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The Billionaire's Daughter

Page 6

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Do you remember what I said to you Kate, before you stormed out of here?”

  “I remember everything,” she whispered. “You said I’d made a choice.”

  “So you’ve changed your mind?”

  Kate gulped. How could she have been so impulsive?

  “I didn’t realize I was making a choice,” she answered. “I just sort of - reacted.”

  “What else did I say,” he pressed.

  “That I’d be very sorry,” she whimpered, “and I am. I really am.”

  Dante fell silent and stared at the beautiful young woman kneeling before him. Though she was spoiled and selfish and completely self-centered, her eyes surrounded by an array of colored eye shadow, her lips covered in the ghastly lipstick once again, he was convinced Kate just needed to be given the discipline and guidance she needed, and then an opportunity to shine.

  The silence fell heavy and Kate shifted on her knees, terrified he wouldn’t accept her apology and give her another chance. She knew she had behaved very badly and she wouldn’t blame him if he decided she was too much trouble. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time her temper had shot her in the foot.

  “You may be sorry now, Kate, but I suspect you’ll be even sorrier in a little while.”

  Kate shivered, having already experienced how he communicated his displeasure.

  “This morning I was going to send you to the corner for 15 minutes to think. We had talked about some of the very bad things you’ve done and I asked you if you wanted to continue to spend time with me. Do you remember?”

  “Yes, Dante,” she replied, recalling how she’d become so righteously indignant.

  “Yes, Sir,” Dante reminded her.

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied, embracing the title, and hoping against hope it meant he was going to forgive her.

  “Now you will do just that, except it will be for 30 minutes. And you will crawl to the corner, not walk. Once there you’ll kneel up, lift your skirt at the back and keep it raised. Your head will remained bowed and you’ll stare at the floor. Once you’ve considered your behavior in the past, you’ll consider your temper today. You’ll consider what might be a suitable punishment for such an impulsive, childish tantrum. Any questions?”

  Kate swallowed, nervous but happy. There was a chance.

  “No, Sir.”

  “Go on then. And I don’t want to hear a peep from you.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied, and immediately dropped on all fours and began crawling to the corner. It was odd and humiliating but felt strangely appropriate.

  Dante watched her cute derriere, tight against the very short blue skirt. It was so short her white panty clad bottom was clearly visible. Had he not been impaired he would have followed her across the room smacking her on her way to the corner. He could hardly believe she ran around in such scandalous attire.

  Poor Bill, he thought, to have a daughter so out of control.

  Once in position she lifted her skirt and wondered if her bottom bore signs of her earlier spanking. She stared down at the floor and began to think back to her years in high school. She’d been the ring leader of all kinds of mischief. Countless letters had been sent home and her parents had been summoned on more than one occasion, stating she’d been difficult and completely self centered, and could not control her temper. But more often than not they were out of town. It was Cecil who would accompany her and report back to her father. Kneeling there, thinking back, she realized it was all true. That she graduated was a small miracle.

  Her mind wandered to the events that morning. The way she felt when she first laid eyes on Dante as he stumbled in the door, drenched and injured. The deep, passionate kiss and the bath - the bath ---

  She wanted to peek over her shoulder and look at him but resisted the temptation. He was casting a spell on her, the likes of which she’d never encountered. And it happened in just one short day. But she knew the spell had been upon her for a very long time.

  She remembered clearly how she would wander down to the garden where he was working and purposely be naughty just to get his attention. With the other staff on the estate she could get away with murder, but not him. She wondered how he knew about all her escapades as a teenager. He’d been away at college during those years and only there in the summer. The minutes ticked by.

  “Time’s up.”

  His voice startled her and she jumped.

  “Crawl back to me,” he instructed, sternly.

  She dropped down on her hands and found her knees a little sore. She was surprised she’d not been aware of them when she’d been kneeling there all that time. Tentatively she scrabbled forward and when she reached him she stayed as she was, looking up at him expectantly. He smiled down at her. A rush moved through her body, his smile washing over her like warm, sudsy water.

