Book Read Free

Clan of Redemption

Page 14

by Rushell Ann


  I dreamt about my Mother again, it was almost the same dream, her at the beach trying to tell me something. I woke up feeling better than I had before I went to sleep. When I woke up, Logan was gone; he must be with the others downstairs.

  I woke up, took a shower, which was mostly cold water, I guess that’s about right for a cabin in the middle of the woods. It felt good to get cleaned up and change my clothes. I put the shirt that Sydney had given me back on, I really liked the shirt, and of course the jacket, especially since it belonged to my mother. I could even faintly smell her essence on the jacket. It was hard to imagine my Mother in this jacket even though she dressed more like a soccer mom. I guess she had a different style when she was younger, but it made me think about her more.

  I slowly made it downstairs and could smell something good cooking; I miss my dads’ cooking. The smell made me feel at home, something I was starting to miss. Was my Dad ok by himself, was he cooking when it was only for him? After Mom died we both relied a lot on each other, and I didn’t realize that until this moment.

  “Jayden, you look deep in thought are you ok?” Sully asked me.

  “Yeah, I’m ok, just thinking about my Dad. Which reminds me, I need to call him, and I bet he’s really worried about me,” I said as I sat down at the kitchen table and started to dish up some French toast.

  “You’re out of luck kid, I already tried to call my aunt and there’s no signal out here, so you’ll have to wait until we get into town before you call your Dad. Man I’m so glad I didn’t grow up in a small town, this would drive me crazy.” Sully stuffed the last of her breakfast in her mouth.

  “Thanks for breakfast Thornton; it’s very nice for you to take care of us this way,” I said.

  “Jayden, I owe you so much, I will be at your beck and call for many moons. You’ve given me back my life, and I might even be able to get my love back.” He said as he looked down with sadness in his eyes.

  “You had a love,” Sully giggled.

  I smacked her on the arm. “Sully, that’s enough. What happen to your love Thornton, if it’s too personal I understand,” I asked glaring at Sully. I love Sully she’s my best bud, but sometimes I swear I wanted to disown her, she had the heart the size of a pea.

  “Her name is Sami! We were supposed to be married until your grandmother changed me. I was shunned from the clan and it’s forbidden to tell any outsider what we are. She wanted to come to me, but I couldn’t let her see me like this. If Catherine found out, I was afraid she’d hurt Sami. I thought about running away with her, but, I didn’t want her to have to live with me in that form all the time. She's so beautiful and has such a big heart; she’s a teacher at the local elementary school," Thornton told us while holding back a lump in his throat.

  “You left without saying goodbye, are you kidding me, what are you an idiot,” Sully said.

  “She wouldn’t have let me leave without her, so I had to,” Thornton said with regret in his voice.

  “You don’t have to justify anything to us that was your decision to make. I’m sure she’ll understand, when you explain it to her.” I said.

  “If I get a chance to see her before the ceremony, I might get a chance to explain, but if I don’t I’ll have to wait,” Thornton said as he cleared the table. I was the last to eat; I guess I slept in a little longer than everyone else did.

  “What ceremony is that?” I asked.

  “So, are you ready to go, Jayden, it’s almost time to meet up with your Grandfather,” Logan said.

  “Yeah, I’m ready, so what’s the plan? Sully is coming too?” I asked.

  “Please, I have to have some social interaction, if I stay here another minute, I might turn into a beast and run away,” Sully said while looking at Thornton.

  “No offense, Thornton, I didn’t mean anything towards you,” She said with a smile.

  Always goading the animals.

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Sully, Jayden's Grandfather has some things to talk to her about, and I’m sure he’d like some privacy.” Logan said.

  “You aren’t the boss of me, mutt, so don’t think you can tell me when and where I can go,” Sully said.

  Logan started to growl.

  “Ok, let’s just all take it easy. How about we drop Sully off when we're in town and she can meet us back at the car, does that sound ok?” I asked.

  “That’s fine,” Logan said as he left the kitchen.

