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An Unseelie Understanding

Page 5

by Amy Sumida

  “A royal concubine sucking my cock,” he murmured. “I saw what you did to our king, and I can't wait to feel that mouth on me. Or that tight pussy milking my shaft. Would you like me to fuck your pussy, Riley?”

  I nodded eagerly; every word he spoke sent me further into desperation.

  “And this little puckered hole,” he went on as he pulled his fingers from my pussy and rubbed the wetness over my asshole. “I'm sure that King Drostan has already taken you here, but I could make it far more enjoyable for you. Would you like me to shove my long, hard cock up your ass, Riley?”

  Anjel's finger slid up my ass and I writhed on it. I was just about to say yes—that he could do whatever he wanted to me—when he disappeared.

  I heard some disturbing sounds, but I couldn't focus on them. I was too desperate to have sex; my mouth salivating as my pussy dripped onto the silk sheet. Then Drostan's face entered my line of sight; his eyes concerned and angry all at once.

  “Riley?” He asked urgently. “Can you hear me? Riley, I'm so sorry. Things here are worse than I'd thought if that Gancanagh doesn't respect Drostan enough to stay away from you.”

  “Drostan?” I moaned. “Aren't you Drostan?”

  Drostan blinked and glanced away. “Yes; of course I am.”

  “Drostan, I need you,” I whispered as I went for his belt.

  Drostan took one look at my aroused state and started to help me undress him. He was naked within moments, and then I had him in my mouth. Oh, the sublime pleasure of it. I licked and laved at him; the salty-sweet taste of him exciting me even further. I loved the feeling of that silky skin against my tongue, and the weight of his balls in my hand. Then Drostan shifted up on the table—keeping his cock firmly in my mouth—and positioned his head over my sex. As he began to pump into me, he lowered his mouth to me. I cried out around his cock as Drostan licked me wildly.

  Then he added his fingers; to thrust up inside me and curve up into my G-spot. I came in a blinding rush of ecstasy; pleasure rolling up my legs and back down again. When the waves of rapture subsided, Drostan rolled off me and moved me down the table so that my knees hung over the edge. He positioned himself between my thighs and yanked me down even further; onto his cock. Drostan started thrusting rapidly; sending me plummeting back into arousal. All I could focus on were the sensations of that hard, slick shaft sliding in and out of me and the way it looked. The silvery skin of Drostan's cock—wet with my desire—was even more luminous against the black curls around its base.

  The pleasure built again; climbing ever upward. Drostan shouted out his release as I screamed mine. Then the desire receded, and my head rolled to the side; to see the decapitated body of my masseuse.

  I started to scream again, but this time it wasn't out of pleasure.

  Chapter Eight

  “Riley!” Drostan was shouting my name, and I had no idea how long he'd been doing so.

  My screams subsided to whimpers as I looked away from Anjel's headless corpse to Drostan.

  “He was assaulting you,” Drostan said calmly. “Anjel was a Gancanagh, and he used his love-talking magic to make you compliant. It was another attack on you and an insult to me; I couldn't let him live.” He glanced at the body and muttered under his breath, “That bastard got off easy.”

  I blinked as I took in the furious lines of Drostan's face. There was something besides anger there; something more tender. Where had that tenderness come from? I caught another glance at it when he turned back to me, but Drostan quickly hid the softer emotion.

  “Another attack?” I asked.


  “You said it was another attack on me,” I reminded him. “Who attacked me the first time?”

  Drostan blinked in surprise. “I did,” he finally whispered. “When you first arrived at the Unseelie Court, I attacked you, and I'm still having a hard time forgiving... myself.”

  “Oh,” I murmured.

  “This is why you must listen to me, Riley,” Drostan growled. “Because fairies like Anjel are lurking right outside our bedroom door; just waiting for the opportunity to strike.”

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  “I'm sorry that you were frightened,” he said in a more gentle tone as he gathered me into his arms. “I'll have the body removed immediately.”

