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The Chronicles of Stella Rice: March

Page 4

by Adrienne Kama

  “But?” I prodded.

  “No buts about it…” Jake began, then paused to, of all things, giggle. Yes, I said giggle. Oversized, 6’5”, kickboxing Jake giggled.

  “Well,” Dev said with a chuckle of his own, “I wouldn’t say no buts about it.”

  This seemed to further amuse Jake, though thankfully he refrained from the pansy giggling. I don’t think I could have handled any more of it.

  “I was saying,” Jake resumed, “Adding a female to our relationship has proven to be a good idea. But we have a problem.”

  “Problem?” I repeated.

  Jake nodded. “The problem is that Dev and I don’t like taking turns.”

  “Taking turns?” Did he mean sex? I loved them taking turns. I lived for them taking turns. I’d never had so many orgasms in my life. If they were about to tell me they’d come up with some stupid plan…

  Jake leaned over me, eyes dark with unspoken promises. “We want to fuck you together. At the same time.”

  I stared, unsure if I’d heard correctly. A moment later, I took a few seconds to feel around between my legs to see if my anatomy had somehow changed when I wasn’t looking. Fortunately, everything felt the way I remembered it. Question was, how on earth did they think they could have sex with me at the same time? Well, when I sucked on one while the other was inside of me…but we’d done that tonight. The only other thing was…Hell no!

  In an effort to assure himself I understood what he wanted, Jake leaned closer and continued in a husky voice. “I want to bend you over my bed, Stella. Then I want to ease my dick in that virgin ass of yours and fuck you nice and slow.” Jake gazed at Dev, a slight grin touching the edges of his lips. “Understand, Stella?”

  I didn’t respond. I was too stunned.

  “After I think you’re accustomed to having that ass filled, Dev and I want to take you together. At the same time. Got me?”

  “You wanna put it where?” I asked, hoping against hope I’d misunderstood.

  “I think you heard me.”

  So I had.

  Suddenly, I wanted desperately to be inside my cozy home, curled in my own bed with the blankets pulled over my head. I sat up. “I think you should take me home.”

  Jake shook his head. “You’re not running away.”

  I thought about making a mad dash, but figured I’d look ridiculous. Also, I didn’t want to end my relationship with Jake and Dev, I simply wasn’t up for anal intercourse.

  I subsided into Dev’s warmth and glared at Jake. “Hell no!”

  Dev gave me a peck on the back of my head and drew me into an embrace. “Relax Stella. We won’t force you. We want you to enjoy it, not be terrorized by it. You know we’d never do anything to you that didn’t feel good, don’t you?”

  I felt a pout coming on. “I guess. At least you haven’t so far.”

  “So trust us.”

  “But I’ve never done that before.”

  “Just think about it, kitten. Try to imagine how good it would feel to lay between us, our focus entirely on making you feel good. We’d fill your cunt and ass so good, baby. I promise you, you’ll love it.”

  Okay, when he put it like that maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Still, this was too big a thing to decide without a lot of thought. This was the kind of thing that required much reflection, deliberation, and consideration on my part. It was also major enough to merit an emergency meeting with Ann.

  “Can I think about it?” I asked.

  Jake and Dev exchanged a look. Jake’s lips were set in a thin line and his jaw was clenched so tight that, for a moment, I feared he’d say no. But when he gave Dev a slow nod, my heart lightened.

  “Think about it, kitten,” Dev said. “I promise, you’ll love it.”

  Jake reclined in bed his eyes remained open. “Another thing, Stella. I told you not to climax until I gave you permission…”

  Crap! Not this again.

  “You chose not to listen, therefore I’ve no choice but to enforce—”

  I sat up again. “Two weeks! You’ve got to be kidding.”

  “I’m not though. Two weeks, Stella. Understand Dev? Stella is off-limits for both of us. That means no penetration, no oral sex, no masturbation…”

  He continued to tick off a long list of things they wouldn’t do to me. Seemed the only thing that was permissible was watching movies together, eating, and talking.

  This sucks!

  Chapter Four

  3/6/05 9:23 a.m.