  “Sully, does that sound ok to you, then you can look around town a little and not feel so locked up. Will you do me a favor though, please take it easy on Logan, he’s just trying to do his job, and it’s hard when you’re constantly undermining him,” I said as I touched her arm with affection.

  “Yeah, I’ll try, but it’s hard when he looks like your neighborhood dog,” Sully said as she grinned a little.

  “Is there anything I can do for you Jayden?” Thornton asked.

  “No, but thank you for everything already,” I said as I walked out into the living room.

  Logan was sitting staring out the window, I can imagine he’s worried about me, but I’m worried about him. When does he get to be his human self again.

  “Logan, is there something on your mind, I really need to know. You’ve been quite ever since we left Sydney’s?” I asked him as I squatted down to be next to his face.

  “I’m just having a hard time in this form, I want to be able to be there for you like I always have been, but I can’t do much like this.” Logan said.

  “To have you be alive I will take you in any form I can get,” I said as I realized there wasn’t anything I could say that would make him feel better. Maybe I could change him back? I changed Thornton, I could change Logan.

  "Jayden, forget it. While I'm your protector I have to be in this form. It's the deal I made and I'm changing that. Let it go," he said and walked away from me.

  Sully, Logan and I all piled into the car and took off towards Long Beach to meet up with Grandfather. I'm excited to see him again, but I’m hoping our get together is a little less interrupted.

  We parked the car in a lot behind the bookstore. Maybe I could look around a little, maybe pick up a book or two. I didn’t realize how popular this little town is. The streets with swarming with people bouncing in and out of the stores.

  “I’ll meet you guys back here in about an hour. I’m going to see if there is anything fun to do in this…well I wouldn’t even call it a town.” Sully said as she started to walk away.

  “Sully, wait.” I ran up to Sully and gave her a big hug.

  “You’re squeezing me really hard, I think you can let go now.” Sully said as she pulled away.

  “I just want you to know how glad I am that you are here, I know being this isolated is really hard for you, but it means a lot to me.” I said as I pulled away from her. "And you're taking all this weirdness really well. I'm kinda waiting for you to blow," I winced.

  “Ok, kid, I get it, I’m glad that you’re glad. I don't know why all this shape shifter, magic stuff isn't affecting me, but I'm glad that it's not,” Sully said as she looked a little embarrassed.

  “Sully, please try to keep out of trouble, I don’t think I could handle it if anything happened to you,” I said as she turned and started to walk away.

  “If I get into trouble, I’m letting you know ahead of time that it wasn’t my fault, they deserved it,” she said over her shoulder with a smile.

  That smile, man I'm going to be in trouble.

  I stood there for a minute watching Sully, I had a feeling this wasn’t a good idea anymore.

  “Jayden, let’s go,” Logan barked out at me.

  “Logan, maybe you should go with her. I don’t like being separated. I’m not getting a good feeling,” I said as I watched her round the corner and she was no longer in view.

  “I can’t leave you Jayden, she’ll be fine. I risk putting you in harm's way and I won’t do that,” he said.
  “Logan, what if something happens to her, could you live with yourself?” I asked him as we started to walk to the book store.

  “Sully is a very strong girl; I can’t imagine anyone getting the take on her. Besides, she wouldn’t want me to follow her around,” Logan said.

  We walked through the parking lot and around the side of the many buildings that all seem to be attached. The town is small but has lots of personality, with its kite shops, shops that have great trinkets, and of course the go carts. It reminds me of home, which makes me feel at ease. I wonder if that’s why Mom chose to live in a small town, because it reminded her of home.

  I walked into the bookstore feeling a little anxious, with the anticipation of what my grandfather was going to say to me. I want to get to know him, but I feel something’s missing with my Mother not being here. He was sitting in a corner of the bookstore with his legs crossed at the ankles, sipping on a drink, like he didn't have a care in the world. He reminded me of my Dad when he would get enthralled in a book sitting in his overstuffed chair.

