War: What is it good for?
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railroads, 219–20
Raleigh, Walter, 195
Ramses II, Pharaoh, 95
RAND Corporation, 325, 359
rape, 9, 21, 83, 145, 316; by bandits, 44, 184–85; by chimpanzees, 289, 304, 335; by Japanese soldiers in Nanking, 262; by Roman armies, 29, 114
Reagan, Ronald, 3, 17–18, 286, 325, 329, 331, 395n
Red Queen Effect, 85, 97, 127, 173, 248–49, 336, 339, 377
Republican Party, 188
Republicans, Jeffersonian, 208, 213
ribonucleic acid (RNA), 294
Ricardo, David, 216
Richard III, King of England, 201
Richardson, Lewis Fry, 14, 15, 58
Riesman, David, 327
rifles, 220–21, 222, 254, 352; mass production of, 221
Riga, Battle of, 253, 254
Right Stuff, The (film), 280, 406n Roanoke Island, 195
Robert II, Count of Flanders, 135–36, 138
Robinson, James, 232
robotics, 371–77, 382, 390; see also drones
Roggeveen, Jakob, 60
Roman Empire, 27–63, 66–74, 67, 104–111, 146, 175, 202, 203, 207, 267, 322–24, 336; area of, 67, 104; barbarian invasions of, 123–26, 129, 130, 136, 143; Caledonia conquered by, 27–29, 28, 396n; Carthage in wars with, 37, 104, 105, 122, 264; Chinese trade with, 121; Christianity in, 49–50; creation of, 8, 323; crucifixions in, 81, 109; dangers of Mediterranean before, 180; fall of, 112–16, 122, 128–31, 201; epidemics in, 126–27; European imperialism compared with, 227, 232, 264; expansion of, 32–39; Gaul in, see Gaul; India and, 74; Jews expelled from, 266; kingdoms bequeathed to, 51–52; lands of beasts outside, 53, 62; in Middle Ages, 130, 133, 137; military discipline of, 91; Pax Romana, 39–43, 46; population of, 67, 104; ruling elites of, 24, 44–46; securing and restructuring campaigns of, 47–49, 48; size of army of, 187; Stoicism in, 49–50, 123–24, 323; weaponry of, 99n, 186
Romania, 114, 115, 238, 258, 330
Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), 12
Rommel, Field Marshal Erwin, 224, 253
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 271
Roosevelt, Theodore, 257, 392–93
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 17, 18, 54–56, 58, 208
Roy, Rammohun, 230, 231
Rumsfeld, Donald, 241
Russia, 183, 212, 224, 234, 242; civil war in, 258; communist, see Soviet Union; in Crimean War, 224–25; imperialism of, 177, 286, 346; Mongols defeated by, 177; Napoleon’s invasion of, 114, 214, 215, 268; oil in, 346; post-Soviet, 330, 343, 345, 363, 392; railroad-building in, 220; in World War I, 236, 245–47, 250–53, 258
Russian Revolution, 251
Russo-Japanese War, 247, 263
Russo-Turkish War, 231
Ryan, Christopher, 15
Sacred Ridge (Colorado), 62
Saddam Hussein, 68, 347, 352
Sahara Desert, 153, 227
Sahel, 153
Sahelanthropus, 306
Salonica, 247 samantas, 139
Samarkand, 182, 220
Samoa, 53–55, 57–62, 109, 232, 291
samurai, 151
San hunter-gatherers, 59, 60, 78
San Jose (California), 386
Santa Cruz Mountains (California), 386
Sanyangzhuang (China), 72–73, 105
Sarajevo, 236
Sarawak Province, 167
Sargon of Akkad, 90–91, 94
Sarmatians, 122, 125, 125
Sasanids, 115, 125, 126, 130, 136
Saudi Arabia, 346–48, 353
Schwerpunkt, 375
Schmidt, Eric, 379
Schnupp, Jan, 381
Schularick, Moritz, 357
Science (journal), 80
Scientific American, 15
