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A Darkness Awakens (The Elements of Ilysia Book 1)

Page 8

by Helena Lancaster

  “Do you blame her, Julíus?” Dalía asked. “I mean after what happened with your parents, I can’t. Let’s be honest, Moserovo is a shit hole. We all know this. Be happy she got out.”

  “I am but damn I miss her. The worst part of this is that I don’t have a clue where she is, much less if she’s even alive.”

  “Your brother doesn’t seem too concerned about her,” Nóra remarked.

  “That makes it even stranger. It’s not like Rafe but then again Ísábella and Adéla keep him pretty occupied.”

  “It’s more my sister than my niece doing that. She’s kind of a control freak,” Dalía declared. “And that’s me being nice.”

  “And you’re speaking in a way you never do around her,” Nóra declared.

  “You say this as if you don’t live in the same house as Ísábella.”

  The retort caused all three of them to laugh as they kept walking through the narrow alley towards the home they shared with their guardians. They knew that once they got there that things would not be carefree as they were right now. They had homework as well as training. Their training was grueling but Ísábella insisted upon it so that they could all be good soldiers of the Empress. Apparently a war would come to Ilysia soon and they would be called to serve. All three of them felt too young to be preparing to fight a war in a land their ancestors abandoned.

  Another year had passed, to both Ísábella and the Empress’s anger, that the prophesied girl still had not been found. Fall was approaching, as was the holy day of Samhain. This girl would be reaching her seventeenth year and while the Empress felt she finally had leverage on the girl, their power could still fall without her. Dalía, Julíus, and Nóra had continued to look for this mysterious Ilysian girl every chance they had at the schools in the area. They had discovered few with Ilysian blood, most of which had little to no power and were of majority human descent. This all would soon change when they would meet another like them in the most unexpected way.

  Líssi Delaune was always careful to not be noticed by others at school. She had enough problems at home and had no wish to add any while she spent her days learning what the law required her to. It would always be the best policy for her to keep to herself. While it would be nice to have some friends, she did not need to entangle anyone in the things she dealt with at home on a daily basis. Her father was typically always drunk and prone to beating not only her mother but Líssi and her younger sisters as well. She could handle this but they could not. That was how she felt. Her older sister abandoned them. She was going to do what she had to do to take care of and protect them. That is why she preferred to not be noticed. It was easier to not have to answer any questions.

  She was taking a new way home, through a different path of dingy alleyways in hopes of having a little more time to herself. Her mother was almost always mentally absent from everything. She blamed her father but could never make herself run away. She felt responsible for her younger sisters, a responsibility her older sister Anja did not seem to feel. Deep down she felt that she would always be angry with Anja for leaving them two years ago without a trace. She did hope her sister was at least alive and safe though it was hard not to think the worst since they had heard nothing from her.

  She took a turn into the next alley, to find herself in the presence of a gang. Rutania had a known problem with them and this appeared to be a group of Muskovites by their clothing of heavy combat boots, leather biker jackets, and spiked accessories. She could feel her insides shaking as they all turned to look at her.

  “Well, well it looks like we have a fresh one,” one of them said in a sinister tone.

  “And she’s scared,” one of the female members remarked as she stepped closer to Líssi.

  “I’m sorry… I… I had no idea this was your territory,” Líssi stuttered.

  “Well you do now and you have to pay the toll,” another boasted as they all began to step closer to her.

  Fear was rising in her like a fire. She could feel the blaze move through her entire body wildly. Then it started to spark from her fingers as flames quickly made a barrier between her and the group of Muskovites. She gasped aloud as she realized what happened. It was not the first time she had made fire appear out of nowhere and each time she thought she was either crazy or dreaming. She could hear the muffled words of the gang on the other side as she sighed in relief. This was impossible by all reason in the world but it saved her from a grim fate.

  “You’re a pyro!” she heard a male voice behind her say.

  “I’m a what?” she asked as she turned around to face him.

  “A pyro, someone with power over the element of fire.”

  “I have no power.”

  “Then how do you explain that fire behind you that appeared out of nowhere?”

  Líssi looked at the boy in front of her. He was tall with dark eyes and olive skin, appearing to be about her age. He raised an eyebrow at her as if he was expecting an answer.

  “You didn’t know you could do that, did you?” he questioned.

  “Not really,” she answered. “Who are you and why are you not as scared as I am over this?”

  “I’m Julíus Lucíano and I have gifts too. I have no reason to be scared of yours.”

  “I’m not some sort of freak?”

  “No, you’re Ilysian.”


  She felt like a freak despite his answer but what was Ilysian? What did that mean? This was starting to confuse her.

  “Ilysia is another world. It’s very different from this one. Many people came here to Corinthia when the forces of the Empress began to take over. It’s a world full of magic,” he informed her. “You’re one of us.”

  “Who is us?” she asked in response.

  “My family and friends. Would you like to meet them?”

  She raised an eyebrow at him curiously. Was this a trick or was he genuinely being kind to her?

  “I really need to get home,” she stated.