  “So, young lady, kneel up, hands behind your back. What do you have to say for yourself?”

  She rose up and locked her fingers behind her. It was strange to feel so acquiescent.

  “You were right. I did need time. When I think of all the trouble I caused - I don’t know what to say,” she stammered, a wave of shame moving through her. “I guess I was a bit of handful.”

  “Hmmmm,” he mumbled. “And your punishment for your outrageous display of temper?” he asked.

  Kate swallowed. She recalled vividly the stinging smart of his hand on her backside, and though she dreaded the thought of a repeat performance she could already feel the scintillating sparks heating her sex.

  “Perhaps you should - uh - spank me again,” she whispered.

  “Perhaps I should. Perhaps I should tan your pretty bottom every morning to make sure you behave,” he agreed.

  Kate felt her eyes widen and her face flush.

  “But,” he continued, “I think perhaps something else might be appropriate. You suffer from lack of patience and tolerance, don’t you Kate?”

  Kate nodded, and tried to calm her quickening pulse. Unsuccessfully.

  “So along with obedience and respect I need to teach you patience. That is, if you want me to. Do you want me to, Kate?”

  Kate nodded her head fervently, though she couldn’t imagine what he might have in mind. And whatever it was, she wasn’t sure she wanted to find out.

  “Have you had anything to eat?” he asked.

  She’d been upset all day. The last thing on her mind had been food. She shook her head.

  “Not since this morning,” she replied.

  “Neither have I. Go and prepare something. We’ll eat and relax for a while,and then you’ll learn about patience.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she answered, feeling a little glimmer of happiness.

  Attempting to ignore the throbbing in his ankle he stood up and told her to do the same. Balancing carefully on his one good foot he gently pulled her against his chest and hugged her. She sank into him. He leaned his head down and kissed her on the forehead..

  “Thank you,” she murmured. “I need this hug.”

  “I know,” he replied. “I know much of what you need. Now go and rustle us up something to eat. I’ll meet you in the kitchen in ten minutes.”

  While the estate boasted a grand, formal dining room, the large kitchen had a built in breakfast nook with butcher block table set against a bay window.

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied, and turned to leave. He swatted her as she moved away and she let out a little cry of surprise, looking over her shoulder as she left the room. He was smiling that incredible smile and she felt her heart fill with joy.

  Dante considered that Kate might not even know where the plates were kept, but he was determined fixing them a quick meal would soon be as easy pouring a glass of water. He back down on the couch and stretched out, lifting his leg to rest. His ankle welcomed the respite and he closed his eyes. Ten minutes and he’d be refreshed and ready to deal with her yet again.

  When he entered the large, gourmet kitchen she was nowhere to be seen, but the table had been set, th
ermos of coffee in the center and hefty sandwiches neatly laid out on two plates.

  “Dante,” she called, scurrying towards him from the pantry.

  “There you are. This looks perfect,” he smiled.

  She smiled back and rose up on her toes and kissed him on the cheek. There was a happy twinkle in her eye and Dante saw a glimpse of a very sweet girl.

  Placing his crutches against the wall, he settled in and they turned to their food. The sandwiches were delicious, the coffee steaming hot and rich, and Dante discovered he was even hungrier than he had realized. Kate was her bubbly, vivacious self and he couldn’t help but enjoy her company. He had just finished his meal when Lois entered and moved to the sink. She smiled warmly at Dante, and Dante grinned back. He picked up his plate and mug and hobbled across to her without his crutches.

  “Oh you poor thing,” she said, looking at his foot. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Thank you, Lois. The stupid snap gave out as I was lowering myself down on the sling. Anyway, I’ll be fine. I’m a fast healer,” he replied.

  “Well if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask,” she offered.

