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Wipe Away the Tears

Page 5

by Patricia Lake

  She had forgotten nothing of the feel or texture of his body, it had haunted her dreams, branding her mind with memory, and she shook her head now, shocked by her emotive, perfect remembrance of such tiny details.

  Max Bellmer was becoming almost dangerous in the way he was fast taking over all of her emotions. She would have to tread carefully.

  The car slid to a silent halt, breaking her thoughts as she looked around at the small beautiful cove he had brought her to. It was like a dream. A half-moon of white deserted Sand, sheltered by tall palm trees and rioting, exotic vegetation, stretching to clear lapping water. It was perfect.

  Max was watching her with veiled perceptive eyes, appreciating, through her easily-read shining face, the beauty she saw before her.

  She turned to him with eyes of soft velvet, honest and innocent and happy. 'It's lovely,' she said simply.

  He nodded, flashing her a warm smile. 'Paradise,' he agreed.

  Out of the car, they picked their way through the dry vegetation that was loud with humming, darting insects, to the pale sand.

  'How do you know this place, and why is it empty?' Jassy asked curiously, throwing her bag on to the sand, and kicking off her sandals.

  'It's a private beach.' He pointed to a low white villa that Jassy had not noticed, perched on the brown barren rocks behind them. 'The villa belongs to my sister and her husband,' he explained briefly.

  Jassy stared at the house, that was clearly visible from the beach. Flat-roofed and one storey high, cool-looking cane blinds hung at the large modern windows and bright flowering vines clung to its outside walls. It was beautiful and she tried to imagine what it would be like to live in such a perfect place, remembering what Morgan had said about Max's sister being married to a Spaniard.

  'Is your sister like you?' she asked, shading her eyes as she glanced into his dark face.

  'You'll see for yourself, we're having lunch with her,' he replied laughingly.

  'Oh! But I'm not dressed. . . .' she stammered, looking down at her jeans in dismay.

  Max shook his head dismissively, ignoring her protest. 'You look perfect to me. Besides, Roxie doesn't stand on ceremony,' he laughed. 'You worry too much, Jassy my darling.' His green eyes teased her gently as he spoke, shielding some darker emotion that lay in the depths of his expression. 'Shall we go for a swim?'

  He stripped off his tee-shirt with one fluidly graceful movement, leaving Jassy's startled eyes moving hungrily over his naked chest. He caught that look, his eyes narrowing, flaming in response, as they stared at each other, embarrassed colour washing up over Jassy's face again. She had not moved.

  'Shall I turn my back?' he taunted softly, eyeing her fully dressed figure, reading her mind.

  'Yes.' Her choking, one-word answer made him laugh out loud, as he turned away and strolled indolently towards the sea, the sunlight gleaming on the long, hard sweep of his brown back.

  Jassy stared after him for a few seconds before hastily pulling off her blouse and sliding out of her jeans. She walked slowly down to the sea, enjoying the warmth of the sun on her skin and the sand beneath her feet. Max turned before she had taken more than half a dozen steps, some sixth sense telling him of her approach, and Jassy had to fight to keep her expression calm and tranquil as his dark intent glance slid over her body, lingering on the swell of her white breasts, barely covered by the tiny bikini top, and her slightly curved smooth hips and pale naked thighs.

  He watched her unsmilingly every inch of the way, until she stood right in front of him, dry-mouthed and with a deep warm ache in her lower limbs that could not be explained.

  She had not mistaken his hunger, his devouring stare, it was burning in his fierce green eyes as they looked at each other. She drew a deep shaking breath, amazed and elated by the barely controlled desire she saw in him, and walked past him, down to the water's edge, gasping as the cold water hit her heated bare skin. She swam out strongly, listening to the splash behind her as Max followed, and floating on to her back she watched him cutting through the clear water with speed and grace. He caught up with her in seconds and floated alongside her, and they both stared up at the sky, a cloudless piercing blue that seemed limitless.