  Drostan carried me into the bedroom and deposited me in one of the heavy chairs by the fireplace. He pulled a blanket off the bed and wrapped me in it before he put on a pair of pants. Then he went to the outer door and called out into the hallway for someone to attend him. Within minutes, a pair of enormous men were standing before him.

  “Yes, Sire?” One of them asked as he absently brushed away a drop of blood on his cheek.

  I blinked at the blood and looked closer. The man's hat was bleeding; the thick fabric was the color of old blood and crimson droplets beaded on its surface before slipping into his hair or down his face. The guard glanced my way, and I hurriedly averted my gaze.

  “Lord Anjel assaulted my concubine,” Drostan announced. “I have executed him for his betrayal.”

  The men widened their eyes, but other than that, they showed no response.

  “Have the body thrown into the forest for the animals to feed on, and then send some maids to clean the mess,” Drostan ordered.

  “Yes, Your Majesty!” The men said together.

  They headed into the library and emerged within moments; carrying Anjel's body and head. I stared down into my lap; seeking calm. It seemed that Drostan's warning was true; there were monsters in his world—monsters who looked like men. But how was I to protect myself against monsters who used magic? Was I truly at Drostan's mercy? And what kind of protection could he offer me? He hadn't done so well, up to now.

  I heard the door shut, and then the inner, bedroom door closed a few moments before Drostan's feet came into my view. He crouched before me and took my hand.

  “I know it's been a rocky morning,” he said, “but would you like to venture outside the castle with me?”

  “You're asking?”

  “It's meant to be a treat,” he said with a frown. “I can't force you to enjoy yourself. So, yes; I'm asking.”

  I glanced out the window and wondered if the forest would be better or worse than Drostan's castle.

  “All right,” I finally answered.

  Drostan smiled; it was genuine, warm, and so damn gorgeous that I forgot to breathe. Fuck; this was not good. The last thing I wanted to do was fall for the fairy king.

  Chapter Nine

  With a nice pair of leather pants and a long tunic covering me, I felt nearly normal again. I walked beside Drostan as he led me in a winding manner through the forest surrounding his castle. He had wrapped my arm around his at first; escorting me like a gentleman in a historical romance. But I got tired of walking that way and disengaged my arm. Drostan frowned at me, but it quickly changed to a smile when I took his hand.

  “It's easier to walk like this,” I said.

  “Just so,” he agreed and squeezed my hand. “Come along; I want to show you something I've only recently discovered.”

  I was soon lost in the maze of similar trees and wild undergrowth, but Drostan knew exactly where he was going. It was his forest, after all; he should know every rock and tree, I suppose. Drostan walked confidently; his shoulders relaxed, and his head lifted—he barely bothered to watch the ground. I, on the other hand, noted my surroundings constantly; keeping a close eye on the ground and all its obstacles. Still, it was I who tripped.

  Drostan caught me easily; a smile warming his silvery features. “Be careful, Aja; the forest has many tricks.”

  “Aja?” I asked as he straightened me.

  Drostan looked surprised; he frowned and looked away. “It's nothing; just a term for a woman.”

  “Oh,” I murmured as I watched him carefully.

  “Here we are!” Drostan declared as he pushed some low-hanging branches aside.

  A glimmering pool spread out at t
he base of a waterfall. Drostan led me up to it and then around its shore. Black stone soared up before us; it would have blocked out the sunlight if the clearing hadn't been so wide. As it was, it towered over the treetops, and the water that rushed down its polished surface created dazzling rainbows within its mist. I stopped to stare up at them.

  “Beautiful,” I whispered.

  Drostan looked up at the falls absently and nodded. “Yes; quite. But this is not our destination. Come along.”

  Drostan went to the base of the cliff; edging around to a crevice in the rock. With a muttered word, a globe of light burst into life before him and floated into the crevice. Its glow revealed a tunnel, which Drostan helped me into. The globe continued to bob ahead of us, and the tunnel widened until it opened onto a cavern. The globe winked out before we got too close to the entrance, but there was light coming from the cavern—as well as the sound of voices.

