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The Billionaire's Daughter

Page 7

by Maggie Carpenter

  She found the words humiliating and swallowed hard. How could she answer such a question?

  “I’m not sure, Sir,” she bleated.

  “You’re not sure? You’ve had so many you can’t remember?” he said, sharply, continuing to torture her tanked up little twat.

  “No - it’s not that - it’s -oooh... four, Sir.”

  Dante was surprised. She’d been running around in such brazenly slutty clothes for so long he had anticipated a much larger number. He was pleased and more than a little relieved. She wasn’t as promiscuous as he had feared.

  “Four. I see. And did they each wear a condom?” he persisted.

  Why is he interrogating me like this? He’s making me crazy...

  His hot hand interrupted her thoughts with a series of sharp stinging slaps.

  “Don’t keep me waiting. When I ask a question I expect an answer. How many?”

  “All but two, Sir,” she cried, wriggling her smarting behind.

  His middle finger slid very slightly into her open, slippery door. She wriggled, unable to suppress her need. His free hand slapped down hard and fast.

  “You really do want to have a very sore bottom don’t you Kate? You must, the way you keep disobeying me.”

  “I couldn’t help it, Sir,” she wailed.

  “That’s because you lack self discipline. The cause of many of your problems,” he scolded. “Where were we? You said half of your lovers have not worn condoms. That’s dreadful. I assume you have been tested for all relevant diseases that can be caused by unprotected sex?”

  Oh good grief. I can’t stand this!

  “No, Sir,” she squeaked.

  “And you expect me to slide my cock inside you? That’s absurd. You shall make an appointment tomorrow and have all the necessary tests done.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she stammered.

  Oh my God. This is unbelievable.

  “I’m not sure you deserve my cock after such irresponsible behavior. What were you thinking?”

  “I - I,” she stuttered, unable to come up with an response.

  “You weren’t, is the answer,” he said, as he continued to fiddle in her cunt. “You didn’t think about consequences. You only wanted pleasure for immediate gratification. Isn’t that right?”

  “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry.”

  Kate was overwhelmed. She was overwhelmed by her craving to feel him inside her, overwhelmed by the realization she had indeed, been foolish to have had unprotected sex, but more than anything she was overwhelmed by him, his power and his magical hold over her.

  “If I were to put a condom on my cock and give you what you desperately want how would you repay my kindness?” he asked, his voice unexpectedly tender. “Because kindness it is what it would be, Kate. I want to be kind to you but you are so terribly spoiled I’m concerned if I show you just a shred of generosity it will go straight to your head and you’ll end up over my knee again, being seriously spanked for taking advantage of my good nature.”

  “Oh I won’t, Sir. I promise. I’ll be soooo good. I - I - I’ll ask Lois to teach me how to cook,” she offered urgently, hoping that might help convince him.

  Dante broke into a broad grin. It was a brilliant suggestion and he thought it ideal. He was sure Lois would very much enjoy being in charge of her and it would do Kate the world of good.

  “Very well, Kate. But be warned, if you dare disappoint me you will be a very sorry girl.”

  “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

  “Stay as you are,” he ordered, laying the scarf back across her pretty bottom. Reaching across and pulling out the drawer of the bedside table he found the condom. Anticipating the events he was sure would unfold he had made a stop at the pharmacy while at the hospital.

  Placing himself back in position he slipped the rubber over his stiff shaft, and slithered the scarf back and forth against her skin, slowly moving it up to her waist and resting it there. Just as he had done a few moments earlier he separated her lips with his thumbs, holding her open. Touching his knob against her he pushed lightly then held himself still. Though it was just a slight intrusion Kate was ecstatic. It took all her willpower not to push back against him.

  “Please, Sir,” she whimpered, “please enter me.”

  “I’ll pull out and leave you wanting if you dare ask again,” he warned. “I’ll do with you as I please, Kate. I’ll take you when I want and how I want and you’ll learn to be patient and be grateful for whatever I give you. I have already told you this is a kindness. Have you forgotten already?”