  “What’s your name?” he inquired.


  “I think you should meet them, Líssi. My brother can help you learn to control that fire power you have so you don’t ever do anything you wouldn’t want to with it.”

  “It’s controllable?”

  “It is and learning control is important.”

  “But what happens if I go with you?”

  “You learn about your ancestors, where you came from, and how to control the element you were gifted with the ability to manipulate.”

  She thought for a moment. There was nothing about him that seemed dangerous and he was not at all afraid of the fire she created. If anything he was intrigued with it. The strange fire related events always terrified her when they occurred. It would be nice to be able to control it.

  “If I’m a pyro, then what are you?” she queried.

  “The common term is an earth mover. I can manipulate nature and land. I have power over earth,” he responded.

  “And if I go with you, I can learn more about this?”

  “I can promise you that.”

  “Then please lead the way.”

  He walked past her and turned his head back to be sure she started to follow. She kept her eyes on him as she stayed close behind him. He weaved through the maze of alley ways like an expert. She took a deep breath knowing that once they reached their destination that her entire life was about to change. Maybe she did have a purpose after all.

  Ísábella sat on the bed she shared with her longtime boyfriend Rafe resisting the urge to use the portal to go to Ilysia. Rafe was too good to be completely loyal to the cause she had pledged them too. She loved him and he took care of her; it was not enough. She desired more than he could ever give her, than he ever would give her. What he did not know was she forming relationships with her contacts in Ilysia that could grant her more of what she wanted. Especially now that her rise in power has been stifled by not finding the girl from the prophecy. Others were advan
cing above her in the Empress’s favor while she remained stagnant. Something had to change soon.

  “Something on your mind?” Rafe asked as he took a seat beside her.

  “That girl we can’t seem to find. I’m losing favor with the Empress because it’s been two and a half years and we have found no trace of her,” she revealed.

  “If she hasn’t been found in Ilysia then she has to be somewhere in Corinthia.”

  “She’s not in Rutania, Rafe! And if she’s not in one of the Alliance countries then we have no way of finding her!” she exclaimed, raising her voice slightly.

  “We’ve been building contacts in the other Alliance countries. If she’s in one of them, we will find her,” he spoke in a calming tone.

  “And if she’s in a Union country?”

  “We will find a way to search them if we have to.”

  “We need an ally in one of them. Gemaronica is close, there has to be someone there we can work with.”

  “Nóra can barely send letters to her sister. That is a damn near impossible task.”

  “It’s only that way going through legal means. We have magic in our veins, Rafe. There are other ways to get across those borders.”

  Rafe looked at her for a moment in silence. Was she really thinking about doing something like this? Would she risk the consequences if she got caught by the police in a Union country? He thought this was just as insane as her pledging them all to serve the Empress. He had hoped then their daughter would prevent her from becoming more power hungry. While he could see how much she loved Adéla, he could also see that it was still not enough for her.

  “Ísábella that is not safe!” he nearly shouted as he stood to his feet.

  “I was told that the resistance forces are headquartered in Gemaronica near Berdenheim. What if that’s exactly where we can find this girl?” she responded, her voice strong and determined.

  “I think it’s too much of a risk.”

  “You’re too careful, Rafe, and that is exactly why we remain stagnantly low in the Empress’s favor. It’s why we are continuing to fail!”

  Her last sentence was a shout as she stood to her feet and nearly stomped from the room. He almost hung his head in defeat but he felt it would be pointless. Ísábella had to be in control. When she made a decision in her mind, there was no changing it. He worried for her because he loved her. Love was why he had followed her down this path he did not agree with. He would have rather stayed out of Ilysia’s affairs to live life where they were. The way he saw it was that their ancestors left for a reason. Why even try to go back or fight in a war that was never theirs? They were in Corinthia. It was where they were born and it was their home. It became their home because those that came before them chose to live there in peace rather than Ilysia. He let out a heavy sigh. There was going to be no going back from what she decided to do. There was no changing her mind when she chose to pledge them to the Empress. There would be no changing her now. Rafe knew well that the woman he loved did not listen to what he felt was reason.

  Julíus guided Líssi to the home he shared with his family and friends with ease. He led her inside the townhouse through the back door. It brought them into the kitchen where he found Dalía and Nóra feeding his two year old niece while trying to have a snack themselves. They smiled at him when he first walked in but those expressions quickly changed to surprise when they noticed Líssi behind him.

  “You brought company?” Dalía questioned. “This is rather odd.”

  “You know I wouldn’t bring anyone here without good reason, Dalía,” he retorted. “She’s Ilysian like us.”

  Nóra quickly raised an eyebrow. It was not easy to discover someone’s Ilysian heritage as those living in Corinthia spent centuries learning to adapt so they could easily blend in with Corinthians.

  “How do you know she is?” Nóra asked curiously.

  “He says I’m a pyro,” Líssi spoke up before he could give an answer.

