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Portal to Passion

Page 5

by Nina, Tara

  Deveney forced herself to hold his steady gaze and hoped the necklace didn’t give him the ability to read her thoughts. But then again, if he read her mind, he’d know she wanted to have sex with him. Exhaustion riddled her body. Every muscle ached in her attempt to maintain her semi-upright position. Maybe now wasn’t the best time for sexual exploration after all.

  One last glimpse of him from head to toe before the door closed sent heat to her core, and a hunger for more rumbled to life. At home, life equaled loneliness with the exception of Tiara. Here, the possibilities for change abounded, lighting a candle of hope in her heart. Indecision twisted her stomach into knots. Return home or stay?

  Chapter Four

  She heard the latch click. Locked in again. She lifted her hand to stare at the site where he kissed. The warm sensation of his lips on her skin lingered. Oh how she wished he’d suckled her nipples with that fabulous mouth. Both eyes closed tight. Stop thinking like that! Sex with Tor, the possibility didn’t exist. She’d kissed him and touched his cock because she thought she was dreaming.

  From her history with men, she knew her unwanted magical chastity belt wouldn’t allow a sexual relationship. Deveney inched into a seated position and arranged the pillows for support. Tor knew nothing about Earth. So how far had she traveled? The last she remembered was touching the mirror, then everything went black. No matter how hard she tried, nothing of the actual trip resurfaced and her head throbbed.

  Deveney relaxed into the pillows and rubbed her temples. She doubted she’d landed on another planet. Didn’t that require a spaceship? Maven’s cryptic conversation from earlier slid to the forefront. Dissecting the words, the term universe surfaced. In a slow movement, she turned and stared at the mirror. A fuzzy paragraph from some book she’d read taunted her thoughts. It claimed mirrors were simply doorways to different worlds that coincided with Earth, but were located in a whole other dimension of space and time. A parallel universe? Was it possible?

  Tiara would say yes. The thought of her friend made her smile though her head hurt and her insides quivered. As she looked around, undeniable proof stared her in the face. Reality hit. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Would she ever see her best friend again? God, she hoped so.

  For several long minutes, tears flushed her soul of unwanted fears. Deveney shifted to her side and curled around a pillow. Nothing cleansed the head like a good cry. Tiara’s words whispered through her thoughts, which made her lips tremble into a smile. Deveney brushed the tears away with the back of her hand. Ti wouldn’t wallow in self-pity or allow fear to hold her down. She’d be strong in the face of adversity. Deveney sniffed and made a decision that would make Ti proud. She’d be strong and do whatever it took to make things right again. Whatever right turned out to be.

  She snuggled her knees to her chest and felt lost in the sea of the giant bed. A masculine woodsy scent filled her senses. Tor’s fragrance taunted her nose and fueled her desires. If he were here right now, she’d forget about place and time and give it her best shot at sex.

  Both eyes widened as she inhaled deep, loving Tor’s essence. Hunger for him increased. A low hum vibrated through her core, making her tremble from head to toe. Moisture formed within her feminine folds. God, why was she so hot and horny for a guy she didn’t even know?

  Lifting her gaze upward, she gasped at the sight embroidered in the canopy. Phenomenal detail showed golden bears huddled in a group as if they were one large family on a search for berries in the bushes. Drawn to the picture, she slowly stood in the center of the bed. On tiptoe, she traced the work.

  More of Maven’s words filtered through the fog of her headache.

  Find the animal that called to your heart. Find your lifemate.

  The image of a huge golden bear consumed all thought. She knew which animal she’d touched on the mirror. Find the animal that set her on this journey and find her lifemate. If memory served, she’d touched the bear carved on the mirror. What did a bear have to do with anything? Had Maven lost her mind? A bear. Lifemate. What did it all mean? Her head spun. The headache increased, causing her thoughts to jumble into a pile of unconnected puzzle pieces. Deveney folded back onto the bed.

  The embroidered image of the golden bears in the canopy toyed with her overwrought brainwaves. What in the hell did Tor have to do with bears? Nothing made sense.

