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Grand Pursuit

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by Sylvia Nasar

  Samuelson at, 415–19

  Schumpeter at, 334–37, 374

  Society of Fellows, 416–17

  Hawkes, Albert, 401

  Hayek, Friedrich von, 173, 201–202, 208, 262, 263, 274–80, 329, 348, 374–79, 390–91, 392, 394, 399–405, 408, 432, 455, 456, 462

  deafness of, 375

  on economics, 278–80, 332–34, 355, 374–79, 386, 399–405

  Great Depression and, 332–34

  LSE lectures, 332–34

  Monetary Theory and the Business Cycle, 279–80

  Prices and Production, 334

  The Road to Serfdom, 202, 372, 376–79, 390, 399–402, 405

  Roosevelt and, 400

  in United States, 278–79, 399–402

  World War II and, 354–55, 372, 374–79, 386

  Hazard, Rowland III, 145

  Hazlitt, Henry, 403

  Hegel, Georg Wilhelm, 17, 23–24

  Philosophy of History, 57

  Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig von, 155

  Henderson, James, 7

  Hereditary genius, 190

  Hicks, John, 374, 436

  Value and Capital, 451

  Hilferding, Rudolf, 175, 216

  Hill, James J., 156

  Himmelfarb, Gertrude, 16, 58, 59, 104, 106

  Hindus, 450

  Hitler, Adolf, 220, 265, 336, 340, 353, 354, 356–57, 359, 366, 375, 391, 393, 396

  Mein Kampf, 378

  Hobsbawm, Eric, 41

  Ho Chi Minh, 237

  Hofstadter, Richard, 149

  Holmes, Charles, 199, 200

  Hoover, Herbert, 210, 211, 223, 246, 252–53, 305, 400, 415

  Depression-era policies, 307–308, 313–18, 325, 328, 332

  public works program, 315, 316

  Hoover Dam, 315

  Horthy, Miklós, 227

  Howard, Elizabeth Jane, Cazelet Chronicles, 385

  Hughes, Charles Evans, 244, 245

  Hull, Cordell, 392

  Human rights, 433, 446

  Hungary, 208, 210, 211, 218, 222, 223, 226–27, 230, 231, 402

  Hunger, xii, 3–10, 16, 205, 339, 447

  1840s British, 3–10, 13–18, 26–32, 33, 293

  1880s–90s British, 103–104

  1890s American, 155–56

  1926 British coal strike, 290

  Panic of 1866, 48–52

  post–World War I, 209–213, 219, 225, 235, 246–50, 253, 257, 264–65

  See also Famine

  Hungry Forties, 3–10, 13–18, 26–28, 33, 293

  Hussein Kamel, Sultan, 181

  Hutchins, Robert, 420

  Huxley, Thomas, 97


  Icebreaker Mission, 436

  Imperialism, 129, 180–82, 184, 220, 430, 441

  decline of, 436

  Imports, 33, 236, 285

  Income, 140–41, 155, 161, 174, 192, 221, 284, 330, 439, 458

  falling prices and, 321

  Friedman on, 365–66

  Great Depression, 321, 326–27

  national income accounts, 365–66

  of 1920s, 296

  per capita, 296, 410, 438, 459

  of self-employed, 366

  Indexing, 302–304

  Index Number Institute, 303, 312, 314

  Index Visible, 302–303, 312

  India, xv, 55, 167, 181, 240, 241, 345–46, 428, 438, 446–60

  British rule, 447, 448, 449–50

  famine, 443, 447–48, 450, 454–55, 459

  government, 447–48, 449, 459–60

  independence, 450, 459

  postcolonial, 459

  poverty, 438–39, 443, 447–51, 455

  society, 450, 459–60

  Individual rights, 457, 458

  Industrial Revolution, xiii, 9, 12–14, 17, 21, 24, 41, 44, 61, 63, 64, 81–82

  Industry, 9, 12–14, 440

  accidents, 9–10, 132, 133

  American, 74, 76, 90, 140–44, 145, 147, 153, 155, 157, 295–97, 315, 361–64, 410–13

