with one thousand specially selected warriors to personally

  see that Michael will not be involved in the conflict on that day. We

  222 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  will hold him until it is over. Don't let Michael concern you any fur-

  ther." He sat down. Pellecus and Kara were incredulous at the

  prospect of even one thousand angels paralyzing the most power-

  ful angel in Heaven.

  "You believe that these angels will oppose Michael?" asked


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