Book Read Free

Three Wishes

Page 11

by Sean Michael

  “Mmm. I know what you were doing yesterday, boy. Did you come?”

  “When my Master granted me permission, yes.”

  “Good boy.” Those fingers stroked over his skin, pressing in here and there, the man watching the way the color left then rushed back to his skin.

  He breathed in, eyes on the curtain, on the window, on the flowers outside.

  “I’m going to flog you long and hard. You aren’t doing anything tomorrow that will be hindered by that, are you?”

  “No. No, sir.” Tomorrow was breath play.

  “Very good. Then I can have a free hand.”

  He didn’t answer—he focused on breathing, on his center.

  Master Luke continued to undress him, sliding the pants from his legs. His cock was half-hard, the air cool as it brushed over him.

  “You’re not bound.” Master Luke sounded…surprised.

  “No, Sir.”

  Roman trusted him, his control.

  “Impressive.” Master Luke took him in hand and jacked his cock a few times.

  Alan’s eyes went wide, searching for Roman immediately. Roman was exactly where he was supposed to be, watching every movement they both made.

  Master Luke let him go. “Just testing everything out, boy. I won’t make you come.”

  He wasn’t used to another man handling his cock so readily. He’d felt at ease with Master David, relaxed after he’d been so nervous. This time he’d been confident rather than nervous and now he was…unsettled.

  “I hope the flogging will make it hard for you to wait for your Master’s order to come.”

  “Yes, Sir. I will try not to disappoint.”

  “I’m sure you won’t.” Master Luke’s voice was a low, deep seduction.

  Alan’s cheeks heated and he let his chin dip. He wouldn’t disappoint Roman. He was good at this. He made his Master proud.

  “Chin up, boy.” Master Luke’s fingers slid along his spine.

  He shivered, lifted his chin.

  “There you go.”

  Master Luke grabbed a thick, heavy flogger from a chair, then showed him the implement, made of dark leather.

  Alan’s hands tightened into fists, then he forced them to relax.

  “You’ve been flogged before.”

  “Yes, Sir. Many times, for my Master’s eyes.”

  “Well, I’m the best there is, so tonight you’re going to really be flogged.”

  “Yes, Sir.” He met Roman’s eyes, needing encouragement, support.

  His Master was there for him, eyes on him, full of pride and love. That relaxed him again, let him take a deep breath, let him focus.

  Master Luke’s breath ghosted over his neck as he whispered in his ear, “I’m going to start now.”

  “Should I just stand here, Sir?”

  “For now. I’ll guide you as I want you to move.”

  This wasn’t what he’d expected, not at all. He nodded, tensing, toes curling as if to hold him onto the floor. The flogger landed on his right calf, wrapping around it. He didn’t move, didn’t make a sound, he simply focused.

  “Very good.”

  The next hit landed on his other calf. The burn was shocking, but he refused to acknowledge it. This was for his Roman. The next two hits worked their way up his left thigh. His balls drew up tight, hiding from the blows.

  “Great skin,” murmured Master Luke, working his other leg.

  “Th…thank you, sir,” he whispered. He dug his teeth in his bottom lip, focusing on the sting.

  “Hold your arms out to either side, boy.”

  He lifted his arms, the blood seeping over his teeth from where he’d bitten his lip. He held himself so tight, barely breathing.

  The flogger thudded hard across his arm. His fingers curled and he wanted to pull away, jerk away.

  “We’re only just getting started, boy.”

  “Yes, Sir.” His eyes landed on Roman’s feet, the familiar rope sandals.

  The flogger thudded against his side, wrapping around his ribs. Warmth flooded his chest, his skin aching a little. The flogger hit again, in almost exactly the same spot. Alan took a deep breath, gulping in air.

  Master Luke grunted, the sound satisfied, and the flogger dug into the same piece of flesh once more.

  This time he had to meet Roman’s eyes, to know his Master was pleased. He could see, faintly in the shadows of the corner, that his master was smiling, that Roman’s eyes shone with pride. It gave him the balance to stay where he was, stay silent and still.