  Austrian, 174, 212–14, 220, 228, 232, 276

  Egyptian, 180–82, 186

  German, 214, 335

  Great Depression and, 315, 321

  Marshall on, 80–90

  nineteenth-century British, 12–14, 17–23, 24–34, 43, 44, 45, 52, 61, 63, 64, 80–83, 86–90, 116–18, 140

  post–World War II, 410–12, 428, 430, 433, 443

  Soviet, 288

  twentieth-century British, 286, 289–95, 355, 428, 430, 433

  World War II, 384–85

  See also specific industries and countries

  Infant mortality, 26, 189, 459

  Inflation, 157, 161, 279, 310, 423, 462

  Fisher on, 161, 166–70, 299–304

  Friedman on, 367–69

  Great Depression and, 323–24

  Keynes on, 284–85, 310, 315, 355

  of 1920s, 284–85, 299–302

  post–World War I, 205, 219–20, 262, 264–66, 267, 284–85, 324

  post–World War II, 419

  unemployment and, 299–302

  World War II, 355, 356, 367–69, 384

  Influenza, 212

  Innovation, 190, 272, 304, 305, 347, 443

  Insurance, 184, 281–82, 297

  health, 203

  social, 137

  unemployment, 294

  Interest, 161, 166, 221, 370

  Interest rates, 156, 162, 166, 167–68, 171, 192, 280, 286, 356, 368

  Great Depression and, 307, 309, 313–16, 321, 322, 326, 327–30, 333

  International Economic Conference (Moscow, 1952), 426–31, 439

  International Electricity Exhibition, 173

  International Eugenics Society, 299

  International Monetary Fund, 390, 402, 434

  Ireland, 141

  potato famine, 27, 32

  Ismail Pasha, khedive, 180, 181

  Italy, 208, 232, 251, 256, 274, 282

  Fascist, 331, 346, 404, 431


  James, Harold, 159–60, 319

  James, Henry, 94

  The Ambassadors, 145

  The Portrait of a Lady, 94, 100

  The Princess Casamassima, 58

  James, William, 151

  Japan, 317, 331, 335, 462

  World War II, 361, 362, 373, 394, 420

  Jászi, Oszkár, 172

  Jenks, Jeremiah Whipple, 278, 279

  Jerrold, Douglas, 31

  Jevons, Arthur, 257

  Jevons, William Stanley, 151

  Jews, 17, 161, 172, 182, 265, 291, 366

  anti-Semitism and, 174, 217, 265, 289, 291, 365, 375

  immigrants, 412

  pogroms, 212, 235

  in Vienna, 174, 212, 275

  Jim Crow, 299

  John Bates Clark Medal, 419

  Johnson, Harry, 442

  Johnson Act (1934), 359

  Jones, Bill, The Russia Complex: The British Labour Party and the Soviet Union, 435

  Joyless Street, The (film), 265


  Kafka, Franz, 173, 211

  Kahn, Richard, 294, 332, 347–51, 353, 358, 429, 435, 436, 442

  Kaldor, Nicholas, 416, 432, 436

  Kant, Immanuel, 56, 66

  Kaufman, Felix, 279

  Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey, 164–65

  Kennan, George, 401, 402

  Kennedy, David, 323, 324, 411, 420

  Kennedy, John F., 424, 425

  Kennedy, Joseph, 360

  Keynes, Florence, 239, 260

  Keynes, John Maynard, xiv, xv, 47, 198–200, 202, 203, 231, 236, 238–61, 262, 263, 281–95, 299, 300, 306–311, 343, 392, 415, 436, 439, 453, 462