  The cavern was hundreds of feet wide and high; with smooth walls that glistened in the pale blue light of glowing lichen. In the center of the space was another pool of water; this one would have been calm—without the churning of a waterfall—if not for all the people swimming within it. No; not people—fairies.

  They were naked and very beautiful; each one softly glowing—both their hair and skin. Drostan drew me to his side and made a shushing sound to ensure my silence. Then his hand started gently rubbing my back as we watched the fairies.

  “They're Asrai; a type of water fairy,” he whispered. “Sunlight turns them into water, so they must hide during the day. I happened upon their sanctuary a few months ago, and I come back sometimes to admire them. Look at their skin; they go transparent when they experience extreme emotion.”

  I watched as one couple started to kiss; their bodies going nearly see-through. The Asrai male was pressed against the female's back; his hands roaming her body as he kissed her. He squeezed her breasts and rubbed her thighs; his wide hands becoming nearly glass-like at times. The woman's face was turned up into her lover's kiss, and her hands were behind her; caressing him between his legs. My breathing started to quicken as other Asrai began to pair off and indulge in the same distraction.

  Drostan shifted behind me; pressing in against my back as the Asrai man was doing to his woman. I leaned against him with a sigh; my stare shifting back to that first couple as Drostan's hand began to mimic what the Asrai male was doing to his woman. I barely registered my pants falling around my knees or Drostan's cock pressing insistently against my backside. My head was lolling against his chest as he tweaked my nipples and stroked my hot skin with long, languid strokes.

  “They say that when an Asrai man comes, he gives a little of himself to his lover,” Drostan purred into my ear. “He adds his water—his essence—to his cum.”

  “A true joining,” I whispered back.

  “Yes; they bond for life,” he said. “The female will always carry a part of her mate within her; she is never alone.”

  “I don't know if I'd like that,” I teased him. “Some alone time can be good.”

  Drostan slipped his finger inside me and groaned. “You don't feel as if you want to be alone right now.”

  “I don't.”

  Drostan crouched to push my pants completely off me. As he stood, he slipped his arms under my legs and lifted me; spreading my thighs. If any of the Asrai looked into the darkened tunnel, they would see my whole world on display for them, but I didn't care. I leaned my head back over Drostan's shoulder and slipped my hand around his neck.

  “Slide me inside you, Riley,” Drostan whispered.

  I reached down and took hold of him; he was hot and so very hard. I angled the head of his cock into me, and Drostan lowered me all the way onto it. He ground himself up into my pussy as we continued to watch the Asrai make love. The sounds of our union were lost amid the slick sounds of theirs.

  “Look at that Asrai sucking her lover's cock,” Drostan murmured into my ear. “There; to the right. See how she stops to lick on his sacks?”

  “Yes,” I moaned.

  “I enjoy that as well,” he said. “And that one; see how she touches herself to please her lover? I want you to do that too. I want to see how you make yourself come.”

  “Okay,” I said breathlessly as I lowered my hand to my pussy.

  “No,” he said softly. “Not now; I want you to do it later when I can appreciate it fully. I'm just pointing out the things I desire, and I hope that you will do the same.”

  “Really?” I asked I began to search the multitude of lovers.

  “Really.” Drostan bucked up into me. “What do you find enticing?”

  “I like what he's doing to her.” I pointed to one couple.

  The man was going down on the woman while she laid in the shallows. He had her legs spread wide and was laving at her with his whole tongue before sucking on her clit.

  Drostan looked over at the couple and smiled. “You like your pussy licked? Well, that I knew. Anything else? Anything you haven't tried before that looks interesting?”

  “I'm a simple girl,” I said with some embarrassment.

  Maybe I would bore him, and he'd let me go.

  “We'll have to work on that,” Drostan said as he lowered me to the ground so that I was on my hands and knees. “How about what they're doing over there?”

  Drostan indicated a couple fucking on a shelf of rock. The woman was on her back—in nearly the same position as the woman in the shallows—but she had pulled her legs back to her chest. Her butt was lifted, and her lover was fucking her in the ass as he rubbed her pussy. Drostan teased my ass with the head of his cock.

