Book Read Free

Clan of Redemption

Page 15

by Rushell Ann

  Chapter 9

  The Meeting

  When we got back to the car, I noticed a piece of paper on the windshield. I can’t believe that people actually solicit in these small towns. I opened up the paper and found a note from someone in my Grandmothers staff.

  Dear Jayden,

  Your Grandmother has requested your presence at her home at once. Do not delay.

  “Logan, what’s this, my Grandmother tracked me down and left a note on my car. How did she find me, this is just crazy,” I said as I folded up the paper and put it in my back pocket.

  “She wants us to come to her house early, right?” Logan said, like he knew this would happen.

  “Yes, right now, with no delay!” I said as it made me angry. The only person in my life that tells me when I have to hurry is my coach and my Dad. I’m not use to people telling me when and where to go, but I've always been one to go with the flow. Maybe growing up means sticking up for yourself and not following the crowd.

  “Well we better go, you don’t want to upset her, I’ve heard that she has a habit of punishing shifters that don’t listen to her,” he said as he jumped in the car after I opened the door. "Plus I don't want you to have to show your hand yet and her upsetting you will trigger the power you are holding."

  “It just seems weird,” I said as I got in the driver's seat and started the car.

  I sure did like the feeling of the monster of an engine that my Dad installed.

  “What’s weird?” he asked.

  “That my Mother and I are related to Catherine, she seems so evil and my Mother and I are so opposites, neither one of us have a mean bone in our body.

  “You and your Mother take after your Grandfather; he’s a very smart and sensitive man,” Logan said as he looked out the window.

  “So what’s going to happen today, do you know what she wants to talk to me about?” I asked Logan, even though I knew that he had no idea either. He seemed as lost as I was.

  “I have some ideas, but not really. I had some training from my mother and the time that I did spend with my father he tried to teach me what he could until he died. With your grandmother, she is top dog, and when someone challenges her, she lashes out. To get past that you have to make her not feel threatened,” Logan said as we pulled up the long driveway to this monster of a house. I would say it’s the largest house I’ve ever seen in person.

  We pulled up in rounded about driveway and some was waiting there to open our doors.

  “Logan, what is this, why are there all these people outside. It looks like they’re parking cars. I thought this was just us for lunch?" I asked him as we got out of the car.

  “Well it seems that she has other plans, which is not unlike her either. Just be on your guard, try really hard not to have your feelings right in front; hide your thoughts from her,” he said as we walked up the stair case.

  “Easy for you to say, I have no idea how to do that, well not really,” I said as I remembered hiding some of my feelings from Logan.

  “You haven’t been very good at hiding them from me, even though you think you are,” he said as he sat at the front door.

  “What do you mean, what did you hear?” I said while I was freaking out inside.

  “I’m sorry, this wasn’t the best time to talk about this, just forget that I said anything,” he said as the door opened before I could knock.

  “Please follow me,” a man said.

  “His body language reminds me of a robot, and he is so friendly,” I said sarcastically.

  “Good job, but let’s not talk too much right now, you need to try and block your mind,” he said as we followed this man into a room I hadn’t been in before. The room was enormous, with ceilings that had to be over 20 feet tall. The decorations in here were more from another time and place. There was a long table to the right of the room with a few chairs facing the rest of the room, and my Grandmother was seated at the one in the middle.

  “Welcome, Jayden, thank you for coming so soon. Please, come sit next to me,” she said as she gestured for me to sit on her right.

  Before I got all the way to the table, a door that was close to the table opened and in walked Grandfather.

  “Jayden, I would like to introduce you to your Grandfather, Stewart,” Catherine said as she stood up.

  “Nice to meet you,” I said as I went over to shake his hand. This introduction was very strange to me since I had to pretend that I didn’t know him.

  “It’s very nice to finally meet you Jayden, you are a spitting image of your Mother,” he said as he sat on my Grandmothers left.

  I took my seat next to Grandmother and Logan laid down behind my chair. I noticed that I was very nervous and I wasn’t sure why, maybe because of all the stories everyone has been telling me about my Grandmother, and because of the choice that I have to make.

  “So, Grandmother why did you ask me here early, I thought we were doing lunch?” I asked trying to get to what she wanted.

  “In due time dear, but first you need to come clean about your dog,” she said.

  “Come clean, what are you talking about?” I asked as I looked back at Logan.

  “I wouldn’t suggest that you try to lie to me, the punishment would not fit the small lie, and besides, I would hate to see you in pain,” she said so easily.