Scotland, 396n; see also Caledonia
Scowcroft, Brent, 286, 328–29
Scythians, 117–21, 126, 129
Seleucus, 108
Selfish Gene, The (Dawkins), 297
Senegal, 203, 221
Senones, 28, 37
Serbia, 8, 236, 245, 258, 267
Serpukhov-15, 3
Seven Samurai, The (film), 151
Sex at Dawn (Ryan and Jethá), 15
Shakas, 121; see also Scythians
Shakespeare, William, 12, 13, 15, 21n, 38, 96, 110, 201, 297
Shang dynasty, 97
Shanghai, 262
Shapur I, Sasanid emperor, 130
Sharpsburg, Battle of, 221
Shihuangdi, First Emperor, 106
Shiites, 350
ships, 48, 142, 167, 170, 190, 197, 201, 242, 244; ancient, 42, 99; armed with cannons, 167, 180–81, 188–89, 192–93, 218, 221–22; of British Empire, 203, 214–15, 222, 225, 238, 256, 328; line-ahead formation for, 187–88, 197; nomads’ use of, 129, 144; oceangoing, 177–80, 185, 201, 232, 322; pirate, see pirates; of Roman Empire, 76; for slave trade, 203–204, 223; steam, 218–22; in World War I, 247, 251
shoguns, 151
Shona-speaking tribes, 154
Shrewsbury, siege of, 146
Siam, 170, 221
Siberia, 156, 183, 316
Sichuan, 176
sieges, 84, 90, 142, 192, 231, 336; of Constantinople, 136; firearms used at, 170–71, 173, 174, 176; Mauryan, 108; of Troy, 97; Viking, 137
Silicon Valley, 386
Silk Roads, 121, 177, 178
Sima Qian, 20, 105, 106
Singapore, 354
Singularity, 389–91
“Sipán, Lords of,” 156
slavery, 9, 79, 167, 180, 335; Africans sold into, 195, 196, 203–205, 204, 220, 387; in ancient empires, 37–39, 46, 49, 97, 99; in Greek city-states, 50; regulations against, 219, 223
sleeping sickness, 220
Smalley, Richard, 382
Smalley’s Law, 390, 392
smallpox, 127, 196
Smith, Adam, 138, 195, 205, 207–10, 216, 217, 223, 277
Snaketown, 161
Solomon, King, 97, 101
Somalia, 63, 349, 350
Song dynasty, 144
Songueval, Battle of, 254
South Africa, 94, 162, 219, 220; Boer Wars in, 232, 350–53; prehistoric, 313, 314
South Dakota, 62
South Korea, 4, 279, 328, 354–55, 355, 358
South Sea Bubble, 191
Soviet Union, 3–6, 251, 258, 262, 263, 356, 363; Afghanistan invaded by, 286; during Cold War, 3–4, 85, 269, 273–75, 278–87, 326–29, 344, 364, 373, 376; collapse of, 329–30, 353, 391; Communist Party of, 4; internally directed violence in, 261, 265, 329; nuclear weapons of, 273–75, 275, 279–82, 286, 325, 326, 340, 376; oil and, 347; Politburo, 278, 328; Red Army, 258, 261; in World War II, 19, 264–71, 274
Spain, 129, 131, 174, 187, 192, 205, 343; American Revolution supported by, 210; antiwar attitudes in, 344; cave paintings in, 313; colonization of Americas by, 150, 156, 193–94, 219; French invasion of, 215, 215
Spanish-American War, 220
Spanish influenza, 255
Spanish Succession, War of the, 192
Spartans, 64, 84
spears, 29, 31–32, 34, 101, 122, 182; armor and, 66; bronze-pointed, 89, 96, 98–99, 156; cavalry armed with, 122, 124, 126; in elephant battles, 107; of hunter-gatherers, 78; iron heads for, 102, 105, 107, 154; Neanderthal, 311, 316; in Stone Age cave paintings, 90, 90
Springsteen, Bruce, 6, 287, 327, 333
Sputnik, 280
Sri Lanka, 197
Stalin, Joseph, 23, 263, 269, 279, 327; nonaggression pact of Hitler and, 25; violence of, 261, 265, 329; during World War II, 266, 271, 278
Stalingrad, 270
Standard Oil of California, 346
Stanford University, 320
