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Portal to Passion

Page 19

by Nina, Tara

Tor sat a bit too forcefully, shooting the chair out from under him, which landed him hard on the floor. “Ugh,” he groaned. This day took a turn for the worse. Were Sven’s suspicions right? Did Obinu want Deveney? He couldn’t have her. Not as long as I live. Tor growled. He’d protect her to the death.

  A sharp pain shot through his heart at the idea of someone else touching her. In such a short time, this woman wove her magic into every fiber of his being and took his heart captive. Could he live without her? No, he knew he couldn’t and didn’t want to try.

  Eye level with the top of his desk, he realized several tabellaes he’d sent earlier had returned during his discussion with Sven. Righting his chair, he took a seat and skimmed through the growing pile. As soon as he read one, another appeared on his desk via the MMV—magical mailing vortex. The replies were astounding.

  Why hadn’t anyone thought of this before? Because it was only a minor victory, his inner voice whispered. A salve on the bigger problem. If what he’d just learned was truth, then by continuing to shift at will, even while close to the dangerous age of one hundred, tended to add time to a male’s life span before turning Proprius Bestia. It didn’t save them. It simply added days, weeks and in some cases months.

  “At least it buys us some additional time,” he stated.

  He documented the information in a file on his coimpiutair, then forwarded it to Visuvius. This theory couldn’t wait. And neither would the situation with Obinu. Before leaving his office, he contacted the Officer of the Guards, Griswaldin Grizzly, on his mic and ordered an increase in patrols around the palace.

  “Let no one on the grounds without a thorough search.”

  “Consider the palace on lockdown until further notice,” Griswaldin replied, then disconnected.

  Until he figured out what to do about the possible threat from Obinu, Tor planned to take no chances with Deveney’s safety. Without physical proof, a Gathering of the Clans couldn’t be approached. He had only the word of his brother that Obinu plotted against the Bear clan but that was good enough for him. Tor stood, grabbed a cloak off the hook beside his office door and did his best to shield his hardened condition from view.

  A visit to Visuvius’ laboratories was in order. He hoped working with Grandfather Vis would take his mind off Deveney. But he doubted it.

  * * * * *

  She’d achieved the hardest thing she’d ever accomplished when she walked away from Tor. Each step had taken sheer willpower as she placed distance between him and her. She wanted him with every fiber of her body. God, she hoped this plan worked. Both legs trembled by the time she made it into the kitchen and she prayed he hadn’t noticed.

  The aroma of fresh bread tickled her nose the moment she entered the room. Nona and Willow sat at the table waiting for her. Each stood and bowed when she walked toward them. Nona and Willow were her friends. Why did they bow?

  “Come.” Nona gestured to the table. “Sit with us. I have a snack ready for you and a tall glass of milk. You’ll need to eat more than normal to help match the rate of the baby’s growth.”

  Exhaustion caught up to her as she sank into the chair beside Willow. The sight of a large plate of food made her stomach growl loudly. She plucked a handful of grapes and tossed one in her mouth. After chewing it, she looked at Nona.

  “I’m not sure I can do this,” she stated on a heavy sigh. Doubt clouded her tired thoughts. Could she make Tor love her? Could she give birth to a new race of Morphionians? It seemed more lay on her shoulders than she realized at first. Her shoulders sank under the invisible weight of the war she’d chosen to wage with Tor.

  Warm hands touched her shoulders and she lifted her chin to meet the motherly gaze of Nona. “You are not in this alone, child. We are with you.”

  She followed the wave of Nona’s hand and realized they were not alone in the kitchen. Two other women stepped from the far end of the counter where they were working and walked over to her. They placed the large bowls they carried on the table in front of her and bowed their heads in humble acknowledgement.

  “These are my other two daughters, Violet and Chrysanthemum.”

  Before either spoke the table shook, startling Deveney. Nona reached under and tugged out two bear cubs by the scruffs of their necks. Holding them high, she introduced them. “These are my grandchildren, Tiben and Horace.” The bears shivered and changed into young boys as Deveney sat and stared.