  They had all started looking at the new girl. They did not even know her name yet but she was intriguing with long, raven hair and dark eyes set against a very pale complexion. She stood at an average height holding onto the strap of a slightly tattered black bag that hung against her right side. She had fairer skin than Nóra that made her stand out even more against the olive tones that colored both Julíus and Dalía.

  “What’s your name?” Dalía inquired of her.

  “It’s Líssi…Líssi Delaune,” she quickly responded.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Líssi. I’m Dalía Ortíz and it seems you already met Julíus.”

  “And I am Nóra Pálko,” Nóra added.

  “And this,” Julíus spoke as he walked over to the high chair and leaned down to plant a kiss on the toddler’s head. “Is my niece Adéla Lucíano.”

  “Who is also my niece,” Dalía interjected. “His brother and my sister have been together for more than five years.”

  “And all of you live here?” Líssi queried.

  “We do. Nóra joined us a little over a year ago.”

  “My home life isn’t the best and it got worse when my sister went away to a special boarding school about four years ago,” Nóra remarked. “I’m a twin, you see, and my parents couldn’t get along if their lives depended on it.”

  “Sounds like my parents,” Líssi revealed. “My father is a horrid drunk and my older sister ran away almost three years ago to get away from him. My mother is mentally not there, leaving me to care for my younger sisters.”

  “We all had horrible home lives but Dalía.”

  “Then what happened to her parents?”

  “They were killed in a train accident when I was twelve. I’ve been in my older sister’s care ever since,” Dalía lamented. “I’m sure she will be down any minute now.”

  “And my mother was murdered by my sadistic father who is now rotting in prison somewhere. My older sister also left home,” Julíus muttered. “I’m still angry at her for leaving but I’ve got my older brother. He’s the one that looks after all of us.”

  “Along with my sister.”

  Líssi was trying to take all of this in. She had never had friends. She was always afraid to because of the things she had to deal with at home. For once in her life, she was starting to feel like she actually did belong somewhere. It was a feeling that was drowning out her desire to be alone.

  “Then what about your powers?” Líssi began. “Julíus told me his power was with the earth. What about the two of you?”

  “Julíus and I have the same power,” Dalía quickly stated.

  “And mine is light. I can manipulate light and darkness,” Nóra declared. “The others have gifts too.”

  “Do all Ilysians have such gifts?” Líssi inquired.

  “Not all, no. Only the ones that aren’t purely human.”

  “Purely human?”

  “Yes, dear girl, there are more than humans in our home world,” Ísábella spoke as she entered the room. “There are Witches, Fae, and Elves there as well. And how is it that you found us?”

  “I found her and brought her here,” Julíus announced as Líssi went silent. “Don’t overwhelm her, Ísábella. This is all new to her.”

  Ísábella quietly examined the new girl before her. She had no intentions of scaring her or overwhelming her. She needed her because she was Ilysian like them.

  Líssi was at a loss for words. Could there really be such a thing as Witches, Fae, and Elves? Those were only found in fairy tales! At least that was what she had known her entire life. If they are real, does that mean that someone from Ilysia had a hand in such tales in this world? She presumed the taller, young woman Julíus referred to as Ísábella was Dalía’s older sister and the mother of the adorable, babbling toddler. In all honesty, Líssi was not sure how to feel. It had been little more than an hour since her path crossed with Julíus in that alley and her entire world changed. She was not hating the sudden transformation because the main thing it told her alread
y was that she would never have to be alone again.

  Chapter Seven

  Ísábella was sitting at the kitchen table preparing notes for her next meeting with the Empress when she saw the portal open in front of her. She was alone, as Rafe had taken their daughter with him when he took the teenagers for training. Things had been tense between them in the month since Líssi Delaune and her fire power had joined them. When she first met the girl, she had hoped that finally the right one had come her way. Disappointed was not the best way to describe her feelings when she discovered Líssi was like the rest of them, only able to manipulate a single element. She looked up as the portal finished forming and the Empress’s nephew, Duke Eídéard Altíarvyén, stepped out of it. She smiled at him, a better smile than she had given Rafe in a year. If only he knew that her extra trips were not to meet with the Empress but with her handsome Duke who had desires to match her own. Rafe would never forgive her for the affair. She was lucky that Eídéard understood the need for their secrecy. They needed Rafe and without him they could also lose the young adults that were going to fight with them.

  “My love, my dear Bella,” Eídéard spoke quietly as he approached her. “Please tell me that you are alone.”

  “Very much so, love,” she replied as she stood to her feet so he could take her into his arms.

  Eídéard pulled her close and fiercely kissed her. His love for her was worth every moment of keeping their relationship hidden from everyone. Ísábella was beautiful and intoxicating. Her devotion to their cause was only amplified by the private moments between them.

  “I wish the reason I was here was just to spend time with you, my Bella,” he began. “Unfortunately, it is because my aunt is calling a meeting she wishes for you to attend.”

  “Please tell me that you’re not escorting me to my death, Eídéard,” she quickly responded.

  “No. You’re too devoted to her for her to harm you. It seems some others like you have come to her, to pledge to their allegiance. She wishes for you all to meet.”


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