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Awakened By Flames

Page 9

by Vella Day

  A sparkle came into her eyes. “It’s really hard to flirt with you when you look like someone else, so I’ll give you some suggestions later on how to proceed with that line of thinking.”

  He groaned at the image. Jeez, he was falling more in love with her each minute. Kaleena was amazing. Her life was at stake, and her powers were gone, yet she could joke at a time like this. “I can’t wait.”

  Loud roars and whooshes of air, along with sounds of explosions of fire, jerked his attention to the sky. Finn grabbed Kaleena’s arm to keep her safe. He had to blink a few times to make sure what he was seeing. Against the darkened clouds, dragons were fighting other dragons, but their images kept disappearing then reappearing.

  Kaleena followed his gaze. “That one with the hint of red is Declan and the one with the golden sheen is Thane—two of my brothers.”

  “I thought they could stay invisible?” In those few seconds, everyone became visible.

  “When a dragon goes into battle, it takes too much energy to hold the shield. To be honest, once you’re spotted, there’s really no use.” Instead of fleeing, Kaleena continued to watch as the solid black dragon flew underneath Thane and gave him what looked like a kick in the chest with its large clawed foot.

  She winced and turned her head. “We need to go while there’s a distraction. We certainly don’t need others rushing outside to watch. The Royals love nothing more than a good fight—especially since their guards often win.”

  Even though he’d only known her brothers for a short time, if they were killed the ache would crush him.

  Just as they took off, another high-pitched shriek came from their left. When Finn turned, he saw nothing, but a second later he was airborne with Kaleena in his arms. He might have screamed from the sudden upward movement had he not felt the security of the dragon’s front claw around his back and Kaleena pressed against him.

  He held onto her with all his strength. “I hope like hell this is a Guardian and not one of the Royal Guards.” With the fast rushing air, Finn had to shout. From the way Kaleena hadn’t tensed, he figured it was the former.

  As if to show off its body, the high flying dragon appeared for a few seconds then disappeared.

  Kaleena smiled. “It’s my cousin Nessa.”

  He’d met her. “Are you sure?”

  “Her beautiful purple scales interwoven among the black ones are distinctive to her alone.”

  “Thank you, Nessa,” he called out, even though he felt a little silly doing so.

  The dragon dipped her head as she flew over the dark forest below.

  “Where do you think we’re going?” Finn asked, finally willing to admit that they might now be free.

  She leaned closer, and his wolf howled. “Some place safe.”

  Kaleena wanted to pinch herself. Being carried in the air wasn’t her preferred mode of travel, but holding onto Finn was a dream come true. She leaned even closer, wanting to say so much to him but not sure where to begin. “I can’t believe you came.”

  “How could I not have come? Your life was in danger,” Finn said.

  As if they’d timed their escape perfectly, Finn’s face suddenly transformed from the pitted face of the guard to his handsome self. Wow.

  He ran his hands down his face and then grinned. “I’m back. That was cutting it close.”

  “I’ll say.” Oh how she wanted to run her fingers down his strong jaw that was dotted with stubble. His once-almond colored eyes were pulsing amber—her favorite color.

  With their faces only inches apart, he leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to hers. Her dragon roared. Maybe a kiss from her prince could bring back her inner beast.

  “How did you find your way here?” Goddess, she had so many questions. She’d have to spend weeks, if not a lifetime, having him answer them all.

  “This powerful white witch, Ophelia, helped me. She seemed to know all about portals and even claimed to have a direct line of communication with your dad. I guess she did.”

  “Ophelia? Well I’ll be damned.”

  “So you know her. How?” Finn looked down for a moment and then returned his gaze to her face as if it was safer that way.

  As she was about to elaborate, Nessa swooped over the SinCas mines and Kaleena reached out and grabbed Finn’s hand just as her cousin landed. “Lift your legs,” Kaleena called a second before they reached the ground.