  Violet and Chrysanthemum each gathered a boy and wrestled a miniature robe and a gauzelike substance that resembled diapers onto their bodies. The moment they were released, they scurried around the table and climbed into Deveney’s lap. Each stared up at her and smiled.

  Tiben spoke first. “You don’t look different.”

  Horace didn’t speak. He just nodded in agreement as he stared steadily at her.

  “Tiben,” Violet snapped. She hurried to rescue Deveney. “That’s not polite. Forgive me, mistress.” She bowed and tried to pull Tiben from her lap. “He’s only three and already he is a handful.”

  “It’s okay,” Deveney said as she touched Violet’s hand and urged her to leave Tiben. “He’s fine where he is. And please call me Deveney.”

  She looked from one sister to the other. They had similar features. Long blonde hair braided down the back, lovely gray eyes like Nona’s, beautiful round faces and slender frames. They were definitely related to Nona. Their likenesses were remarkable.

  “Mother said you could use our support and friendship,” Chrysanthemum said as she stroked her son’s head. “We are here to give you both.”

  She bowed her head as did her sister. The gesture bothered Deveney. “Why do you bow?”

  The sisters looked from one to another, then to their mother for guidance. Nona answered, “You are the ruler’s mate. That makes you the female of the palace. Your wish is our command. It is a gesture of obedience.”

  “No,” Deveney stated, shaking her head. “Tor has not accepted me. And even if he does, please treat me as your equal. I want to be your friend, not your ruler’s mate.”

  “Whether Tor accepted you or not, we have,” Willow chimed. Her bright smile made Deveney a little more at ease, but not much. “And since we decided you are the new mistress of the palace, we will treat you as such from this time forward.”

  “But we’re friends…” Deveney’s voice trailed. Did this mean things would be different between them? She liked the way they were in the garden before Tor intervened. It was comfortable.

  “It’s the way it has been for many centuries. If we do not show the ruler, his mate and his family respect, then no other clan will,” Violet stated. Tiben lifted his arms, motioned for her to take him and she complied by swinging him onto her hip.

  “Violet’s right,” Willow added as she touched Deveney’s arm. “We bow in your presence when we greet you or when we speak, especially when others are present. It is a sign that we obey the ruling clan’s decisions.”

  Deveney couldn’t believe this. In many ways, these people were more technologically advanced than Earth. But they still maintained a sort of hierarchy to rule their people. Hadn’t they heard of democracy? Didn’t anyone get a vote on the matter? She took a deep breath and tried to calm her thoughts. What she needed was friends at the moment and these women offered that in their own way.

  She thought she had friendship with Willow and Nona. But since they’d made this decision about her, did that change? No. She wouldn’t let it. Thoughts flew through her head at a rapid rate as she struggled with this new dilemma. She took a breath and forced her overactive imagination to halt. The battle to free the people and get them a voice in their lives would have to wait.

  Right now she wanted to win Tor’s heart, convince him to let other women come to Eximius Mundus and save Willow’s brothers and Sven from turning Proprius Bestia. Wow. She exhaled long and hard. That was a lot for any one person to handle. But she was determined to succeed. Absently, she rubbed her tummy and smiled. More than one person dep
ended on her success and she refused to fail her baby. An idea bloomed that she hoped would work.

  “I propose as the future female of the palace that we start a new tradition,” Deveney stated and glanced from one woman to the other. “Whenever we are together, there is to be no bowing. A simple hello, a hug or a smile is fine. We treat each other as equals and become friends. If the bowing thing is important, than we only do it in front of people from other clans. That way, your traditions stay in place and keep peace among the clans, while our new one grows in private.”

  Willow stood, leaned and hugged her. “You know you have my friendship. I will do all that I can to help you with that stubborn bear-headed fool.”

  Violet and Chrysanthemum gasped in disbelief. Nona smiled and joined in on the hug. “You can count on us.”

  Not to be forgotten in the crush of the hug, Horace spoke up in his tiny baby voice. “Me too. Me hug.”

