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A Darkness Awakens (The Elements of Ilysia Book 1)

Page 9

by Helena Lancaster

  Eídéard held a smile on his face as he spoke to her, something she found very reassuring. But, she was very intrigued by the news that he brought. Other Ilysians in Corinthia were joining the Empress? She hoped that they were from a Union country to make it easier for them all to find the prophesied one.

  “Let me leave a note for Rafe, love. Then we can go see the Empress and meet these new allies,” Ísábella said as she sat back down at the table.

  She flipped to the first clean page in her notebook and quickly scribbled a note for Rafe that she would be in Ilysia for a little while. She did not want him to worry when he returned to an empty house. She might be the one having secret liaisons with a high ranking member of the Empress’s Fae court but she was not completely heartless. Plus, this bought her some time to spend with the man who had stolen her heart away from the weak man she shared a home with.

  “This should do to keep him from worrying,” she stated as she stood back to her feet and reached for Eídéard’s hand.

  Eídéard took her hand and smiled before turning to open the portal for them. He hoped after the meeting his aunt called, he would be able to have some time with Ísábella in private. He often dreamed of the day she would be completely his and give him beautiful children. Rafáel Lucíano could keep the daughter she had given him as long as he gave up Bella.

  The portal brought them to the throne room of Pétríval Castle and directly before the Empress. They both took a knee as she looked their way once they stepped completely into the room and left the portal to disappear.

  “Rise,” the Empress commanded. “And come closer.”

  Ísábella and Eídéard stood to their feet the moment the words left her mouth. They did as they were bid and approached an area not far from the throne where a man and a teenage boy stood. The two strangers looked enough alike to be father and son with their matching champagne colored hair and deep, azure eyes.

  “Galen Roberts, this is Ísábella Ortíz, leader of my forces in your land,” the Empress announced. “With her is my nephew, Duke Eídéard Altíarvyén who works closely with them.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ísábella,” the elder one responded quickly. “My son and I come here from the resistance to pledge to the Empress and rightful ruler of Ilysia.”

  Ísábella found herself quickly surprised as a smile formed on her lips. His words meant he had connections in a Union country that would allow them to search further for the prophesied girl.

  “The pleasure is certainly mine, Galen,” Ísábella remarked. “Does that mean you and your son come to us from Gemaronica?”

  “We live in Berdenheim, yes,” Galen answered.

  “His son might know the one I have been seeking for nearly seventeen years. A certain prisoner of mine confirms that this girl was born on Samhain near Ílkésarén Castle and that Résalyn’s oracles confirmed she was the one from the prophecy,” the Empress revealed. “The one you have failed to find for me, Ísábella.”

  Fear flowed through Ísábella like ice. The Empress was angry with her. She knew her life was not in danger but to still tread carefully. Despite the fear, she was eager to hear what this boy had to say.

  “My son Shane can tell you more of the girl than I can,” Galen said.

  “Tell them what you told me, Shane,” the Empress directed.

  “Her name is Addí Moore and I have seen her manipulate all five of the elements,” Shane stated.

  “What else?”

  “She has an older brother named Zak who has power over water. The two of them do not appear to favor either of their parents, if they truly are their parents.”

  “Are they in Berdenheim?” Ísábella queried.

  “They are. The man they call their father is one of the leaders of the resistance. He has been helping to train me for the past nine years.”

  “The group has seen a lot of growth over the past few years. They’re preparing for war to remove you from power, Empress,” Galen added.

  “And the two of you wish to pledge to me and join my forces?” their leader inquired.

  “We are. I work in the government of Gemaronica. I’m working on securing the paperwork to take my wife and son along with me to Moserovo so that we can.”

  “Then we can strike where it will hurt them most,” Shane continued.

  “They have a plan to share with you, Ísábella,” the Empress communicated. “I approve of it and want to see it carried out. Use whatever resources in my armies you need to do so. Just remember that the girl is not to be harmed. Now please dismiss yourselves. I require some time to myself.”

  Eídéard lead them all out of the throne room and down a corridor. There was much still to be discussed. He quickly took the group to a council chamber so that this could continue. Once they were all inside, he shut the door behind them and took a seat at the head of the table. The other three quickly followed suit.

  “I believe there is much more to be discussed here,” Eídéard stated. “Welcome to our forces, gentlemen.”

  “Thank you, Duke Altíarvyén,” Galen spoke in response.

  “Please call me Eídéard. I am not as formal as my aunt.”

  “Are you certain this is the girl, this Addí Moore?” Ísábella questioned.

  “She will be seventeen on Samhain. If the Empress’s source of information is to be believed, then that ensures she’s exactly the one,” Shane retorted. “I have seen her use all of that power with my own eyes. She is the one.”

  “And how do you propose we begin to lure her to our cause?”

  “We need to lure some of the resistance group to a small battle here in Ilysia shortly after Samhain.”

  Ísábella scoffed loudly. A battle was his plan? He truly was a naive teenage boy!

  “A battle is your plan?” she asked with a laugh.