  Once Nessa released them, her cousin shifted and rushed into Kaleena’s arms. “I can’t believe you’re safe,” her cousin said. She turned to Finn, stepped over to him, and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you for saving her.”

  “You know as well as anyone that it was a massive team effort.” Finn wrapped an arm around Kaleena’s waist and squeezed. Heat rippled up her body at his touch. As much as she wanted to drag him into the bed and ravish him, she wanted to have both of her hands free to touch him fully.

  Without warning, her knees weakened, but Finn caught her. “Are you okay?” he asked. “Was it the poison again?”

  “No. I just need something to eat. I also need to get these cuffs off me.”

  “How can we remove them?” Finn asked.

  “I don’t know. They contain a dark lighter’s curse.”

  “Well, that sucks,” Nessa said. “I can’t help you then, but I’m pretty sure one of the Four Sisters can.”

  A burst of energy shot through her. Their magical abilities were like nothing she’d ever seen. “I hope so.”

  Nessa pulled out her phone, looked up a number, and then pressed a button. She turned her back when someone answered. She explained Kaleena’s situation. “Are all four of you away then? Oh, I see. Later tonight maybe? That would be great. Thank you so much.” She disconnected and faced them. “The sisters are in Hearndon province and won’t be back until later. I hope you can hold out a little longer.”

  Finn stepped forward. “That’s bullshit. I saw Acacia teleport. She could be here in seconds.”

  Kaleena touched his arm. “While I appreciate you valor, Finn, there are limits to what the sisters are willing to do.”

  He studied her for a moment. “Are you saying they will grant your family only so many favors?”

  “No one has put it that way, but that’s what we think.”

  “Then there has to be another way to get them off,” he said.

  I think the poison has stopped, her dragon said.

  Kaleena planted a hand on her stomach. “Actually, I’m feeling better, and my heart isn’t racing as fast. The poison seems to have run out.”

  His eyes widened. “Do you think being away from the castle helped?”

  “I have no idea if the curse has any kind of range. I did get quite a few doses during the escape, but once I was airborne, it stopped.” Thinking her powers might have returned, she stepped back and tried to shift but she failed. “Damn. My magic is still gone though.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  I can heal you now, her dragon said.

  That would be wonderful.

  “While my dragon is healing my body, I’d like to clean up, eat, and maybe rest until it’s time to go visit the sisters,” Kaleena said.

  Nessa rubbed her shoulder. “Sounds good.”

  Kaleena faced Finn. “What about you? Do you need to clean up?”

  “Even if I didn’t, I don’t think even those palace guards could keep us apart,” he said just before he kissed her.

  Her whole body melted against him. Her skin shimmered with excitement and her dragon roared. She was definitely feeling better. “Let’s hope you never meet one again,” Kaleena said once she broke the kiss. “They aren’t a friendly bunch.”

  Nessa cleared her throat. “Ah, gang. Before the Royal scouts do find you, we need to get you inside.”

  “You’re right,” Kaleena said with a chuckle. “Being this close to Finn messes with my mind.”

  Once shielded from the outside world, Finn leaned over. “Is there really a shower in here? It’s a mine

  This whole complex must appear rather strange to him. “Believe or not there is. To the outside world, it looks like an ordinary mine—albeit the largest one in the realm. While it is highly productive, deep inside is a huge complex that has several bedroom suites as well as meeting rooms and offices, not to mention a huge kitchen. The inner workings of SinCas mostly takes place in the office buildings downtown, but in the bowels of the mine, the Guardians keep everything they prize safe—and that means us.”

  As they went in through the first entrance, a bank of lights automatically came on. “They could use some of these sensors at the castle,” Finn said.

  Kaleena chuckled. “I agree, but the Royals don’t like progress very much.”

  “So I’ve seen. Why is that?”

  “For a lot of reasons. For one, the smarter the locals become, the less likely they are to put up with their shenanigans. I wouldn’t be surprised if there isn’t a revolt in a few years. Most of us want a democracy. Clearly, the Royals don’t. The Royals were wealthy and respected back in the day, but now they struggle to keep control.”