  I stood there for a second not sure what to do, I wanted to run up to him and give him a big hug, but he is a stranger to me. I thought he looked sort of regal with his salt and pepper hair, it made me think of him as a person I couldn’t talk to; someone out of my league.

  “Jayden, what are you waiting for, he can read thoughts if you let your guard down, but wouldn’t you rather tell him how your feeling instead of him invading your mind.” Logan said as he looked up at me.

  “Would he really do that?” I asked wondering how someone could want to take away the excitement of wondering what they were going to say.

  “Your Grandfather is not that sort of shape shifter, but if you stand here long enough, it might make him curious.” Logan said as he nudged me with his nose to start walking.

  I walked over to the table as fast as I could; it almost felt like a first date might. Not that I would know what that felt like, Logan was the only boy that I ever hung out with and I wouldn’t say that we ever really went on a date.

  “Hi Jayden dear, how are you?” He asked me with that soft warm smile. He gestured with his hand for me to sit across from him.

  “I’m ok….actually I’m a little nervous, I wished that I wasn’t, but I feel like were strangers and I’m not sure what to say to you,” I said as I looked down at my hands in my lap.

  “You shouldn’t feel nervous, I know that I wasn’t around you growing up, but try to think of me as a long lost friend. He said as he reached his hand out to me.

  I took his hand and I instantly felt better, I could feel his love for me spewing through him and into me.

  “You’re staring at me!” I said with embarrassment.

  “You look just like your Mother,” he said.

  “Maybe a little bit?” I felt my cheeks start to burn.

  “I took the liberty of ordering you a mocha, I wasn’t sure if you even drank coffee or not,” he said as his face seemed to get serious.

  “Thanks, this is fine,” I said.

  “I knew that you would come one day, I just wasn’t prepared for it to be so soon.”

  “You’ve been waiting for me? If that’s true, then why didn’t you try to find me, so that we could of known each other sooner?” I said, realizing that my feelings were hurt that I hadn’t known my grandparents.

  “You’re mother was basically thrown out of our society for not wanting to follow the laws, and in doing so, I was never able to contact you.”

  “What about after she died, how come you didn’t come find me then?” I said as it sounded like I was a kid throwing a fit.

  “It’s complicated, but for your safety, I didn’t want to risk it. Not until you turned 18 were you allowed to be acknowledged,” he said as he sipped on his coffee.

  “So now that I am 18 and I’ve been acknowledged, now what?” I asked.

  “Well you have to decide if this is what you want. Your Mother didn’t want this and you have the same right that she had to decide for yourself.” he said.

  I could tell that he was almost pushing me towards running away, was it this bad to be part of these people. They all seemed very nice, everyone except my Grandmother, she seemed a little up tight.

  “I came here because I want to know the truth.” I said as I realized that I hadn’t decided, but what really do I have to decide. Why can't I be family and not live here?

  “Jayden, that was a great way to avoid my question, but this is serious, you really need to decide if you want this life. There are rules that you will have to follow and some of them you might not like.” he said as he seemed to look at me with question in his eyes.

  “How am I supposed to decide what I want when I don’t know I’m in for?” I asked as I reached up and started to rub my necklace, it was feeling warm against my chest.

  “So let’s talk about the necklace and the ring, I can see that you’ve started to get comfortable with it.” He repositioned himself, like the conversation was going to start to get complicated.

  “I forget that I have it sometimes, until it starts to warm up then I remember it’s there,” I said.

  “Well the ring and necklace are a set and they belong together and they help whoever owns them, fulfill their destiny. That’s why people have been trying to hurt you; they want the ring and necklace,” Grandfather said.

  “What is it about this necklace and ring that’s got so many people trying to kill me?” I asked.

  “The ring by its self is powerful and same with the necklace, but together they will mold with the wearer and become very powerful. Your grandmother was in line for that power, but the necklace was stolen when Grace was born. It was something that tore the clan apart and made your Grandmother more determined to have the power.” I sat and listened getting more frightened just thinking about it.