  Bretton Woods conference, 390–98

  “Can the Liberal Pledge Be Carried Out?,” 294

  “Can Lloyd George Do It?,” 294

  commodity speculation, 281–83, 295, 306

  death of, 402, 436

  on deficit spending, 326–30

  “The Economic Consequences of Mr. Churchill,” 286r />
  The Economic Consequences of the Peace, 255–57, 260–61, 358, 377

  on economics, 240–42, 245–61, 282–95, 306–311, 315–17, 326–37, 354–64, 365, 371, 384–89, 393–94, 398, 402, 409–411, 416, 419–20, 423, 438

  “The End of Laissez-Faire,” 290–21

  finance career 281–83, 306

  A General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, 292, 328–30, 334, 337, 348, 355, 362–63, 378, 389, 398, 415, 416

  Great Depression and, 306–311, 315–17, 326–27, 355

  homosexuality of, 241, 243, 286–87

  How to Pay for the War, 356, 411

  illness of, 332, 356

  on inflation and deflation, 284–85, 310, 315, 355

  as journalist, 283, 308–309, 356

  at King’s College, 239–42

  Lend-Lease and, 359–62

  Liquidity Trap, 328

  marriage of, 287

  multiplier, 294, 327

  in the 1920s, 281–95

  on 1929 stock market crash, 306–311

  at Paris Peace Conference, 236–38, 245–61

  post–World War II economy and, 384–89, 405–407

  reparations debate, 244–61, 290, 406–407

  Robinson and, 341, 344, 348–51, 431–32, 435, 443

  Roosevelt and, 325, 326–27, 362

  in Soviet Union, 287–89

  A Tract on Monday Reform, 283–85, 294

  Treasury position, 242–60, 354–64, 406

  A Treatise on Monday, 310, 327, 333, 335, 347, 348

  on Treaty of Versailles, 254–61, 290–91, 344, 357, 395, 406

  in United States, 358–64

  Webb and, 290, 340

  World War I and, 198–200, 206, 220, 242–44

  World War II and, 354–64, 371, 372, 405–407, 411

  Keynes, Lydia, 287, 356, 391, 402

  Keynes, Neville, 239, 240, 242

  Keynes Plan, 356, 363, 369

  KGB, 396, 397, 398, 429, 437

  King’s College, 239–42, 291, 306, 355, 358, 442

  Kirzner, Israel, 272

  Klein, Lawrence, 442

  Kraus, Karl, 217

  Die Fackel, 202

  The Last Days of Mankind, 208

  Kreditanstalt, 316

  Krone, 218, 221, 222, 227, 228, 232, 233, 264, 267

  Krugman, Paul, 285

  Kuczynski, Jurgen, 430

  Kun, Béla, 218, 223, 226, 227

  Kuznets, Simon, 366


  Labor, 5, 24, 25–26, 189, 329

  American, 74, 76, 140–45, 156

  artisans, 29, 61

  child, 9, 26, 166

  1840s–50s British, 5–10, 12–42

  1860s–70s British, 40–47, 48–72

  1880s–90s British, 86–90, 110–20

  German, 214

  hours, 10, 26, 38

  Marx on, 23–28, 36–39

  Mayhew’s “Labour and the Poor” series, 28–34, 38

  post–World War II, 410, 443

  skilled, 29, 40, 57, 61, 65

  Soviet, 288

  strikes, see Strikes, labor

  sweatshop, 30–31, 116–18

  tailoring, 30–31, 116–18

  twentieth-century British, 289–95

  unskilled, 26, 29–30, 88, 112

  urban, 25–32

  vote, 59

  women, 9, 26, 30, 116–20, 296

  World War II, 360, 362–63, 384

  See also Employment; Factories; Industry; specific industries; Unions; Wages

  Laissez-faire, 14, 73, 106, 112, 119, 149, 165, 216, 290, 378

  Lamont, Thomas, 250

  Landes, David, 192


  ownership, 33, 101, 191

  speculation, 162