  The flogger continued to beat him, legs, arms, torso. Master Luke kept things moving, each hit solid and sure. There was a rhythm to it, something he could latch onto, understand. It was strange, though, not one of the hits landed on his ass. Doms could be so…peculiar.

  “Ready for more?” The words were growled out, another thud landing across his shoulders.

  He swallowed, his words caught in his throat.

  “Answer me, boy.” The next thud hit across his shoulders again, only harder, insistent.

  He swallowed again, stumbling forward a step.

  Master Luke came around in front of him and grabbed his chin, tilted it up. “Boy?”

  His tongue was stuck to the roof of his mouth and he fought to loosen it. “Sorry. Sorry, Sir.”

  One of Master Luke’s eyebrows went up, the man examining his face. “Are you sure you’re ready for more?”

  The care made him shiver. “I…I’m sorry, Sir. I’m trying very hard to please.”

  “Give me your honest reactions, that’ll please me.” Master Luke grinned. “And I think what’s coming will be easier. At least part of it.” The man nodded to the padded bench near the window. “Over that, ass up.”

  “Yes, Sir.” He moved to the bench, trying to figure out where his head was, where his heart was, right then.

  He was unnerved, off balance, and it made no sense. None. He could feel Roman’s eyes on him, his Master’s stare as sure as any touch. He could also feel Master Luke’s touch as the man squeezed one ass cheek then the other, as if testing them.

  The urge to just stand up, walk off, surprised him, worried him. Shamed him.

  “You’ve marked beautifully, but this will be the pièce de résistance.” Master Luke squeezed his ass again.

  His ass muscles went tight then relaxed.

  “Mmm, yes.” Master Luke’s hand disappeared, and he knew it was about to start.

  He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to hear his heart, to know his Master’s will. He wasn’t prepared at all when the flogger landed on his ass. It was years of practice that kept him still, kept him from jumping. Several more hard thuds landed on his ass—he could feel the bruising deep in his tissues.

  He needed to see Roman, hear him, something. He couldn’t see his Master from this angle, couldn’t hear anything but the blows. They continued, each one landing after the other. Master Luke had quite the arm.

  He wasn’t in a space for it, though. He wasn’t settling, wasn’t easing into the endorphins. If it had been Roman, he would have noticed.

  His safe word suddenly sounded, Roman stepping out of the shadows. “I’m sorry, Master Luke, but I believe we’re done for the evening.”

  He looked at his Master, eyes rolling, heart slamming in his chest. Oh God. Oh God. Roman had never, ever safe worded for him before.

  The flogger was still, Master Luke moving to meet Roman. “Are you sure? Your boy’s skin is marking so beautifully.”

  “I’m sure. And I thank you very much.”

  He stood there, silent, feeling about two inches tall.

  “Thank you for the opportunity.” Master Luke gave them each a nod then took his leave.

  Roman turned to him. “Stand, Alan.”

  “Yes, Sir.” He straightened up, eyes on the floor.

  Roman’s hands went to his shoulders. “Are you hurt?”

  “No, Sir. It just… There was something wrong. I’m so sorry. I tried.” He had failed, had let his lover
down, and Roman had spent so much money, wanted this so badly.

  Roman pulled him in close. “We’ll figure out what went wrong, hmm?”

  “Master.” He held on, suddenly shaken, shaking.

  “Alan! I have you.”

  “I’m so sorry, Roman. I tried my best.”

  “Come on. We need to go back to our cottage.” Roman grabbed his clothes and wrapped him in his shirt.

  He nodded, head down, the island seeming almost threatening in the growing darkness. Roman put an arm around him and led him out of the play cottage and back to their personal space. They didn’t meet anyone along the way.

  Part of him wanted to drop to his knees, beg forgiveness. Part of him wanted to run. Most of him was glad that Roman had noticed, that Roman knew. Saw.

  They got to the cabin, which was lit up inside by candles. The bed was turned down and there was a pot on a warmer, no doubt full of healing oils. The place was set for a post-scene seduction.