  “Oh no, Sir,” she whimpered.

  How does he expect me not to move, teasing me this way?

  “I know the lessons are hard,” he said, his voice unexpectedly tender, “but if I’m not strict with you we’ll get nowhere.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied. “I’m sorry.”

  “Just do as you are told and you’ll find life much easier. Now, enjoy this,” he crooned.

  WIth his cock resting at her entrance, he moved his hands on top of her cheeks caressing softly, then lifting the sensuous scarf once again, began to slide it back and forth.

  “Slip your fingers between your pussy lips, Kate,” Dante ordered gently. “Pleasure yourself, feel the scarf and let me know how much you ache for my cock.”

  Kate let out a cry of gratitude and immediately glided her fingers against her sex.

  “Remember, no pushing against me,” he warned, and gave her yet another sound slap to emphasize the point.

  She found her clit swollen and ultra sensitive and her practiced fingers circled and swirled, but rather than bring her relief she found it only increased her heady desire to slide back against him.

  “Don’t stop,” he warned, and she groaned loudly, wanting to continue, to surrender to the pleasure, but the sweet torture was almost too much to bear. A moment later her orgasm was over her, threatening to explode.

  “Sir!” she cried, “I’m going to -”

  “Stop!” he snapped. “No you’re not. Pull your hand away immediately.”

  Kate let out a wail of frustration and dropped her fingers.

  “You must ask permission,” he said, his voice shockingly calm. “It will rarely be granted but you must always ask.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she mewed.

  His cock was resting just inside her entrance and he moved it slightly, testing her. She did not succumb to the temptation, but remained still, groaning with need.

  “Finally, you are remaining still. We can move on,” he declared, satisfied this part of his lesson had been learned.

  “Kate, you have been a very uppity girl throughout your life,” he began. “The manner in which you speak to Cecil and Lois is shocking. The two people who have watched out for you all these years. Do you understand what I’m talking about?”

  “I - I do,” she said quietly, feeling ashamed. “I just never thought about it.”

  How can he scold me like this - now? While he’s inside me?

  “Well you’re going to think about it now!” he exclaimed. “I know just how to humble a stuck up, snobby young woman. Prepare yourself, Kate.”

  For what? she wanted to ask. What are you going to ---?

  Before she could complete her thought, she gasped in shock as a lone finger traveled between her cheeks and pressed ever so lightly against her naughty orifice. She let out a cry of displeasure and cringed at the invasion, though he wasn’t actually touching her. The unwanted attention was through the soft, sexy silk.

  “I could always stop, Kate,” he crooned, resting his finger at her back entrance. “I can just leave and you won’t have to endure any more lessons, or spanking, or this type of dreaded attack.”

  He flicked his finger back and forth, then pushed again. She winced in disbelief that he was actually touching her there.

  “Should I stop and leave you?” he asked.

  “No, Sir. Please don’t leave me,” she pleaded.

  “Then you must accept this,” he pro
claimed. “You feel humbled don’t you Kate? Having me touch you this way?”

  She had been coddled for so long, had disobeyed the rules for so many years, she needed to be shocked and made to accept something so initially offensive to her.

  “I do, Sir. I do,” she cried, her face burning with humiliation.

  He raised the scarf and rested it back across her waist, then returned his finger to its dreaded target.

  “Kate - you must relax and receive this. You may be surprised what delights can be found here.”

  Kate groaned. It was all too much!

  “I’m going to continue to touch you until I see you have accepted what I’m offering. It’s up to you how long I dally here,” he said, calmly. “I can do this all day,” he finished, pushing a little harder to make his point.

  Taking a deep breath Kate attempted to shake off her fears and embarrassment and somehow enjoy the lewd attention. She focused on his cock nestled just inside her ravenous cavern, and as the seconds ticked by she discovered the unwanted finger wasn’t so bad after all. In fact its light probing was actually beginning to titillate her.

