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Three Wishes

Page 10

by Sean Michael

  Roman’s next kiss was all consuming, like his master was having him for dinner. Alan moaned happily, trusting his Master to keep him whole, safe, afloat. Their bodies moved easily together in the water, sliding back and forth.

  “What do you need, Master? How can I please you?”

  “You just need to lie there and let me get you all revved up. Then I’m going to take you to bed and make you scream as you come.”

  He moaned, lips parting. He hadn’t screamed for Roman in months.

  “Yes, my love. I’m going to make you scream as you come, make it so good.” Roman’s kiss held the same promise as his words.

  Alan’s skin tingled, one nipple ached fiercely, and his lips swelled as Roman pressed them against his teeth. No more words followed, only Roman’s lips and tongue and hands as they moved on him, stroking his abused skin beneath the slick water. His nipple got extra attention—the pinches, the pulls, they all especially made him ache.

  One of Roman’s knees slid between his legs and pressed up hard against his balls. Ache. Oh God. So good. He let himself shudder.

  “Mmm. Yes.” Roman rubbed his knee back and forth, pushed it in behind.

  The ache and pain and pleasure mingled together, and his eyes opened, trying to see through the blindfold.

  “I want to hear your pleasure and your pain, Alan. I want to hear every noise you might make.”

  “Yes. Yes, oh God, I need you.” He needed everything Roman could give him.

  “I know.” Roman’s kisses moved down his throat and across his chest, teeth nipping at his skin, so sharp against the places the knife had scraped. When Roman’s teeth caught one nipple, he screamed out, the pleasure perfectly amazing.

  “Yes. So good.”

  Alan could hear the smug tone in Roman’s voice, as well as happiness, arousal. Love. So much love.

  “Yes. Good. Need you like air.”

  “I like that,” growled Roman. “I am the air you breathe.”

  “Yes. My air, my heart.” He was near crazy, overwhelmed by sensation.

  “Out of the water.” Roman’s hands held his, drew him up.

  He followed, trusting those hands easily. This was a lesson he’d learned at the very beginning. He’d spent his first month as a sub blindfolded, needing those hands for everything he did.

  “You’re at the edge of the tub, love. Step out—there’s a towel on the ground to keep you from slipping.”

  Alan stepped carefully, his knees surprisingly weak after his long soak in the heat.

  “It’s not far,” Roman promised him, drawing him along.

  The floor was cool under his feet and he could smell flowers, the ocean. Roman stopped him and let go of his hands. The next sensation was the softest of towels, drying his skin. He gasped, hips rocking, the sensation overwhelming on his supersensitive skin.

  Roman hummed, touching every inch of him. His Master even dried between his toes, behind his ears. Then Roman began to blow on him. The first puff of air made him gasp, stumble forward a step. His Master’s hand was right there, steadying him.

  “Thank you, Sir. I’m sorry.”

  “You know I want your reactions, no matter what they are. There is no wrong or right way to feel, Alan.” More air blew over him.

  His skin pebbled up, he could feel it. And his nipples tightened, the tingle almost unbearable. Just his Master’s breath was making him crazy, making him want to scream. Roman knew it, too, had to, the way he kept blowing, kept finding new places to send the warm air rushing over him. Moans poured out of him, over and over, and he didn’t hide a single one.

  Suddenly, along with the warm breath flowing over the small of his back, Roman’s warm, wet tongue slid against the little bundle of nerves there.

  “Master!” His hands flailed, and his cock jerked violently as his balls drew up tight.

  One of Roman’s hands slid around to grasp his belly, steady him.

  “Master. Master. Love.” Right there was such a hot spot, so sensitive.

  Roman stroked his belly, tongue working slowly down along his crack. Alan spread, hands, searching for a place to land and finding none. It was maddening, as was the way Roman’s tongue kept dancing toward his hole then away again. His tension ratcheted up, his body vibrating. The long fingers on his belly stroked, rubbing where the knife had scraped him.

  “Master. Master, I’m burning.”

  “On fire. Good.”

  “Yes!” He was good. He was.