  Before I could say another word, Logan got up, walked around to the front of the table, and sat in front of Grandmother.

  “I am sorry for the defiance, your Queen, but I was told to guard Jayden and to stay hidden, and for that I am sorry,” Logan said.

  “Well don’t think that I didn’t know who you were the minute you walked into my house, but I let you both think what you wanted. Now, I want to know on who’s authority do you serve Jayden and not your Queen,” she asked. Her voice was starting to raise, I think the time for hiding was over.

  “I was ordered by my father and the council to shift and protect the princess. I did not think that I was doing anything against you,” Logan said as he lowered his head.

  “That’s where you were wrong….you thought. Who on the council instructed you to shift and protect Jayden?” she asked.

  Oh shit.

  “I did,” said a voice from the back of the room.

  A person in a cloak walked into the room and stood beside Logan.

  “And who do you think you are, going behind my back?” Catherine asked.

  “With all due respect, my Queen, she is the princess and she was to be protected following her 18th birthday,” The person behind the cloak said.

  Before my Grandmother could speak another word, the person under the cloak slowly pulled back the hood.

  “Father!” Logan yelled.

  In front of everyone, Logan transformed like a diamond finding it’s sparkle, into his human form. Is this what they all saw when I shifted into my dog form, it was amazing, beautiful, breath taking.

  Logan was squatting on the floor completely naked, but I had to go to him, I had to hold him. I got up from my chair and ran as fast as I could and threw myself in his arms, which knocked us both over. I was crying uncontrollably for several minutes before Logan grabbed my face with both of his hand and looked me in the eyes and said, “Well I’m glad to see you too, but I was always here, just not in the same form.” He was searching my eyes for something.

  “I know Logan, but it’s not the same…you’re here, with me,” I said as I wiped my eyes.

  “I’ve always been here for you, since the first day we met,” he said as he gave me that boyish grin that I remember from kindergarten.

  “Jayden, I know that you are excited to see me in this form, but I just found out that my father is standing next to you, not dead, and I haven’t seen him in 11 years,” he said as he looked over at his father with those eyes that say “What is going on?”

  “Right, oh yes, I’ll get out of the way, I’m very sorry,” I said as I moved over so Logan could face his dad, who was supposed to be de

  Logan walked over and stood in front of his father for what seemed like forever and finally hugged him with every inch of his strength.

  “I missed you too, buddy,” Logan’s dad said.

  I could see the tears welling up inside of both of them and I realized that I was still crying. These emotions are becoming an everyday thing around here, I’m not sure if I like this.

  “So, Xavier, I see that the rumors that you are dead…were wrong,” Grandmother Catherine said.

  “Yes, my Queen they were wrong..I’m sorry for the deception, but I did it to protect Jayden. It was necessary,” he said as he bowed to her.

  “Was it also you that told your son to shift and fake his own death as well?” she asked.

  “It was the entire council that made that decision, but since I am in the council I was part of that decision,” he said.

  I couldn’t keep my eyes off of Logan’s Dad, Xavier. He reminded me of Logan so much, he was a bit older of course, but he had those green eyes that looked like jewels. He was a bit taller than Logan and his hair was a tint darker than Logan’s, but what looked like blond high lights. His face was oval like Logan’s but with a little bit more rounded features.

  “I would like to know what right the council had to make these types of decisions behind my back?” she asked.

  “My daughter left of her own accord, she did not warrant protection, and for that matter you left our clan as well. What right did you have to protect any of them?” she asked.

  “This is all pointless now that Jayden is here, we need to focus on the issues at hand,” Xavier stated.

  “You will answer my questions, before I get angry,” she said.

  “Catherine, let’s listen to what Xavier has to say. If the council was part of all this, and had their consent, it is in his right to have done all these things,” Grandfather said.

  “Huh, council, we don’t need a council, we have a queen, me. I make the decisions around here,” she said.

  “Forgive me Catherine, but the council has been in place since our clans began and they are there to make sure that our Queen does not step outside her boundaries,” he said.

  It seemed like Logan’s father was not afraid of my Grandmother, but I sure was. I wasn’t raised with anger and violence and I didn’t want to start.

  “Boundaries, I shouldn’t have any boundaries, I am the queen of our people,” Grandmother Catherine said as she clenched her fists.

