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Portal to Passion

Page 14

by Nina, Tara

  A flushed sensation rose up her neck and pit-stopped within her cheeks. Tor represented someone of importance to these people. Did she have what it took to be the mate of a ruler? Doubt attempted to throw a kink in her plans until a twinge in her lower abdomen strengthened her resolve. Yes. She did. Confidence bloomed in her gut, but her hands still shook as she accepted Willow’s gift of clothing.

  “Thank you, Willow. They’re beautiful.” In an attempt not to sound so stiff and scared, Deveney spoke in as light a tone as she could muster. “Your robes are a lot better than the one I came up with.” She tugged at the deep vee in front of her breasts to keep it closed and smiled.

  “You did well with what you had,” Willow replied and returned her smile.

  “Could you teach me to sew? Just in case I’m ever in a bind again and need to know.”

  As she watced Willow’s face, it looked as if she’d flipped a switch inside the young woman. Her entire being glowed with enthusiasm as she gushed, “Of course, I’d love to.”

  The sight of Willow’s happiness made Deveney glad she’d asked. This could be fun and with Willow’s help, she’d learn more about this new home of hers.

  “Great. Maybe you and I could start on something small at first, and then work our way to something larger,” Deveney said as she laid the clothes on the bed.

  When Deveney turned, the men were gone and Willow stood at the door, waving goodbye. Deveney waved back and the young woman exited, shutting the door behind her.

  “You didn’t introduce the men. Who were they?”

  “It is customary for most males to remain inaccessible to a female in the early stages of the mating ritual. Until the ritual is over, the only male who should speak with you is your mate,” Nona explained. “Sven’s visit yesterday was inexcusable. He should’ve known better than to risk taunting his brother while he is controlled by the sexual pull of the magic.”

  “But you still didn’t tell me their names,” Deveney replied, letting this new information sink in. Though she heard Nona speak, she didn’t comprehend the names. Another matter occupied her thoughts.

  Sven had broken the rules of the mating ritual to see her. She’d taken his visit as a brotherly gesture. If it wasn’t, then why had he come if not to meet her? What’d Tor tell him that made him sneak in to see her? Maybe Tor and he talked about their sexual exploits. Did Tor tell Sven about their mating? Since they were twins, did Sven think she’d be fooled by his appearance and have sex with him? Heat seeped through her veins, spurring on her angry thoughts. How dare Tor share intimate details? She didn’t care if Sven was his brother. What occurred between them was private.

  “Deveney.” Nona’s voice broke her train of thought, pulling her back to the moment. She blinked to focus and looked directly at the swirl of concern in Nona’s eyes. “Are you all right? You seem a bit flushed.”

  “I’m fine, but a little tired.” Deveney managed to force the words from her lips as she swallowed hard, trying to tamp down her growing anger. It wouldn’t do to let anger take control. The magic would run wild if she let that happen. “I think I should eat, and then I’ll take a bath and rest for the day.”

  “That’s a fine plan,” Nona stated as she pulled a small, triangular shiny object from her pocket. “I don’t like you being locked in here. But I have to follow his commands.”

  Deveney nodded. “I understand.”

  “This is a mic,” Nona explained, handing the device to her. “Press the center, then speak, and we shall communicate. Whatever you need, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

  “My freedom.”

  “That is a wish I am not at liberty to give.” Nona shook her head sadly and Deveney regretted speaking the words. She hadn’t meant to lay such a weight upon Nona’s shoulders. The woman followed Tor’s orders. There was nothing she could do.

  “I’m sorry,” Deveney said as she hugged her. “I shouldn’t have said that.”

  When she stepped out of the hug, Nona held her hands and gave them a friendly squeeze. For a second it looked as if she contemplated her words before she spoke them.

  “Look to the bears, Deveney. For they shall guide you in the wish I cannot grant.”

  Again with the cryptic bears. Didn’t either of these sisters say anything in a decipherable sentence? It took a great effort not to roll her eyes to the heavens, but somehow she managed to keep her gaze fixated on Nona.