  I am in disgrace!


  No sex for me for two weeks? Jake has got to be kidding. Technically, he said I couldn’t climax until he did. Well he did, so what’s the big deal? I can’t go two weeks without sex. That’s fourteen days. Three hundred and thirty-sixty hours.

  Jake is a cruel, cruel man.

  If he thinks I’m having anal sex with him now he’s crazy.


  11:04 a.m.

  Just got off the phone with Jake. The man is an emotional sadist. How can he deprive me of sex?


  I hate Jake. Have resolved never to speak to him again.


  1:27 p.m.

  Called Jake at work. He still refuses to give in. The man is a bastard.


  3:21 p.m.

  I can’t take this! I’m going through withdrawal.

  Have to have sex!

  Have to have sex!


  3/7/05 2:27 a.m.

  I can’t sleep. Not only am I experiencing sex withdrawal, now I have to contend with sleep withdrawal. Jake can’t be serious. This is cruel and unusual punishment.


  3/8/05 4:07 p.m.

  Didn’t talk to Jake all day today. Am very proud of self. I’m punishing him for his cruelty.

  Dear God, if I don’t get laid soon, I’ll explode!


  10:51 p.m.

  I wasn’t a big fan of anal sex when Jake and Dev made their request, but for some reason the idea of it doesn’t seem so bad anymore. Hell, the idea of any sex is so appealing to me right now I’d sell a pinky if it meant I’d get some action.

  Since I’m seriously considering this anal thing I need some expert advice. Damn, and Ann is working at her own house tomorrow. I must remember to call her in the morning and ask her to come over. The situation has reached critical levels.

  Chapter Five

  3/9/05 10:27 a.m.

  “I thought you were enjoying Jake and Dev,” Ann said into the phone.

  “I am,” I whispered. “But I need you to come over. Now! We have to talk.”

  “Why? What’d they do?”

  “Can’t talk about it over the phone. Just come over. I’ll tell you what’s up when you get here.”

  “Should I call the girls?”

  I considered the offer, thought about the seriousness of the situation. Anal sex! If there was ever I time I needed my friends, it was now. “Yes. Call them. We’ll meet at my place.”

  “Okay. See you soon.”


  11:51 a.m.

  “Anal sex isn’t funny!” I stomped my foot to emphasize my point. “Not even a little. What should I do?”

  Ann lifted her head from the arm of the sofa and gave me a once over. “First thing, stay the hell away from prunes.”

  Meagan and Ann erupted in laughter, yet again.

  I gave Meagan an elbow to the ribs and shook my head. “Anyone have any usable advice here?”

  Katarina, hovering in the corner of the sofa beside Ann, had seemed to close in on herself once I’d told them why they were at my place. Her face had taken on a sickly pale hue and she emitted a sort of groaning, gasping sound every time I said the word anal.

  I glanced at her to see if she had anything to add to the discussion. When she shivered, I took that to mean she didn’t.

  “Well how do you feel about them, Stella?” Meagan wanted to know.

  “You wanna know how I feel a
bout Jake and Dev?” I was too embarrassed about my sex restriction to tell them anything about that, so I put on my game face (a huge Kool-Aid grin) “I like them. A lot.” I hate them with a passion.

  “Do you trust them?”

  I considered. They’d never done anything to make me feel threatened or unsafe. We played a lot of sex games, but neither had ever forced me to do anything I didn’t want to. I supposed I did trust them. When it got right down to it, if I didn’t trust them I’d never have been able to do all the things I’d done with them thus far. “Yes,” I said. “I do.”

  “So, what’s the problem?”

  “Pain,” a wavering voice said. “Gut wrenching, agonizing, pain. And you can’t look very lady-like with your butt in the air. It’s undignified.”

  We all stared at Katarina.

  “I’m not worried about looking like a lady,” I said. “But pain is a consideration. Won’t it hurt?”

  Meagan shook her head. “Not if they do it right.”

  “You’ve had anal sex before?”

  “Of course. It’s not that big a deal. You just have to make sure if you do this, you’re in the right frame of mind. You have to want it, otherwise it will hurt.”