  “That makes sense.”

  Nessa led them to the entry door. She pulled out her dragon scale key, swiped it over the rock, and waited for a portion of it to glow. When a spot lit up, she placed her scale on top and the door clicked open.

  “That is really cool,” Finn said. “How does it work?”

  Kaleena smiled, loving the wonder pouring from his eyes. “It’s magic.”

  Nessa spun to face them as they stood in the doorway. “Why don’t you two do your thing, and I’ll pick up some food. I don’t believe the cook is here now. Any preferences?” she asked.

  Kaleena glanced over at Finn. “How about a nice juicy steak for both of us? And some wine too.”

  “You are doing better.” Nessa smiled. “Coming right up.”

  “Before you leave, do you know what happened to Declan and Thane?” Kaleena asked.

  “No. When I saw you’d finally escaped, I came right over to escort you out. As I neared the castle, I caught a glimpse of your brothers battling. The Royal guards must have figured something was up when one minute you two were in the middle of the field and the next you’d disappeared. They took off toward the woods, but couldn’t find us. I saw Declan and Thane charging them again. That’s all I know.”

  “Thanks. I’m sure they’ll be fine.” Or so she hoped.

  Nessa returned the way they came, probably heading to Antoine’s for takeout.

  “Ready to get wet with me?” Kaleena asked, as she stretched up and kissed him lightly on the lips.

  “I’ve been ready for weeks.”

  Chapter Ten

  Finn’s head and body were spinning so fast from what had happened that it took all of his control to follow Kaleena down the white corridor lit by bright LED’s. Cameras mounted from the ceiling lined the way.

  “I hope the security is only in the common area,” he said, a bit worried they were being watched.

  She looked over at him and smiled. “There are cameras everywhere, but unless there is a widespread breach, they won’t be on in the bedrooms. Trust me.”

  Did she say bedroom? his wolf asked, panting more than usual. I can’t wait to taste her.

  You better not show yourself you horny bugger, Finn said.

  After passing several doors, Kaleena pressed on the handle and opened the door. “This is where I stay when I come here. Tory and I share it since there aren’t enough rooms for everyone to have their own.”

  It was a nice space with a king-sized bed against the far wall and a built-in wardrobe across from it. Next to the bed sat two matching side tables, and above the bed was a picture of three stallions racing across the plains. If he didn’t know he was in a different realm, he’d swear he was out west somewhere. The third wall had a door that led to a bathroom, while curtains covered the fourth wall.

  “What’s behind those?” he asked, pointing to the covered wall. A window couldn’t be behind it. They were underground.

  “A light bar that mimics the sunrise, so it will look like morning at the appropriate time. Being underground is depressing enough, and if we have to be down here, Dad wanted to give it an above ground feeling.”

  “That is really cool.” For many reasons.

  “Thanks. Dad and Uncle Laird—that’s Nessa’s dad—along with a few of their siblings designed and built this place.”

  “I’m impressed.”

  Kaleena stepped over to the closet door and then looked down at her outfit. “Well, damn.”

  “What is it?” Finn placed a hand on her shoulder.

  She lifted her cuffed hands. “How can I take off my shirt and bra with these on?”

  He had a solution, but he didn’t know if she’d like it. “We’ll have to cut off your clothes.”

  Kaleena almost cracked a smiled. “Since I have to shower, I see no way around it. It’s probably for the best if I trash these since they’ll remind me of my ordeal.”

  “I’m sorry,” Finn said, sobering at the reality of what she’d been through. “Do you have anything else you can put on afterwards?”

  “I have clothes, but how can I thread my arms through the sleeves? I have a few halter tops back at my place, but not here.”

  While he should be sad at her ordeal, he couldn’t help but grin. “You could go au natural.”

  She punched his chest lightly with double fists. “Not going to happen. A ton of people are down here all the time.”