Starr, Edwin, 6, 17, 395n
Star Wars antimissile defense system, 286, 326
stationary bandits, 43–46, 141, 184, 318–22, 335; caging and, 80, 87; in Hawaii, 149; imperialism and, 209; Red Queen Effect and, 97; in Roman Empire, 123; in Smith’s economic views, 205; World War II and, 267–70
cs of Deadly Quarrels (Richardson), 14, 58
steam power, 217–21, 121
steppes, 66, 122, 176, 312; of Americas, 162; closing of, 183, 185, 192, 337; diseases spread across, 127, 170; horse-breeding on, 94, 101–102, 105, 116, 336, 376; nomad migrants and raiders from, 117–21, 125–28, 130–34, 141–44, 151, 162, 182–83, 242, 322–23 (see also Mongols; Ottomans); revolution in military affairs on, 94–96; Silk Road across, 178, 180
Steuben, Baron von, 210
Stoicism, 39, 49, 70, 123–24, 323
Stone Age societies, 11, 18, 148; cave paintings from, 90, 90 313–14; rates of violent death in, 7, 8, 10, 14, 109, 110, 146, 233, 333, 333, 391, 393; twentieth-century, 13, 82–84, 337 (see also Yanomami)
Storm of Steel (Jünger), 248
storm troops, 252–53, 264
submarines, 251, 280, 359, 363
Sudan, 152, 220, 348–49
Suez Canal, 346
suicide bombing, 19
Sui dynasty, 131, 140
Sullivan, Arthur, 238, 403n
Sumerians, 85–86, 90–91, 91, 93
Summers, Colonel Harry, 124
Susa, 159
Suttner, Baroness Bertha von, 234
Sweden, 177, 186–87, 344
Switzerland, 17, 78, 138, 248; banks of, 343
swords, 27, 67, 107, 122, 168, 201; of barbarians, 99–100; bronze, 99; and introduction of firearms, 174; iron, 101, 102, 105, 151; in Pompeii, 36, 40, 70; short, 29, 31, 99; steel, 193; see also broadswords
syphilis, 194
Syria, 117, 127, 129, 178, 283, 286, 349, 363; ancient, 34, 46, 48, 86, 98, 101; civil war in, 333, 350, 352, 392; impact of climate change in, 368; Mongol invasion of, 145; Umayyad caliphate in, 131–32
Tacitus, 36, 39–41, 62, 68, 84, 396n; Agricola glorified by, 35, 49, 113; armies commanded by, 69; on barbarism of Germanic peoples, 34; Graupian Mountain account of, 27
Taexali, 27
Taharqa of Napata, 152
Tahmasp, Safavid shah of Persia, 184
Taiwan, 219, 355, 356, 358, 359
Taizong, 140
Tajikistan, 330
Taj Mahal, 184
Tamerlane, 145
Tang Empire, 115, 140–42, 146
tanks, 11, 94, 265, 270, 319, 343, 354, 374; in Arab-Israeli wars, 283–84; Soviet, 283, 284, 326, 337; in World War I, 249–50, 255, 264; in World War II, 263, 265–66, 270, 270–71
Tanzania, 288, 301
Ta’palo, 83
Tarain, Battle of, 144
Tasmania, 219
taxes, 8, 47, 109, 184, 190–92, 248; in China, 128, 140; and French Revolution, 212; imperialism and, 192–93, 198, 200, 206–207, 385; nomadic raids and, 100, 102–103, 105, 119–20, 123, 127; in nuclear age, 348; productive war and, 128, 133, 134, 137; in Roman Empire, 33, 40–42, 45, 48, 74, 80; stationary bandits and, 44–46, 87, 335; in United States, 213, 278, 365; after World War I, 256–57
Taxila (India), 73
Tel Aviv, 19; University, 33
telepathy, Internet-enabled, 381–82
Tell Brak (Sumer), 86
Temptations, 395n
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 183
Tenochtitlán, 156, 160–61, 193
Teotihuacán, 67, 67–68, 159–60, 336
Terra Cotta Army, 106
territoriality, 301, 317, 335
terrorists, 11, 118, 236, 348, 350, 353, 387; see also al-Qaeda
Third World War, The (Hackett), 284
Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall, 59 Through the Looking-Glass (Carroll), 84–85
Thucydides, 20
Tiberius, 43
Tibet, 242
Tiglath-Pileser III, King of Assyria, 102–103, 105, 134
Tilly, Charles, 18
Time magazine, 347
Titusville (Pennsylvania), 346
Tlaxcalans, 193
Tollán, 160
Tolstoy, Leo, 234
Toltecs, 160
Tonga, 61
Tora Bora Mountains, 119
torture, 11, 21, 62, 109, 129, 229, 351
Towton, Battle of, 201
Toynbee, Arnold, 132
trade, 42, 94, 98, 100–101, 116, 180, 259, 278, 320, 328; Chinese, 62, 96, 128, 183; free, 238–40, 276; globocop and, 322, 338; during Great Depression, 260, 261; imperialism and, 193, 196–200, 206–209, 214–15, 224; Mauryan, 73; in Mesoamerica, 67, 161; in Middle Ages, 170, 177; of Roman Empire, 24, 41–43, 74, 111, 128, 324; slave, 167, 196, 203–204, 204, 219, 223; steam power and, 217–20; of United States, 257; during World War I, 251, 257
Trajan, 114
transhumans, 387–88
Transylvania, 172
trench warfare, 105, 247–49, 251–52, 264–66, 273
tribal societies, 34, 79, 80, 141, 184; African, 154; chariots and horses of, 97, 142; mass migrations of, 99, 122–23; modern Stone Age, 55–60, 81, 83, 84, 139, 290; Roman conquest of, 27, 29, 35, 37
Triple Alliance, War of the, 232
Trojan War, 78, 97
Trotsky, Leon, 5, 395n
Tu, Colonel, 124
tuberculosis, 126
Tula, 160
Tunisia, 349
Turkey, 85, 117, 183, 197, 353; in World War I, 238, 251
Turkmenistan, 121, 330
Turks, 141, 145, 172–74; see also Ottomans
Turpin, Dick, 202
typhoid, 126, 220
UBS, 343
Uganda, 291, 318n Ugarit (Syria), 98, 100
Ukraine, 94, 101, 120, 251, 328, 330
Umayyad caliphate, 131
‘Umi, 149, 151
Umma, 90, 91
unintended consequences, 8, 77–78, 347
United Arab Emirates, 353
United Kingdom, see Britain
United Nations, 19, 274, 373; Human Development Report, 386
United States, 167, 213–14, 224, 244, 262, 265, 389; in Afghanistan War, 14, 112, 118, 350, 352, 353; air force of, 333; antiwar movement in, 282–83, 287; Army National Training Center of, 353–54, 354; Central Intelligence Agency of, 119, 369; China and, 355–65; Civil War in, 14, 21, 167, 221, 225, 232, 239, 241, 242, 247; during Cold War, 85, 273–87, 326–29, 344, 347, 364, 376; and collapse of Soviet Union, 330, 331; Congress of, 225, 255, 258, 364; Constitution of, 210; Defense Department of, 280; Defense Planning Guidance for, 340, 347, 348; and European Union, 344; Founding Fathers of, 208–210; as globocop, 333, 338, 340, 341, 344, 345, 348, 350, 352, 354, 357, 358, 363, 366–67, 374, 385, 386, 388, 392; Great Depression in, 259, 261; Ground-Based Midcourse Defense system of, 370; in Gulf War, 81, 347; homicide rates in, 231; imperialism of, 219, 225, 228, 242, 276–78, 339, 347; industrialization in, 221, 239, 239, 240; in Iraq War, 47–48, 350–53; Islamist hostility toward, 347–50; Japanese military alliance with, 362; Joint Chiefs of Staff of, 274; Joint Forces Command of, 372; killing of Native Americans in, 8, 150, 219; in Korean War, 279; Monroe Doctrine of, 241; National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of, 368, 369; National Security Council of, 274; naval power of, 241, 256, 276; nuclear weapons of, 3–6, 273–75, 279–82, 286, 