  It was like my mouth taken over and I had no control. “Grandmother, could I interrupt for just a minute please. I know that I am not your favorite person in the world right now, but Logan here has saved my life and is standing before you naked. Could we hold this discussion until we can get him some clothes…please?” I asked her while I stood the straightest I think I’ve ever stood.

  “Fine…..Emerson, would you please find some clothes to fit our…..the boy Logan here,” Grandmother commanded.

  Emerson was the man that had answered the door earlier and seemed to be at my Grandmothers side all the time. He looked a little beaten down if you asked me, from his shaggy black hair to the circles under his brown eyes.

  It didn’t take more than a few minutes to get Logan a pair of slacks and a light blue button up shirt.

  “There, now that we have him clothed I would like to get back to our discussion….if everyone doesn’t mind,” Grandmother asked with a calmer demeanor.

  “Actually, my Queen….the council has asked for a meeting to discuss a few things and they will be here shortly. I suggest that we take this opportunity to eat the food that you have prepared. I know that you would like to have a full stomach before you meet with them,” Xavier said.

  “Yes, you’re right, I am hungry and I’m feeling a little weak right now.” Grandmother said.

  Her weak, I don't think so.

  It took a about 30 minutes for the staff to get more chairs for the table and set up for the food. I sat and watch Logan talk with his dad, it made me miss my Mom even though I was happy for Logan that his Dad was still alive. Was protecting me why he had to pretend that he was dead, what was the point in all that? Was Logan’s Dad there when my Mother was killed and was it an accident or had someone killed her? To this day my Dad had never told me how my mother died. I had tried asking him a few time, but he said that he didn’t want to talk about it.

  “Jayden, I am so glad to finally see you after so long, you turned out as beautiful as I imagined,” Xavier said with a smile.

  “I do remember you. I am very happy to see you alive, I know how much this means to Logan. What about Sam, does she know that you're alive?” I asked.

  “Yes, Sam knows that I’m alive, she wasn’t happy that it had to be this way,” he said.

  “I know that I’m not supposed to be angry, but I am, how come you had to hide all these years?” Logan asked.

  “After your Mom died, I realized that there was no one else that could look after Jayden. I had made a promise to Sam that I would protect them both.” Xavier said as he bowed his head.

  “But why couldn’t you just come back after Grace died, didn’t you think that I needed you too?” Logan asked.

  “Logan, we have a lot to discuss but right now, let’s eat. I think we will need our strength.” Xavier said as he patted Logan on the shoulder.

  When the food came, it was almost calm and pleasant to be around my Grandmother, she seemed like a different person, laughing and smiling with others.

  I don’t remember Blake coming in the room, but when I looked down to see my grandfather I caught Blake starring at me. I wonder how his night was with her.

  While I was thinking about Sully and wondering if she was ok, Blake grabbed his chair, walked it down past Catherine, and pushed his way in between Logan and me.

  “Excuse me Logan, I’m going to just put my chair right here.” As he slide Logan over like he didn’t weigh but as much as a feather.

  Logan didn’t say anything he just glared at Blake with dagger eyes.

  “I don’t think he appreciated that much,” I said while I stuffed my face with this pasta that was so yummy.

  “Well if you ask me, I would say that he is preoccupied, and I don’t think a princess should ever be ignored,” he said as he looked over his shoulder back at Logan for a reaction.

  “He is your Dad too, aren’t you as happy to see him?” I asked.

  “I’m glad that he's alive, but I didn’t grow up with him around. He’s like a stranger to me,” he said as he watched me shuffle more food into my face.

  I’m eating more than I normally do. I wonder if being a shifter takes more energy?

  “This could be your opportunity to have a relationship with him. I mean, if that’s something that you’re wanting?” I told him.

  “I appreciate your concern, but I have other things on my mind that are of more importance than trying to have a relationship with someone that was never in my life,” he said with a glare.

  “Oh really like what?” I asked, still wondering why he wanted to come on this trip.

  “Well, you of course,” he said, like I should have known that.

  I was about to ask him about shape shifting, realizing that I hadn’t thought about the fact that since Xavier is a shape shifter, that would mean that so is Blake, and I wouldn’t think that Grandmother would allow him to stay if he wasn’t part of our society. I wonder how many none shape shifters are allowed into our world. It sounds weird thinking about me and my family as being its own people, apart from the rest of the world.