  “That’s much better,” Dante said softly, and immediately stopped the depraved attention. “Now you can move,” he added

  She mewed with relief and immediately wriggled and writhed, seeking out the erotic pleasure between her legs, pushing back against his cock. He thrust against her, pumped a few times, then slowed to a stop leaving himself deeply buried.

  “You’re such a naughty, spoiled girl,” Dante murmured, as he sensed her orgasm draw near, and slowly, achingly, pulled himself out. Kate groaned in frustrated disappointment, curling her fingers into a fist.

  I’m going to go mad, she thought. Positively mad!

  He pulled the scarf off her bottom and let it float to the bed. Gazing at her pretty, naked reddened behind, he clutched her hips and slowly pushed home.

  “Feel every centimeter of me,” he said huskily, “and be grateful.”

  “I do, I am,” she cried, attempting to press against him. His hands were holding her in a vice grip, making any movement virtually impossible.

  Slowly, methodically, he ground into her. With each thrust she felt herself succumbing to his will, surrendering to his desire to fuck her as he wished. Though tense with need and excitement she found herself slipping into an unfamiliar state. One of acceptance and tranquil submission.

  “There now,” he crooned, “that’s my girl. Do you see what patience can bring?”

  She felt light headed, almost dizzy.

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied softly.

  “Now you must be completely tolerant and accept what I’m about to do.”

  The same lone, probing finger returned to its business. She felt a momentary twinge of resistance but it was short lived. Her need and his words of reassurance and direction took hold. To her surprise and his delight, she opened up to the insistent visitor.

  “Enjoy and accept,” he said softly, still thrusting his powerful member deep inside her hot, wanting recesses, his curious finger delving deeper. “Move against me now,” he ordered, “and slip your hand back on your pussy.”

  His imbedded finger remained in place and when she bucked up to meet his cock, it was forced further inside her naughty opening. She cried out, but filled with a fervent need was unable to stop her gyrations. Her hand cupped her pussy and she sighed deeply as her fingers played with her magic little button.

  “Sir,” she suddenly cried, “please?”

  “Please what?” he asked, slowing his pace.

  “Please may I come? Pleeeaassseee?” she cried.

  “You’ll be more patient from now on?”

  “Yes, yes,” she wailed. “I swear.”

  The huge balloon hovered over her and she was sure she would explode at any moment, permission or not.

  “You sound pretty impatient right now,” he remarked.

  “Oh Sir,” she pleaded, “I don’t mean to. If you think - I - uh - then ... I .... must...” she stammered, unable to even finish her sentence.

  “That was the right answer,” he said softly, feeling his own moment beginning to move through his loins. “Ride me then, ride me and fuck me until you come.”

  “Oh thank you, Sir,” she wailed, and immediately squirmed salaciously as not a second passed before the balloon burst and her hot rampart closed around his turgid shaft, milking him, pulsing and grabbing.

  Dante stared down at the sexy girl grinding against him, and watched as she arched her back, the explosion engulfing her. He thrust his finger deep inside her backside and she shrieked as new spasms rippled through her body.

  Gripping her tightly with his one free hand he surged forward, impaling her. His hot cream shot forth and he continued to pump vigorously, milking their mutual eruptions. Finally the moment subsided and he slipped from her depths as she collapsed on her stomach. He fell alongside her, attempting to catch his breath.

  They were silent for a few minutes. He moved from the bed and limped into the bathroom. She heard him washing his hands and when he returned and laid back down, she snuggled against him.

  “Dante,” she murmured, “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Hmmmm.... you don’t?” he asked.

  He turned his head and looked into her bright green eyes.

  “You were a good girl and thanked me for permission to come, but isn’t there something else you’d like to thank me for?”

  “Oh, of course,” she mumbled, flicking her eyes down. “I’m sorry. Thank you, Dante, Sir, for - teaching me some patience - and - about the staff and everything...uh - for...” she looked back up at him, “for giving me a second chance,” she added.