  “Does Grandmother know that I have the necklace?” I asked and had to clear my throat. I'm not sure that I want the wrath from her.

  “I wouldn’t say that she knows for sure, but we all felt the power as soon as it was reunited with the ring. They yearn for each other, they are a sister pair, they belong together. We need to decide what our plan is for telling her that you have it, this is a very delicate situation, we don’t want this to turn into a big fight, which it probably will. Where did you find the necklace anyway?” Grandfather asked me. He seemed sincere in asking, but my Mom's letter kept stopping me from telling all my secrets.

  “It was given to me, I didn’t find it,” I said with a smile, hoping he didn't pry. I would hate to have to lie to him.

  “Ok, you don’t have to tell me…I understand your hesitation, but remember I love you very much Jayden. You never have to be afraid of me,” he said with a warm smile.

  “I’m not afraid of you, and I know that you care about me, but I don’t want to put the person that gave it to me in danger,” I said, thinking about Sully and what she might be up to.

  “So, you’re coming for lunch at one right?” Grandfather said.

  “Yes, I guess I am. So…Grandmother isn’t going to try to kill me, or anything is she?” I asked, thinking about my question sounding preposterous, but from what I’ve heard that’s what kind of person she is or what she's capable of.

  “To be honest Jayden, I'm not sure. I thought I married a women that would never do the things that she's done, but she going to want what you have, and she’ll do a lot to get it. I think we need to wait to tell her about the necklace, at least until you have decided if you’re ready for this life. It’s a huge commitment, there are a lot of people that are counting on you, plus you would need to help bring the clans back together, and stand up to your Grandmother,” he said as I noticed he had finished his coffee.

  “So, what is all this about the clan's being divided? I’ve heard that a few times, but no one wants to elaborate on it.”

  “Well since your Grandmother lost the necklace, she lost some of her power, it has made a few of
the more dominate shape shifters want to try to take over the thrown. Your Grandmother has managed to fend them off, but I’ve heard through the grape vine that Clint’s clan is mustering up a plan to try to take your Grandmother out of power.” He seemed not to care about that last statement. Actually he seems like he doesn't stand by his wife at all.

  “If I accept my new life as a shape shifter...” I started to finish.

  “You mean as princess,” he said.

  Princess, that just sounds bizzare.

  “Yes, I mean as princess," I rolled my eyes. "What will I have to do, what are the responsibilities that I have to look forward to?” I said as I realized that I hadn’t made up my mind.

  “Well unfortunately I cannot tell you any of that, it’s part of the rite of passage. You have to decide to take the position before you are crowned and then you find out what you are signing up for. You have a disadvantage that your Mother didn't have. She grew up a shape shifter, she knew the life we lead. I know it doesn’t sound fair, but that’s what takes the most commitment, is going in blind but knowing that’s what you want to do,” he said.

  “That doesn’t seem fair, it’s not like that in life, and you get to know what you’re in for before you have to commit to the job. Why would it be any different in this….well community I guess you could call it. If mother would have never left I would have been raised knowing what I was up for. Why is this different?” I asked.

  “Well I would say that it’s because the person that is going to lead our shape shifters needs to be strong person that won’t sway when it comes to crunch time. I do agree with this part of our tradition, it makes things a little more exciting too.” Grandfather smiled.

  Exciting, um I don't think so.

  “So, was there anything else that you wanted to talk about?” I tried to hide my annoyance.

  “Not really, just wanted to find out how you’re handling your new powers, and if you’ve got them under control?” he asked.

  “Well I’m handling them, I wouldn’t say that I have them under control, but I am handling them,” I said, even though I didn’t have any confidence in myself.

  “Stewart, I was wondering if had heard anything about the rebel clan? Are they trying to hurt Jayden, what are their intentions?” Logan asked.

  I physically jumped up a little when I heard Logan. I had forgot he was there. Guess I should pay more attention.

  I guess I never asked my Grandfather what his name was, Stewart, it sounded nice but firm.

