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An Unseelie Understanding

Page 6

by Amy Sumida

“They haven't reported any such plans to me,” Drostan growled.

  “They are already positioning themselves at the base of our mountain, King Drostan,” the Sylph said. “I assure you; they are preparing for an attack. See to them, and I will release your concubine. Send up a blue flare when it's accomplished. And I suggest that you make haste; every moment you delay is one in which I'll be enjoying your concubine's charms.”

  “Don't you dare fucking touch her!” Drostan shouted. “I will grind your hollow bones to dust!”

  But it was too late; the Sylph was taking me higher and higher into the Tirne sky.

  “My name is Andras,” the Sylph said as he angled us into a more horizontal flight. “What do they call you?”

  “Riley,” I said cautiously. “Are you really going to rape me?”

  Andras flinched. “What an awful word! Of course not!”

  “You just implied that you would,” I pointed out.

  My gaze kept going back and forth between Andras and the ground far below us. I was not fond of heights.

  “I said that I would be enjoying your charms,” he reminded me. “I never said that I would force you to share them.”

  I scowled at him. “That sounds like fairy reasoning. I've learned not to trust fairy reasoning; it's usually flawed.”

  Andras laughed. “Then you're as smart as you are beautiful. But I'm not trying to trick you; I swear. Depending on how long King Drostan takes to quell the Goblins, I'll have a fair amount of time to seduce you,” he explained. “That's all I meant. Though, I admit that I intended for King Drostan to believe that I would have my way with you. I apologize for scaring you, Lady Riley. Do not worry; we Seelie may not play fairly in the game of love, but we don't abuse women either. Frankly; a willing woman is far more enjoyable than one who is forced.”

  “So, I'll just be your guest for a few hours?” I asked skeptically.

  “A few hours?” Andras laughed. “Obviously you don't know Goblins. It will take your king far longer than that to call them off when they're riled for war.”

  “The Goblins want to attack your village just because you're Seelie?” I asked.

  “Among other things,” he said evasively. “Ah; here we are. Welcome to Morning Mist; the Sylph village.”

  Andras floated down to a grassy meadow. We were high on a mountaintop; on a level with the clouds. In fact; the clouds drifted around us and throughout the Sylph village. Beautiful homes of polished, white stone were placed randomly on the cloudy plateau, with a pebbled path linking them. Fairies who looked similar to Andras walked the misty paths and socialized with each other along the way. It was picturesque and peaceful; a place I would have imagined existing in the Alps—with exception to the magical accents and inhabitants. There was no gate or walls, but there were several guards on duty. They strode up to us as Andras pulled me forward; his grip strong despite his airy ways.

  “You caught the concubine!” One of the guards declared in admiration. “Well done!”

  “Did King Drostan say that he'd call off the Goblins?” Another guard asked.

  “He's on his way to their village now,” Andras confirmed. “Our spies were right; he values this one greatly. Everyone, meet Lady Riley.”

  The men bowed gallantly to me.

  “I can see why he treasures you,” one of the guards said as he looked me over. “You're everything a sidhe woman isn't, while being beautiful to boot; a rare gem indeed.”

  “Maybe we could entertain you while your king is busy with the Goblins,” another one suggested.

  “I caught her,” Andras interrupted them. “I get the honor of entertaining Riley while she's with us.”

  “You're making me very nervous, Andras,” I growled at him.

  “No one will touch you without your permission, Riley,” Andras said. “I swear it to you.”

  “But our prowess as lovers is renowned,” one of the other men said. “You wouldn't be disappointed.”

  “Don't you want to be with someone willingly?” One of the guards asked.

  “I am with Drostan willingly,” I snapped.

  “Are you?” Andras asked in surprise. “But you're human, and I was told that you're his concubine.”

  “I have an Understanding with King Drostan,” I corrected him. “He saved my sister in exchange for my servitude.”

  “Ah; then you aren't entirely willing,” Andras concluded. “I can give you equality; in addition to other pleasures. But for now, let me show you around Morning Mist. We can talk about more pleasant pursuits later.”