  * * * * *

  At this early hour, only a few of the palace servants were up and about. Tor slipped into the kitchen and beckoned Nona from her duties. He couldn’t remember a time in the palace without her or her brood. A smile brightened her face when she caught sight of him. She’d practically raised him and his brother. Her smile washed over him like that of a mother filling him with the momentary warmth of an invisible hug. Trust in her ran deep.

  Nona accepted what he told her in confidence and without question. She filled a tray with a variety of foods and drinks, and then handed it to him. Before he left, she touched his arm and smiled up at him as she spoke.

  “Take this as a sign of salvation. Maven seeks only to help our people. Word of this woman’s presence shall not leave this palace. You have my solemn oath on it, Tor. But it would do this old woman’s heart good to know you’ve found a mate. From the smell of you…” She inhaled deep to stress her meaning before she continued. “I know you have.”

  Tor’s jaw dropped and Nona laughed, turned on her heels and went back to work in the kitchen. At several intervals on the return trip to his bedchamber, Tor sniffed himself. Nothing smelled different to him, but his gut told him he was wrong. Nona knew. Morphionian men who came in contact with their intended mate released a subtle scent meant to lure the female. The initial contact between mates spontaneously released the pheromone. It couldn’t be controlled.

  Great. He groaned. This meant trouble. How would he keep from mating with an out-of-control, hormonally fueled female? A moment of hope shot through his brain. Would this Earth woman react to his scent like a full-blooded Morphionian woman? Would she become his mate? Was it even possible? The temporary spark of joy instantly extinguished as guilt weighed heavy on his shoulders. For a split second, a few faces flashed through his head of friends older than he who were also in need of mates. He winced, whisking the images temporarily from his mind.

  He knew the chakra, or magical soul, of each being selected its mate. It wasn’t up to the individual to pick a lifemate. The magic ruled the heart. The mating ritual involved high levels of magic, which stemmed from both the male’s and female’s chakras. Tor doubted the Earth woman would survive. He paused. There was one thing he needed to concentrate on—he’d promised her he’d help find her way back to Earth and he intended to honor it.

  By the Goddess Nirvana, he prayed Deveney didn’t react to his pheromones or he might never be able to return her home. Tor rolled his eyes to the heavens, issuing a silent prayer for strength. The image of what would happen if she reacted to his scent filled his brain.

  Morphionian women in heat were uncontrollable and didn’t stop until they mated their man. Morphionian men looked forward to this highly sexual adventure. But Tor couldn’t find happiness in the prospect, not with the curse looming for so many men. Finding mates for his people was his first and foremost concern. His personal love life came last in the list of things to accomplish as leader, even though his time was running short.

  The words keep the bloodlines pure ricocheted around his thoughts in the sound of his father’s voice. He closed his eyes and tried to shake the agenda his father had drilled into his head, but couldn’t completely. Tor redirected his thoughts to the matter at hand.

  If Nona was right, this Earth woman triggered his pheromones. It had to be a misfire, he tried desperately to convince himself, but his imagination wouldn’t leave the idea of sex alone. A woman primed for sex and lots of it was every man’s dream. He knew the mating ritual sometimes lasted for several days to a week or until both parties were sexually drained and mated to their partner for life. The thought
of mated sex hardened his cock.

  He’d heard the phenomenal stories. It was the goal of every Morphionian to find their mate. Love grew into an unbreakable bond. Sexual pleasure increased with each and every mated experience. Tor froze for a second as the single most important advantage shone bright. A mated male stayed in control of their inner animal and didn’t turn Proprius Bestia. He shook his head and tried to remain focused on his mission…find an answer to their possible extinction and find it quick or he too would be turned forever.

  With each step closer, his level of concentration waned. Deveney filled his thoughts. Every muscle tingled and his cock stiffened even more. He swallowed. Was Nona right? He’d never suffered from the inability to control his urges as he did at the moment. No matter how he tried, his brain refused to refocus on anything but the Earth woman.