  His Master’s fingers spread his ass cheeks and that wonderful tongue finally pushed inside him. Words bubbled out of him, filthy and wanton. He couldn’t help himself. Roman drove him insane. His Master tongue-fucked him and kept doing it, over and over. His cock was leaking, dripping pre-cum as he soared.

  Roman’s hand dropped from his belly to his balls, rolling them, tugging lightly. Alan knew he didn’t have permission to come. He knew and he fought the urge. Roman wasn’t helping at all, tongue driving him higher and higher.

  He wasn’t going to be able to stand much longer. He wasn’t. He cried out, stumbling forward. Roman caught him and moved him, pushing him over the bed, Roman’s cock filling him. He couldn’t speak. All he could do was beg with his body and feel.

  So big, his Master’s flesh filled him all the way and spread him wide. That was all he needed, his world. His life.

  “Love.” Roman’s cock slammed into him again and again.

  “Yes.” He was Roman’s love, Roman’s boy, Roman’s life. He knew.

  Roman’s hands wrapped around his hips, fingers digging into his skin.

  “Yours. Yours. So good.” He was so lucky.

  “Yes. Mine.” His Master’s thrusting got harder.

  His balls drew up, his orgasm so close. Still, his Master didn’t give the order. Alan tried to relax, to not think about the pounding inside his ass.

  “No. Feel it, Alan. Feel every second of it.”

  “Master.” How did the man know?

  “That’s right.”

  He panted, trying to find his center, trying to give Roman what he asked for.

  “No matter what I ask, you’ll do it.”

  There weren’t any words left in him to answer, so he nodded.

  “I know.” Two more hard thrusts against his gland and Roman leaned over him. “When I come, you can.”

  Fuck, yes. That gave him a goal. He focused on his ass, on squeezing and moving and giving Roman sensation.

  “Yes!” His Master began to shout, the noises almost as good as the sensation of that thick erection filling him.

  Alan held on with everything he was, demanding his Master’s pleasure. Finally—finally—Roman screamed, nailing his gland hard and filling him with his Master’s pleasure.

  He grunted, but his body was caught, his orgasm trapped inside him. “Fuck. Fuck, Master! Sir, please.”

  Roman wrapped one firm hand around his cock, jacking him. At the same time Roman found one of the abrasions on his skin, his Master scratching at it with his fingernails.

  “Yes!” Spunk poured out of him, his head slamming back.

  “Yes.” Roman kissed his spine, resting against his skin.

  “Thank you. Thank you, Sir.”

  “Thank you, Alan. Today was a wonder.”

  “I love you.” His fingers found Roman’s, held on.

  “And I love you. Always.”

  Chapter Ten

  Roman felt the cool ocean breeze on his skin. He could smell it, too. Alan must have opened the window at some point in the night.

  Paradise was certainly a lovely place to wake up.

  Warm hands were gently working his back, sliding with the light oil his lover used to massage him. Groaning out his pleasure, he then breathed in another lungful, smelling the promise of breakfast fruits and cheeses. Alan was humming, focusing on him, on his body, his pleasure. He woke like this often—his dear sub caring for him.

  He was a very, very lucky man. “Mmm. Love.”

Master. My beautiful Roman.”

  Those fingers knew just where to touch. Alan did make him feel like a king.

  “And how are you this morning?”

  “Good, Sir. A little nervous about tonight’s scene, but not like yesterday.”

  “What about tonight’s scene is making you nervous?”

  “The unknown, is all. I get nervous before our scenes sometimes. I think it’s natural.”

  “Do the nerves make it more exciting?” It had been a while since they’d had this discussion.

  Alan chuckled. “I have no idea. It’s just what it is.”

  He turned his head to smile at his lover. “I might have to make you think about it,” he teased.

  “Thinking isn’t my strong suit, Master.”

  Oh, that tickled him, and he laughed. Alan chuckled, those fingers digging in deep, tickling him more.

  “Alan!” He laughed and wriggled, trying to get away from those evil fingers.

  “Yes, beloved Master.” His boy laughed, teasing gently.