  Laughter filled the room. Willow and Nona released Deveney and she tugged Horace tight. The thrill of being part of a family raced through her. Tiny hands wrapped into her hair and a jam-covered face smashed against hers as they hugged. But she didn’t care. This felt right. This was home.

  Chapter Thirteen

  After hours of laughing, chatting and eating with the ladies and the boys, Deveney returned to her room. She walked through the palace alone and no one bothered her. Nona told her everyone in the palace was aware of her existence and were loyal to the Bear clan. It guaranteed their silence in this matter. She didn’t need to sneak around anymore.

  Men avoided her in the normal customary practice pertaining to a newly mated woman. There were no other women in the palace other than Nona and her girls. That thought tinged her heart with sadness. For such a huge place, its walls deserved to be filled with the laughter and voices of many men, women and children.

  She stood at the top of the stairs and looked around, imagining its once vibrant lifestyle. Sighing, she turned and continued to the room. Her limbs grew heavy with each step. She was exhausted. Bed would be a blessing right about now.

  But she truly wanted a relaxing bath first. It took little effort to unlock the door. She simply wished it so and it happened. A tired smile crossed her lips. Such an accomplishment in magical control made her proud. She stepped out of her robe and laid it on the chair at the desk. Lifting her chin, she sniffed. Tor’s scent drifted faintly in the air. She shook her head, deciding the scent lingered in his room permanently, whether he was in it or not. Naked, she walked directly to the bathroom and took the steps into the tub.

  Warmth embraced her as she floated. This was heaven.

  * * * * *

  Tor took a chance and peeked into his room. No Deveney. Good. He wanted an opportunity to refresh himself before facing her. Now he had a chance to bathe. He missed his oversized tub. Other rooms had similar facilities but not like his. This was his room and his tub and he deserved to relax in it.

  It didn’t go as he had hoped. Relaxation didn’t happen. Thoughts of Deveney filled his head so he desperately revisited the events of his day in an attempt to override his unruly libido.

  Visuvius had occupied his afternoon and kept him busy. Together, they plotted a scientific chart that helped prove Tor’s theory to prolong the inevitable change of unmated men. According to the facts they charted, in several instances, men who frequently changed at will into their inner beast in the months prior to their one-hundredth birthday were able to ward off the permanent shift into Proprius Bestia for almost six months. In these cases, it didn’t gain them more than that, but it was a start. With this added time, they’d have more chances to find a mate. As long as there were women for them. Hopefully, Maven and the Mirror of Azure would help increase their chances as well.

  Tor sighed heavily, letting the soothing waters ease the ache and tiredness as he floated in his tub. The faint sound of footfalls in his bedroom made him sink in the water for shelter. An undeniable scent filled his nose. His hunger for her renewed and his cock hardened in an instant.

  He knew without a doubt Deveney stood in his bathroom. Naked. Every ounce of him craved her. His mouth watered and his heart pounded. Blood pooled in his cock and it stiffened to the point of pain. He swam underwater, away from her, though his desire for her grew. Somehow he managed to resist. The oversized floating island in the tub’s center acted as his shield when he surfaced. Nothing broke the water except for the upper portion of his head to just below his nose. Hidden among the foliage of the floating island, he watched her every move.

  She entered the tub, taking each step in a languorous move. The inching of the water up her thighs had him swallowing hard. She entered the water and flipped onto her back to float.

  Her face seemed serene and at peace. Not fair. How come he suffered the wrath of the mating magic’s undeniable desire when she appeared to go unscathed? Did she not crave him as he did her? Tor hid under the edge of the island as Deveney floated closer. The sight of her backside glistening underwater increased his need to touch her. Balling his fists at his sides, he shut his eyes and dug deep for the strength to resist until the perfect moment for him to attack her arose.

  Something grabbed his cock. His eyes sprang open wide and he gasped underwater. On instinct, he rose to the surface, sputtering and gagging. He hadn’t meant to inhale while submerged. But he hadn’t counted on having his cock grabbed either.