  Before I could get out my question, I choked on an olive that I hadn’t had a chance to chew. I knew it was stuck but I thought I could get it out. I tried taking a breath but couldn’t get one, and it just made the olive go deeper. Panic hit me hard, I flew out of my chair like lightening, trying to figure out how to get this out of my throat. Everything that you learn in CPR class seems like it would click into place when the time arises that you need it, but pure
panic was overwhelming me. All I could do was call for help in my mind, and hope that someone heard me.

  Blake was right at my side, trying to figure out what was wrong with me. It wasn’t making me feel better, just a bit more panicked.

  “Jayden, are you alright?” Blake asked me as he put a hand on my shoulder. through his hand off trying to not panic so bad.

  I motioned towards my throat and tried to mouth choking while I was flailing around.

  Blake grabbed me around my torso, squeezed, and pulled me off the floor with all his might. I felt a rib crack, and that’s when my defenses went up. I knew in the back of my head that he was trying to help, but as soon as the pain of the rib set in I threw up my shield as fast as I could and it threw Blake about 20 feet back and he crashed into the wall at lightning speed.

  Logan was at my side before Blake hit the wall.

  He grabbed my face with his hands with a gentleness that stopped my mind for a moment, “Jayden, you need to let me in, if you don’t you will die…do you understand…please, you don’t have much time. Think about life and what it means to you, try to calm down and I can help you.” He reached around and was able to secure his arms around my middle. As soon as he did, he grabbed me just like Blake did and tried the same maneuver and was successful without cracking a rib. The olive shot out of my mouth like a cannon. I took a huge breath and started choking uncontrollably at the same time. I fell to the ground with relief and pain, the pain from the rib. Every breath I tried to take hurt worse than the one before.

  “Blake...if you try something like that again…well you might get more than a blow to the wall. Stay away from Jayden,” he said as he helped me up and into a chair.

  “I think one of my ribs is cracked or broken or something, it hurts pretty bad,” I sobbed.

  I could see the anger in Logan’s face as he watched my pain stricken face.

  “Logan, it was an accident, he was trying to help… would have worked if I hadn’t put up my shield. You can’t get mad at him,” I said as I was hoping to stop a fight that seemed to be brewing for some time.

  “Jayden, it’s ok, he has the right to be mad at me. I could have put you into more danger by trying to help you. You’re more familiar with Logan and would more than likely let him help you. I am very sorry that you’re hurt. I think we need to get you some help,” he said.

  “I’ve already taken care of that. I’ve contacted Sydney. She should be here in a few minutes,” Grandfather said as he knelt down by my side.

  “Well take her to the Solarium. At least…I don’t want her whimpering in pain in front of me.” Grandmother said as she stalked out of the room.

  Wow, what a nice Grandmother. No wonder my Mom left and never came back.

  “I’m not whimpering,” I said softly as Logan carried me through the house into a glass-lined room with millions of different kinds of plants and flower, so brilliant it took what was left of my breath away. He laid me down on a soft lounge sofa. I always wanted my own green house, this was awesome.

  Logan and I were alone for just a few minutes and as we laid together. I didn’t let go. I hugged him as tight as I could without screaming out in pain.

  “I really missed you, I’m sorry that I wasn’t the nicest to you at times, my emotions have been all over the place and taking orders from a dog is really difficult. Also, thanks for saving my life again back there,” I said as I let go of him and looked into his eyes, eyes I had thought I would never see again.

  “You don’t have to say you’re sorry, your world has been turned upside down over that last few weeks….I would be in shock too. And as for the olive thing, well you’re not leaving me that easy,” he said as he kissed me on the cheek.

  I think I was blushing when Grandfather walked in with Sydney at his side, with Blake and Xavier following.

  “Miss Jayden, I see that you haven’t managed to keep yourself out of trouble,” she pulled up a chair and sat next to me.

  “I try my best,” I said with a smirk while holding my rib in place, I realized if I breathed in sallow I could handle the pain.

  “If I gave you a couple of days I think this would heal nicely, but I’m afraid you don’t have that much time,” she said as she started to lift up my shirt.

  “Could you gentleman please leave us alone for just a few minutes,” Sydney asked as she waited for them to leave before she lifted it up all the way.

  “Are you risking yourself by coming here?” I asked, hoping her answer was no. I didn't want anyone risking their lives for mine.

  “I would risk everything for you Jayden. We might not know each other very well, but the love that I felt for your Mother is there for you. Plus I don’t want you to worry about me like that anyway; it’s you that needs to keep yourself alive,” she said as she opened up this jar of green goo and smeared it on my right side.