  He rolled under Alan and grabbed the man around the waist, then continued to roll, putting his lover beneath him.

  “Wicked boy!”

  “Your wicked boy.” Alan’s smile made his heart flutter a bit.

  “Oh, yes.” He leaned in and pressed their lips together, letting Alan feel how this beautiful man made him feel.

  Gentle hands wrapped around his shoulders, pulled him close, those sweet lips sliding against his. Moaning softly, he deepened the kiss. His body began to harden. Alan hummed, the sound happy, his lips vibrating with it.

  God, he loved this man.

  Roman slid his hand along Alan’s arm, fingers dancing. Alan smiled into their kiss, one hand massaging the small of his back. He rocked them together, their cocks bumping and rubbing. Alan smiled at him, easy in that pale, sweet skin. It was going to bruise so beautifully tonight.

  Then tomorrow they would experience breath play, then the fourth night he would have Alan over his lap, spread out, and taken again and again and again.

  Right now, he just wanted to make love with the most important man in his life. Alan cupped his cheek, this kiss about love and passion and forever, not anything else. He sank into it, into his lover, and took the moment, held it close.

  This was it—this was them. Not the games, not the scenes. But this. This quiet happiness.

  He kissed and he rocked, and the pleasure moved through him in gentle waves.

  “Love you, Sir.” The words were whispered into his lips.

  “Me, too.” So very much.

  Roman breathed in his lover and came. Alan’s smile was beautiful, transcendent as he watched.

  “Your turn,” he murmured.

  Alan’s body began to rock faster.

  “Mmm, just like that.” He loved watching that body move, undulate, dance beneath his own.

  Alan stretched, showing off for him, dancing for him. He bent and breathed in at Alan’s neck, taking in the flavors. He could feel Alan’s heartbeat against his lips. Groaning, he licked that spot.

  “Master…” That was a soft, low moan.

  “Right here, love. Always.”

  Alan nodded. “And I’m thankful every day.”

  “Good. Show me. Show me your pleasure.”

  “Master. Yes.” Alan moved on him again.

  The way was slightly slick from his cum, the movements easy, beautiful. His boy moved on him, rubbing against his cock, sliding on his body, moving up and down.

  “That’s it. Love you.”

  Alan’s eyes were dazed, happy, unfocused. Groaning, Roman leaned close and kissed Alan hard. Heat spread between them, Alan moaning his pleasure. Beautiful. His Alan was the most beautiful man in the world.

  Alan hummed, slowly catching his breath. “Mmm. How will we spend this beautiful day, Master?”

  “I believe the beach is calling to us, love.” He could hear those waves as if they were saying his name.

  “Oh, yes. That sounds amazing. I love the waves.”

  “I’ll have to rub in lots of sunscreen, though. I don’t want you picking up any color. The flogger shows better on your ass when it’s pale.”

  Alan’s cheeks went a sweet pink.

  “Mmm, that’s a nice color, too.”

  “Master!” Sweet, laughing boy.

  He slid over to lie next to Alan and pressed a kiss against Alan’s cheek. “Love it when you say my name like that.”

  “I love you.” Alan smiled, settled close. “Let’s go play.”

  “Absolutely.” Roman squeezed Alan and couldn’t help but feel that any moment together with his lover was a gift.

  * * * *

  The water in the shower was lukewarm—perfect for rinsing off and centering himself. Getting ready for the night ahead. Alan knew Roman needed to be able to see, to watch without having to focus on control, on anything but Alan’s submission.

  This was almost easy for him. Roman had Masters that he trusted to work on Alan—perhaps not as amazing as the Master brought in here, but incredible—who flogged him, made him fly.

  He washed his hair, humming softly, his muscles loose and relaxed. He knew his Master was also getting ready, preparing to watch his skin mottle and bruise. He didn’t dawdle—he just got clean, dry, brushed his hair, his teeth.

  Roman was dressed in his leathers, looking handsome and studly.

  “You look lovely, Master.”

  “Thank you, Alan. You look good yourself. You’re going to shine.”

  “I hope so.” He slipped on soft pants and a loose T-shirt, sandals. He wouldn’t be dressed for very long, so his outfit was more about comfort than style.