  “Thank you. I appreciate that,” he smiled, stacking his plates in the dishwasher. A moment later Kate joined him but did not put her plates in the dishwasher, instead placing them on the counter.

  “I could make you another sandwich if you’re still hungry,” Lois continued.

  Dante frowned and glanced down at Kate standing beside him.

  “No,” Dante replied, looking back up at the friendly housekeeper he’d known for so long. “That was plenty. Thank you.”

  “Anytime,” she beamed, taking the plates Kate had left on the counter and placing them in the dishwasher next to Dante’s.

  “Kate,” he said casually, “I need to speak with you. Please come with me.”

  “Sure,” she replied. “I’ll just get your crutches,”

  He waited while she retrieved them, and as they left the kitchen she glanced across her shoulder at Lois.

  “Thanks, Lois,” she said.

  Lois looked back at her, a little shocked. A thank you!

  “You’re welcome MIss Hollister,” she replied.

  As soon as they were out of sight of the housekeeper Dante gripped her elbow.

  “I swear if I wasn’t injured you’d be over my shoulder right now, being carried up those stairs to your bedroom for a visit with one of your riding crops,” he said testily.

  “Why?” Kate whimpered. “What have I done now?”

  “You are so spoiled. When I asked you to rustle us up something to eat that’s what I meant. You! Not Lois.”

  They had reached his bedroom, and as he opened the door he gave her a slight push inside, then shut the door firmly behind them, turning the the lock.

  “But, but --” she whined, turning to face him.

  “But nothing!” he barked, interrupting her. “And you couldn’t even deign to place your dirty plates in the dishwasher? Of course not. Had to put them on the counter for Lois.”

  He took a deep breath. It wasn’t really her fault. She’d been served and indulged her entire life and it was second nature for her to have done what she did.

  “Next time I instruct you to do something I expect you to do it, not someone else. Is that clear?” he scolded her.

  Horrified that she’d upset him so much, Kate nodded her head urgently.

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied, in a quivering voice. She hadn’t even considered that he wanted her to make something. She wouldn’t even know where to start. As far as the dishes...

  “I believe I promised you a lesson in patience,” he said, sharply interrupting her thoughts. He had made his way to the bed and sat down, leaning his crutches against the bed frame.

  “One thing you’ll learn about me, Kate, is that I always keep my promises. Though I think you may have figured that out already.”

  Kate gulped.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Go to your room and bring me back a thick silk scarf. I assume you have one.”

  Eyes wide, Kate nodded.

  “Go on then, and be quick.”

  She hurried from the room, pulse racing, and darted up the stairs. Never had she felt so alive, so nervous, so full of -- what? Excitement? As she ran into her bedroom and pulled a scarf from the many she owned she wondered what he could possibly be planning. A blindfold? Was he going to tie her up? Her pussy was already responding to the threat of what might come, and her nipples were pressing urgently against her shirt.

  Maybe he was going to spank her again? She hoped, if he did, it wouldn’t be too hard. She was still tender from the morning. Whatever might be in store for her she was determined to see it through. Stopping at her bathroom mirror she took a tissue and rubbed off what lipstick was left after eating her sandwiches and drinking her coffee. Then she brushed her teeth and ran a comb through her hair. Taking a deep breath and picking up the scarf, she headed down to Dante, the tornado twirling in her tummy, alive and well.


  She bolted back down the stairs and when she entered his room she found him sitting on the bed in a bathrobe.

  “Give it to me,” he said, reaching out his hand.

  Slightly trembling she handed him the Hermes scarf and he flapped it open.

  “Beautiful,” he remarked. “Perfect. Take off your clothes and kneel on the bed on all fours.”

  “Excuse me?” she answered, in disbelief.

  “Is that a problem?” he asked, “Are going to disobey me again so soon?”

  “No!” she answered quickly, “I’m - uh - just feeling weird. Kind of uh, modest,” she said, blushing, staring at the floor.