  “No, Logan, I haven’t, my inside person hasn’t been able to get back to me in days. I am hoping that she's ok.” Grandfather answered with concern.

  “Sami, isn’t it?” Logan asked.

  “Yes, after what happened to Thornton, and the rebel clan taking her as a bride to be, she was very willing to help me with information,” he said.

  “Sami, isn’t that the girl that Thornton was dating?” I asked, realizing that I wasn’t in this conversation.

  “Yes, the same one,” Logan said as he continued to talk to Grandfather.

  "Bride to be, please tell me you've moved into the 21st century," I pleaded.

  I started to wander off in my head, thinking about what it would be like to be a queen. I’m not sure why I’m even thinking about that, but just thinking about being a princess is hard for me to imagine. Could I really live here, in this strange town, with no family, well no family that I really know, and be a leader to these shape shifters? Was is that bad, is that what made my Mother choose to leave? I really wished that she was here, I want to ask her what made her leave, what was so bad?

  “Jayden, did you hear me?” Logan nudged me with his nose.

  “What?” I said realizing that I missed that last part of their conversation.

  Guess I'd have to stop doing that if I decided to be a princess.

  “The council is asking for a meeting.” Logan said as he sighed.

  “Yes, I heard that too. I’m not sure that Jayden is ready yet. They might ask for the trials.” Grandfather asked.

  “Trials? What are you two talking about? I am right here, you can talk to me.” I said with anger.

  “Sorry dear, Logan is talking about the council. It’s a group of shape shifter elders that are there to help the clan make decisions and see that our laws are followed. The King or Queen of our clan has final say in matters as long as it doesn't go against our laws,” he said as he looked around.

  “What trials are you talking about?” I asked with worry.

  “Don’t worry about that right now, I think you need to worry about your friend.” Grandfather said as he stood up.

  “What friend.. what are you talking about?” I asked.

  “Can’t you feel it, Jayden?” Logan asked me.

  “I feel angry, but I think that’s because…..well, I’m really not sure why I’m angry,” I said as I realized that the anger I was feeling seemed not like me, not the kind of anger that I would feel.

  Oh shit..Sully.

  Sometimes being friends with her is like having a large child, or at least I would assume.

  “It’s your friend Sully, Jayden, she’s in trouble! You both need to go, I will see you at 1pm,” Grandfather said as he started to rush away.

  “But I have so many more questions, and we didn’t get to spend as much time together as I had hoped,” I said. I knew that Sully could take care of herself, and I felt very selfish wanting to stay with my Grandfather instead of helping my friend.

  “Jayden, your Grandfather is right. This isn’t the kind of trouble that Sully can get out of, we really need to go now.”

  “We’ll have time later dear, don’t worry,” he said as he bent down and kissed me on the forehead.

  Logan and I ran out of the bookstore and out onto the side walk of the main road. I started to feel panic overwhelm me. Now I knew that she was in trouble, I guess I wasn’t concentrating enough.

  “Logan, she’s really in trouble, how are we going to find her?” I asked.

  “It’s you that needs to find her, I can sniff her out, but you’ll have to tell me the general vicinity,” he said as he was sniffing around the ground trying to pick up Sully’s sent.

  I closed my eyes and tried to picture where she might be, but all I could see was gray.

  “You need to tap into your power, I know this is new for you, but you need to think about Sully, what she looks like, how you feel about her. Most of your power is on emotions, so use those fears that you have to find her.” Logan said as he continued to sniff around the store fronts.

  I closed my eyes again and tried to relax, I let my shoulders drop and I started to breath deep. I could feel the warm come from deep inside my body, like a fever without the fatigue. I pictured Sully standing next to her truck, with her arm resting on the hood, her legs crossed and her smile that says “I’m trouble”. Her sent is something between oil, dirt and an almost sweet vanilla. The vanilla might be from her incents in the truck, but that’s the smell I thought of.

  With a flash of light, the gray started to take form, I could see something, it was a car, no, a bunch of cars, small cars. I could see what looked like murals on a wall, lots of tires, but it was a little hazy still.