  tax, 86–89, 108

  Lange, Oskar, 429, 430, 444

  Laski, Harold, 433, 435, 444

  Lawrence, T. E., 237, 248, 352

  League of Nations, 153, 252, 259–60, 267, 297, 387

  League to Enforce Peace, 153

  Lend-Lease, 359–62, 397

  Lenin, V. I., 220, 222, 389, 442

  Leontief, Wassily, 337, 416, 418

  Lerner, Abba, 442

  Lewes, George, 79

  Lewis, Sinclair, Main Street, 412

  Life expectancy, 13, 26, 164, 189, 298, 319, 459, 463

  Life Extension Institute, 203

  Lindbergh, Charles, 297

  Lippmann, Walter, 319

  Lira, 282

  Lloyd George, David, 136, 137, 197, 198, 222, 236, 242, 244–45, 290, 292–94, 307, 341, 357

  at Paris Peace Conference, 244–45, 251–54, 259

  Loewenfeld-Russ, Hans, 223–24

  London, xv, 4, 10, 18–23, 28, 41–42, 174, 176, 207, 241, 280

  banking, 19, 44–47, 49, 184, 281–82

  Black Friday, 44–47, 49

  disease, 28, 29

  dockworkers, 115–16, 119

  of 1840s–50s, 4, 10, 18–42

  of 1860s–70s, 40–47, 48–72

  of 1880s–90s, 86–90, 91–138

  electrification, 173

  Great Exhibition, 34–36, 40, 43, 67

  growth, 18–23, 30, 43–47, 104

  industry, 20–34, 43, 44, 45, 111, 116–18

  labor, 20–34, 40–47, 86–90, 110–18

  of 1920s, 281–305

  of 1930s, 316, 332–34

  Pall Mall series on, 103–104

  Panic of 1866, 48–52

  Panic of 1907, 184, 185

  population, 18, 21, 25, 29, 30

  poverty, 21–22, 26–34, 42–43, 48–52, 100, 103–104, 110–18

  riots, 110–11

  season, 91–92, 103, 113

  society, 21–22, 26–32, 50, 91–95, 110–18, 124–26

  Stock Exchange, 171, 281–82

  sweatshops, 30–31, 116–18

  unemployment, 110–13

  World War I, 199, 205, 206

  World War II, 357, 360, 375–76

  London Daily Mail, 50, 182

  London Daily News, 238

  London Evening Standard, 283

  London Morning Chronicle, 18

  Mayhew’s “Labour and the Poor” series, 28–34, 38

  London School of Economics, 127, 176, 280, 332, 355, 375, 376, 408, 433, 454

  Hayek lectures, 332–34

  “Long Telegram,” 402

  Lothian, Lord, 359

  Louis Philippe, King of France, 28

  Luxemburg, Rosa, 180, 440–41

  The Accumulation of Capital, 171, 440


  Macartney, C. A., 268

  Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 114

  MacDonald, Ramsay, 307, 311, 316, 317, 332

  Machlup, Fritz, 276, 376, 379, 400, 403

  Macmillan, Harold, 444

  Macmillan, Lord, 376

  Report of the Committee on Finance and Industry, 316

  Macmillan, Margaret, Paris 1919: Six Months That Changed the World, 261

  Macroeconomics, 418, 422, 423

  Madge, Charles, 430

  Malthus, Thomas Robert, 4–7, 8, 14, 26, 34, 37, 63, 64, 112, 149, 188, 415

  An Essay on the Principle of Population, 4

  law of population, 4–7, 33, 38

  Manchester, 12–14, 17, 20, 26, 46, 52, 130, 448

  Manchester Guardian, 95, 283, 340

  Manhattan Project, 397, 420

  Mann, Thomas, The Magic Mountain, 164

  Mao Tse-tung, 443, 444, 446

  March, Eddie, 341

  Married Women’s Property Act (1882), 94

  Marsh, Lady Helen, 341

  Marshall, Alfred, xiv, 48, 51–90, 100, 106, 115, 116, 118–19, 121, 129, 130, 132, 135, 137, 141, 142, 145, 153, 166, 189, 239, 263, 296, 329, 341, 438, 439, 461