  “What is that stuff, it smells like…salty…it stinks,” I said as I realized that it felt cooling on my skin.

  “This is an old recipe from some friends that spend a lot of time in the water. It might not smell good, but you’ll feel much better in a few hours,” she said as she put a bandage over the sap to keep it from ruining my clothes.

  “It already feels better, thank you. How come I was able to heal Logan once, but I can’t heal myself?” I said, as I was able to sit up without the stabbing pains.

  Sydney started to walk away and stopped before she reached the doorway.

  “Who said you can’t? Jayden, don’t worry about Sully she will be fine, but you need to start to see things for what they are and not what you want them to be. This life is a big choice to make and you need to make that decision before it’s made for you. Maybe what you need to do is read a little. I bet you could find something interesting….,” she said as she walked away.

  I didn’t get a chance to ask her what she meant and reading, but I had a feeling that I knew that I could have healed myself, but I knew that she wouldn’t have told me anyway. These people have a way of beating around the bush, or at least they do with me.

  “Find something interesting to read….what the heck is she talking about?” I thought to myself as I looked around the room and admired all the beauty, and the smell alone is almost intoxicating.

  “Are you looking for something to read, you mean you don’t have enough on your plate to think about right now?” Logan asked me as I looked up to see him and his father walking in.

  “No, it’s just….never mind,” I said as I tried to stand up. Logan walked over and gave me a hand. The pain was getting duller by the minute.

  “Now don’t think that it’s just going to heal in minutes, she’s good, but not that good,” Xavier said as he took my other hand.

  “I know, but I hate to be any inconvenienced to anyone and I wanted to look around, this room…is…” I couldn’t finish my sentence.

  “Stunning, I know. It was your Mother’s favorite place besides the beach. This is all her, it’s just been kept up by Art,” Xavier said as he walked with me through the maze to look at all the glory.

  “I have added a few things myself, plus they don't take care of themselves,” a voice spoke from behind a rose bush.

  “Forgive me Art, of course you have. I was just showing Jayden your master piece,” he said, trying not to offend him.

  “Well I will admit that Grace gave me a great start, but I have grown some spectacular hybrids. Have you seen this one, it’s my newest creation. He walked over to a long necked flower that looked almost cosmic. It had petals that were a mixture of blues and grays, but so alive it looked almost painted.

  “It’s striking Art. You really have a green thumb. I can’t keep anything alive. I either over water it, or under water it,” I said as I stroked the petals on this brilliant creation.

  “It doesn’t take a green thumb, you just have to treat them with the same love that you treat yourself with,” Art smiled.

  When I first looked at Art I was taken aback, I
didn’t expect him to be so….so macho I guess you could say. He was wearing coveralls with no shirt on underneath, which made it even more difficult to keep my eyes off him. He looked almost Aztecan, with a skin tone a dark olive, and his muscles; they were so defined and big. I wanted to reach out and touch him to make sure that they felt as hard as they looked. I haven’t seen a man this in shape since I watched old Arnold movies with my Dad.

  “Close your mouth, you might catch a bug,” Logan said as he punched me on the back of my arm, right under the arm where the skin hangs just a bit.

  “Ouch, that hurt. I think you might have bruised me,” I said as I scowled at Logan.

  “Hey, if you want all the men in the pacific Norwest to feel your hormones, then by all means, lust away, but remember your emotions are felt by everyone when you're not reeling them in,” Logan whispered.

  “Logan, I would say that sounded almost like you're jealous,” I turned to look him in the face.

  Before he could respond, my Grandfather turned to all of us.

  “I heard about your friend, Jayden, and I am very sorry. Please try not to worry about her. Hurting people is not part of who we are. She will more than liking be used as a bargaining tool,” Grandfather said.

  “Bargaining tool for what, what do they want?” I asked.

  And who are "they" I wondered.

  “You, more than likely,” he said as if it was common knowledge.

  “Wait a minute, what do you mean they want me. I’m not for sale like a piece of furniture,” I said with anger starting to build up in my voice.

  “Jayden, why don’t you rest up? The council is meeting at 8pm tonight and you will need to be present. Xavier please, spend some time with your sons while Jayden catches up on her reading. I will see you at 8pm.” Grandfather said as he walked over and kissed me on my forehead. That was nice.

  We all walked outside and I finally felt like I was able to breath, I wasn’t sure if it was the air or the sense of losing control of my life, but I knew that I didn’t want to go back into that house anytime soon.

