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The Chronicles of Stella Rice: March

Page 5

by Adrienne Kama

  “Take all three,” I suggested.

  Beside me, Katarina snorted. “You can’t buy the same panties in different colors, Stella.”

  “Why the hell not?” Ann wanted to know.

  “Because you just can’t. It’s tacky.”

  “Says who?”

  Katarina stared at Ann for a moment, seemed to be take in Ann’s frayed Levis, her tattered DKNY shirt, her year old leather jacket and worn winter boots. Katarina gave her head a sad shake. Blonde waves tumbled over her suede-sheathed shoulders and bounced across her designer blouse covered breasts. “Says everyone.”

  Ann rolled her eyes. “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard, Katarina. Who the hell cares if I buy three of the same panties? Gerard sure as shit could care less.” Ann looked at me and winked. “It’s what’s in the panties that Gerard—”

  “Stop!” Katarina interrupted. “I don’t want to hear any more. You’re so vulgar.”

  “Another thing my betrothed loves about me.”

  “Have you told the parents yet?” I asked.

  “Not until we set a date. Hey Katarina, wanna know what else Gerard likes to see me in…”

  Deciding my best bet was to ignore both of them, I went to Meagan, who’d been moving through the panty section as though she were on a mission. “Red’s always good,” I said.

  She eyed the panties in her hand. “You don’t think red’s too obvious?”

  “I thought obvious was what you wanted.”

  Meagan began to nod, the nod turned into a shake and a sigh, then she shrugged. “Shit Stella. What’s going on with me? I’m never this indecisive. And about friggin’ panties of all things. I hate this.”

  Two hours ago, Meagan had made an emergency conference call to Ann, Katarina and me. She told us she’d had an epiphany that had scared the hell out of her. Apparently, sometime in the last few weeks, her on again, off again relationship with Peter (The sexy Taye Diggs look-alike) had gone on again. And with a vengeance.

  “I think I’m falling in love with him,” she’d confided in a wavering whisper over the telephone.

  None of us knew what to say. Meagan was a confirmed bachelorette, after all. She was the original playa. Nobody had seen this coming. Meagan falling in love was big. I hadn’t been this surprised since I heard Charlie Sheen was settling down with Denise Richardson. But damn, they just broke up so I guess that’s not the best example.

  “Meet me at eleven at Vicky’s in Gallery,” Meagan told us.

  “On Pratt Street?” Katarina wanted to know.

  True, there was only one Gallery, but it was a perfectly legitimate question. Pratt Street was Inner Harbor territory. Which was to say, domain of the tourists. Locals didn’t frequent the malls of the Inner Harbor. Everything at the Gallery was over merchandised and overpriced.

  “I’m telling him tonight,” Meagan explained. “I need something to wear. There’s no time to go anywhere else.”

  So there we were, taking our lunch break at Victoria’s Secret.

  “I think Peter’s a great guy,” Katarina was saying. “I was hoping he’d be the one.”

  “I still can’t believe it,” Ann said. “Are you sure Meagan?”

  Meagan had discarded the panties for a very sheer, very see-through black negligee. “I am.”

  “You guys know what this means?” Katarina asked, then didn’t bother waiting for a response. “It means for the first time ever we’re all in relationships at the same time.”

  I decided it would be more advantageous for me to keep my mouth shut. I love Meagan and Katarina dearly, and wouldn’t trade them for all the jewels in the world, but they had originally greeted the news of my relationship with Jake and Dev like a couple of frigid old ladies. They doubted the legitimacy of such a joining, expressed suspicion concerning Jake and Dev’s motivations, and had actually questioned my sanity. Though they’d eventually came around, I wasn’t entirely convinced they thought what I was doing was a good idea.

  “We should all go out and celebrate,” Katarina announced.

  “Let’s see how tonight goes first,” Meagan said. “I’m not even sure if Peter wants to get serious.”

  “If he does,” Katarina continued doggedly, “we should do something together. Who knows when this will happen again.”

  Ann pushed a stray lock of brown hair out of her eyes and crossed to a rack of overprized gowns. “They’re men, Katarina. It’s not that big a deal. And Meagan, you and I both know Peter is not going to turn you down. Men aren’t capable of turning you down. Hey, check out this nightgown. Is that silk?”