  Nona gave Deveney a quick kiss to each cheek, turned and walked out. The click of the lock echoed. This time, it didn’t discourage Deveney. It invigorated her soul. He may have ordered them to lock her in. But she knew another way out existed.

  Besides, all she had to do was use her magic if she didn’t find this alternate exit. But as tired as she was, Deveney didn’t want to risk another bout of uncontrollable magic and possibly injuring the baby. Nope. She intended to find that hidden escape.

  Excitement ruled her as she worked through the puzzle of the bears showing her the way. The size of her appetite astonished her until she remembered she ate for two. Deveney sat on the huge chair at the desk and devoured every ounce of the fruit, fish and drink.

  She had no desire for the bread but managed to devour the entire jar of raspberry-like spread with a spoon and craved more. Since she intended to stay, she planned to convince Nona to show her how to make it. And Willow said she’d teach her to sew. A shiver shot up her spine, making her smile at the thought of doing something so domestic.

  With a fruit that looked similar to an apple in hand, she walked around the room, taking bites as she went. She touched each and every item with a bear on it except for the mirror. She planned never to touch the bear on the top again. Her future belonged with Tor. No, she wasn’t leaving here and Tor couldn’t make her. Not even on his best day. She grinned at her reflection as she walked past and tossed the fruit core in the garbage.

  She returned to the end of the bed, examined the robes, and noted there were no undergarments. Did the women here not wear them? Then it dawned on her. She didn’t remember seeing any male undergarments in the closet. Perhaps it wasn’t considered a necessity. Now that would take some getting used to…no underwear.

  Deveney gathered one of the beautiful golden robes in her hand and walked to the bathroom. She planned a long, hot bath to soothe her nerves and think. There had to be an answer to the bear riddle. The moment she stepped inside the bathroom door, her jaw dropped as the robe slipped from her fingertips to the floor. The sight of two giant bears on either side of the toilet stalled her movements. Why hadn’t she thought of that before? She was in the bedroom the whole time when Sven slipped in undetected. He had to have come in through here.

  Quickening her pace, she hurried across the room to the giant statues. She’d used these facilities several times since her arrival, but never really looked at these figures. Now she touched every section, searching for a knob or button that opened some sort of secret doorway. It had to be here.

  As she inched around the side of the second bear, the marble square beneath her foot sank under the pressure of her weight and the entire statue slid from the wall. A golden archway appeared leading to a lighted hallway. She found it! Freedom was just a hot bath away.

  Deveney stepped off the marble square lever and the bear slid back into place. The smile that split her face couldn’t be stopped. She walked over to the robe on the floor, picked it up and placed it on the golden marble bench. In one swift movement, she removed Tor’s knotted robe and took the steps into the giant bath.

  Ahh… A full belly, a hot bath and freedom. Today was going to be a good day for her. Her brows bunched as Tor’s image filled her thoughts. But not a good day for one bear of a man, she decided. Not when she found him. Questions swirled in her head. Determination to get them answered steeled itself in her soul.

  No. Today was definitely not going to be a good day Tor. She sighed, settling in the warm comfort of the tub.

  Chapter Ten

  Tor paced his office
. Agitation rocked him. No work got done. He hadn’t slept nor eaten. The dilemma of Deveney occupied his brain, heart and soul. She ruled every instinct. Heat sizzled in his core. Fire seared every molecule as he fought the fierce urge to mate with Deveney. Hard to the point of severe pain, his cock throbbed. He tried desperately to ignore this oversensitive awareness of Deveney’s presence in the palace. He fought the magic clawing at his insides and pretended they weren’t mated.

  But his senses claimed otherwise. Licking his lips, he swore he tasted her. Her scent filled his nose with each intake of air. The faint rhythm of her heartbeat echoed in his ears. Deveney’s essence pulsed through his veins as if it were his lifeblood. And even though he thought it couldn’t happen, his cock hardened even more.

  The tent in the front of his robe looked ridiculous. It was the main reason he’d cancelled all appointments this day. That and the fact he couldn’t concentrate on anything other than Deveney.