  Ann nodded. “Yeah. Remember to push against the dick when whoever’s fucking you sticks it in. And relax, like Meagan said, or it’ll hurt like a mother.”

  “Gee, thanks,” I said.

  “Know what you need?” Ann got to her feet and started down the hall toward the office.

  I was fast on her heels. If she knew a way to make anal sex feel good, I was all about finding out everything I could.

  She settled at my desk since my computer was already on and double clicked the Explorer icon on the desktop.

  I stood over her, staring at the screen as Explorer came up and Ann brought up the Yahoo search engine.

  “Butt plug?” Katarina read as Ann typed. We exchanged a look behind Ann. I shrugged.

  “Good idea,” Meagan was saying.

  “What we’ll do is order one of these…here we go. What size do you think, Meagan?”

  Hovering over Ann’s shoulder, Meagan studied the screen with rapt interest.

  A series of colorful phalluses were lined up on the screen. There were red ones, brown ones, hot pink ones, peach ones, white ones. “What are those?” I wanted to know.

  “Nothing too big,” Meagan advised.

  Ann twisted round to look at Meagan. “Remember, this has to prepare her for a dick.” She eyed me. “How big is Jake?”

  “What?” I’m not a prude, but I sort of think it’s very inappropriate for my friend to ask me how big my boyfriend’s dick is. “He’s nice sized.”


  At my open-mouthed astonishment, she attempted to explain.

  “We have to know what size to get.”

  Katarina lifted a manicured finger and pointed stiffly at the screen. “Stella’s supposed to stick one of those things up her butt?”

  Sighing heavily, Ann said, “Yes.”

  “I’m not sticking a…”

  “Butt plug,” Ann supplied.

  “Butt plug up my butt. Ick! Who sticks plugs up their butt?”

  “Either you want to have anal sex or you don’t.”

  I considered my days of forced abstinence and trembled. I’d never last two weeks without sex. I simply couldn’t do it. I was sure if I went to Jake and agreed to give the anal thing a try he’d be so overcome with gratitude, he’d give in.

  I indicated a phallus then found a credit card in my desk drawer.

  Still gazing at the plug I selected, Meagan asked, “Jake or Dev? Damn! I’m impressed.”

  “Eat your heart out,” I said dryly.

  Ann completed the order then turned to face me. “Just remember Stella. Relax and all will go well. Relax and it feels pretty friggin’ good.”

  With a look of pure disgust, Katarina looked Ann over. “You like anal sex. Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

  “Maybe because I’m not a prude like some people.”

  “I’m no prude. I’ll have you know Jim and I have been discussing the pros and cons of exhibitionism. I think we’re gonna have sex at Power Plant Live this weekend.”

  The room went silent.

  “You’re what?” I demanded.

  “Gonna have sex at Power Plant Live this weekend. We’ve been planning this for a few weeks.”

  “Are you crazy? Don’t have sex there.”

  Meagan grimaced. “Where, pray tell, do you plan to have this little rendezvous?”

  Katarina shrugged, as though this was a minor detail. “Either against a corner wall in Have a Nice Day Café or in Bar Baltimore.”

  Ann, Meagan, and I exchanged horrified glances.

  “Please Katarina,” Meagan begged, “don’t do that. At least not at either of those places. Not around all those twenty-something’s.”

  “We’ve already decided,” Katarina insisted.

  I would not allow my friend to do something as ridiculous as going to Power Plant Live to have sex in one of its nightclubs. “Something like this should be done someplace nice. We haven’t been to Power Plant Live in years. You don’t want to have sex there.” Somehow, turning thirty had changed us in ways we’d never imagined. Places we used to go every weekend suddenly seemed adolescent and beneath us. Almost overnight we’d gone from frequenting places like Have a Nice Day Café to having drinks at The Oak Room, the upscale lounge where we were paying five hundred dollars a month for a VIP table.

  “There’s no place else we can go where we can get away with it,” Katarina complained.

  Meagan walked around my desk and settled heavily into a client chair. “Have you thought about places outside of Baltimore?”