  “I’d say The Oak Room, but we always go there.” Katarina fingered the slinky black slip of the garment Ann was salivating over and nodded her approval. “One hundred percent silk. Must feel like heaven on the skin.”

  “How much is it?”

  Katarina eyed the price tag then grimaced. “A hundred and nine. But worth every penny I bet.”

  “How about Club Blue?” Meagan suggested, grinning at me.

  Ann had told them about my faux kidnapping. Though Katarina didn’t think there was anything funny about Dev donning a leather mask and carrying me out of a fetish club, Meagan had thought it amusing in a sexually debauched sort of way. I didn’t go into details about what had happened once I was at Jake’s, despite their pleading and begging for me to paint them a vivid picture of what sex with two men was like.

  “We can have dinner at Jake and Dev’s,” I offered. “Dev’s an amazing cook.”

  Ann seemed to forget the gown she’d been eyeing; Katarina whirled around, lips parted in a smile; and Meagan raised one perfectly manicured brow.

  “We finally get to see the secret lair?” Meagan was the first to say.

  “Jake won’t mind?” Katarina asked a moment later.

  “I think Jake would like having you over. He’s not an ogre you know.”

  “He has a condo at Harbor Towers, right?” Katarina went on. “I’ve been dying to see the inside of that place for years. I bet his place is great.”

  Jake and Dev had the nicest home I’d ever been in. Still, I shrugged casually and waved the comment off. “It’s nice enough.”

  “Bullshit!” Ann grabbed the gown off the rack and started for the register. “That’s not what you told me. You said their place was amazing. You said…”

  I didn’t hear the rest because my cell phone started ringing.

  “Yeah?” I said into the transmitter.

  “Kitten. Are you busy?”

  “Dev,” I purred into the phone. Warmth suffused my body at the sound of his buttery smooth voice. I had to pause on my way to the register so I could lean against a shelf full of pantyhose and catch my breath. “I’m shopping with the girls.”

  “Really. Where?”

  “Vicky’s…Victoria’s Secret.”

  “You gonna buy something nice to wear for Jake and me?”

  “I’m not talking to Jake. Besides, I’m here to help Meagan shop. Oh, she’s on her way to the register.”

  “Too bad. Are you at the Victoria’s Secret in the Gallery?”

  I nodded, then realized he couldn’t see me. “Yeah.”

  “Good. Meet me out front in five minutes. I’m in the Jag.”

  “But—” It was no good. He’d already hung up.

  Why was Dev coming here? More importantly, did I really give a damn why he was coming so long as he was coming? Dear God, maybe he wanted to have sex.

  A girl could hope.

  “What’s up?” Ann asked, coming toward me with her Vicky’s bag tucked protectively under one arm.

  “You guys finished already?” I asked.

  “Yep. Meagan got a fancy red nightie. Who was on the phone?”

  I followed Ann into the main mall and toward the escalator before answering. Dev, gorgeous creature that he was, always had a mind numbing affect on me. I still hadn’t adjusted to the fact that I was in a relationship with him and Jake. Everything felt so new. I got ch
ills when I heard either man’s voice, broke out in a sweat whenever I saw them, became ravenous with sexual need anytime they were near. I figured I’d done something extraordinary in a past life to deserve such a treat as Jake and Dev.

  As usual, the sound of Dev’s voice, the honeyed sweetness of it, was enough to rouse a kind of erotic desperation in me that I’d never experienced in my pre-Jake/Dev days. Knowing I’d have the unforeseen delight of seeing him in a few minutes, of being able to touch him, had eager anticipation humming through me. I needed a few moments to collect myself before I even considered speaking.

  When I was stepping onto the down escalator and felt more in control, I confided, “Dev’s coming.” After the adolescent catcalls and hoots, I continued. “We don’t have any client meetings scheduled for the rest of the day, do we Ann?”

  “No,” Ann said, grinning. “I’ll handle any inquiries. All I had left to do today was to put the finishing touches on the White and Beecham presentation. Will you be back before I leave for the day?”