  He didn’t deserve it. He’d screwed up, big time.

  Roman drew the shirt from around his shoulders and left it and the rest of his clothes near the door. “Go lie down, love.”

  “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry.” He moved slowly, fighting his tears with each step.

  “Stop apologizing.”

  “I… Yes, Master.”

  “Good.” Roman grunted and followed him. His Master removed his clothes and slipped on the silk robe he preferred after heavy sessions and pointed to the bed. “Get on. You know the routine. We’ll talk when you’ve had a chance to relax.”

  He held back his sob, crawled onto the bed, hid his face in the pillows.

  “Shh. Love. Don’t.” Roman’s hands were slick as they moved over his back, rubbing gently, working the oil into his abused flesh.

  The touch was familiar and real, and Alan shook as his muscles tried to relax.

  “I’m not mad at you, love. Please relax.” Roman’s words were so softly spoken, meant to ease him.

  “I tried so hard. I swear.”

  “Of course you did. You would never give me anything but your best.”

  He swallowed hard, nodded, and some of the tension left him. It was true.

  “There’s a good reason this didn’t work out tonight. We’ll figure it out once you’ve been taken care of.”

  “Yes, Master.” He told himself that it was time to trust in Roman, in the man who loved him.

  “Mmm. I do love the way that sounds.” Roman’s fingers worked on his muscles, warm and soothing, leaving him boneless and relaxed.

  His breath matched Roman’s, in and out, in and out, easing him totally.

  “That’s better, love. Much better.” Roman continued to slowly work his muscles.

  He moaned his response, his body warm and melted. Roman lay down next to him, sliding his hair from his face.

  “I love you.” That was better than another apology.

  “Good.” Roman stared into his eyes for a few moments and smiled. “So what happened?”

  “I couldn’t center—it felt wrong.”

  “Wrong how?”

  “Like there was no rhythm, no pattern. I couldn’t find what he needed.”

  “Maybe he didn’t need anything from you other than for you to take the flogging.”

  “Maybe.” He met Roman’s eyes. “It just felt like…empty heat. Unbalanced.”

  “You weren’t taking any pleasure from it at all? You usually enjoy your floggings very much.” There was no censure or disappointment in Roman’s eyes, only confusion and curiosity, a little worry.

  “I know!” He nodded, upset with himself. “I do. I do, Master, but this was… Everything was odd and I felt lost, like I couldn’t relax. This one was supposed to be easy!”

  Roman chuckled, hand sliding along his back. “Maybe that’s what the problem was.”

  “What? Master, I don’t know what I did wrong.”

  “Maybe you were expecting it to be easy, so it was more intense than you were prepared for.”

  “So it was my fault.” Damn it.

  “I’m not trying to assign blame here, Alan. I’m just trying to figure out what happened.”

  “I couldn’t settle into it. There’s a peace in flogging.” It was something he loved.

  “Why couldn’t you settle into it this time? Why was there no peace there today?”

  “I don’t know. He was…” Exciting. He couldn’t say the word out loud.

  Roman didn’t say anything, just continued to look at him, clearly waiting for an answer.

  “I found him aggravating. Almost irritating.”

  Surprise colored Roman’s eyes for a moment. “Really? How come?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t react to people like that, you know that.” Frustration and worry built up in him.

  “I know, love. I know.” Roman’s hand danced along his spine again.

  “He just put me off balance. I couldn’t read him.”

  Roman patted his shoulder. “I admit I’m surprised to hear that. I thought he exuded sexuality, intensity.”

  “He did.” And that had surprised him.

  “But you just said you couldn’t read him.” Roman looked honestly confused, puzzled.

  He sighed—he was just all wrong. Completely wrong.

  Roman shook his head. “And now you’re tightening up again. Come on, love. Let’s let it just go for now.”

  “I fucked up, Roman. I fucked up, and I don’t understand why. The other master didn’t do that to me.”

  “I don’t know why, either, love, but beating yourself up over it or going around and around with it isn’t going to solve anything.”

