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Wipe Away the Tears

Page 6

by Patricia Lake

  Max's kiss was hungry, making no concession to her innocence or inexperience, as he plundered the sweetness of her mouth, passionately, demanding her total response, her total surrender.

  His hands moved in restless sensual caress against the heated bare skin of her waist, the touch of her body accelerating his heartbeat against her breasts.

  Jassy felt dizzy as his warm hard body pressed down on hers, making her achingly conscious of every tiny irrelevant detail of him—the short crisp hairs on his chest, rough against her skin, the hard warmth of his thighs against hers.

  She coiled her arms around his neck, letting her fingers play through the thick dark vitality of his hair, as his mouth moved against hers in endless coaxing expertise, and the potent strength of his body pinned her beneath him.

  Max broke the kiss, a moment later, and with a hoarse groan slid his arms beneath her and rolled on to his back, pulling her on top of him, so that their positions were reversed. He smiled into her face, his eyes still burning with unconcealed desire, but his heavy body suddenly taut and well under control.

  'Oh, Jassy,' he murmured huskily, against her white throat. 'You drive me crazy—your skin is so soft, you're so beautiful.'

  Jassy lifted her head and pressed her mouth to his lean brown cheek in a gentle caress. Her heart was still beating erratically and a warm languorous weakness was melting her limbs. She wanted to tell him that she loved him, that no man had ever made her feel this way before, but she kept silent, sensing that it was not the right time for such confessions. He probably knew anyway.

  A sense of power and elation filled her. Max wanted her, that fact was beyond doubt, and he had drawn back, using iron self-control, for her sake.

  'Are you hungry?' Max questioned gently, threading his fingers through her tousled hair and pushing it back from her face, touching his warm mouth to the throbbing pulse in her throat..

  'Starving!' Jassy admitted breathlessly, the touch of his mouth shuddering through her, as always. He lifted his arm with lazy grace and glanced at his watch.

  'Time for lunch, I think.' He pulled her to her feet, holding her within the strong circle of his arms for a moment, crushing her tightly against him, in need he did not bother to disguise.

  Jassy laid her own arms around his waist, pressing her cheek to his smooth brown shoulder, longing for his kiss, longing for his love.

  They dressed and strolled hand in hand towards the low white villa.


  'Hi, Max! And you must be Jassy—welcome!' With a tremendous upsurge of relief, Jassy recognised, within a split second, the woman who greeted them as the same woman she had seen stepping from Max's car, in the town the day before. She was a tall, slender woman in her late twenties, her thick, shiny hair as dark as her brother's. She also had the same green eyes, although the expression in them was delightfully feminine, and a small, triangular face. Dressed in fashionable white trousers and a patterned, cotton blouse she looked cool and chic and very attractive. Best of all, she was Max's sister, and consequently Jassy's smile was radiant as she held out her hand.

  'Hello, I'm very pleased to meet you, Mrs. . . .' She realised that she did not know the woman's surname.

  'Call me Roxanne, I insist.' She had the same soft American drawl as Max, and the hand that gripped Jassy's was firm and slender.

  'Max has told me all about you,' Roxanne remarked, with a friendly, open smile, her eyes candidly assessing Jassy's cascading golden hair and superb figure. 'And I see that he wasn't exaggerating—you're beautiful. Sit down, please,' she waved a casual hand towards the finely-wrought patio chairs, 'and let me fix you a drink. What would you like?'

  'Dubonnet, please,' Jassy smiled, feeling drawn to this dark vivacious lady, who had turned out to be Max's sister.

  'Scotch for you, Max?' Roxanne questioned busily.

  'Hey, slow down, Roxie! You wear me out, just watching you.' Max, smiled lazily, catching his sister by the arm as she tried to bustle past him, and lowering his dark gleaming head to press his lips to her forehead.

  Roxanne laughed, an attractive tinkle of amusement, and returned his kiss.

  Jassy watched the easy familiarity and the obvious love between them, with a slight pang of envy, realising, as she did sometimes in the company of others, just how lonely it was being an only child. If she ever had any children, she decided firmly, she would definitely have at least two.

  Would Max's children inherit his green, tiger eyes and saturnine good looks? she wondered, letting her dreamy gaze rest on the proud tilt of his head as he fondly watched Roxanne pouring out the drinks. A flush crept up her face at the intimacy of her thoughts. Max's children—was she going mad? She hardly knew him.

  'Sit down, Max,' Roxanne ordered with a smile, handing him a glass of Scotch and ice.

  'Yes, ma'am,' cattle the deep, amused reply as he coiled his lean muscular frame into one of the white patio chairs near to Jassy.

  Roxanne handed Jassy her drink, also liberally iced, and sat down beside her.

  'Tomas will be out in a moment,' she explained. 'He was held up by a call from the States—he's just showering.'

  'Your husband?' Jassy asked with a smile.

