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Exile of Lucifer

Page 28

by D. Brian Shafer

  Kara with a sneer.

  "As I said, these are angels whom I have selected personally,"

  Rugio answered. "All of them have certain grievances against

  Michael and bear him no friendship. They are quite motivated to

  carry out the task. Yes, they will do well."

  "So you see how it plays out?" asked Lucifer. "We ask for the

  stewardship. If it is denied, we march on the Temple. There we

  humbly restate our position as well as our intention to take, if nec-

  essary by action, that which we are requesting. Michael is taken by

  Rugio's guard and held in a remote part of the Kingdom and is pre-

  vented from interfering, and the angels are paralyzed. Another por-

  tion of our warriors led by Prian will hold the Temple. Nathan will

  take still another small group of warriors to earth and along with

  Berenius will make claim to Eden. The Lord, I assure you, will

  relent in the face of strife at His sacred doorstep and a collapse

  among the Host will soon follow.

  "I know Him well. You must trust me on this. This is why,

  Kara, you are so vital to me now. You must continue to advance our

  cause in the highest circles of Heaven while there is time."

  Kara looked resignedly at Lucifer, still stinging from his earli-

  er rebuke. "Yes lord, of course," he said. "But the Chief Elder has

  had misgivings in light of the tension. Dabran has succeeded in get-

  ting close to him. He might even call for a more thorough dialogue

  on the issue."

  "Prevent this, Kara," said Lucifer. "As Chief Elder, indecisive

  as he is, he is important to us. You must regain his confidence. It

  will do your own destiny good." Kara looked quizzically at Lucifer.

  Lucifer walked over to the schematic of the future earth

  administration. He took a golden writing instrument and scrawled

  upon the scroll. He tossed the pen down and invited the three

  angels to look at what he had written. On the top near Lucifer's

  "We rise or fall as one." 223

  own name was now written the name "Kara" and underneath it

  "Chief Elder, Council of Elders, Kingdom of earth."

  Lucifer looked at Kara and said," Does that encourage you to


  Kara looked at the potential title on the scroll and then back at

  Lucifer. He thought for a moment and then said, "I will have him

  pleading to join us before he even realizes what he is saying!" he

  said. Kara left immediately.

  "Ah, ambition," said Lucifer after Kara left. "Lesson here. A

  little knowledge of another's weakness is a great strength to pos-

  sess. Remember this as you administer earth. If one simply knows

  where the armor falls short, one need not possess all of the power."

  And the Lord God planted a garden

  Eastward in Eden;

  And there He put the man

  Whom He had formed.


  Chronicles of the Host

  Eden's Glory

  Eden was incredibly still. Nothing on earth seemed to stir as the

  Host gathered to watch the crowning culmination of the recent

  events: the creation of man. The time of debating and speculat-

  ing among the Host was about to end, as their curiosity would

  soon be satisfied. It was a glorious time in the Kingdom--all

  of the angels turned out for the event. For the Host knew that

  this was a special creature wrought by God, unlike any other

  yet created.

  Innumerable angels blanketed the Heavens surrounding Eden,

  creating a shimmering white canopy. The usual boisterous

  excitement of the previous five days of Creation had given way

  224 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  to a solemn reverence. The Host quietly descended upon Eden

  in anticipation of man, like so many white and pink blossoms

  falling delicately off the fruit trees in the garden.

  The garden itself was something of a curiosity to the angels.

  They knew that the Lord had taken special care in designing

  this spot on the planet, and though the entire world was beau-

  tiful, Eden was somehow sacred--completely set off from the

  rest of the earth. It was the most beautiful and fragrant spot on

  the planet. The lush trees, shrubs and flowers gave generously

  of their fruit, blooms and sweet nectar. So green and rich, so

  wonderful and colorful, so special was Eden that even from

  high above the planet one could easily see where Eden's regal


  In the midst of Eden, God had created a stream that watered

  the whole of the garden. The angels could not help but compare

  it to the stream that flowed through their own celestial city,

  and wondered if perhaps the Lord was making a smaller, mate-

  rial version of their Kingdom on earth--a kingdom in micro-

  cosm so to speak. Unlike the stream in Heaven, however,

  Eden's stream eventually divided into four separate and

  mighty rivers. The rivers came to be called by men Pison,

  Gihon, Hiddekel and Euphrates, and carried their life-giving

  resources to the lands outside of the great garden.

  By far the greatest mystery of all were the two trees which the

  Most High had planted in the very center of the garden. They

  were recent additions, and one could hardly walk through the

  garden without coming upon them. The purpose of these trees

  was not apparent, though many speculated that they were a

  special food for the man that the Most High was soon to create.