  “No.” I shook my head. “I told you; I don't like that.”

  “Maybe it hasn't been done in a way for you to enjoy it yet,” he suggested.

  I shrugged, and he eased his cock away from that hole to slip it into my pussy.

  “What about that couple?” Drostan pointed as he ground slowly into me.

  The woman was upside-down inside the pool; the water covering her to her waist. Her lover had her legs spread and hooked over his arms as he angled his cock down into her. Another couple was joining them; in a way. The other female licked the submerged woman's pussy as yet another male fucked the pussy-licker from behind; much as Drostan was doing to me.

  “I'm not into women,” I murmured.

  “And I'm not into men,” Drostan said. “So, I can understand your disinterest. All right; let's try one more time. I see a lovely tableau over there. The woman who's riding her lover backward. What do you think of that?”

  “Won't it hurt you?” I asked as I glanced back at him.

  “Not at all,” Drostan assured me as he slid out and laid down. “Would you care to try it? It would give me a beautiful view of your ass.”

  I straddled Drostan backward and slid his cock into me. It felt odd; a different type of pressure than what I was used to. I leaned over his legs and lifted my hips off him before thrusting my pelvis forward again. The angle made the head of his cock hit my G-spot, and I inhaled sharply. Drostan was groaning; his hands spreading my ass to give him a better view of us coming together. I laid over him completely and rubbed my cheek against the prickly hairs on his calves as I continued to grind slowly down on him. Then I grabbed his legs for leverage and started to speed up.

  “Oh, Goddess,” Drostan whispered. “That's amazing, Riley. Don't stop; I'm nearly there.”

  I shifted back up so that I could go even faster, and soon, we were both biting our lips as we tried to contain our cries of rapture and keep our snooping a secret from the Asrai.

  Chapter Ten

  A week passed in sexual bliss. Drostan had become the most considerate and generous lover; to the point where it was difficult for me to remember that I was with him because of a bargain between us and not because I wanted to. I was becoming lost in the illusion that we were a real couple. Every morning, I'd wake to Drostan's slow, tender lovemaking. I'd stare up into his sapphire eyes and wonder whe
n I had ever been without their beauty, and how I had managed to survive. After that glorious awakening, we'd breakfast in bed or at his dining table, and then bathe before we headed out of our chambers.

  Sometimes Drostan would have to do kingly things, and I would wait on the side; reading a book or just having a glass of wine as I listened to him. His voice was mesmerizing; a warm honeyed tone that seemed to slide into places it shouldn't be able to go. And his fey face was so stunning that I could happily stare at it for hours; the way the light caught the silver in his skin, the way his cheekbones formed fierce shadows beneath them, or the way his lips twitched when he was amused—it was all fascinating. Yes; I know I had it bad. Which is why what happened next was so jolting.

  We had gone to visit the Asrai again, and on the way back from the cave, I was snatched off the ground and taken up into the air. I screamed as Drostan shouted, but neither of us could stop my rapid rise of several feet; just out of Drostan's reach. I jerked my head around to take a look at my assailant and discovered a pale but attractive man whose white hair faded at the ends like dispersing clouds. He was more solid at his center, but as he moved, his extremities performed a similar maneuver to his hair; a sort of floating-fade. Was I being kidnapped by a ghost?

  “Let her go, you sneaky sylph!” Drostan shouted.

  “Sylph?” I muttered under my breath.

  “I'm an air fairy; an elemental,” the man said conversationally to me.

  “Like the Asrai are water fairies?”

  “That's right; they are water elementals.” He smiled wider at me; as if he weren't holding me mid-air above my lover.

  “It's going to be okay, Riley,” Drostan called up to me. “He won't hurt you; he obviously wants something from me.”

  “That's right, Your Majesty.” The Sylph smirked down at Drostan. “I want you to stop the Goblins from attacking my village. We know that they're amassing for a strike.”


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