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Portal to Passion Tara Nina  Transported by a magical mirror, Deveney lands in a dimension ruled by passion. Instant attraction draws her to the leader of this world of shapeshifters. An overwhelming desire for sex neither can control brings them together. Whether he desires it or not, she’s determined to win his love.  When a gorgeous woman travels through the Mirror of Azure, Tor’s judgment is tested. On the verge of extinction, the men of his world need mates before they reach one hundred years old or face becoming their inner beasts forever. Women are scarce. It is up to him to save his people.  Deveney is a temptation he can’t resist. Their magic intertwines and gets stronger with each sexual encounter. Stubbornly, Tor refuses to believe she’s his mate. He’s determined Deveney must return home before anyone discovers her arrival, or it will lead to chaos and war.  When word of her existence leaks and another clan kidnaps Deveney, Tor must finally admit she’s his mate and fight to save her, or lose his only chance at survival.