  “Well, no.”

  “That’s your problem. There are plenty of places you can do this. Just because its exhibitionism doesn’t mean you have to go trashy. Rent a chalet at the Pocono’s then go into the forest and make love. That would be exciting and romantic.”

  “And no twenty-something shitheads to ruin the mood,” Ann added.

  “How about,” I began, getting into the spirit, “you and Jim take a weekend trip to Colorado. A skiing trip. You can drink hot chocolate, cozy up next to a fire, then hit the slopes and find a picturesque spot to make love.”

  Katarina shook her head. “I love the idea of skiing, but I hate the cold. And this time of year, it’s freezing in the Pocono’s too. How about someplace warm?”

  “Like the beach?” Ann asked.

  Katarina nodded. “Yeah. If we go far enough south the weather will be a lot nicer than it is here.”

  “Myrtle Beach?” Ann asked.

  Meagan shook her head. “Too many teenagers go there. But the Outer Banks would be perfect. Wait a month and the weather will be ideal. Not hot, but not cold. Plus, it’s off season so beach house rentals will be really cheap.”

  “I’ve never been to the Outer Banks before.” Katarina pursed her lips and seemed to consider the prospects. “It might be fun.”

  “My family used to vacation there every summer. It’s great. Some of the towns get a lot of tourist traffic, but there are a few that are secluded.”

  “But I don’t want to be secluded. I want—”

  “I know exactly what you want. Someplace out of the way but frequented by enough people to give you a rush. Miles of beautiful sandy beaches, a house with amazing ocean views and huge windows so you can watch the sunrise in the morning and the sunset from your deck at night. Look, leave the details to me. I’ll find the perfect place.”

  I couldn’t help but emit a jealous sigh. “I’d love to get out of the city and go to the beach. And the place you’re describing sounds perfect.”

  “Stop it, Stella,” Ann said. “Don’t say another word about the beach.” She rose and went to the window and pressed her face against the glass.

  I knew what she was seeing. Mounds of dirty snow pushed to the far edge of the sidewalks. Cars dri
ving through slushy streets, people treading carefully lest they slip on a sheet of ice, homeless people asleep on grates. Winter in Baltimore meant runny noses and chilled fingers—despite the overpriced, leather gloves sheathing your hands. Winter in Baltimore. You had to hate it.

  “I wanna go too,” Ann whined.

  Katarina spun to face her. “But you can’t. This would be a romantic weekend for two.”

  Feeling precisely as Ann, I took up her cause. “It could still be romantic. Look at the pros. If only you and Jim go, you’ll only be able to get one of those small beach houses.” I held up a hand to stall Katarina. “Those big houses are expensive and this wasn’t a planned trip. You really want to insist Jim spend a couple thousand.”

  “We could go halfsies.”

  Ann turned from the window and laughed. “That’s it, grind his ego into the dirt. A man would feel emasculated if he couldn’t afford to take his lady away for the weekend. He’ll be hurt if you offer to pay half. It’ll be like you’re telling him you don’t think he’s capable of taking care of you.”

  “She’s right,” I started in again, before Katarina could think too hard on our arguments. “If we all go, we can kick in a quarter of the price. We could rent the biggest house on the beach and you’d never have to see any of us.”

  Katarina considered. “I suppose if me and Jim didn’t have to actually see you the entire time it would be okay.”

  “And when you’re ready to have your little adventure, all you do is walk out our front door onto the beach and viola!”

  “You think you can find a house like that, Meagan?” Katarina wanted to know.

  Meagan eyed me, accusation clearly visible in her eyes. “Yeah. Just give me a few days and I’ll see what I can do.”

  I was thrilled. Next month I was going to the beach.

  Chapter Six

  3/11/05 11:51 a.m.

  “Which do you think looks better? The red, the black, or the purple?”

  Popping the last bit of hot pretzel into my mouth, I gave the garments draped over Meagan’s arm a once over. Dressed in her gray and red wool suit with her chestnut curls pulled up into a French twist, she looked wholly disreputable holding the lacey G-strings.


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