  Roxanne nodded. * Always business,' she said, lifting her hands in a fatalistic gesture that was not quite serious.

  Jassy and Max both laughed.

  'I know exactly what you mean,' Jassy said expressively, thinking about her stepfather.

  'That came straight from the heart. Has my brother been giving you a hard time?' Roxanne teased.

  'Oh no . . . no . . .' Jassy replied quickly, cursing the tell-tale colour that had rushed to her face, and caught Roxanne's curious eye.

  'Where's Rafael?' Max suddenly cut in smoothly, cleverly averting attention from Jassy's obvious embarrassment.

  'Sleeping in his room, thank goodness!' Roxanne replied, unable to keep the gentleness out of her eyes, even though she tried to sound thankful. Max caught Jassy's curiosity and explained, 'Rafael is Roxie's young son, my one and only nephew.'

  'How old is he?' Jassy turned shining eyes on Roxanne, her love of children obvious.

  'Eighteen months. Would you like to see him?'

  'Oh, yes, please!'

  Max listened to the enthusiasm in her voice and watched her with hooded enigmatic eyes as she jumped to her feet with youthful grace.

  The two women strolled into the cool, dim house and Jassy gazed around with interest. The slatted wooden shutters were closed against the glare of the midday sun, and the thin lines of light they admitted left the interior of the villa deliciously cool and dark.

  They passed through the lounge, silent except for the faint hum of the air-conditioning system, their sandalled feet clicking on the black marble floor.

  'What a beautiful room!' Jassy exclaimed, taking in the pale walls and light modern furniture, the whole design of the room, simple yet stunning.

  Roxanne smiled. 'Thank you.' She was obviously pleased by Jassy's compliments.

  They strolled through a heavy wooden door into a light, airy hallway, and quietly opening one of the many doors leading off it, Roxanne beckoned Jassy into a small room.

  Again the shutters were closed, but there was enough light for Jassy to appreciate the warm, peach-coloured walls, and the scattered toys and pictures that made it a child's room.

  In the centre of the room stood a huge crib, made from dark carved wood and covered with filmy lace. Peeping inside, Jassy caught sight of Rafael.

  He was a beautiful child and she stood spellbound, filled with wonder as she looked at his tiny, perfectly-formed hands and the fluffy dark down that was his hair. A soft smile curved her vulnerable mouth.

  'He's beautiful,' she breathed to Roxanne, her eyes still lingering on the rounded curve of the child's incredibly soft-skinned face.

  Roxanne's eyes were proud and loving as they tiptoed from the room, and joined Max on the patio.

  Another man sat with him. Tall and handsome
with tanned skin and dark flashing eyes, it was Tomas, Roxanne's husband. Both men got to their feet and as Jassy was introduced to Tomas, he lifted her hand to his lips in an old-fashioned, charming gesture.

  'Welcome to our home, Jassy,' he said with a smile, his English perfect, with only a very slight accent.

  Jassy smiled back, liking the tall, polite Spaniard, her face still soft and gentle as she thought of Rafael.

  'Thank you. You must be very proud of your son,' she said huskily, aware that Max's green eyes were narrowed in close scrutiny on her face.

  'Of course. Although he is'quite a handful.' Tomas laughed, curling his arm around Roxanne's shoulder. Jassy watched them together. They were obviously very much in love, and there seemed to be a special and private communication that passed between them constantly, like electricity. I wonder if people will look at me one day and be able to tell how much in love I am, she wondered. Most of all, Roxanne and Tomas had Rafael, the product of their love, and Jassy could imagine nothing more beautiful.

  Lost in her own thoughts, she looked up absently to find Max staring at her. He was sitting opposite to her, a couple of feet away, smoking idly, his broad, powerful shoulders gleaming in the relentless light.

  'What are you thinking about?' he asked gently, his eyes filled with amused indulgence, his mouth a straight line of hungry intensity, as he gazed at her faraway face.

  Bringing her thoughts down to earth, she saw that they were quite alone on the patio. She could hear Roxanne and Tomas laughing together just inside the house.

  'I was just thinking how much in love your sister and her husband are, and how lucky they are to have such a beautiful life together,' she answered honestly, not quite able to meet his eyes, and wondering why.

  'Have you ever been in love, Jassy?' He was still staring at her, unnerving her.

  'No, but I can imagine what it's like.' You've taught me that, she added to herself silently. She glanced up at him. 'What about you?'

  'Once, I've been in love once,' he replied, his voice suddenly harsh, the kind indulgence gone from his eyes, to be replaced by a brooding intensity. His brief answer shook Jassy more than she could have imagined, and she felt as though an unseen hand was squeezing her heart painfully. Did he still love this unknown lady? She had a thousand painful questions to ask, but a surreptitious glance at his hard, veiled profile told her that he would not speak of it.

  The silence grew between them until Roxanne appeared carrying a laden tray. Jassy jumped to her feet, profoundly grateful for the diversion.