  Laughter filled his ears. Her laughter. It warmed his heart and if he allowed it, a smile would have brightened his face. But he fought it. His eyes glued to her round, luscious breasts as she pulled herself up onto the floating island. Their minute bouncy dance with her movements turned him on even more.

  The picture of her with her hands on her hips, standing with her legs slightly parted in the center of the large, lily-pad-shaped island ignited a fire in him. He wanted her. Her stance appeared as mock intimidation.

  His eyebrow arched and he let slip a thin smile. Did Deveney want to play ruler of the rock, or lily pad, as it was in this situation? Then so be it. One swift lunge placed him at her feet. The sudden movement toppled her on top of him.

  * * * * *

  She knew he hid in the bath. He had not been as fast as he thought when he ducked under the water. His scent in the bathroom was strong and made it difficult for her to control the urge to run to him. Somehow she found the strength to enter the tub as if he wasn’t there. She waited to see what he would do. But he did nothing.

  Intentionally, she floated closer to him and still he did nothing. She sensed the tension in him and knew he wanted her, but resisted. That would not do, she decided when she ducked underwater. He looked so cute with his hands fisted at his sides and his eyes closed. It presented the perfect opportunity for a sneak attack.

  One quick, gentle tug of his rock-solid cock and she stunned him. Deveney released him as quickly as she grabbed him and surfaced. Laughter peeled from her, making it difficult to swim, but she made it to the island and climbed on top as he broke the surface.

  Determined to win this battle of wills, she stood dead center on the floating island and issued a subtle challenge. She stated in a jesting tone, “You and I cannot be together, Tor. And yet, here you are in the bath with me. Have you changed your mind?”

  She did not wait long for his reply. He landed on the island in seconds and knocked her off her feet to land on his chest. The air whooshed from her lungs as she landed. Teasing him had been an adventure.

  Strong arms gathered her close. Warm lips pressed to hers, setting her heart into overdrive. Skin-to-skin contact ignited the fire within their combined chakras, which turned the water in the tub azure blue. Breathless from their kiss, Deveney hovered within millimeters of his lips. “Claim me as your mate, Tor. Make me yours.”

  “Deveney, I want you,” he answered on a hushed breath as he ran a hand through her hair. Her fragrant, musky scent tainted each breath he took. The beat of her heart tapped a steady rhythm against his chest, chiseling away at the thin l
ayer of his resolve to tease her for a moment.

  “There is only one way you can have me, Tor,” Deveney replied and shifted her position.

  Her move placed her legs on either side of his hips. The heat of her sex brushed his cock, making it thump the inside of her thigh. Tor couldn’t think with his cock so close to heaven. The aromatic flavors of his woman contorted his brain. The skin-to-skin contact sent hot rods of need spiraling through his blood to pool in his balls, making them tighten. He wanted her.

  Control over his senses fizzled as desire took command and ruled his body. Unable to stop, he cupped her breasts and thumbed her nipples. Flashes of his inner beast sparked to life in his head as the magic roared to the surface.

  Tor struggled for control as he grappled for the right words but failed miserably. “Deveney, I need to explain. The bear grew stronger every day and I feared it would rule the magic over me. It tore at my insides knowing the bear might win and you would die at his hand. I was weak and believed I could not live with myself should that happen. I—”

  “Tor, look around you,” Deveney blurted. “Do you not see and feel the strength of our connection?”

  He turned his head and noted the luminescent blue of the water. Energy sizzled in the air around them as the color encircled them in a brilliant, magical bubble. In a powerful move he sat upright, keeping her tucked safely on his lap. The position killed him. Her body cradled his cock in the heat of her flesh.

  She cupped his cheeks in her hands and forced his eyes to meet her determined stare. “Ours is a magical mating. Our chakras have blended. The magic has become one. Together, we are strong. Apart, we are merely uncontrolled bursts of magical mayhem.”

  Tor couldn’t help the slight smile that touched his lips at her use of one of Maven’s favorite terms for young magic. More than once, the magi labeled a disastrous try at magical control by him or his brother as magical mayhem. Obviously, the magi taught Deveney.


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