  “No, it is just the ruse to get Addí and her brother here. His best friend RJ will be with them. If something happens to Zak or RJ then it will make her vulnerable to questioning everything she’s been taught,” he declared.

  “And why would she care about her brother’s friend?”

  “Because she has feelings for him. I’ve seen the way they look at each other.”

  “What are you wanting to happen to either of them?”

  “Preferably death.”

  Ísábella released an almost maniacal laugh. It was certainly a brilliant plan! They were going to lure the girl and kill one of the people that means a lot to her. It will certainly bring problems crashing right into the resistance. The smile that formed on her face was filled with the malice that made Eídéard fall in love with her. She could already tell that she was going to have a beautiful friendship with both Galen and Shane. Now with this plan, she could start to rise in favor once again.

  Rafe sat in the kitchen reading over Ísábella’s letter. Training was going well for all of them but especially Líssi. She was a natural at learning to control her power over fire. He knew that things had been tense with him and Ísábella for the past month. He had a feeling that the Empress calling her to a meeting was just the excuse she needed to stay gone for a few days or even a week to avoid him. Her blind ambition had been eating at him for years but he loved her too much to walk away. He felt that they could weather whatever was changing her and come out on the other side a stronger couple. The problem was she was proving the opposite of his hopes. A wedge was forming between them and he was not sure how it appeared. He swore to his daughter the day she was born that she would not have to endure what he had with his parents. Now he was starting to worry that he was going to have to break that promise.

  “What’s wrong?” he heard his younger brother ask.

  Rafe shook his head as he looked up at Julíus. How did he explain any of this to his seventeen year old brother? It made him wish that Níkolína was around. He missed her so much.

  “You’re too young to worry about my problems,” Rafe answered his brother.

  “I’m considered an ad
ult in Ilysia, Rafe,” Julíus retorted.

  “It’s Ísábella.”

  “I should have known.”

  Julíus let out a frustrated sigh. He knew that his brother and Ísábella had problems. That was evident, at least to him and Dalía. Rafe was always trying to do the right thing by everyone and he could never seem to do enough to please her.

  “You notice more than I give you credit for, little brother,” Rafe observed.

  “So does Dalía,” Julíus responded causing his brother to let out a defeated groan. “You can’t protect us from everything.”

  “Just like I couldn’t protect mom.”

  “Stop blaming yourself for that!”

  “He doesn’t deserve to live, even behind bars.”

  “But he’s not our problem anymore, brother. Now what has your girlfriend done now?”

  Rafe had to stifle a slight laugh at his younger brother’s ability to change the subject. They had gotten off track when the whole point of their conversation was Ísábella and not their parents.

  “She’s gone to Ilysia at the call of the Empress,” Rafe stated.

  “And this is upsetting that she’s gone without us, why?” Julíus inquired in response. “The Empress really creeps me out. I’m kind of glad she went alone.”

  “She is intimidating for sure.”

  “She makes Ísábella seem like a tame kitten.”

  The last remark caused them both to burst into laughter. Both brothers knew that she was the complete opposite of a tame kitten or even a friendly one. Ísábella was always sure to be in control and that in the end she got what she desired. She did not think of others first. Becoming a mother did not even change that for her.

  “I’m kind of glad she’s gone for a couple of days,” Julíus confessed. “We all need the break from her. Her trips to Ilysia are usually wonderful for the rest of us.”

  “For the most part,” Rafe remarked. “I do miss her and wonder what she is doing. I love her despite everything she has done and still does.”

  “Isn’t that the emotion that turns a lot of people into complete idiots?”

  “You watch it!”

  “At least you’ve been laughing. You’re a good man, Rafe. I don’t just say that because you’re my brother.”

  “And you drive me insane.”

  “Perks of being the youngest.”

  Ísábella being away for a few days could be a good thing. She was rarely satisfied and did not enjoy the little moments like these the way he did. They were certainly more filled with laughter when she was gone. Dalía seemed genuinely happy when her sister was not there. He just worried about how it might be affecting their daughter. Adéla was two years old and needed her mother around. Julíus was right. He was always wanting to do the right thing and protect everyone. He knew that he only still followed this path with the Empress because of his love for Ísábella. He was just starting to grow tired of his love having to be enough for the both of them.

  Ísábella was stretched out next to Eídéard in the bed of his large chambers within Pétríval Castle. He had spent the past two days with her as she worked with Galen and Shane Richards on plans for causing an explosive event within the Resistance. The nights, however, had been only for the two of them. She was so happy she could almost forget about Rafe and the others waiting for her at home, including her daughter. She had quickly fallen back into favor with the Empress. She was no longer a failure thanks to her new allies. Eídéard was gently tracing around her cheek with one of his fingers. The intimacy of it made her shiver with want.

  “What’s on your mind, my love?” he asked her softly.

  “That everything I want is finally going to come to life for me,” she answered with a smile.

  “Does this mean I can make you mine and you can be rid of that unworthy man?”

  “I promised you that I would once the time is right. We need him to fight with us, for us. If I leave him, he could easily join the Resistance.”