  “We'll keep an eye out for the King's flare,” one of the guards said. “And we'll send for you when we see it.”

  Andras nodded absently as he led me down the gray, pebbled path. He pointed out statues, gardens, and the homes of prominent sylphs as he led me through the village. More sylphs approached us and spoke briefly with Andras before passing by. No one treated me with disrespect or even as a slave; it was refreshing. As much as Drostan made me feel adored, his court treated me like his treasured possession; a thing to be admired from afar. They rarely spoke to me, and when they did, they did so in a patronizing way.

  “The Unseelie King has magnificent taste in women,” Andras noted as he handed me a pastry he'd purchased from a baker in their central marketplace. “You say that you bartered yourself for your sister?”

  “She was dying,” I said absently before I took an experimental bite.

  It was wonderful; crispy on the outside and creamy on the inside, with pieces of luscious fruit swirled in.

  “Honorable and beautiful,” Andras said softly as he watched me lick the cream from my fingers. “It's rare to find such qualities in one woman.”

  “Is this part of your seduction?” I asked wryly.

  “Perhaps.” He shrugged. “But honestly, Riley; why would you be loyal to a man who has enslaved you?”

  That made me pause. For the life of me, I couldn't come up with an answer.

  “I don't feel loyal to Drostan,” I finally said. “I just don't want to sleep you.”

  “Don't you?” He lifted a brow in challenge.

  “I don't know you well enough.”

  “How well did you know King Drostan before you slept with him?” He shot back.

  “As I said; we have an Understanding,” I said sternly. “I don't usually have sex with men whom I've just met.”

  “Not even for revenge? Or perhaps a little rebellion?” He asked with a wicked smile. “I could pleasure you all day—in any way you wish—and King Drostan couldn't hold you responsible. You wouldn't be jeopardizing your Understanding or his affection for you.”

  “That's a good point,” I agreed. “But again; I don't know you.”

  “Here we are.” Andras waved to a tower-like, white building. “This is my home. We can wait for King Drostan's response inside.”

  Andras led me into his spacious stone home; it had a minimalist design with unusual accents. Pale curtains undulated in the mountain breeze that flowed in through the tall windows. The scent of wildflowers and pine came in with the crisp air. Bright white and fluffy furniture was enlivened by vivid accents in jewel tones. Andras took me up a winding staircase to a circular bedroom that had an arching window to showcase the magnificent view. He let go of my hand, and I wandered over to admire it. The windowpanes were swung open, and I leaned over the ledge to see straight down the mountainside, through the wispy clouds, to a valley spotted with trees and bisected by a winding river.

  “It's beautiful,” I whispered.

  “Thank you; I love it here.” Andras came up alongside me. He looked sideways at me and asked, “How long have you enslaved yourself to King Drostan?”

  I glanced over and saw that Andras was bare-chested; somewhere along the way to the window, he had cast off his shirt. That was rather presumptuous of him. I couldn't help admiring his body anyway. For such a nebulous man, he was quite striking. His chest was narrower than Drostan's, but still nicely muscled, and his biceps
bulged without looking as if he worked for it. His face was handsome... and smiling indulgently at me when I finally looked up.

  “Forever,” I whispered.

  Andras lost his smile. “You gave him your entire life?”

  “In exchange for my sister's.” I nodded. “A life for a life.”

  “That was not a fair exchange, Riley,” he said gently. “Health is a minor magic for fairies. King Drostan would have barely taxed himself to administer the spell. And yet, he has taken your entire life in payment.”

  “And extended it,” I whispered with a frown. “I'll live forever here.”

  “Yes,” Andras confirmed. “As the Unseelie King's slave... if you're lucky.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means that on top of being manipulative and opportunistic, King Drostan is known to be a fickle lover,” Andras said. “He tosses aside concubines quickly, and has never had a consort.”

  “What's the difference between a concubine and a consort?”