  “Can you see anything yet?” Logan asked me after he realized that the scent had been muffled with time and people walking past. It seemed very busy for 9am.

  “I see cars, but there small cars, almost toy cars,” I said as I was trying to get the image back.

  “I saw some carnival type rides on our way into town, let’s head straight and see if we can pick anything up,” Logan said as he started running ahead of me.

  “Hey, wait up, you being a dog and all, you’re out running me," I said as I starting running too.

  Logan realized that he was half a block ahead of me and stopped to wait, I caught up to him in no time. I wonder if me being a shape shifter was enhancing my running speed.

  “I’m not even out of breath, is that normal?” I

  “Yeah, being a shape shifter has many advantages, one of them is you have more endurance than before,” Logan said as he kept running towards the main part of town.

  “What other benefits come with it?”

  “Jayden, I know that this all exciting, and you have a ton of questions, but you really need to focus on Sully,” he said as I realized that I had almost forgotten about her. This isn’t like me, my friends have always come first, why all of a sudden am I losing my train of thought.

  “Right, sorry,” I said as I tried to concentrate and run at the same time. How was I suppose to close my eyes and run at the same time, without falling on my face.

  “Logan, I have to stop for a minute, I can’t try and picture where Sully’s at and run with my eyes open at the same time,” I said as I stopped.

  Logan stopped and walked over to me and sat next to me like any well trained house dog, the only difference is mine talks and oh yeah, he can transform back into a human body, well he says he can.

  I closed my eyes and tried to focus on the last image that I had before we starting running, but I couldn’t get anything, just darkness.

  “I’m not getting anything, just dark. I really don’t know what I’m doing, let’s just get to the rides and go from there.” I said with frustration.

  “Ok, Jayden, just relax, I’m just worried about Sully,” he said as we both starting jogging back down the street. I could see up about a block and half up the street where the buildings opened up and the rides were in view. I started scanning the crowds of people for Sully, but I didn’t see here.

  “Follow me, I think I picked up here scent,” Logan said as he ran up to a building. As we got closer I could tell that this was the spot that I had last seen Sully; it was the bumper cars.

  Logan walked up to a boy who was manning the ride, and continued to sniff around him.

  “You have a beautiful dog, what’s her name?” The boy asked me.

  “Oh, it’s a boy and his name is L..Saska.” I said as I realized that I had to play the part of dog owner in front of people.

  “You should be careful, there is a leash law, and the cops would love to give out of towners tickets,” he said as he reached down and pet Saska.

  “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Did this guy never learn you ask to pet a dog.

  I'm surprised Logan didn't take a nip.

  “Jayden, you need to ask him about Sully, see if he remembers her,” Logan said.

  “I will, just give me a minute,” I said impatiently.

  “I’m sorry, you will what?” asked the boy.

  I forgot to talk inside my head, that’s one that will get me in trouble if I’m not careful.

  “I’m looking for a friend, she’s short, about 5 foot, she’s got blond hair with blue streaks. I think she was just here not too long ago,” I said as I could see in his eyes that he knew who I was talking about.

  “Yeah, she left about 15 minutes ago with a group of people,” he said.

  “A group of people, what people, what did they look like?” I asked.

  “Jayden, ask him which way they went.”

  “Oh right, did you happen to see which way they went?” I asked him as I glared down at Logan. Him bossing me around was starting to get on my last nerve.

  “They seemed like they were heading to the beach approach,” he pointed towards the water.

  “Thanks,” I said as I started to walk away.

  “Not that it matters, but I don’t think she wanted to go with them, she seemed really upset,” he said.

  I turned around and my anger burst threw me like I had not control.

  “You knew that she was in trouble and you didn’t do anything.” I yelled like I had never yelled before.

  Before the young boy could respond, lightening struck just a few feet from me and thunder rolled through the town like we were living inside the drum itself.

  “Wow, did you see the lightening, it almost hit you. I thought it was suppose to be sunny all week, that weather change here is really bizarre.” The young kid said as he stepped out from under a cover and looked up into the sky.