324–25, 327, 340, 370, 376; oil and, 346–47, 364; Pacific Fleet of, 58; political parties of, 188; pro-war attitudes in, 344; railroad-building in, 220; Russian Civil War intervention of, 258; stock market collapse in, 259; Strategic Concepts Development Center of, 5; technological war capabilities in development by, 370–82; terrorist attacks on, 117, 348, 350; urban riots in, 47; in Vietnam War, 49, 124, 282–83, 283, 285, 391; war scares over Canadian border with, 225; wealth in, 335; in World War I, 238, 250–52, 254–55, 257, 268; in World War II, 267–69, 273, 364
“unknown unknowns,” 238–45, 256, 261, 280, 325, 339, 351, 366, 377
urbanization, 360, 367; in Mesoamerica, 160; murder and, 231; in People’s Republic of China, 357; in Roman Empire, 34; see also cities
Uruguay, 232
Uru’inimgina (Urukagina), King of Lagash, 45
Uruk, 85–87, 89, 93, 159
Uzbekistan, 330
Uzbeks, 182, 183
/> Vacomagi, 27
vendettas, 7, 145, 146
Venezuela, 55, 57
Verdun, Battle of, 250
Verne, Jules, 369
Verres, Gaius, 41, 229
Versailles, Treaty of, 255, 265
Vesuvius, eruption of, 40, 43
Vienna, 173, 213
Vietnam, 115, 285, 360, 362, 363
Vietnam War, 6, 49, 124, 282–83, 283, 391
Vikings, 137, 155, 163
Vindolanda (Britain), 112, 116
Vinland, 155
Violence and the Social Orders (North, Wallis, and Weingast), 206
violent death, rates of, 10, 336–40; in ancient world, 33, 50, 67, 71–72, 98, 109–11, 322, 337; decline in, 8, 15, 24, 47–48, 154, 168, 236, 321–23, 333, 336; imperialism and, 201, 202, 226, 229–233; in Middle Ages, 130, 138, 146–47, 321–22; in Nazi Germany, 23, 269–70; in Stone Age and small-group societies, 13, 58, 59, 75, 84; in United States, 332
Vishnugupta, see Kavtilya
volleying, 183, 186–88, 192, 213
Vrijji clans, 108
Vulture Stele, 90, 91
wages, iron law of, 216
Wales, 396n
Wallis, John, 206
“War” (Whitfield and Starr), 6, 17, 54, 282, 287, 328, 333, 377, 395n
War, Peace, and Human Nature (Fry), 15
War Before Civilization (Keeley), 13
War in Human Civilization (Gat), 14, 18
Wari, 68
warlords, 32, 119, 120, 132, 140, 151, 350
“War Pigs” (Black Sabbath), 20
Washington, George, 211, 214
wastelands, 47, 60, 106, 168, 227, 229, 232; after Roman battles, 28, 29, 32–33, 38, 44, 111; after World War II, 267, 271
Watergate scandal, 285
Waterloo, Battle of, 215
wealth, 137, 140, 144, 210, 335, 341, 386; in ancient empires, 33, 39, 72, 74, 97, 98, 118, 336; computerization and, 387; imperialism and, 180, 203–207, 238–40, 268, 337–38; loss of, in stock market crash, 259; in lucky latitudes, 133, 142; of Middle Eastern oil states, 348, 352; of United States, 278, 333–34, 338, 392
Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 138, 205, 208
weapons, 31, 102, 122, 150, 152, 197, 244, 340; bronze, 92, 98–99, 101, 106, 158–59, 336; buried with corpses, 13, 35–36, 72, 102; chemical, 284, 377; computerized, 286, 326, 329 (see also drones); edged, 66, 174, 175 (see also swords); iron, 101–102, 105–106, 154, 232; of mass destruction, 85 (see also nuclear weapons); Mesoamerican, 156, 160; Native American, 62; protohuman, 307, 313, 316; robotic, 374–75, 377; Stone Age, 82; in World War I, 252, 265; see also firearms; specific types of weapons