  “Modest? You run around half naked all day,” he said, incredulously.

  “That’s different,” she cried.

  “It is? How is it different,” he asked, watching her closely.

  “I don’t know,” she squirmed. “It just is.”

  Turning away from her and leaning back he began flicking the scarf up in the air and letting it float down, allowing the awkward silence to lay heavy in the air.

  For goodness sake. What’s the matter with you? she berated herself. You’ve already been totally naked with him.

  “Okay!” she suddenly exclaimed.

  “Okay?” he queried, stilling playing with the scarf. “That’s what you have to say to me. Okay? Do you think that’s the appropriate response?”

  Kate sighed. This was not easy.

  “I’m sorry, Sir,” she said. “I’ll undress now and - uh - do as you ask.”

  “Just as well you came to your senses when you did, Kate,” he said, letting the scarf fall and rest in his lap, viewing her once again. “You were just about out of time.”

  “Out of time?”

  “Yes. Out of time. When I give you an instruction I expect it to be followed immediately. Since you’re still learning I gave you a little leniency. But only so much. Had you waited any longer your bottom would be very hot right now. Hot and stinging.”

  “Ohhhh,” she whimpered, and began nervously unbuttoning her blouse. It slipped off her shoulders and she laid it on the chair. Not wearing a bra she instinctively crossed her arms, still not understanding why she was feeling so shy.

  “No!” he said brusquely. “Arms down. Remove the remainder of your clothes and assume the position immediately. I don’t understand what’s gotten into you. Have you forgotten about our morning?” he asked his voice a little softer.

  “No, Sir,” she replied, thinking back to the salacious bath. “I don’t - uh - can’t explain it,” she continued, kicking off her shoes and peeling down the skimpy skirt and panties.

  Fighting her embarrassed she climbed up on the bed positioning herself on all fours. She may have felt self-conscious but her wet, wanting pussy couldn’t have been happier.

  Moving carefully he kneeled behind her and gazed fondly at her delicious derriere presented so provocatively before him. The marks
of his hand were still visible from the morning. Lifting the scarf he flicked it open. It billowed in the air for a moment then floated down and draped across her luscious backside. She sighed as the soft material whispered across her flesh. He began to slither the silk fabric across her skin, never quite exposing her, then placed his hands on her cheeks and caressed her ass through the silk.

  “Be completely still,” he warned, softly.

  Kate tensed. Her embarrassment was subsiding, overtaken by a ravenous carnal heat, and all she wanted to do was press back against his hands. He reached between her legs and with a butterfly touch brushed her pussy lips with his fingers. It was unexpected and she instinctively moved - just a fraction

  “I told you not to move!” Dante barked, smacking her smartly, several times through the scarf. “Patience!”

  Kate yelped, the zing and surprise of his smacks sparking through her body.

  “I’m sorry, Sir,” she wailed. “I’ll be still.”

  “See that you are or your pretty little bottom will pay the price,” he warned.

  He waited a moment then once again reached between her legs. The lightness of the touch was torturous and Kate clenched her fists as the teasing continued. She ached to respond, to wriggle, to demand more, but his sharp smacks kept her at bay.

  The minutes ticked by, and just as she thought she could stand it no longer his feather like fondling ceased, and she could feel the air breath against her. Dante had lifted the scarf just enough to expose her swollen sex. Placing his thumbs on each of her lips he spread them apart. Kate groaned at the lewd exposure, hoping it meant he was about to slide his glorious cock inside her hungry pussy.

  “Now then Kate, if I gave you permission what would you ask me to do to you next?” he asked, seeing the evidence of her fever glistening between his thumbs.

  “Oh Sir,” she cried, “I would ask you to slide inside me.”

  Never had she hungered for a man so intensely. She was positively yearning for him.

  “Is that right?” he said, slipping his fingers inside her juicy slit, causing her to moan with renewed pleasure. “And how many others have been here before me?”


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