  “Think of it as taking a vacation at a nudist colony.” He dipped his head. “If it will make you feel any better, I can stay naked with you.”

  She laughed, draped her arms over his head, and rested her wrists on his shoulders. “You are good for me, Finn McKinnon. Now help me undress and then join me in the shower. I’m pretty useless without my hands.”

  “My pleasure.” This was too good to be true. While their dream-walking had been exceptional, he’d always wondered if Kaleena had experienced the event exactly as he had—exciting, sensual, and loving. From the joy in her voice, he suspected she had. “Can I ask you something?”


  “When we dream-walked, what was it like for you?” He drew her tight to his chest.

  “The same as it was for you. We were together, remember?” She nipped his bottom lip with her teeth.

  “Trust me, I remember every detail. Here’s the thing, when we kissed, I could have sworn I could taste and feel your lips on mine. How was that possible?”

  “It was magic!”

  “All of Tarradon seems to be full of magic.”

  Kaleena chuckled. “It is.”

  “One thing has always confused me. Could you see me clearly? Because you looked as if you were behind a gauze veil.”

  “I could see you quite well, but I remained indistinct because I feared that when I became excited—which happened often when I was with you—you might have seen my rose colored scales glow under my skin, and then you’d have learned I was a dragon shifter.”

  “Why didn’t you want me to know?” What else had she hid from him?

  “Seriously? Your kind didn’t know dragon shifters existed, and I couldn’t chance you’d pull away.”

  Relief washed through him. “You didn’t have to worry. I fell for you, not for who your shifter was, though to be honest I might have freaked out a little at first if I’d seen the scales.”

  “I’m sure you would have, but how about we put that in the past and start making new memories?” Kaleena winked, and his pulse skyrocketed. She unhooked her arms from around his neck.

  “I’m with you all the way.”

  “Help me get out of these clothes.”

  He grinned, though his wolf howled. “Absolutely.” He extended his claws. This was going to be fun, but if he looked into her eyes, he’d be lost. “Turn around.”

  Starting at the bottom of the hem, he sliced upward until the back opened. With care, he dragged her s
hirt down to her hands only to realize he’d have to cut open the sleeves in order to free it from her body. A minute later, her shirt lay in a mutilated heap on the floor.

  Needing to drink her in, he rotated her back around and retracted his claws. As if on automatic pilot, his gaze dropped to her breasts—breasts he’d touched, sucked, and fondled in his dreams. “When we made love, did it feel as if our skin was really touching?”

  Her brows furrowed. “It was touching.”

  Blood thrummed through his head. “How was that possible?”

  “I teleported you to Tarradon by putting you into an altered state. It only felt like a dream at the waterfall, because I wanted you to believe it was. In truth, it was real.”

  Every muscle froze. “That’s incredible,” he whispered, his mind in chaos once more.

  Her eyes widened, and then she grimaced. “No, I was only kidding about you being here, though I wish I could have transported you to Tarradon to be with me.”

  He opened his mouth, loving her wonderful imagination. “You had me fooled. It must have been wishful thinking on my part.”

  “I’m sorry. It was my most sincerest wish too.” She tapped his chest. “Speaking of being Earthbound, did I ever mention that I went to the University of Colorado to study business?”

  “What? You’ve been to Earth?” Or was that make believe too?

  She nodded. “Many Tarradonians have gone there. It’s how we learned about cars, electronics, and entrepreneurship. Several of my brothers went to the Colorado School of Mines.”

  So that was why their cellphones looked so familiar. They were probably copies of the ones made on Earth—or else they came directly from there. “No one has ever mentioned anything about dragons. I never had a clue they even existed—anywhere.” Until his brother and his new mate, EmmaLee, told him about the one they’d seen.

  Stop stalling, his wolf said. I need her. Bad.

  “That’s because we always cloaked ourselves when we shifted.”

  “I’ll be damned.” Once more, he wished he had that talent. Since Kaleena seemed to want to delay her shower, he’d play along. “Was it a difficult transition to live in the US?”


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