  on economics, 59, 62–65, 71–90, 152, 169, 177–78, 190, 272, 423

  The Economics of Industry, 80, 83–85

  education of, 52–59

  on factory production, 80–83

/>   illness of, 85–86

  Mary Paley and, 66–69, 78–80, 81, 85

  Principles of Economics, 73, 86, 89–90, 153, 155, 178, 240, 344, 417, 451

  in United States, 72–78, 89

  Marshall, George C., 434

  Marshall, Mary Paley, 66–69, 78–80, 81, 85

  Marshall, William, 52–55, 57, 67, 78

  Marshall Plan, 407, 424, 434

  Marx, Eleanor, 100

  Marx, Karl, 11–12, 14–18, 34–47, 49, 57, 60, 62, 76, 80, 81, 83, 85, 100, 106, 116, 123, 132, 169, 177, 189, 214, 246, 263, 271, 329, 352, 373, 393, 430, 432, 439, 440, 451

  The Communist Manifesto, 23–28, 36, 37, 90

  A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, 41–42

  on economics, 15–18, 22–28, 34–47, 64, 78, 82, 85, 169, 190, 272, 273

  Engels and, 11–12, 16–18, 22–28, 34–37, 41, 43, 45–47

  evolution from bohemian to bourgeois, 42–44

  family life, 15, 34–35, 43–44, 45, 54

  Das Kapital, 18, 36–39, 43, 45–47, 80, 82, 106, 176

  moves to London, 28

  Maskin, Eric, 458

  Mathematical Tripos, 56, 240

  Mathematics, 56, 148, 150–53, 202, 239, 277, 417, 418, 419, 423, 437

  Matisse, Henri, 282, 287, 311

  Maupassant, Guy de, “Yvette,” 125

  Maurice, F. D., 341

  Maurice, Frederick, Major General 238, 241, 342

  Mayhew, Henry, 18, 20–22, 28–34, 39, 50, 62, 80, 103, 116, 169, 461

  “Labour and the Poor” series, 28–34, 38

  McCarthy, Joseph, 397

  McKinley, William, 142, 156, 157, 165

  Mehrling, Perry, 166

  Melchior, Carl, 247–50, 258–59, 291

  Mellon, Andrew, 150, 308, 314

  Menger, Carl, 155, 175, 275, 276

  Menger, Karl, 276

  Mental illness, 133, 204–205

  Meyer, Eugene Isaac, 307

  Middle class, 21, 264, 419

  British, 21, 29, 39–40, 50, 59–60, 62

  growth of, 39–40

  Mill, James, 34

  Mill, John Stuart, 4, 9, 27, 32–34, 37, 39, 41, 60, 63, 66, 73, 81, 85, 90, 121, 132, 150, 169, 188, 408

  on economics, 32–34, 60–62

  Principles of Political Economy, 32–33, 57, 90

  The Subjection of Women, 62

  A System of Logic, 116

  wages fund theory, 60–62

  Milward, Alan, 359

  Minimum wage, 130, 132, 135

  Mises, Ludwig von, 175, 211, 263, 269, 271, 276–78, 279, 332, 333, 375, 378, 403, 404

  “The Collective Economy,” 277

  on markets as calculators, 277–78

  MIT, 364, 409, 420, 421, 442

  Mitchell, George, 71

  Mitchell, Wesley C., 278

  Molotov, Vyacheslav, 434

  Monday Political Economy Club, 343, 345

  Money, 157–64, 191, 462

  effect on economy, 159–70

  1880s–90s debate, 159–63

  Fisher on, 159–70, 300–304

  Great Depression and, 309, 316, 317–18, 327–30, 333, 393


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