  Jassy gave a small sigh of pure contentment, ending in a squeal of startled laughter as Max deliberately splashed her, the unexpected water making her gasp. In return she kicked up a fountain of water over him, delighting in his deep amused laughter, then began to swim away, fearing retribution. His strong hand closing on her ankle pulled her down into the water before she got a few feet away, so swimming underwater she manoeuvred herself behind him, bobbing up to push his head down, his thick wet hair on her palm, shivering through her.

  They played together like small innocent children, as graceful and as carefree as dolphins, until, feeling quite worn out, Jassy struck out for the beach. She had gone only a couple of yards when Max surfaced right in front of her, the water falling like diamonds from his wide brown shoulders.

  Jassy laughed delightedly, the amusement dying in her eyes as she looked at him, and caught the expression on his serious face. He reached for her, pulling her against the hard length of his body, his fingers sliding caressingly on her wet skin.

  She lifted her face to his, her lips parting in welcome, her hands moving to his smooth tanned shoulders involuntarily. She heard him murmur her name before his mouth touched hers, cool and tasting of salt, her immediate response hardening his lips, deepening his kiss to a fierce passionate demand, as they clung together in the buoyant sea.

  Jassy could not think coherently, the only sensations in the world at that moment were produced by Max's mouth and his hands as they stroked the curved length of her back.

  He was supporting her in the water, she was weightless, arching back her head in surrender as his mouth slid to her throat in exploration, a warm languourous aching sensation spreading through her body, at his cool loving touch.

  Then she was free as Max released her, and she sank into the soothing water, filled with feelings and sensations that she had never known before, and wondering why he had let her go.

  They swam back to the beach in warm, companionable silence, side by side, and Jassy threw herself down on the warm sand, tired but happy. The sun dried their wet bodies in seconds, leaving salt-bloomed skin, powdered by sand.

  She lay very still and relaxed, her eyes closed against the glare of the sun, acutely aware that Max lay only inches away at her side, lazily propped up on one elbow, his watchful green eyes never leaving her face.

  The gentle exertion of so much swimming had left her drowsy and lethargic, and she let herself drift towards sleep, recapturing in her mind the touch of Max's mouth and the erotic strokings of his brown hands.

  She was almost asleep when his laughing voice jerked her back to consciousness.

  'Sit up,' he ordered gently. 'You seem determined to burn yourself up.'

  Jassy eased herself into a sitting position gracefully, and flashed him a shy smile.

  'I always forget, it's a wonder I'm not burnt to a crisp,' she said, reaching into the shoulder bag for her bottle of suntan oil.

  Max shook his head, silent with amusement, and took the bottle from her unresisting fingers, kneeling at her side, as he poured a small amount into the palm of his hand.

  'I can manage, you know,'Jassy protested weakly, fighting her pleasure at the thought of the smooth stroke of his hands on her bare skin again.

  'Can you?' His voice was significant, his eyes razor-sharp On her gentle, rounded profile. She knew what he was referring to.

  'Max, I. . . .' she turned to him, the words sticking in her throat and refusing to move, at his nearness, his almost overpowering sexual magnetism. She could not meet his eyes, instead, her glance rested on his gleaming, muscular body, as she bit her lower lip nervously.

  'Be still, Jassy,' Max advised softly, the low easy drawl accelerating her heartbeat.

  She lifted her head, daring to meet his deep green eyes and seei
ng not interrogation or censure, but friendship and concern.

  'You're right,' she giggled, realising how foolish she had been. 'I'm not a contortionist!'

  The .tension was eased and his deep growl of i answering laughter rang in her ears, making her shiver deliciously.

  'Turn around,' said Max, suddenly businesslike.

  Jassy did as she was told, lifting her wet hair from her shoulders. She experienced a moment of pure shock as his fingers eased the thin straps of her bikini top from her shoulders, her whole body stiffening, the touch of his casual fingers like fire on her skin, as an expectant excitement gripped her, like a vice.

  'You're as nervous as a kitten,' he muttered against her ear, his cool breath fanning her hot cheeks gently.

  'I'm not,' she whispered her lie, feeling slightly piqued that he was so damned perceptive.

  'Well, relax, child. I may want you in my bed, but using half a bottle of suntan oil to get you there is overdoing it a little, don't you think?' Max teased her, coaxing away her nervousness easily and making her laugh.