  “It’s a little after 12, so we have several hours to waste. I think that I will take Jayden to find whatever it is that she needs to read and you both can catch up. It’s been a long time for you,” Blake said as he put an arm around me.

  “I’m not leaving Jayden, Blake, so stop trying to get rid of me,” Logan said as he took a step closer to Blake.

  “Ok, let’s just take it easy. Logan, I think that Jayden can take care of herself, but I would like to talk to you about some things so, Blake if you could go with Jayden, let’s meet back the Sand Dunes restaurant around 6pm for some dinner,” Xavier said.

  I could tell that Logan was not happy about leaving me, he had been with me his whole life, watching out for me.

  “Logan, I’ll be ok. My rib isn’t hurting as much I can barely feel it. Go with your Dad, I’ll see you soon,” I said as I smiled at him.

  Logan and his Dad walked off towards the beach and Blake and I waited for our car. I wonder what they are going to talk about. A guy standing past the stairs had walked off towards where all the cars were parked and came back with mine. Blake tried to take the keys away from the guy after he got out of the car.

  “Oh, no..I’m driving Blake,” I said as I held out my hand for the keys.

  “You still aren’t feeling great, just let me drive for awhile,” he said as he walked around the car and opened the passenger door.

  “Fine, but be nice to my car. No driving crazy,” I sighed as I realized that it hurt to sit down on the seat. Maybe it is a good idea that Blake is driving.

  “I will, just relax,” Blake said as he shut my door and got into the driver’s seat.

  “Where are we going, anyway?” I asked.

  “Well, I thought I would leave that up to you,” he said.

  “I really don’t like ignoring the fact that Sully is out there and needs my help, I can’t do anything about it,” I said realizing that I couldn't control what I couldn't control and that I hoped everything was going to work out, for everybody.

  “Well I don’t think that whoever has her wants to hurt her, plus if I think they have their hands full with her,” Blake said as he left the driveway of my Grandmothers.

  “I’m feeling a little tired, let’s go back to the cabin and maybe I could take a nap.” I hated to feel so weak. I’ve almost never been sick in my life, and I’ve never really hurt myself, so these last few days have taken every bit of energy that I have.

  I gave directions to Blake on how to get to the cabin.

  “So, Sully and I were wondering something?” I said, not really wanting to pry. With Logan, I felt comfortable asking anything I wanted, but with Blake, he didn’t seem to offer up anything so I was more hesitant in asking.

  “Sully and yourself, huh,” he asked with a smile. He has the best smile.

  “Well, we were wondering why you chose to stay at Catherine’s last night, it just seemed weird,” I said looking away from him towards the scenery.

  “Well now that you know about what we are, are you still curious?” Blake asked.

  “So, you know my Grandmother then…because it seemed to me that you didn’t know her when we first came to the house,” I said trying to put this all together. I was beginning to feel like I couldn't trust anybody.

  “I had never met her if that’s what you’re asking, she knows who I am and I know about her, but I had never met her before yesterday,” he said with confidence.

  “I lived with my mother, she taught me about who we were. I never had any reason to come here before now,” he said matter of fact.

  “So why did you lie to me when I first met you, why couldn’t you have just been honest with me?” I said, as I got angry.

  “I would have told you, but the council said it would be best to wait,” Blake said.

  “It seems like everyone including my own Mother has been lying to me my whole life. I got use to being normal, and now I have to choose between the two worlds. And what right does this "Council" have to make decisions about my life. It’s just not fair," I said as I started to cry all of what had been happening, hitting me full force so much that the first cry was a chocked sob, climbing out of my chest with pain attached.

  Blake pulled the car over even though there wasn’t a shoulder, the car was tilted slightly to the right but not much. He unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car, he opened up my door and squatted down next to me.

  “Jayden, I know that this has all been overwhelming, but try to imagine what kind life this is going to be for you. You have a new large family, and you still have so much to explore and see. I will be here for you, whatever you need,” he said as he hugged me while I cried. As I cried I thought about how immature saying life wasn't fair was, cause really I already knew that when I lost my Mom at such a young age. I knew all too well that life was not fair.

  I’m not sure how long I sobbed, but all I could think about was how alone I felt and how much I had to think about, which wasn’t getting done because of all the stuff looming. I pulled my head off of Blake shoulder and saw how soaked his shirt was.

  “Oh Blake, I am so sorry…your shirt, it’s all wet,” I said as I tried to wipe it off. How embarrassing.