  “I would be careful if I were you, I wouldn’t want you to be struck by lightning. And could you please answer my question before I get the police involved myself. I’m sure they would want to know that someone that is supposed to be watching out for peoples safety let a girl get kidnapped.” I said as I folded my arms.

  “Hey, I didn’t say she was kidnapped, I just said I thought that she didn’t look happy about going anywhere with them, plus, they were locals, and they aren’t the kind of locals that I want to mess with. Sorry lady, but I like my face,” he said as he went back to his post and starting helping people out of the cars.

  “Are you saying that you know the people that she went with?” I asked hopeful.

  “Yes, everyone knows them, they're the trouble makers in town, but they have powerful parents, so everyone leaves them alone. Anyway lady, I have to get back to work before I get fired, it’s not like there are tons of jobs in this town,” he said as he starting taking tickets for the next round of banged up bumper cars. That's what the sign said.

  Logan and I took off together towards the beach approach without even talking to each other. Was Sully really kidnapped, and why would they want her, had she done something to get herself in trouble. Where they going to hurt her, was it because of me that they took her?

  “We should stop here and think about what were going to do, what our game plan is?” Logan stopped about a half mile from the approach.

  “How can we have a game plan when we don’t even know where they are?” I asked.

  “I can tell from the smell that they went this way, that’s not to say that they are anywhere close. I just don’t want anything to take us by surprise,” Logan said.

  “Well I’m sure that you want to have it all planned out, but I just want to get Sully back and I don’t care if we have a plan.” I said as I started to walk away from Logan. If Logan thinks that we are going to waste time trying to figure out how to handle this, he can just be left behind. I’m starting to wonder if having him around is a good idea.

  “Be careful Jayden, your thoughts are starting to seep through,” he said as he tried to pretend that he didn’t hear what I was thinking.

  I started running up the slight hill with worry in my heart for my friend. What have I gotten her into, what if something happens to her? As I started to think about her again, I heard another voice in my head, one that I didn’t recognize.

  “Well hello princess, how are we doing today?” The voice said. It sounded male, possibly my age, maybe a few years older.

  “I’ve been better. What do you want, why are you holding my friend?” I asked with a hurried tone.

  “One question at a time, please, I can’t think that fast.” The voice laughed, but one I didn’t want to hear again.

  “Fine, what do you want with my friend?” I asked as I stopped walking so I could concentrate on his voice.

  “Jayden, who are you talking to?” Logan asked as he caught up to me.

  I just looked at him and put my hand up, trying to tell him to wait a minute. I was afraid if I tried to have two different conversations at the same time, I might lose the important one.

  “She’s fun to mess with, but you’re the one that I really want,” he said.

  “Ok, so when can I get my friend back, she hasn’t done anything to you, please just let her go,” I said with as firm a voice as I could muster, I’ve never been good at demanding anything in my life.

  “Patience, patience, that time will come. I wouldn’t try looking for her; it will just make it worse. You will see me soon, and then you will have the chance to retrieve your friend,” he said and then I couldn’t hear anything anymore.

  “Hello, are you still there?” I asked, but I could tell the connection was lost. The blank sound on the other end.


  “Jayden, what is it?” Logan asked me.

  “It was a voice, someone, a man," I shook my head. "I don’t know who it is, but they have Sully,” I said as I started to cry. How could I let this happen, all I wanted to do, was find out about my Mother, about my lost family. I hadn't had to deal with anything massive like this in my life. I was getting the feeling that I wasn't cut out for it.

  “What did they say, what do they want? Did they say where they were holding her, where she might be?” he asked.

  “No, they said that they want me and will let me know later, or they will see me later. I don’t remember and please stop asking me,” I yelled.

  Logan walked up to me and sat down as dogs do when they want attention. He took his wet cold nose and rubbed it on my legs.

  “I’m sorry Jayden, I want to get Sully back as much as you do, and I’m just trying to help,” he said as I realized that I had lost my temper again, this is becoming more often.

