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Awakened By Flames

Page 10

by Vella Day

  What are you doing talking about transitions? Drag her into the shower. I’m about to shift, his wolf cried.

  Finn swallowed and then repositioned his weight as his cock pressed harder against his zipper.

  “Some things were more difficult than others, like learning your English idioms.” Her eyes glowed a pretty violet right before she grabbed the waistband of his jeans. She tugged him closer, and his libido went crazy. “How about we table my Earth experience until after we shower?”

  Here he thought she wanted to stall. “You won’t get an argument from me. Let’s get you out of that bra. As much as I hate to ruin it, you can’t shower with it on.”

  “No, I can’t. Be quick though. My dragon is heating up thinking about what I want to do to you.”

  After he unhooked the back, he once more extended his claws and cut through the straps. The bra found the floor.

  Her dragon was heating up? Did that mean she was as anxious as he was to make love? Kaleena should be in his shoes. His wolf was howling up a storm, begging him to hurry.

  “Are you sure you’re up for this?” he asked turning her around, keeping his gaze on her face. “You could barely stand a few minutes ago.” Finn didn’t want to exhaust her. She and her dragon had been through so much already.

  Don’t be a fool. She can handle it. His wolf was close to being out of control.

  “Like I said, the poison seems to have stopped, and my dragon is doing an excellent job of healing me. Or else being with you has thrown my body into overdrive.”

  He liked the sound of that. “Then I won’t try to talk you out of anything.”

  Finn lowered his gaze and zeroed in on her perky tits again, and the urge to lick them nearly caused him to shift.

  Kaleena held up a finger. “No touching yet. We need to shower first.”

  Finn inhaled and refocused. “Fine. If you kick off your shoes, I’ll help you remove your jeans.”

  She wore easy-to-remove sandals and discarded them a second later. Kaleena even managed to unbutton and unzip her pants before he helped her slip them off.

  Confident that she might be ready for some real life loving, he dragged his hands up her bare legs. Whoa. Pink scales glowed under her skin. “Kaleena?”

  “Yeah, that was what I was talking about. Maybe now you can see why I kept my image in the dream obscured.”

  He smiled. “I like them. They’re pretty and rather exciting.” So exciting that he almost threw her on the bed and impaled her. She might imply she desperately needed to clean up, but all he could smell was her heat—that unique essence that was overpowering him right now, calling for him to get his mouth on her. “I’m assuming you’ll need help washing your hair and your back, right?” he asked, trying to focus on the mechanics of showering instead of on his increasing desires.

  She grinned. “Yes, silly, but even if I didn’t, I want you too much for us to take turns.”

  This was too good to be true. She was as desperate as he was. At that thought, several blue sparks shot off his arms, and he jumped back. “Whoa.”

  Even Kaleena looked surprised. “What was that?”

  “Oh, crap. I recently learned that I am part Wendayan—a witch if you will—and when I’m turned on, I’m supposed to glow blue.” At least that was he’d heard would occur. “Only this is the first time it has ever happened. Our dream-walking seems to have activated my Wendayan gene that my great grandmother passed down.”

  Kaleena ran her fingers over his arm, sending his body further into sexual turmoil.

  “I’ve never seen anything like it before from a white lighter or any kind of shifter.”

  “Then I guess our witches on Earth aren’t like yours.”

  “I guess not,” she said, her lips quirking up into a smile. “I see I’ll have to explore your Wendayan side later. It’s time to shower. And if you plan on helping me, I suggest you get naked too, Sparky.”

  Finn kicked off his shoes and stripped off his pants. As soon as he removed his shirt, Kaleena turned around and sashayed into the bathroom, driving his wolf even crazier.

  “You are a cheeky minx, aren’t you?” It was time to show her some more sparks! Finn hoped his heart was strong enough for what was about to come.

  Kaleena smiled as she stepped into the shower. Finn was everything she’d imagined him to be: kind, cute, funny, resourceful, and perfect for her.