  This wasn’t happening, he ordered inwardly. The nature of the inner beast primed his body for sex. Nothing else. He refused to believe his mate lay in his bed. This was his fault. He’d denied himself pleasure for many years, thus he clamored for release and she just happened to be the female in his horny path.

  With the threat of extinction looming over his head, Tor sacrificed sex. He’d had no desire. The truth slapped him in the face. Though sex for the simple pleasure of orgasm was common practice among the clans, Tor hadn’t partaken. The need had vanished until now. Why did his body react in such a manner?

  Confusion rippled through him. He knew the mating ritual couldn’t be forced. Magic controlled the sex. Two became one when their chakras joined through mating intercourse.

  But with an Earth woman? He refused to believe there might be a slim chance of success and steeled his will. As far as he was concerned, it wasn’t possible for his chakra to combine with Deveney’s. She didn’t belong here and there was no way her soul housed even one ounce of the magic required to become a Morphionian’s mate. Of that, he felt certain.

  His cock twitched and jutted, tenting the front of his robe. He snorted at the readiness of that part of him. Tor paused outside his bedchamber, gathering his strength to resist. Sex with this female would not happen. No matter what, the woman had to go back. She wanted to go home to her world called Earth and he intended to help her.

  Balancing the tray on one hand and arm, he unlocked the door, swung it open, stepped inside and then locked it. The scent of feminine arousal hit him like a hard-driving rain and stopped him cold as he turned to face her. The bright-eyed beauty sat up, looking lost in his bed. Long hair cascaded around her face and shoulders, making her a pure vision of delight. Every ounce of moisture left his mouth at the sight.

  By the Goddess Nirvana, he silently prayed. Not only was his cock the hardest he ever remembered, keeping it out of Deveney was going to be the most difficult feat he’d ever accomplished, if he managed it.

  When Tor stepped inside, Deveney’s nostrils flared. Something smelled exquisite. She couldn’t determine which smelled better, the man or the food. Though an array of unusual delights filled the overly large tray, the sight of his cock tenting the front of his short, golden-colored, Roman outfit caught and held her attention.

  Something clicked inside her head and made it difficult to focus on anything other than him. Every ounce of her craved sex, but not just any sex. She wanted Tor. Heat permeated the air around her and it hurt to breathe. Needing relief before she sweltered, she tossed back the covers. But it wasn’t enough. Her skin sizzled and moisture beaded her brow.

  Oh god, was she getting sick? Deveney swallowed hard as she tested her forehead for fever. She stared at him, the need in her core rising to practically boiling. Never had she wanted anything as much as she wanted him, right here, right now.

  When Tor turned his back to set the tray on the desk and organized the food, she slipped out of his cloak, her shirt and skirt, leaving only her lacy pink bra with matching panties. She wanted desperately to be closer to the handsome hunk across the room. In a flash, she scooted to the end of the bed before he finished with the tray and turned around.

  The sight of his jaw dropping and his cock twitching made her smile. The image of a cat in heat and on the prowl for sex flashed inside her head. She felt just like that cat. Hot, horny and hungry for mating. Deep in her gut she knew Tor would satisfy this uncontrollable sexual urge. All thought of the disastrous tries at sex dissipated from her brain. A phenomenal odor pulled her toward Tor.

  God, did he smell great.

  Fueled by his raw, masculine scent, Deveney slid off the bed and sashayed down the three steps toward Tor, who stood stock still staring at her. The flare of his nostrils turned her on. The thick scent in the air kicked her hunger for sex up ten more degrees. With each step closer, her clit throbbed, her body hummed and her need to have his shaft buried in her heat intensified.

  God, there had to be something wrong with her. No matter how hard she tried to redirect her train of thought, it refused to obey. Sex captivated her every instinct. An intense craving saturated her senses. Never had she felt like this before. It seemed as if the tips of her fingers would burst if she didn’t touch him, grab his cock and fondle it in her hands. Whatever sickness claimed her had her nipples sharp as spikes and aching for the warmth of his mouth. Absently, she cupped the tender mounds as she held his stare. The look of pure desire on his face spurred her on.