  “Come here,” he said, raising his arm and pulling her into his shoulder. “In the morning, after we’ve had a good night’s sleep it will be time to take the next step.”

  “Next step?” she asked.

  “Yes. I think it’s time you had some rules laid out. Rules you have to follow.”

  Kate’s brow crinkled. She didn’t like rules.

  “But - um - do you think that’s really necessary?” she asked.

  He squeezed her.

  “Oh I it’s definitely necessary,” he replied, “and it’s going to happen right after breakfast.”

  He yawned. It had been a long, topsy turvy day. His ankle was throbbing and he was exhausted.

  “Now you must return to your own room, Kate,” he said, warmly. “You only get to sleep with me when I decide you’ve earned the privilege.

  “Ohhh,” she whimpered. “I really want to stay with you.”

  “And you’ll not always get your away anymore,” he said, firmly. “As I said, tomorrow we will talk about rules. But right now it’s back to your bedroom.”

  “I haven’t exactly done well with rules,” she murmured.

  “I’m aware of that,” he answered, “but that’s about to change. Get on that slip of material you call a skirt and go up to bed.”

  Grudgingly she rose and padded across the room.

  “Oh - and one more thing, Kate.”

  She turned and looked at him.

  Now what?

  “If I see a speck of make up on your face I’ll scrub it off myself. Got it?”

  What? None? He can’t mean that!

  She was standing perfectly still, staring at him, and he could see it was taking all her resolve not to protest - vehemently.

  “Got it?” he asked again, sternly.

  “Got it,” she replied, and before she could put her proverbial foot into her proverbial mouth, quickly pulled up her panties and skirt and slipped on the shirt. Pushing her feet into her ballet slippers she walked the few steps back to the bed and leaned over to kiss him. He grabbed her hair with both hands and brought her mouth to his, kissing her deeply. When he released her she was breathless, staring at him wide-eyed. He looked at her intensely.

  “Rules, Kate.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she managed. “Rules.”r />

  “Rules matter,” Dante said firmly, staring at the incredibly pretty face void of the ugly make up. Without the distraction of the multi colored, thickly applied eye shadows, her eyes appeared larger and brighter. Her lips were full, naturally moist, and it appeared the years of heavy red lipstick had left a permanent deep pinkish tinge. Either that or it was their natural color. He could scarcely recall the last time he had seen her without outlandish make-up and her natural beauty shone through. It almost took his breath away.

  They were sharing a breakfast of scrambled eggs, tomatoes, orange juice, toast and coffee. It was an every day practice for Lois to prepare breakfast for those at the house. After laying out the food buffet style on the kitchen island, she had left the two alone in the breakfast nook.

  “What kind of rules?” Kate asked nervously.

  He was about to answer when he was interrupted by the phone ringing. There were several lines in the house and each had its own distinctive ring. The three short bells announced it was the family phone. She looked at Dante with troubled eyes. She knew it was probably her father.

  “Better answer it,” Dante remarked.

  Kate stood up, scooted across to the phone and pushed down the blinking red button. It was indeed her father calling from Paris.

  “Hello Dad,” she said sweetly.

  “Hello Kate. How are you?”

  “Fine thanks. How’s Paris?”

  “Wet. I’m calling to let you know your mother and I have come to a very painful decision about you.”

  Kate’s heart skipped a beat.


  “I think it’s time we cut you off. You need to learn the value of a dollar. You can’t hold a job because you don’t need to. I’ll give you enough to find an apartment - a modest apartment - and a few dollars to get through two months. You’ll come to work in my Los Angeles office as a gopher to make enough money to get by. No credit cards, no cash.”

  “NO!” she screamed.

  Dante jumped up from the table and quickly took the phone from her hands.

  “Mr. Hollister. It’s Dante Giovanni here. How are you Sir?”

  “Dante!” Kate’s father exclaimed. “This is a surprise. Excellent to hear your voice. How are you keeping?” he asked, playing the charade in case Kate was able to overhear.


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