  And though they did not look extraordinarily different from the

  other trees in Eden, they were nevertheless quite holy to the

  Lord. The Host stayed away from them--or at least most did...


  Chapter 15

  "The Most High knows well

  what He is doing in this."

  "Whatever these men are, they are certainly receiving enor-

  mous attention from the Most High," observed Pellecus.

  "And from the Host," added Kara, who was watching the

  angels drifting in. "Even Michael is smitten today!"

  "Indeed?" said Lucifer, as if only now aware of the conversa-

  tion. "Michael the archangel has a weakness?"

  "For man, lord," said Pellecus humorously, "and for anything

  else which the Lord holds dear."

  "Yes, Michael does know who and what to love, doesn't he?"

  added Lucifer. "A good lesson here, brothers. Always hold dear

  those things that are held dear by your authority. It will help you

  immensely. It might even make you an archangel!"

  They laughed as Lucifer led them toward the center of the


  "I'm sure that He will approve of the way that I handle these

  men," said Lucifer. "If they are special to the Lord, as is apparent, I

  will take extra care to steward them in a way pleasing to both Michael

  and the Most High--at least until I am firmly in authority. If they are

  226 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  anything like the rest of the stupid creatures that inhabit this world,

  they will be simply led. How easy to manipulate a senseless beast!"

  "Eden is certainly a wondrous place," commented Pellecus as

  he looked around the garden. "A fitting place in which to create a


  "And from which to rule a man," added Lucifer. Lucifer had

  already decided that he would rule from Eden rather than from the

  previous place he had shown Pellecus. He was gratified that the

  Lord had taken it upon Himself to create so lovely a site and could

  not help but respect the Lord's creative genius.

  Lucifer continued leading the two angels to the center of the gar-

  den. As they made their way through the foliage Lucifer commented

  now and then about his future plans for the earth. Pellecus and Kara

  particularly relished Lucifer's lecture when their own names were

  mentioned in connection with some future administration.

  "I hope, dear lord, that when I am Chief Elder over the earth's

  council we won't have to wait the interminable amount of time we

  are spending waiting upon the Most High when matters come up,"

  Kara said in humor.

  "I don't intend for that to happen at all, Kara," said Lucifer. "I

  suspect that the council on earth will have enough instructions

  from me that there will be no need for petitions and requests. You

  will find me quite clear as your sovereign."

  Kara began to reply to Lucifer when Lucifer held up his hand

  to stop him from speaking. Kara and Pellecus watched as Lucifer's

  bluish aura began to manifest. He finally whispered to them,

  "There," he said. "Right there--in the center of Eden."

  Kara and Pellecus moved up to where Lucifer stood and

  peered through a meadow at two large trees, standing side by side.

  Pellecus and Kara looked at each other rather at a loss and finally

  Pellecus spoke up.

  "Are you certain that these two trees are sacred to the Lord?"

  he asked.

  "Am I certain?" asked an incredulous Lucifer. "Of course!"

  "But they look like any other tree in the garden," remarked

  Kara. "Why are these of special interest to the Most High?"

  "The Most High knows well what He is doing in this." 227

  Lucifer looked at Kara glaringly as the jungle around them

  took on a pale blue character caused by Lucifer's aura. "How am I

  ever to rule here successfully if my own leaders are so dull?" he

  asked. "I have, as you know, developed a keen sense for those

  things which are holy to the Lord. I believe it comes with the spe-

  cial gift I have for worship. The reason I am able to lead such effec-

  tive praises to the Most High is because I know Him. I know what

  moves Him. And I know when He is moved." He looked at the

  trees. "There is something moving here--something most holy.

  This spot is particularly important and one day I shall know of its

  significance personally! For it is between these two trees where my

  throne shall be placed."

  As they made their way back, they watched the angels con-

  tinuing their descent into the garden. "Is there an angel left in

  Heaven?" asked Pellecus sarcastically. "Or are they all in Eden?"

  "Serus remains," said Lucifer, smiling. " I have set him to

  another task today. I thought it better to keep him safely occupied

  rather than risking another encounter with Michael. Serus gets

  ideas too easily."

  "Serus is benign," remarked Pellecus. "I have been teaching

  him along our lines and he seems to have taken to it quite well." He

  smiled. "His ignorance is an asset, you know."

  "Ignorance is only an asset when it is predictable," said

  Lucifer. "Serus' ignorance collides with his ambition. And that is

  dangerous. And that is why he is not here today."