  “I wanted to be perfect for you. This, I mean. I wanted this trip to be perfect for you.”

  “No, I think you said what you meant the first time, but you can’t be perfect, Alan. And we’re together—that’s what will make the trip be exactly what I wanted it to be.”

  “You deserve the best, Master.” The perfect sub.

  “I want you. You think perfection would be fun? Would be interesting? Do you think I’d love perfection when I could love you?”

  “I…” He teared up, panicking a little.

  “Alan!” Roman pulled him in close. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m caught up inside, tangled.”

  Roman held him close, touched and stroked him. “Why?”

  “I don’t know. Things were so different tonight. The flogging Master made me excited, Master. They never excite me.”

  “The man himself, rather than the flogging.”

  He ducked his head, ashamed. “Yes, Master.”


  Alan drew into himself, imagining himself getting smaller.

  “Stop that—no closing yourself off from me.”

  His eyes flew up, met his Master’s.

  “Better. Have you never been attracted to anyone else but me, love?”

  “Not since I met you. I have been aroused by the submission, by your eyes, by the actions, but not the men.”

  “What about outside of a scene? There’s never been anyone you’ve seen who’s made your heart race, just a little?”

  He shook his head. His mind, his heart, his life—they were very focused on his Master. They weren’t dabblers, he and Roman. They were lifestyle.

  “Then why this man?”

  “I don’t know! He was unnerving.”

  “I’m just trying to get to the bottom of this, why you were attracted, why it bothered you so much. I mean, it’s not like you were planning to jump him or anything, were you?”

  “No!” He looked at Roman, shocked. “I just… Master, I want this to be about you.”

  “Relax, Alan. I know that, but I think you needed to be reminded.”

  “I don’t know what to do, Roman. How to make it right.”

  “I’m not sure there’s anything wrong. We’ve learned something new—that you have a hard time finding your center when you’re attracted to a Master who’s
not me.”

  He thought about that. It made sense, really. He’d spent so much energy fighting his attraction that he hadn’t been able to breathe.

  Roman kissed his nose. “I’ll just have to make sure that all the other men you sub for are ugly as sin.”

  Alan blinked, then cracked up, laughing hard.

  Chuckling, Roman hugged him tight. “That’s a beautiful sound, love.”

  “I love you.” He wrapped around Roman, held on. “More than life.”

  “I know that. And I know that even when you find yourself excited by someone else. I know you don’t love them, I know it doesn’t mean you love me less.” Roman stroked his back. “There’s very little in this life you can be a hundred percent sure of, but I am a hundred percent sure of you.”

  He lifted his chin and brought their lips together, the kiss as much a promise now as it had been when they’d had their first one.

  Roman grabbed his ass, squeezing, making the marks burn. Alan moaned into the kiss, his hips rolling instinctively into the touch, into the ache. The squeezes continued, one hand, then the other spreading the ache inside him.

  “Master…” His need began to build, unsatisfied from before.

  “Wanton boy. I like that you’re hard for me.”

  “I am. I need you, Master.”

  “Good. As long as that doesn’t change, nothing else matters.”

  “Never. I swear.”

  Roman’s answer was to roll over him, pushing him into the mattress. He arched into Roman’s body, the move immediate, instinctive.

  “Yes. Yes.” Roman spread his legs, settling between them.

  His body responded immediately, his need bigger than it had been in years.

  “Lube.” Roman’s voice was short, curt, needy.

  “Yes, Sir.” He reached for the tube, ready to take whatever Roman needed to give.

  “Slick up my fingers. I’m gonna take you with my hand tonight. Give you something no one else can.”

  His eyes rolled in his head. Fuck. Fuck. “Yes, Sir.”

  Roman held out his hand, watching his every move. Alan trembled as he carefully slicked up those beloved fingers.

  “Mmm. Nice, love. Such a good touch.”

  He smiled, pleased, his touch dragging over Roman’s palm now. That made Roman’s fingers curl, tugging at his for a moment.

  “Love you, Master.” His touch slipped over the thick, strong wrist.


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