  To make room for the two of them, she moved the teak wood seat out of the way before turning on the water. A few seconds later, Finn’s shadow graced the doorway, and she couldn’t help but face him. Viewing his divine body up close and in person had her breath caught in her throat. When he smiled, the lust turned worse, and a wave of heat rushed through her veins so fast she almost staggered. Finn was magnificent, from his broad shoulders and flat stomach to his larger-than-life cock. This Finn McKinnon was even better than the one in her dreams.

  “Come on in,” she said.

  Finn stepped in and locked his gaze on her face. “You are truly beautiful.” Oh, how she loved the awe in his voice.

  He dragged a knuckle down her cheek, and then when he swiped it across one nipple, swells of lust caught her off guard once more. Kaleena grabbed onto one of his arms to keep from dropping, and it wasn’t from any poison this time.

  She nodded to his cock. “You aren’t half bad yourself, but before we get down to business, how about helping me wash my hair and then my body? I am at a disadvantage here.” She lifted her hands to remind him.

  He chuckled. “Don’t mind if I do.” Finn grabbed the shampoo off the shelf while she ducked her head under the water. Kaleena was unable to hold in a groan from the glorious heat and soothing flow.

  “Feel good?” he asked.

  “You have no idea what living in filth for a few days can do to a girl.” As she stepped out from the divine spray, her legs weakened. Finn grabbed her and managed to stabilize her. “Easy now. I’ve got you.”

  “I’m okay.” Kaleena had never needed any kind of help before.

  “No, you aren’t okay. I thought you said the poison was gone.” He pulled over the one-foot square teak bench to the middle of the shower. “Sit down, and let me take care of you.”

  “It is. I swear. My dragon needs a little more time to complete the task. That’s all.”

  He wagged a finger. “You better by telling the truth.”

  She laughed. “I am.”

  He put down the shampoo and picked up the bar of soap, lathered it in his hands, and then washed her face, her stomach, and then her legs. Those few rubs caused her pussy to rejoice.

  That’s because he’s your mate, her very tired dragon reminded her.

  She swallowed a smile. How well I know.

  Before she made a fool of herself by melting right in front of him, she slipped the soap from his hands and washed between her legs.

  A deep growl came out of Finn. “I was going to do that,” he said painting on a fake frown.

  She laughed, feeling a bit better now that she’d had a moment to rest. “I’m sure you were, but my dragon might have become a bit too feisty.”

  “I’m plenty feisty too, but I see your point.” Finn removed the handheld shower attachment from the wall and rinsed her, careful to avoid her eyes.

  Following the scrub and long rinse, Kaleena almost felt normal.

  “Hair cleaning time,” Finn announced. He squirted some shampoo on her head then massaged her scalp into a soapy lather. Once more she groaned at the luxury of it all.

  He chuckled “I take it you like my magic fingers?”

  “I could stay in here forever.” He continued dumping more shampoo until the suds streaked down her face. “Ah, that’s good enough. It will take a long time to rinse my hair if you add any more.”

  “Sorry. I’ve never washed a woman’s hair before.”

  How sweet. “You’re doing great.” To show him her appreciation, she dragged his face down to her level and kissed him lightly. Unfortunately, tha
t one touch set off another chain reaction of desire. Finn must have been affected too, because not only did her scales flash pink, blue sparks shot off his arms more intense than any explosion she’d seen at the mine.

  Finn broke the kiss and wagged a finger at her. “Don’t start, young lady. Your hair is still full of soap.”

  She laughed and let him finish rinsing her hair. When he was done, she raised her arms. “A little help here? I can’t reach my underarms. Rub hard so it doesn’t tickle.”

  “I’ll scrub and scrub until your skin shines.”

  True to his word he cleaned her body again—every single inch of it—including between her legs. By the time he was finished, her body glowed and pulsed with more desire than she’d ever known before.

  “Now I have to get clean,” he said. “I think the castle mold rubbed off on me.”

  He didn’t smell at all, but maybe he wanted her to touch him like he had her. “Hand me the soap,” she commanded.

  “But you’re in handcuffs.”