  “A concubine is a lower class of lover—usually a slave,” Andras explained gently. “It's not a dishonorable position, but it's not one of status either. It simply means that you share the King's bed.”

  “And a consort?”

  “A consort is more serious; it denotes a certain amount of commitment,” he said. “It's someone whom the royal—be they King or Queen—are emotionally bound to and have a strong relationship with. It's not an unbreakable bond, like a marriage, but it comes with status and more security than being a concubine. If the King or Queen is unmarried, their consort would be given a rank just below that of the royal family. For example; our Queen has a consort, and he is considered to be the third highest ranking individual in the Seelie Court—just below the Queen's brother.”

  “So, what is my rank?” I asked.

  “Somewhere below the members of the Court but above the rest of the kingdom,” he said. “It depends on how much King Drostan cares for you; which seems to be a lot.”

  “That doesn't surprise me.” I grimaced. “But now you're saying that I was swindled into this position?”

  “You were cheated a bit,” he amended. “But it's not as if you had another fairy offering to cure your sister, right?”


  “So, you did what you had to do,” he pointed out. “When you have only one option, you must take it.”

  “And Drostan took advantage of me,” I snapped.

  “I'm afraid that he did,” Andras said sympathetically. “I'm so sorry, Riley. I hate being the bearer of bad news. Take heart in the fact that he's trying to save you. If he didn't care for you, he'd have just walked away and allowed his Goblins to attack us.”

  Anger rushed through my veins despite Andras' assurances. I'd been starting to care for Drostan, perhaps more than care. Now, I was seeing his sweet treatment of me as something sinister. Drostan had taken advantage of my sister's illness and tricked me into slavery. Then he had seduced me with luxury and sensuality. He was tricking me once again; this time into giving him my affections. Well, I wouldn't let him take any more from me. Drostan could have my body, but my mind and heart were still my own. And my mind was telling me to grab whatever happiness I could because it might be the last pleasure I had a choice in receiving.

  “I think I'm beginning to see things your way, Andras.” I smiled ferociously. “I might as well enjoy myself while I can, and chose my lover while I have the freedom to do so.”

  I began to undress, but he stopped me.

  “Allow me, my lady.” Andras picked me up and carried me into his bathroom.

  There were the usual bathroom fixtures, but the tub was a massive glass bowl filled with mist. Andras set me on my feet beside the cloudy tub and helped me out of my clothing. He took his time—enjoying the slow reveal of every part of my body—and by the time I was naked, I was tingling from his hot looks alone.

  “You truly are a vision, Riley,” Andras whispered as he continued to stare at me. “I envy King Drostan.”

  “Don't,” I said as I slid into Andras' arms. “He'll never have what I'm about to give you. Drostan only gets what he bargained for.”

  “The pretty lie,” Andras concluded. “Yes; I'd much rather have your truth... all of it.”

  Andras smiled and lifted me once more. He deposited me gently in the mist, and I gasped as it condensed and grew damp. Clouds darkened and started to sweep over my body; into every crack and crevice. I sighed as they cleaned me thoroughly with soft strokes. Andras removed his pants and climbed into the mist with me. He stretched out across from me, settled back against the rim, and then held his arms out to me.

  “Let's enjoy every moment that we can, Riley.”

  “Every moment,” I agreed as I went to him.

  I kissed Andras; his tongue slipping against mine like cool velvet. He teased and seduced me with his lips as he pulled me tighter against him. I had caught a glimpse of his cock before he stepped into the tub; it was long and slim. But now I could feel it thickening against my belly. I pulled back a little and looked down in surprise, but the clouds concealed him.

  “I can be whatever you wish me to be,” Andras said as his appearance shifted into a more swarthy man with stubble and a barrel chest. “Even my cock is malleable.” He rubbed his enlarged member against me.

  “I liked you as you were,” I said gently.

  Andras smiled and returned to his original form. “I appreciate that,” he said. “But I want you to have every pleasure that I can provide. Will you trust me?”

  “Why not?” I teased. “I have nothing to lose.”