  “And that is the only reason I tolerate him sharing your bed, Bella.”

  “He barely shares my bed in that capacity anymore,” she remarked before his lips met hers in a furious kiss.

  “Then what happens if I put a child in you?” he questioned as their lips parted.

  “I will have to let him have my body so I can keep him on our side until he is no longer of use to us.”

  “Your brilliance with such things makes me love you even more.”

  “Do you know what drew me to you?”

  “Our ambitions are very much alike.”

  Ísábella smiled widely. He knew her well enough to know exactly what originally brought them together. They both lusted after more than each other. They both had a great desire for power. While Rafe was considerably a perfect man, he was not perfect for her. He gave her everything he could but never everything she wanted. He always fell short but Eídéard refused to fail her to the point that he defended her position to his aunt many times so she never fell completely out of favor. He saw her devotion. He saw her exactly for who she was and never wished for her to ever be different. And, to top it all off, he understood exactly why she could not walk away from Rafe yet. They needed him and without her they would certainly lose him to the Resistance.

  Eídéard had never expected to feel more than carnal hunger for anyone until he met Ísábella. She matched him perfectly in every way. He had even confided in his aunt about the relationship to find her unexpectedly delighted and looking forward to the day they no longer had need of Rafáel Lucíano. She already had given consent for him to marry his Bella and give her the title of Duchess at court. He wanted to give to her now but knew that he could not. One day she would be his Duchess and this would no longer have to be an illicit secret.

  When Líssi had not showed up for training in a few days, Dalía and Nóra had gotten especially worried. While Julíus was worried, he was occupied with helping Rafe out since Ísábella was still in Ilysia. The two friends decided to take matters into their own hands and go visit Líssi at home to find out why they had not seen her. It was only a kilometer from where they lived so it would not take them long to walk over there. They both put on jackets as they walked out the door of their townhouse as autumn weather had completely set in around them. It was only going to get colder the closer it got to winter’s coming.

  “Why do you think we haven’t seen her?” Nóra questioned.

  “It could be anything,” Dalía began. “She doesn’t exactly have a good home life with a drunk father, mentally absentee mother, and three younger sisters to take care of.”

  “Very true. They could need her there. I just wish she would have called or something.”

  “Would you say anything over the phone knowing the government has them all bugged?”

  “Good point.”

  “We should be there soon anyway. I hope she’s ok.”

  “Me too.”

  A few short blocks later, they found themselves approaching another row of townhouses. This area was in worse shape than the one they lived in. The buildings did not even look like they were capable of housing anyone much less a few rats. Two young girls were out in front of the one with Líssi’s house number on it, both of them assuming they were their friend’s sisters.

  “Hi,” Dalía said in greeting. “We’re friends of Líssi. Is she home?”

  “Líssi doesn’t have friends,” the younger one responded.

  “Chloé!” the older one exclaimed. “Don’t be rude!”

  “I’m not rude if it’s true!”

  Dalía and Nóra both had to resist the urge to laugh at the exchange between the two girls in front of them. It was very obvious they were sisters.

  “Well she has friends now,” Nóra declared. “Is she inside?”

  “She is,” the older one answered quickly. “You can go in.”

  “Míkaela, no one is supposed to go in the house,” Chloé spoke quietly.

  “Papa isn’t home and it’s
not like mama will even notice they’re there.”

  “Should we come back?” Dalía inquired.

  “No! Now is a good time. She’s right inside.”

  They both walked past the two girls and opened the door, stepping inside quietly. Líssi looked up at them in shock when she heard the door click back closed. No one had ever come to her house besides the police. No one ever wanted to. Yet Dalía and Nóra were standing in her living room with worried looks on their faces, proving they actually did care about her.

  “What are you doing here?” Líssi asked.

  “Checking on you,” Nóra replied. “We got worried.”

  “I never meant to worry you guys.”

  “It’s not like you did it on purpose. Dalía just thought something happened here.”

  “Something always does. The police took my father a few nights ago when our neighbors called. My mother is hurt. I’ve had to stay home and even miss school to take care of her and my sisters. I honestly never meant to cause anyone any worry.”

  “This wasn’t your fault, Líssi!”

  “It’s never been your fault. We’re your friends so we can’t help but worry about you,” Dalía added.

  Dalía and Nóra both could tell that this was something new for Líssi. She was so used to having to take care of everyone around her that she was not used to being cared about. Most of what their new friend new about life was twisted by the abuse she endured at home. They wondered if she had been happier before her older sister left.

  “I just don’t understand why he can’t stop drinking and hurting all of us, especially my mother,” Líssi nearly cried.

  They did not hesitate in their movements when they approached Líssi and pulled her into an embrace. If she needed anything in that moment it was to know that she was not alone. They were able to do that and prove that they truly were her friends and cared about her at the same time. Finally Líssi was seeing light around her instead of only darkness. That fateful meeting with Julíus seeing her accidentally use her fire power was the best thing that ever happened to her. It brought her to people who were accepting her for who she was and caring for her through whatever happened. She finally had real friends and a chance at actual happiness.


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