  “Just you wait and see what I can do.” She pushed back the teak chair out of the heavy flow of the shower, and Finn stepped under the shower. Being close to a climax already from all the touching, she lathered her hands and stroked his cock. “Have to make sure this is clean.”

  He laughed, but when he closed his eyes and clenched his fists, Kaleena pumped harder. Not that she wanted him to come, but to have his cock in her hand after all this time brought her so much satisfaction.

  He finally grabbed her wrist. “Enough,” Finn said, his voice rough. “I’m weak around you, and I want our first time to be special.”

  “Oh, it will be. I have no doubt.

  Chapter Eleven

  As Finn slipped Kaleena’s fingers from his cock, she could almost believe she and Finn were in a dream, partly because this shower was reminiscent of their secret waterfall cove.

  His eyelids lowered and he leaned closer. “Do you know why I stopped you?”

  She could guess. “Tell me.”

  “I’ve been on edge since I realized I was going to finally meet you in the real world. I kept denying you existed because no real person could be that amazingly wonderful, but I was wrong. You are real, and I want you more than anything.”

  He hovered over her before he lightly ran his tongue across her lips, begging for entrance. Her body heated, and her dragon scales illuminated her skin. The kiss was both soft and desperate for more.

  When they came up for air, she placed her hands on his chest the best she could. “You should be me. My dragon is bigger than your wolf, which means my needs are greater.” Sure, she was teasing him, but it would be fun to see his response.

  He stepped back, picked up the bar of soap from the shelf, and dragged it over the tip of her nipple. “Now that’s where you’re wrong.”

  She grinned. “Prove it.”

  “Give me one minute.” He ducked into the shower and then ran the soap over his hard-packed muscles before scrubbing his face. “Acacia had said that this face-changing thing was an illusion, but I swear it changed my skin somehow.” He rubbed harder and then rinsed. A second later, he tossed the soap back onto the ledge and turned off the water. Inhaling, his gaze raked up and down her body.

  Oh, Finn. Her heart soared. Their first lovemaking should probably take place in a bed, but she couldn’t wait long enough to walk there.

  He nodded to her wrists. “I wish like hell you didn’t have on those cuffs. I have so many plans for you.”

  “Tell me about it.” Everything about the man excited her—always had, always would. Because her healing dragon had outdone herself, Kaleena placed her hands on one of his shoulders. “It’s your turn to sit on the teak stool. I want to show you some plans of my own.” She yearned to play out all of her fantasies with him, no matter how long that took.

  After dragging the seat to the middle of the shower, he sat down. Finn grabbed her waist and drew her close until she was forced to straddle him, her throbbing pussy pressed against his dick. While she had a strong need to take him hard, she wanted to taste him again.

  “Oh, Kaleena, what you do to me.”

  Kaleena wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in close, positioning her breasts inches from his mouth. His teeth elongated and hair sprouted on his face as he ran his hands from her hips to her tits.

  “Finn?” she asked, not used to a man’s face changing right in front of her.

  He ran his tongue over his sharpened canines. “It’s okay. My damn wolf is so excited right now, it’s hard to keep him in check.”

  Finn grabbed one tit and massaged it while he sucked hard on the other nipple. Bolts of electricity shot up her spine, forcing her to grind against his cock for more friction. She wanted to run her hands through his wet hair, but that would mean leaning back too far. Damn these cuffs and damn Rathan! Kaleena decided that gripping Finn’s hair on the back of his head would do just fine. When she did, it seemed to be a big turn on for him as well.

  He growled and hummed as he switched to the other breast. He then dragged his hands to her back before running them down to her butt. When he squeezed her ass, another wave of ecstasy shot through her.

  Finn looked up at her. “I want to take my time and explore every inch of you, but I have to have you now. Lift up a little.”

  His desperation made her even wetter. With her hands secured around his neck, she partially stood. He then guided his cock right into her needy opening.

  Oh holy goddess.

  Maybe it was because he was much bigger than she’d ever imagined, but the slight pain from him stretching her wide actually enhanced the high. Lifting up and then dropping down again in order to encompass all of him, the tip of his cock finally hit her back wall, and she moaned.