  Many times during the night, he stood outside the door to his bedroom, hungering to go to her, but denied himself the pleasure. Each moment he remained apart from her the craving intensified. Sweat beaded upon his brow and he couldn’t decide which outcome equaled the greatest suffering—battling the call of the mating magic or turning Proprius Bestia.

  With each thought of her, his balls tightened. If he detached them from his body with a knife, he doubted the torture would end. This he sensed as fact and left the knife sheathed on his desk. In his case, cutting off his balls probably would double the pain, not lessen it.

  “It’d be a shame to cut off such a perfect set of balls.”

  Tor froze as the soft sound of her voice washed over him. For a split second one cognizant thought flashed through his brain. She heard his thoughts. This was a sign of a strong magical bond between mates. It disappeared before he found the ability to speak. Her essence surrounded him, wrapped him in warmth and a pale-blue glow.

  How did she escape?

  Every muscle tingled and the hair on his body stood at attention. In slow motion, he turned. Deveney sat perched on the corner of his desk. Those scrumptious legs were crossed, hiding her treasures from view. The sight of her dressed in a form-fitting Morphionian woman’s robe sent a chill down his spine. She wore a glorious shade of gold, his family color. The vee-shaped front dipped well below those voluptuous breasts his mouth watered to taste. His fingers twitched. If he brushed the robe from her shoulders, her breasts would be his to suckle, nip and fondle until she begged for mercy. The thought made him swallow hard against the sudden build-up of moisture in his mouth.

  Curiosity sprang to life as his gaze lowered to the cinched waist, and then lower to the mid-thigh-length hem. His eyebrow arched. Had she chosen to follow the traditional dress of the Morphionians? Was she bare beneath her robe? Just the thought made a drop of pre-cum pearl to the tip of his cock.

  As if she knew that happened, she smiled at him. “What a waste of good male essence.” Then she licked her lips dramatically as if she tasted his seed upon them. The sight of her tongue made him shiver.

  By the Goddess Nirvana, she killed his resistance.

  He licked his lips, hungering for a taste of her juices. Involuntary muscle spasms made his cock wiggle as he fought to maintain his distance. The air thickened with the ripe aroma of her sex and filled each breath, increasing his raging need. It hinted of her wet and ready condition. Though he tried to resist, she made it difficult. When she uncrossed her legs, she spread them wide then slid them together. The quick glimpse of her glistening mound shattered his defenses. His feet moved, guided by the stiff rod jutting from under his robe.

  She reached for his cock and caressed it in long, gentle strokes. Unable to stop, a desperate moan passed his lips. The touch of her hand soothed his angst but fueled the burning need to bury himself hilt deep in her sweet wetness.

  On reflex, Tor grabbed her knees and parted her legs. Before she reacted or he untangled his thoughts, he stood poised and ready for entrance. One thing stopped him. Her hand wrapped firmly around his shaft. Every ounce of him shook while he grappled for some slim measure of control. This shouldn’t happen. He tried desperately to catch a full breath, but couldn’t. She filled his every desire.

  But he couldn’t have her. Tor closed his eyes tight. The head of his cock brushed her moist heat and an arrow of need shot straight to his balls. If he didn’t pull back now…he’d be lost.

  * * * * *

  When Deveney first entered the hidden passage, she found several directions from which to choose. Somehow, she’d known exactly where to find him. Instinct guided her to Tor. Anger fueled each step down the hidden stairwell, which landed her at a secret door into his office. It opened without a sound. She’d meant to ask him every question possible the moment she slipped undetected into his office, but the sight of his broad back stilted her breath and increased her heartbeat.

  Somehow she’d managed to keep him from hearing her enter. When he turned around, every nerve ending wired directly to the solid rod tenting his robe. The questions she’d practiced dissipated. An undeniable craving for sex took over. She had to have him. She needed him between her thighs but couldn’t help teasing him.

  It surprised her she’d heard his thoughts in her head. It had to be a part of this magical mating between them. Why’d he want to cut off his balls? Had sex with her offended him to the point he’d rather be a eunuch than enjoy sexual pleasure? The crazed look in his eyes informed her otherwise—he fought the magic.