  “It’s not your fault Logan, I am really sorry, this is just becoming a little more than I can handle. This guy said that I will see him soon and I can have Sully back,” I said as I bent down and petted his head. I really need my friend to be in human form, it’s hard for me to take comfort from him in his animal form.

  “Nice looking dog you got there, what breed is it?” A guy asked that was walking by.

  “Oh, thanks, he’s the best kind,” I said as I hugged Logan letting him know that I wasn’t mad at him.

  “So what do we do now Logan? He said not to try and find her or it would be bad,” I said as I stood up.

  “Then let’s just keep our appointment with your Grandmother today and deal with Sully afterwards.” Logan kept his eye on the people walking around.

  “Do you see something, Logan?” I asked.

  “No, but I smell something, I’m not sure what it is, or where it’s coming from.” He looked back at me.

  “Well, I really need to sit down for a minute, let’s go back by the rides, I saw a coffee shop, I really need a mocha drink or something,” I said as we started walking.

  We walked a few blocks back the way that we had come and found a quaint coffee shop. They also made homemade pastries, from drop cookies to pies. This town sure had what I liked, that's a plus.

  “Logan, do you want a pastry?” I asked as I ordered my coffee.

  “I’ll take a piece of that berry pie. It’s been a long time since I’ve had homemade pie,” he said as he went and laid on the floor next to a table that I assumed he wanted me to sit at.

  “Along with the mocha, I’ll take a piece of that berry pie and one of those drop cookies please,” I asked the gal behind the counter.

  I went and sat down at the table that Logan had picked out with my coffee and sat in silence as we waited for our snack. I could see that the two gals behind the counter thought it was odd that I had talked to my dog like a person; I thought at one point that I heard her say “Did she really just ask her dog if he wanted something?” I was getting used to people starring at me, but I hate talking in my head, it’s harder than just talking out loud.

  What I should be finding curious is that most of the people working in this town haven't really said much about me bringing a dog into their places of business. I'm pretty sure that unless a dog had a service vest they can't go in.

  “Don’t worry about those girls, Jayden; they just think you’re a little strange.” he said.

  I looked at him and wished in that moment that I could see his face. Logan's smiles always made me feel better.

  “Well I guess I am a little strange, do you think I should turn into a skunk and spray them, and then they might really think I’m strange,” I said as I made myself giggle a little. I needed to laugh right now, my world is turning upside down and I feel like I’m drowning.

  “How’s the cookie?” he asked as he finished licking the plate that I had set down on the floor for him.

  “It’s really good, I haven’t had one this good since my Mom was alive,” I said as I had a flash memory of making these cookies with her. She loved to bake, and I loved to help her. She always made sure that I was involved; it was almost like she knew that she didn’t have all the time in the world like most families.

  “Logan, do you think that my Mother knew that she might die early?” I asked him.

  “I’m sure that she knew that she was in danger, she was royalty in our world and in every “kingdom” you always have those that want to do you harm, especially when they have as much power as your Mother and you have,” Logan said.

  “So, what are our plans until brunch with Grandmamma?” I said with sarcasm.

  “Well, that’s up to you, would you like to go back to the cabin, or we can look around town. Just remember I can’t go into every shop with you, I am a dog,” he said, as if I might have forgotten.

  "That's the thing, other than the first day, not one person has really said anything or really lifted an eyebrow. Don't you find that strange?"

  "Strange?" he laughed. "You're talking to a dog and you think that isn't strange?"


  Like I was going to argue with a dog!

  “We can look at some of the shops on our way back towards the car. With Sully being kidnapped I’m really not in the mood to shop, but I would love to come back with Sully when we get her back!” I said as I stressed the getting her back.

  “Getting Sully back won’t be easy, but I promise you we will,” Logan said.

  We walked back to the car, slowly and in silence. I looked through some of the windows of the shops; they seemed to have unique items that you don’t see every day. I wonder if my Mom enjoyed this small town.


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