  Blue sparks flew off his body until he glowed one solid color. “Geezus, Kaleena!”

  Needing more of him, she dipped her head and devoured him, delving her tongue into his mouth. He tasted different from any man she’d known, so fresh and sweet, causing white-hot need to swamp her.

  As if there was a competition for who could explore faster, they dipped their tongues in and out then darted them around, testing, teasing, and tempting one another.

  She broke the kiss, wanting his mouth elsewhere. “Suck on my tits again.” The combination of his mouth on her nipples and his cock inside her surpassed everything she’d ever imagined.

  Kaleena leaned back to give him access while she slid her wet pussy back and forth, easing his cock in and out. With each glide, every nerve ending fired as her climax built. In her one hundred years, she’d never experienced such a high.

  When he gently bit down on her nipple, the wave of ecstasy was so great that her climax rushed in and consumed her. Her inner walls squeezed and contracted around his cock until a second later, Finn buried his head against her chest and pummeled his hot seed into her.

  Their climaxes came too quickly, but it couldn’t be helped. Weeks of dreaming had made her too sensitive to his touch. With their breaths slowing, Kaleena clung to Finn, never wanting to let go.

  They held onto each other until noises sounded in the hallway. Slightly embarrassed for having forgotten that Nessa had probably returned a while ago, she sat up. “I think dinner is here.”

  Finn glanced up at her. “You go ahead. I’m not sure my legs will move.”

  He was teasing, but that made him all the more charming. When she lifted off of him, her legs became a bit wobbly. Needing to do some more cleanup, she turned on the shower to rinse again. “I have faith in you, cowboy. A hot meal will perk you right up. Don’t forget you need to help me dress.”

  Finn stood. “I’ll be happy to do that.”

  She wagged a finger at him. “No funny business though. The food is ready.”

  Once Finn helped her towel off, they headed back into the bedroom. She needed to figure out what she could do about not walking around naked. Shifters who weren’t dragons didn’t seem to have a problem with nudity, b
ut Kaleena did.

  “I have an idea,” Finn said.

  “What’s that?”

  “Find me a button-down shirt with long sleeves.”

  She could do that. From the wardrobe, she removed a pink cotton shirt and handed it to him. “Will this do?” she asked.

  “Perfect. Now turn around.”

  With efficiency, he placed the front of the shirt across her chest and then tied the sleeves around her neck. He then secured the shirttails around her waist and spun her around. Finn smiled. “That works.”

  Kaleena looked down at her new outfit. “Are you sure you weren’t an engineer?”

  He grinned. “Bartenders always solve other people’s problems. It’s their own issues that they struggle with sometimes.”

  “You have issues?” she asked with a concerned look.

  “All of my anxieties and concerns stem from one source—a certain sexy dragon shifting redhead.” He winked, and her muscles relaxed.

  “I never meant to be the source of dismay for you. I’ll try to make it up to you.” Kaleena flashed him a smile.

  Finn stepped closer and tugged her against his chest. “You better.” He kissed her hard, but stepped back a few seconds later when more voices came from the corridor.

  He helped her put on her panties and a pair of pants before getting dressed. Once they finished, Finn wrapped an arm around her waist as they made their way to the kitchen.

  As soon as they reached the kitchen, Kaleena stopped dead in her tracks. “Mom? Dad?” It didn’t surprise her that Tory would be there, but she hadn’t expected so many of her family to show up.

  “You were able to shower,” her mom said. She then glanced at Finn. “I’m glad.”

  Even though her mom’s comment implied she approved of Kaleena’s soon-to-be-mate, heat still raced up her face. She had no doubt they both had that I just got laid look.

  As if the rest of the group had no idea what had gone on in the bedroom, the others rushed toward her and asked her questions all at once.

  Kaleena held up her hands. The table was laden with food and Kaleena’s stomach grumbled. “How about we all sit and I tell you what happened? If any of you haven’t been introduced yet, this is Finn—my mate. He’s from Earth. And he saved me.”


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