  “I know so.” Roman held out his arms, beckoning him close.

  Alan couldn’t have stopped his smile for anything, and he went into those loving arms eagerly. “Thank you for today, Sir. It was amazing.” They hadn’t had so much fun in years.

  “It was, wasn’t it?” Roman chuckled softly and hugged him tight.

  His cheek fit perfectly on Roman’s shoulder. Roman danced him gently to the soft music which was piping through the cottage. Alan melted, humming softly as they moved together.

  “This was such a good idea. My sweet love.”

  Alan was soaring, flying. “Master.”

  Roman continued to dance with him for a while before asking, “Are you ready for our next scene?”

  He nodded. “Although I could stay here with you like this for days.”

  “We’d starve.” Roman kissed the top of his head. “Come, love. It’s time.”

  He had eaten a light meal earlier, and he knew that Roman would bring him back here, pamper him and feed him after.

  Hand in hand, they made their way back to the cottage where all their scenes were to take place. There was a stunning sunset over the ocean, painting everything with beautiful colors as they walked.

  “This place is…magical.” Alan squeezed Roman’s fingers in thanks.

  “It is, isn’t it? Even better than advertised.” Roman pressed their lips together, the kiss soft and full of everything that was between them.

  It was easy to cuddle in, settle and open up. Roman took his time with the kiss, then ended it, taking his hand again and leading him into the cottage. The cottage was warm with the last of the day’s sun, inviting. The table he’d been on earlier was still there, covered now in a white sheet.

  “Do you want me on the table, Master?”

  “I think we’ll wait for the flogging Master to arrive and see how he’d like you arranged.”

  “Yes, Sir.” He leaned into his lover’s arms, relaxing, breathing, focusing on their heartbeats.

  The door opened and closed. A man with an amazing upper body walked in, grinning. “Good evening, boys.”

  One of Roman’s eyebrows went up.

  The man chuckled and amended, “Boy and Master.”

  Roman nodded. “Good evening.”

  Alan found the man a smile. “Good evening,

  The flogger Master’s muscles were fascinating, lovely.

  “I’m Master Luke, and I’ll be your flogger for the evening.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Master Luke.”

  “I’ll leave Alan in your capable hands.” Roman’s fingers slid against his ass for a moment, then his Master disappeared into the chair in the corner. He could still feel Roman’s gaze, though.

  He stood, waiting for instructions.

  “Safe word?”

  “Battery, sir.”

  “Okay. Let’s get these clothes off you.”

  He nodded and stepped out of his shoes, before placing them to the side.

  “No. I didn’t tell you to undress.”

  Alan blinked. “Oh. Oh, I’m sorry, Sir. I misunderstood.” Damn it. He’d screwed up already.

  “It’s okay, boy. I need you to listen to my words carefully, and ask if you aren’t sure about something.”

  “Yes, Sir.” He looked for Roman, suddenly needing his center, reassurance. He wasn’t used to making mistakes.

  “Eyes forward, boy.”

  He almost whimpered, off balance. This was supposed to be the easy one. “Yes, Sir.”

  “It’s never easy with a new Master, but you’re doing fine, boy.” Master Luke began working the buttons of his shirt open. “I like to undress a new boy slowly, see what I’ve got to work with a bit at a time. It heightens the anticipation for me and for you.”

  This was more sensual than he had anticipated, the air already thick.

  “Yes, Sir.” He swallowed when Master Luke’s fingers touched his throat.

  “Look at this lovely skin. If the rest of you is as nice, you’re going to mark beautifully.” The man’s dark eyes met his. “That’s what you want, isn’t it? For your Master to watch as I draw up the blood from beneath your skin.”

  “Yes, Sir. I want to arouse him, to make him proud.” To let Roman see how much Alan loved his Master.

  “I’m sure you do make him very proud.”

  Buttons undone, Luke slid Alan’s shirt from his shoulders, the man’s thick fingers sliding on his skin. The hot tub and day in the outdoors had done their job, and only the faintest of marks here and there from the cutting marked his skin.


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