  “It’s just a shirt Jayden, I have others. Do you feel a little better?” he asked me.

  “Yes, actually I feel better, thank you. You must think that I’m a huge baby,” I said as I wiped my face with some tissue that I found in my glove box.

  “No, I think that you have a lot on your plate right now and can completely understand how you might be feeling. Let’s get to this cabin and get you cleaned up,” he said as he shut my door and started driving again.

  How could he be so awesome, and Luke too. Why did these two young men really, want to make my life easier?

  Blake was being so nice to me and understanding, but why, he doesn’t even know me…what’s in it for him? Everyone around me seem
s to be interested in themselves. I hate feeling this way, with everyone seeming to be protecting me; at the same time keeping me in the dark. Why?

  Thornton was waiting for us as soon as we pulled up. Out of everyone Thornton seemed to be the only one without something vested in what’s going on. He came out and helped me out of the car even though I could hardly feel the pain anymore, but I like the help anyway.

  “Sydney stopped by on her way home and told me what happened. Jayden can I get you some tea?” he asked as he helped me sit down on the couch.

  “Tea would be great.” I said.

  “I have lemon, blackberry, chamomile, earl gray….,” he started to add.

  “Earl gray would be great, with just a hint of cream and sugar. Thank you so much Thornton,” I said as I lifted my shirt to look at the bandage.

  “I would leave that on for awhile, you don’t want to mess with those herbs until they have had a chance to finish their job,” Blake said as he walked in the house with an arm full of firewood.

  He knelt down in front of the fire place which was on my left and started stacking the wood in the fireplace.

  “They stink really bad, it’s like I have seaweed on my skin,” I said as I put my shirt back down.

  “Well stinky is better than a broken rib…or is it?” He looked at me with that cocky smile.

  “Yes stinky is better, hey maybe I could rub some of this on your face and you tell me if it smells good or not. Maybe I’m not getting the real smell with it under my shirt.” I tried to hold back the smile.

  I started to get up and like lightning flashed before my eyes, Blake was sitting next to me with both of my hands locked behind my back.

  “No, I think that stuff needs to stay right where it’s at, little girl,” he said as he chuckled.

  “Little girl, what you’re a few years older than me, and you’re calling me little,” I said as I tried to wiggle out of his grip.

  “Little is referring to your size, if you’re smaller than me, than you’re little,” he said while he held both my hands with just one of his hands.

  “So how come you’re stronger than me, if I’m this big deal then shouldn’t I be able to just break free of your grasp?” I asked.

  “I don’t think that you are technically stronger than me, maybe more powerful, but not stronger. I am still a boy and you’re a girl. Right?” he said.

  “Humm, well I’m not sure. What do you think?” I said as I watched him watching me.

  “I would say that you’re a girl,” he said as he let go of my hands.

  It seemed like I made him a little uncomfortable, he got up and went to check on the fire. Thornton walked in with a tray filled with tea cups and scrumptious looking treats.

  “Wow Thornton, what are all those?” I asked as I pointed to the array of things from filled crunch bars, to some sort of chocolate bars.

  “Oh, these. Well here are my raspberry filled oatmeal delights. It’s healthier than the rest and it’s my favorite especially when I get really ripe berries. These here are my triple chocolate bars with a coconut frosting. The coconut gives you a little variety from the chocolate, and last but not least, this one here is a lemon bar, it’s not my favorite but I wasn’t sure what you liked.” He set them on an end table next to the couch.

  “You really like to cook, don’t you?” I said as I picked up my tea, put it in my lap and swiftly grabbed one of each of the treats.

  “I never use to, but when you can’t go out in public you tend to get bored and I love to watch the cooking channels,” he said as he sat down in an antique looking rocker chair across from me.

  “Thornton, I forgot to introduce you to Blake. My manners went right out the door,” I said as I was stuffing my face, I haven’t had pastries that tasted this good in a long time, maybe forever.

  “It nice to meet you Thornton,” Blake said as he walked over and shook Thornton hand.

  “And you as well, I brought you out some tea,” he said as he gestured for Blake to take a cup.

  “Yes, I would love some, thank you,” Blake said as he took his tea and sat next to me.

  “No pastries?” I said to him with surprise.

  “I wouldn’t want to take away from what you might want to eat,” he said which took me by surprise. Being friends with Sully was a free for all, if you didn't dig in, you might not get any.

  “Hey now,” I said as I tried to elbow him, but he wasn’t close enough.