  Stubborn man.

  A slow, wicked smile upturned her lips the moment he grabbed her knees, pulled her legs apart and stood between them. The tip of his cock rubbed against her moist slit, caused her to moan softly and her nipples pebbled.

  “Tor, why do you fight this?” Deveney asked on a husky breath. Breathing became difficult with him this close, teasing her.

  In a slow, deliberate motion, she hooked her ankles to the back of his thighs and tugged, sinking the head of his cock in her heat. His grip on her knees tightened as if he clung to them for dear life. She read the severe strain in his face. Even though the moment he entered her sheath the beautiful blue glow encased them, he continued to battle the magic.

  “Why don’t you want me?” Deveney sat upright and forced the words from her lips. Inch by slow inch, she eased him deeper. Though she wanted to ride him madly, she resisted and kept the strenuously slow pace.

  “It’s not that I don’t want you, Deveney,” he managed to state between clenched teeth. “It’s the beast within I fear will kill you.”

  The tremble of his cock set her on fire. His words touched her heart. She clasped his face in her hands and forced him to look at her.

  “You let me worry about that little…ole…bear,” she said, punctuating each word by tightening her legs around his hips, pulling him in deeper. “I’m not afraid.”

  “Deveney, it’s not that easy.” His voice came out graveled and sounded as if he were in severe pain. “Sometimes the bear rules me and I can’t control it.”

  The image of the golden bear flared in his eyes, but she refused to back down. She glared directly at the bear and sank his cock in deep at the same time.

  “Man or bear, I am your lifemate, Tor,” Deveney practically growled. “Our magic has combined and grows stronger each time we have sex.” She contracted her inner muscles to enunciate her meaning by gloving his cock tight and continued. “As your woman, I command you to fuck me hard, right here, right now.”

  Deveney let go of his head, then acted on instinct. She plowed a hand in his hair and fisted it. At the same time, she grabbed his shoulder, leaned in and stretched up to bite him where the pulse of his life blood was its greatest, at the point where his neck and shoulder met.

  The immense growl that escaped Tor’s lips invigorated her and urged her to hold on, licking and suckling the spot. Stars shot behind her eyes. Energy sizzled through her veins. And if she were correct, his cock swelled and throbbed inside her to the point s
he thought she’d burst. In no way would she back down. Letting go of his neck, she stared directly into the fierce face of the man she loved.

  “I love you, Tor, and I think I told you to fuck me.” She held his wild-eyed gaze as she poked his chest with her finger. “Back down, bear, it’s the man I want right now.”

  Deveney couldn’t believe her boldness in the face of a man who at any moment could turn into a violent, giant golden bear. But she didn’t care. She wanted him right then and now. Planting her lips to his, she still held his gaze. Kissing him with every ounce of passion she possessed, she witnessed the image of the bear fade.

  Tor’s hands slid to her waist, then up her back, guiding her to lie on the desk. He hadn’t intended to be inside Deveney again, but she made it impossible to avoid. When he felt the inner beast clawing its way to the top, he struggled for control. The swell of his cock was a warning she did not heed. Instead, she stared the beast down and issued a reprimand of her own.

  Her words rang in his ears and coaxed him into action. She wanted him to fuck her and she wanted it now. The sensation of her sheath stretched to accommodate his sudden increase in size urged him to obey. He’d been granite hard for her since he’d left her bedside last night. Being gloved in her warmth soothed him.

  She showed no fear of the bear…for now. What happened if he lost control and transformed during sex? That possibility shredded his heart. He couldn’t lose her that way. He wouldn’t let it happen.

  For now, he’d give her what she wanted.

  The heat of their combined magic engulfed them. The blue glow grew brighter with each pump of their hips. When Tor shoved open the front of her robe, exposing her breasts, heat seared his tongue the moment he captured one plump nipple.

  “Yes, Tor, yes,” she panted, lifted her hips and glided back and forth on his thick shaft. Her hands fisted his hair, urging him to suckle from breast to breast. “Harder, suck my breasts harder.”


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