  The other angels began laughing when suddenly a serious

  countenance overtook Lucifer and he held up his hand to make

  them be quiet. He looked up towards the Kingdom and then back

  at Kara and Pellecus, who were wondering what Lucifer was hear-

  ing and seeing.

  "It begins," he whispered.

  At that precise moment a hush fell over the entire universe as

  a wave of love, flowing out of Heaven, showered down into Eden.

  It overpowered the angels as it moved through them. The love, like

  a liquid light, gathered above the earth and began streaming into

  the garden.

  228 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  Kara, and then Pellecus, lowered their faces and could not

  bear to watch as the Presence moved by. Lucifer, who had never felt

  so keenly God's holy love, was himself compelled to lower his

  head, albeit still observing the event. Most of the angels had either

  turned away, prostrated themselves, or were otherwise averting

  their eyes, worshiping the Lord in soft but harmonious praise.

  The stream of love burst upon Eden and flowed into the beau-

  tiful meadow near the two trees that Lucifer had just visited. It was

  here that God intended to create His finest work. Lucifer watched

  as the river of light piled high upon itself, and then divided into

  two smaller streams, the ends of which became hands. The hands of

  God, Lucifer thought to himself, struck by the awesome scene. He

  watched as the hands began to scrape the top of the earth, gather-

  ing dirt and clay into a small mound.

  They worked the mound of dirt while the garden filled with

  light of such intensity that one could scarcely see what was happen-

  ing. Lucifer dared not move but was curious as to the purpose of dig-

  ging into the earth. Slowly, with grace and tender care, the nurturing

  hands began fashioning the small mound of dirt into a figure--a

  man. The creature was to be very like the angels in form and appear-

  ance, yet was unmistakably a physical being. A man of dirt? thought

  a bemused Lucifer. Clever. He waited to see what the creature would

  do upon awakening, but as the hands were finishing their work,

  the man did not move. He lay on the ground, on his back.

  Lucifer watched as the hands tenderly caressed the form, fin-

  ishing their work and crafting the most beautiful creature he had

  ever seen. He was fully developed, as all the creatures on earth

  were created, and had a quality of vitality and strength and beauty

  which made him quite different from any other living being on the

  planet. This was indeed a work of love on the Lord's part.

  Some of the angels took a closer look at the newest creature in

  the universe and were also struck by the beauty of it. The light in

  the garden was beginning to fade now, and the angels encouraged

  themselves to move in even closer. Kara and Pellecus looked up

  and saw that Lucifer had moved in exceedingly close, almost to the

  edge of the meadow itself. What a marvelous creature, Lucifer

  thought to himself proudly. He is beautiful. No zookeeper me! He

  called for Pellecus to join him.

  "The Most High knows well what He is doing in this." 229

  "Just look at this, Pellecus," said Lucifer. "It is certainly not an

  ordinary creature the Lord has made today."

  Pellecus' academic curiosity had by now overcome his fears

  and he looked upon the naked figure lying in the middle of the

  meadow. "He is strikingly beautiful," agreed Pellecus. "He will be

  a wonderful addition to this world." He looked at Lucifer and

  added, "And a most a
dequate subject to govern, I suspect."

  "But it doesn't move," came Kara's voice from behind as he

  joined the others. "It simply lies there."

  "There is something different going on here, Kara," said Pel-

  lecus. "Something more wonderful than the creation of a mere sea

  creature or beast of the field. Those animals were wrought by a sim-

  ple command. But this creature has the complete and personal

  attention of the Most High. He actually formed this man out of the

  dirt of the field and lovingly fashioned it into this marvelous

  design. Incredible!"

  "Out of the dirt," repeated Kara. "How ironic--in a pathetic sort

  of way I mean--to think that the last and most beautiful creature

  made should come from the substance of earth. Rather humbling."

  "Nonsense," said Lucifer. "It's brilliant! By creating the man

  from the earth the Most High ties it forever to its place of origin.

  What better way to instill appreciation for one's world than to

  come from its substance! The Most High well knows what He is

  doing in this."

  The cloud of glory continued its vigil above the man. The

  hands had withdrawn into the light and the angels watched for the

  next action. All was quiet in Eden. "Still he doesn't move," Kara

  once again observed.

  "The Lord pauses," said Lucifer, knowing that something was

  about to happen. "Let us move back a bit."


  Michael had observed from another vantage the fashioning of

  the man. He sensed the special love that the Most High held for the

  creature and immediately knew in his heart that there was a special

  destiny...a great purpose awaiting him. He also watched as the

  hands, enveloped in the light of liquid love, gently caressed the

  230 CHRONICLES of the Host: Exile of Lucifer

  earth and shaped it into the man now lying in the meadow. He saw


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