  “Jayden, I was cleaning your room up and your bag had fallen over. I found these journals laying out. I’m very sorry, I wasn’t trying to pry, but I was curious what language they’re in?” he asked me as he handed them to me.

  “I forgot about these, I found them in my attic when I went through some of my Mother’s things. I’m not sure what language there in.” I opened the first one.

  “May I ?” Blake asked with his hand out.

  “Sure, if you can translate them for me that would be great. I thought maybe they might be helpful." I leaned over to watch him look through them.

  “Sorry Jayden, I can't read it, but I think it's Gaelic,” he said as he flipped through the pages.

  “That’s really weird,” I said as I took the journal back.

  “What’s weird?” Blake asked.

  “These were in a totally different language and I couldn’t read them before, but now there in plain English.” I said as I also flipped through the pages and then opened up the other books to make sure.

  "You read Gaelic?" he raised his brow.

  “Maybe those herbs are giving you side effects that we weren’t told about. Do you feel funny?” Blake put his hand on my forehead.

  “I feel fine, are you telling me that you can’t read these.” I asked.

  “Yes, I see random scribbling that doesn’t look anything like English.” Blake said as he sat back and drank his tea.

  “Why would I be able to see this now and not then.” I asked out loud. I wasn’t looking for answers I was just talking to myself but I guess I said it to both of them.

  “Has anything changed since then?” he asked turning towards me more.

  “Not really…other than the..” I started to answer when I looked down and was rubbing the ring that my Mother had given me. “Not really, other than I found out I am a shape shifter, part of some secret society of freaks.” I said flip idly.

  “I deserve that one, but there is one more thing that is new to you,” he said as he grabbed my hand and pointed out the ring on my finger. “And I would say that the matching necklace under your shirt would also be something very new,” he said as he laid my hand back down.

  “So you know about the ring and necklace, I thought they were a secret. I didn’t tell you,” I said as I raised my eyebrow at him. All my suspicious thoughts about him starting to come back again. How did he know about the ring and necklace.

  “You’re absolutely right, you didn’t tell me, but Jayden…if something that has been in our society since we first came to be, do you really thing that it’s a secret?" he said as he sipped on his tea.

  I lowered my head and let my hair fall in my face, in shame. Of course he right, why would I think that people didn’t know. I looked across the room at Thornton and he shook his head in agreement.

  “Right…I guess I’m still a little suspicious about what's happening to me,” I said as I peaked at him around my hair.

  “Oh Jayden..did I embarrassed you. That wasn’t my intention, but you really need to start thinking about these things. Your family has been handed down the power to watch out for our people and you need to be on your toes. I can't imagine the powers that be are all that happy with how we've handled our gift,” he said as he pushed back my hair and tucked it behind my ear.

  “I might be a little, and I mean just a little, embarrassed. I guess my mind hasn’t wrapped around this whole thing yet, and with Sully being missing, it’s just been really difficult,” I said as I started scanning the pages of the jo

  “Sully’s going to be ok, really. We haven’t had a murder between our people that I know of. Try not to worry. I can see that you have some reading to do, and there might be something in there that you need, so while you’re reading, I’m going to run some errands,” Blake said as he lightly tapped my leg with his hand as he got off the sofa.

  “That’s fine; it looks like I have some reading to do,” I smiled up at him.

  “I have a favor to ask of you,” Blake asked as he starred down at me.

  “Yes, you can borrow my car. Just please be very careful with it, it was a gift,” I said as I dug in my jeans to retrieve my keys.

  “Are you looking for these,” Blake asked as he jingled the keys in front of me.

  “Right, you were the last one to drive,” I said.

  “I’ll be careful with your car, and try to get some sleep after you read up,” Blake said as he walked out the door.

  “Thornton, thanks for the treats, they were wonderful. Have you ever thought about working in a restaurant, or at a bakery?” I asked him.

  “I have, but I was in that half human half beast for so long that I couldn’t work, but now that you have fixed that I could think about it. I would love to open my own café, with coffee’s, tea, and of course my bake goods. Maybe even some lunch food, who knows,” he said as he picked up the tray to take it back to the kitchen. “I also think that I’m going to go out, Sydney has asked me to come and help her with a few projects. Between her and your Grandfather, I don’t know what I would have done all these years.”

  “Well enjoy yourself and tell Sydney I said hi,” I said as I tucked my legs up under my body and snuggled deep into the pillows on the sofa and started to the read the story behind the shape shifters beginning….well that would include me.

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