  I didn’t have a clue. In all honesty, I didn’t know if I was even going anywhere with Dev. He could very well be showing up to tell me something, nothing more. Yet, there I was, heart slamming into my chest, blood pressure rising, and hormones on full alert as if I’d just planned some secret rendezvous.

  Damn! This wasn’t good. I was getting way too attached to Dev and Jake for my own good. Things had definitely progressed too far if I was willing to forget everything else at the drop of a hat as soon as Dev said so.

  “You shouldn’t be so accessible,” Katarina said, as though she could read my mind.

  We made our way across the ground floor of the mall and toward the outer doors.

  “I’m not being overly accessible,” I lied. “He sounded concerned about something on the phone so I’m going to go with him and see what’s up. That’s all. I don’t think that makes me too accessible. Hell, if you called me and needed help I’d dropped everything for you too. Not that I’m dropping everything.” I groaned.

  Katarina eyed Meagan. It was a look that said, “See, told you.”

  Meagan nodded sagely and pushed through the doors. “Maybe you should play hard to get with these guys every now and again, make them work for it.”

  If she knew how many days I’d gone without sex she wouldn’t be saying that. “I do make them work for it,” I said, shoving past them so I could commence my search. I rushed to the edge of Calvert Street and scanned the lunchtime traffic for Dev.

  Damn it all, where the hell was he? He said he’d be there in five minutes. Five minutes had passed, hadn’t they?

  “That’s it Stella,” Ann mocked. “Play it close to the cuff.”

  I whirled around, prepared to make a cutting remark, when I saw the Jag whip into the taxi stand on Pratt Street, annoying a whole host of cabbies. A moment later, Dev leaned on the horn.

  Forgetting my indignation with Ann, along with my pride, self-respect, and self-control, I half skipped, half jogged to the car. I was glad I’d worn jeans and sneakers instead of the skirt and pumps I’d had on earlier today. I wouldn’t have made it to him half as fast had I been waylaid by heels.

  The door of the Jag flew wide as Dev shoved it open with his foot. He appeared in the opening with a red Oriole’s cap pulled low on his forehead and a self-satisfied smirk on his lips. His newly blonde hair was tucked ruthlessly under the rim of the cap, a habit he had whenever he went out and didn’t want to be recognized as Cinder. Cinder was Dev’s alter ego, his stage persona when he sang with his band, Maverick.

  The black jeans fit him like a second skin, so tight I could enjoy the sight of every bulge and protrusion as I neared. He had his leather jacket fastened though, so I couldn’t see what shirt he was wearing, or even if he was wearing one. March or not, too often Dev went out sans shirt, with only a leather coat to cover him. It was a practice I was willing to wager he’d learned from Jake.

  I paused, just out of reach, and stared into his eyes. Though it may sound crazy, I love this stage of a relationship when everything is fresh. I still got butterflies whenever I was around Dev and Jake, and I still felt awkward as a schoolgirl getting her first kiss. The desire to touch Dev, to run my hands over him, was nearly too strong to control, but I managed.

  My lips twitched as I tried to give him my best, come hither smile. I guessed the coy act would have been more convincing had I not run like a wild woman to greet him.

  “That just won’t do, kitten,” he said, stretching forward to grasp me.

  I allowed myself to be captured and drawn forward. As his arms encircled my waist I slithered against him, reveling in his body heat. It felt indescribably decadent to be this close to Dev after so many days apart, to have his hands on me and know his desire to be alone was as strong as my own. More than anything he could have said to convince me such was the case, the expanding in the crotch of his pants was all the convincing I needed.

  A cool jet of air hissed between my teeth as my quim tightened. Anticipation sent tingles dancing up and down my spine. One look at Dev, just a few minutes in his presence was enough to make me horny as a cat in heat.

  He guided my arms around his waist and lowered his face to mine. When our lips touched I wanted to press closer and lose myself in him. I needed to feel every inch, to know the weight of his body atop mine. I thought about easing into the back of the car and pulling him in behind me. I’d lie across the seat and guide him in until he was lying across me, pinning me to the supple leather.