  The touch of his fingers, seconds later against her soft bare skin was light and soothing and showed no signs of desire.

  He rubbed the oil gently over her shoulders, arms and back, his strong sensitive fingertips exploring and massaging slowly. Jassy closed her eyes, letting the sheer ecstasy of his touch wash over her, committing it to memory. Then, far too soon, it was over and Max was handing her the oil, grinning at her with warm lazy eyes.

  'You'd better do the front,' he . murmured wickedly, his lean face slashed into a devastating, unashamed smile.

  Jassy glanced briefly into his glinting eyes and then, rather selfconsciously, covered the front of her

  body with a thin protective film of suntan oil. She held out the bottle to Max.

  'Do you want some?'

  He shook his head, the sun catching in his wet hair. 'I don't burn,' he said softly, and again Jassy sensed the hidden significance of his words, without understanding.

  She lay back on the warm sand utterly contented. She could not imagine being happier, it was a beautiful, perfect day to be spent in the company of a man who intrigued her more and more as she got to know him.

  She glanced discreetly through her lashes and saw him lying beside her, his hands behind his head, his hard, hair-roughened chest moving steadily up and down to the rhythm of his breathing. He was staring up into the sky, seemingly preoccupied, and just to look at him made Jassy's pulses leap, and she wondered about him.

  She turned on to her stomach, unaware of her provocative grace, and looked at him openly.

  'Do you enjoy being wealthy and powerful?' she asked candidly, her soft eyes meeting his questioning^-

  'How do you know that I'm wealthy and powerful?' he parried in a low drawl, his green eyes faintly teasing.

  'It's obvious,'Jassy replied seriously. 'Not only by looking at you but also because Morgan was very interested in you last night, and he isn't interested in anybody who isn't wealthy and powerful.'

  Max looked at her speculatively for a moment, then shrugged, his broad shoulders lifting with indifferent grace.

  'I enjoy certain aspects of my business, obviously, or I wouldn't do it. The wealth and the power are merely the emblems of my own success at that business. Mind you,' he laughed, 'that isn't to say that I don't enjoy money, it makes life a hell of a lot easier.'

  Jassy considered his answer carefully, liking what it showed of his personality. He did not seem obsessed as Morgan was, with business and power and the endless cut and thrust of making vast amounts of money, although she was under no illusions about the hard ruthless streak that ran through him. She had seen it in his face when he had been talking to Morgan and Pierre, and a man could not rise to Max's powerful, wealthy position without a certain amount of ruthless intent. He was an enigma and she wanted to know more about him.

  'Are you from a rich family?' she asked next.

  'Why don't you ask your stepfather?' he asked mockingly.

  Jassy flushed, knowing full well that Morgan would know all about Max Bellmer, and Max was under no illusions about that.

  'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry,' she said sadly, her face still hot.

  Max frowned, realising how easily hurt she was. 'You're not prying, and I'm sorry for my careless choice of words. I know your stepfather is a sore point at the moment.'

  Jassy nodded ruefully. 'This has nothing to do with Morgan anyway. I was only asking about you because I'm interested, you seem ... I don't know. . . .' Her voice trailed off, leaving her embarrassed.

  'I seem what?' Max-asked with interest.

  Jassy shook her head silently. She had said too much, she was sure, but she had felt the need to set the record straight. She could not let Max think that her interest in him had been fostered or suggested in any way, by Morgan. She was not involved in any of Morgan's business transactions and she needed Max to know that once and for all.

  'I ... I just wanted you to know that it's nothing to do with Morgan, but with me, that's all.' She glanccd at him anxiously to find him staring at her in that intent, probing way she was becoming used to.

  He reached out and stroked her cheek with a tantalising finger.

  'I get the message,' he murmured, understanding her, his face almost tender as he looked at her. She wrinkled her nose at him.

  'You can tell me about yourself, then,' she retorted smilingly, the sun catching her hair and turning it into a brilliant halo around her sweet face.