  Did he like watching her touch herself?

  The inner muscles of her vagina trembled in anticipation of just one thing. And somehow, Deveney knew nothing would help her but Tor’s rock-hard shaft. Knowing he watched her every move had her trailing one hand down her abdomen to slide beneath the pink satin lace covering her pussy.

  Her soft moan at the feel of her finger swirling on her swollen clit sent his tongue darting across his lower lip and she noted the rise and fall of his chest increased. It turned her on knowing he seemed to be fascinated by her actions. The thought she shouldn’t do this burned for a second behind her eyes, but she didn’t care. The want and desire for Tor sizzled through every aspect of her being. She prayed nothing stopped this sudden sexual confidence controlling her actions, especially that damn magical chastity belt.

  “Deveney, you’re not thinking clearly.” The gravel in his voice sent a chill down her spine.

  “I’m thinking clearer than I ever have before,” she replied on a husky breath.

  In a bold move, she slid her moist finger from her panties, lifted it to his lips and outlined his mouth. His nostrils flared wider as if he tried to inhale every ounce of the scent of her arousal from her finger. She saw him struggle to keep his tongue in his mouth and not lick her flavor from his lips.

  A challenge, she decided. He wanted her, but for some unknown reason he resisted. Should she stop? No answered on a definitive roar straight from the raging hormones of her sex drive. His resistance would not do. In slow motion, she trailed her hands down the length of his well-muscled abdomen. His subtle gasp fueled her efforts. She leaned in closer, making sure her nipples touched him as she lowered to her knees.

  Tor grabbed her arms, trying to stop her but failing miserably. Deveney slid her hands under his robe and captured his cock. An audible moan escaped his throat as she caressed the solid head and teased the slender slit with her fingertip until it gifted her with a sample of his juices. Though he held her arms tight, she managed to lean just enough to taste his pre-cum from her finger.

  “Mmmmm,” she sighed, lifting her hooded gaze to his. “You taste as good as you look.”

  Tor shivered as his resolve weakened. Looking down at her, at those scrumptious lips, set the beast inside him on fire. Did she understand the weight of her actions? No. She didn’t. She wasn’t from his world and wouldn’t understand the repercussions.

  Fuck her, the words whispered through his head. Fuck her now! He struggled for some form of control. The thrash of his hand through her silky hair tickled his palm. The sight of that glorious mouth of hers hovered near the head of his cock drained his brain of rational thought.

  Both her hands worked his shaft with a magical touch. When the tip of her tongue licked a drop of pre-cum from the slender slit, his knees nearly buckled. Heat sizzled from that simple touch straight through his cock and up his spine to arrow into his heart. This wasn’t right, he had to stop her. She wasn’t of his world. She wanted to go home. It took tremendous effort to muddle through the sexual fog in his brain. Though she led him by his cock toward the bed, he waged an inner battle against the raging desire to mate. At the foot of the bed, he forced himself to halt.

  “Deveney, we can’t do this,” he panted, desperately grappling for at least a smidgeon of control. Inside his head, his inner beast growled. Her rich, womanly scent saturated his hypersensitive animal senses.

  If he didn’t trample the rise of the beast, the natural instinct to mate would rule. He took a deep breath and steeled his spine. He had to find some way to end this before it went too far. But had it already? His heart pounded and his chest tightened at her next words and movements.

  “Yes, we can,” she teased as she scooted onto the bed and released the strange item from around her chest, freeing her breasts. Then she slowly wiggled out of the clothing covering her sex.

  When she tossed them at his face, he caught them and made the mistake of inhaling the primal musky scent of her arousal from the delicate pink cloth. The sight of her naked on his bed switched the beast inside him into full sexual prowl. He wanted a mate, he wanted to mate, and he wanted it now. Deveney’s scent implied a ripe and ready mate lay willing before him. What stopped him?

  He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment. He’d made a promise not to be the same as his father. The people came first. The needs of his people must come before his personal needs. The silent mantra flashed in his head. The beast roared. His heart pounded furiously to the point he thought it would burst.


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