  When Dev’s tongue glided along my lower lip, coherent thought fled. Pure female need surged to the surface of my consciousness. Standing on tiptoe, I squeezed his backside and opened my mouth to him, let him slip inside and deepen the kiss.


  I wanted to scream in protest when Dev stepped back and put distance between us again.

  “Ladies,” he said, by way of greeting my friends.

  Glad to be acknowledged, Katarina uncrossed her arms. “Where you taking Stella?”

  If she’d been talking to Jake, his response would have been, “Anywhere I want.” But since it was Dev, and because Dev had more decorum than Jake, Katarina got a slightly more palatable response. “Shopping,” he said. “Do you need a ride somewhere?”

  Despite the fact that Katarina’s office was on Pratt Street, she seemed to be considering the offer.

  “No,” I said, before she could take him up on it. “Katarina works on Pratt and Meagan’s office is around the corner on St. Paul. And Ann has her truck. She’ll give them a ride if they need one.” I gave the girls a brief wave. “See you guys later. Call me in the morning, Meagan. Let me know how it goes.”

  As I made my way to the passenger side of the car I tried to tell myself I was rushing because the cabbies seemed on the verge of jumping Dev. It wasn’t as if I was ditching my friends. In another minute everyone would be heading back to work anyway.

  I slid into the car then realized I was alone. Dev was standing in his open doorway, mired in conversation with Katarina and Meagan, though I’m not sure conversation was the appropriate word. Interrogation seemed more fitting.

  I leaned across the driver’s seat and gave his jeans a tug.

  “How old are you?” I could hear Katarina demanding. “Stella won’t tell us how old you are and I’d like to know.”

  “If you’re in love with Jake…” Meagan was saying at the same time, “you are in love with him, right? Then what do you want with Stella?”

  Damn. This was the first occasion they’d had to question Dev. I could see they were perfectly willing to take full advantage of the opportunity.

  I gave Dev another tug. Once he answered one question he was doomed. They’d close in on him.

  “Is this just a sex thing?” Katarina was saying. “If it is, I think that sucks.”

  When he began sputtering, I climbed over the driver’s seat and leaned out far enough to eye Katarina and Meagan. “We’re leaving now.” Saying this
, I backed into the car and pulled Dev with me.

  Dev got into the car, gave me a self-deprecating grin, then pulled into traffic.


  1:27 p.m.

  How in the hell did I end up at not one, but two shopping malls today? That’s all I want to know. Not that I’m complaining, mind you. I’m never opposed to having a man take me out to buy a new dress. Never!

  Still, I was more than a little put out that instead of heading to his condo to seduce me, Dev took me to the ‘burbs. Not only that, he’d managed to find the most obnoxiously large mall within a fifty-mile radius of Baltimore. The place was a shopping monstrosity. And I don’t say that lightly. For instance, we entered the mall near the movie theatre, though the words “movie theatre” was in no way an accurate description of the actual structure. That the architects had grandiose visions when drawing up the building plans was obvious. The Egyptian themed, “Muvico” had soaring columns, hieroglyphs painted artfully along the entrance corridor, and statues of Egyptian gods positioned at various points along the entrance, each leering disapprovingly at passing shoppers. It was nice, but a little overwhelming.

  Once we were in the mall, we stood poised at the mall entrance for approximately five minutes, staring dumbly around and trying to figure out which direction we should go. Despite the fact that it was a weekday, the mall was crowded. There were hordes of people heading in every direction. Some were on their way to a movie, others made a beeline for the music store, but the majority was traipsing up and down the halls in front of us.

  Seeing the mass of bodies rushing about, I couldn’t help but wonder, didn’t people have jobs anymore? And what about school? The friggin’ place was jam-packed.

  Dev clasped my hand and gave me a tug that had me stumbling toward him. “I’m wearing a black suit,” he said. “Do you have a favorite color?”

  Quick as a flash, I forgot about the people trudging through the mall around us. I found myself staring at his delectable lips, wishing he would kiss me. Save the all-to-brief taste he’d given me outside the Gallery, Dev hadn’t made any attempts to treat me to his lips again. It was frustrating.


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