  'There's not much to tell,' said Max, squinting against the sun, his eyes on the distant hazy horizon. 'Roxie and I were orphaned when we were kids and brought up on the wrong side of New York by my mother's sister. She was poor, so we worked to pay for our education, and as soon as I could, I rented an apartment for the two of us, and we moved out of our aunt's. That's it—I have an easy life now, and so does Roxie, things have turned out well for both of us. Poverty is a great spur.' He laughed without bitterness, easily glossing over what Jassy could see had been a hard, poor and difficult upbringing. She would never have guessed because he had the polished dignity that usually accompanied wealth from birth, and her new knowledge lent him even more fascination in her eyes. She wanted to pester him .with questions about himself, to find out everything about him, but she managed to restrain herself, silently watching him placing a cigarette between his lips and lighting it with practised ease. He offered her one which she refused, her eyes riveted on the thin curls of smoke being exhaled from his nostrils, and then she turned her head away, realising how she had been staring.

  Every tiny movement he made seemed to hold her spellbound, capturing every last ounce of her attention, and she found that she could not dismiss him, even for a split-second, from her thoughts. She was inexorably drawn to him. It was all very strange and new, this feeling for a man, and she felt a little confused.

  'Are you asleep, Jassy?' She had been lying very still, her head turned away from him, as she wrestled with her thoughts, trying to sort out her strong, jumbled feelings for him, but his quietly-spoken question swivelled her head round towards him again.

  'Maybe,' she answered cryptically, wondering in fact if it was all a dream. It certainly seemed too good to be true that he had asked her to spend the day with him. Would she wake up in a moment to find herself in bed, in her hotel room?

  Max smiled at her. 'My life story usually has that effect on people. What goes on in that beautiful little head of yours?' he asked indulgently.

  Jassy shrugged, her expression that of a temptress. 'I'm not telling you,' she retorted impishly.

  'Tell me about your childhood, then. I've already revealed the dreadful secrets of the Bellmer family, so it's your turn,' he said, with curious persuasive eyes on her upturned face.

  'I think I told you most of it last night. When my mother married Morgan I was sent away to boarding school as soon as possible. I suppose I was lonely, and a little envious of all my friends who had real families. I rememb
er that I always wanted a brother—an older brother, I think. I used to go to visit Lavender, my best friend, in the holidays. She had two brothers and two sisters, and their house always seemed happy and alive. . . .' Her voice was wistful with memory, until she pulled herself together. 'I'm probably giving you the wrong impression. I was happy and I know that boarding school gave me an independence that I'm glad for now. When my mother died, I only had Morgan left. He's been like a father to me, and that's why this whole situation with Rene is so difficult. Oh dear, I'm sorry—this must be dreadfully boring for you,' she said apologetically, realising that she had been chattering on.

  Max was staring at her, and he shook his head.

  'I asked, remember? What about boy-friends, is there anyone special?' he asked carefully.

  Jassy tossed back her hair, feeling a little embarrassed.

  'No—I haven't had much time for boy-friends. I travel around with Morgan and he's terribly protective, and also, he vets all the men I meet. He seems determined to marry me off to somebody who'll help the business.' She stopped suddenly, clamping her hand over her mouth in a charmingly childlike gesture, her gentle brown eyes widening with shock and worry. 'I shouldn't be telling you all this, it seems" disloyal to Morgan somehow. Perhaps you would forget what I've said?' she pleaded.

  Max laughed aloud. 'Don't worry, child, I won't use anything you tell me against you.' He was gently mocking her.

  'You seem to be able to elicit my confidence very easily,' Jassy said wonderingly. 'Will we be friends?'

  'I think not,' Max replied, deadly serious. 'I want more than friendship from you, Jassy. You should know that by now.' His voice had become very soft, an insidious caress, and his glittering eyes rested on her mouth as he spoke.

  A second later, with one lightning, easy movement, he arched over her relaxed body, holding her prisoner against the hot sand.

  Jassy, dry-mouthed, stared into the burning depths of his eyes, mesmerised by something she saw in them, until he lowered his head, in slow motion it seemed, blotting out all light as their mouths touched with a startling explosion that sent exquisite, fiery sensations flooding through her.


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