  “Excellent,” Andras murmured as he pulled me back into our kiss.

  Andras worked his mouth down the column of my throat and then to the crest of my breast; the tickling tip of his tongue flicking against me. He eased me back to the other side of the enormous tub and lavished kisses on both of my breasts before moving on to my belly and then my inner thighs. He was below the mist by this point; only visible in hazy bits. With his hair fading into mist itself, it was hard to tell where Andras began and the clouds ended. But I could feel him solid against me, and he began to do amazing things to my body.

  I felt him blow gently on my sex; the pressure eased me open and kept me that way. Andras settled his mouth firmly over me and started to suck... then blow. With his breath, a slim cock formed inside me and began a steady thrusting. It transformed with each movement; curving against sensitive spots inside me. I cried out as Andras began licking me with his wet tongue. The misty clouds continued to roll over us; a frothy sea that I was tossed within as Andras brought me twitching into orgasm. Then he kissed his way up to my lips.

  “You have the most delicious pussy,” he purred after he eased out of our kiss.

  “And you have the most magical way of licking it,” I shot back.

  “I'm going to lick it as much as I can until your king sends word,” he declared. “But I would also like to fill it with my manhood, if I may?”

  “I said that I trust you,” I reminded him. “I've already given you permission to fuck me.”

  “Oh, I love a woman who talks dirty,” he growled as he lifted me out of the tub. “I shall endeavor to do the same.”

  The clouds clung to us briefly, but then drifted back to where the tub and shifted to hazy white again. Andras carried me back into the bedroom as he nuzzled my neck. We were dry despite being thoroughly cleansed and coming straight from the bath. I could get used to the Sylph way of bathing.

  Andras laid me on his fluffy bed and climbed up over me. “What kind of cock do you prefer, my lady?” He asked. “Thin or thick; straight or curved? Or would you care to try a double?”

  Andras' cock had been shifting to suit every suggestion he made, and when he mentioned the word “double” it split into two; one forming above the other. Both cocks had gentle, upward curves to them and were a perfect size.

  “I'm not into anal sex,” I answered blandly. “And I certainly don't
want to attempt to fit both of those in my pussy.”

  “So, we start with only one inside you.” He grinned. “I think you may change your mind about the anal after awhile.”

  “I'm not going to change my mind about having a cock in my ass,” I huffed. “I've had enough of that, thank you.”

  “But you haven't had a Sylph cock in your ass,” Andras purred as he positioned himself over me and kissed me softly. “I won't push you into it; just know that it's an option.”

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  Andras began kissing me again as he slid the lower cock into me. The one above it laid over my clit and rubbed that sensitive spot as he began to move. Both cocks created their own lubrication; I could see the moisture beading on the shaft of the one outside of me. They became so slippery that there was no resistance; neither in or outside of me. Andras glided into and over me with ease; the slick sound of his movements making me shiver. But that wasn't the best part; his cocks sent tingles through me—magical pulses that had me quivering through mini orgasms as the pleasure continued to build.

  “What was that?” I groaned and glanced down at the cock rubbing atop my pussy.

  “Just a little lightning,” Andras whispered as he zapped me again. White light arced along his shaft with crackling energy. “Enough to stimulate your nerve endings but not to cause pain. Do you like it?”

  “I do,” I groaned and rolled us over so that I was on top of him. “Give me more, Andras.”

  “As my lady commands,” Andras murmured before he caught a swinging nipple into his mouth.

  The cock laid outside of me was being straightened by my belly. I stroked it with my hands as I pushed it tightly against my clit. Every time I lifted my hips and plunged down on Andras, his cocks caressed me in all the best places.

  Then Andras laid his hands on my breasts and started massaging them. A glow seeped from beneath his palms as his lightning flickered there as well. I convulsed; my whole body shaking with an orgasm that filled me completely. Lightning zipped along every nerve in my body. Every place that could feel pleasure, did. I screamed out in ecstasy and collapsed over Andras as I twitched through the aftershocks.


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