  'Can I help?' she asked, but Roxanne shook her dark head.

  'It's ready. I thought we'd eat out here.' She placed the tray on the table and began unloading it, deftly setting four places.

  Tomas appeared with the wine and a few moments later they were all sitting around the table tucking into a hard-boiled egg and leek salad. It was quite delicious, and Jassy ate with relish. Having missed breakfast, she had not realised just how hungry she was.

  Max's good humour seemed to have returned as he chatted to Tomas and teased Roxanne. Jassy listened mostly, throwing in a comment now and again, but it was heavenly just to sit out in the open air, shaded from the bright sun, fanned by the faint fresh breeze from the ocean, opposite the most fascinating and attractive man she had ever met.

  The main course was devilled crab, a speciality of Roxanne's, Jassy learned, and after the fresh fruit and cheese that was dessert, they all sat back replete, sipping thick sweet coffee.

  Jassy's small sigh of happiness drew Max's attention, a faint smile curving his hard mouth as he offered her a cigarette. She took one, returning his smile, and her hand shook a little as it curved over his to shield from the breeze the light he extended.

  'Thank you.' Her voice was huskily polite, as she tried to ignore the sudden flare of light in his eyes.

  Jassy insisted on helping Roxanne with the washing up, leaving the two men to talk together. Max was too overpowering and it was a perfect opportunity to get away from him for a while, to regain the composure that he could so easily destroy with nothing more than a casual glance.

  The kitchen was small and very compact, equipped with all the modern conveniences and painted a bright cheerful yellow. .. The two women chatted companionably, the first bonds of friendship forming easily, as Roxanne washed and Jassy dried the lunch dishes. Jassy had learned over lunch that Roxanne and Tomas only used this villa as a holiday home.

  'Where do you usually live?' she asked curiously now, carefully drying a flower-patterned plate.

  'For most of the year, we live in Madrid,' Roxanne replied. 'The head office of Tomas' company is there, although we always spend a few months here—usually in the summer.'

  'You're very lucky—it's beautiful,' Jassy agreed. 'Do you speak Spanish?' she asked, wondering at the difficulties of living in a foreign country permanently.

  'A little,' Roxanne laughed. 'Lucky for me that Tomas speaks such perfect English. What about you?'

  Jassy shook her head. 'None, I'm afraid. I took French and German at school, but I'm not too good at those. I think you have to have a special aptitude for languages.'

  'School? How old are you, Jassy, if you don't mind me asking.'

  'I'm nineteen, nearly twenty, and I don't mind you asking.'

  Roxanne laughed. 'No wonder Max looks at you like a hungry wolf!'

  'I don't understand.'Jassy stared at Roxanne with confused eyes.

  'You're very young, he's probably scared to touch you. I know the way Max's mind works and he'll be thinking that he's old enough to be your father.'

  'Oh dear!'Jassy's voice held a wealth of meaning, her dismay patently obvious. 'Do you really think so?'

  'Oh, Jassy, I'm sorry—I've upset you, and I could bite my tongue out. I have this terrible habit of putting my foot in my mouth. You're very fond of Max, aren't you?'

  'Yes,' Jassy admitted shyly. 'I've never met anybody like him before. But you haven't upset me, Roxanne—honestly. It just hadn't occurred to me that Max might think that way. I don't think age matters at all, do you?' she hastened to reassure the other woman, not letting her mind dwell too much on what had been said. She would work it all out later when she was alone. At present it was enough that Max sought her company.

  'I'm sure it doesn't matter. Tomas is fourteen years older than me, but it doesn't make the slightest difference, we don't even think about it,' Roxanne said brightly.

  Jassy digested this, feeling hopeful.

  'Tell me more about your life, I'm fascinated.'

  Roxanne gave her a last searching look before answering the question, a faint frown pleating her smooth tanned brow, still worried that she had offended the younger girl.

  'Well, as I said, our home is in Madrid, and we also have a house in England and an apartment in New York.'

  'Don't you miss America?' Jassy asked curiously. She had not realised how wealthy Roxanne and Tomas were.

  'I fly over to the States about twice a year, so I don't really miss it. Besides, New York is no place to bring up a child.' Jassy nodded sympathetically, and Roxanne continued, 'My life is with Tomas and Rafael—I don't care where I live as long as I'm with them.'

  'I envy you, you're very lucky,' Jassy said wistfully.

  Roxanne smiled. 'Yes, I guess I am. There, all finished.' The last glass was dried and stored away»

  'Thanks for the lunch, it was delicious,' said Jassy.

  'I'm glad you came. I was dying to meet you,' Roxanne admitted candidly.

  Jassy wondered what Max had said about her, but quelled the urge to ask his sister, as they strolled outside to join the men.

  Jassy's eyes flew to Max as soon as he came in sight, her heartbeat quickening, a sensation she was fast becoming used to, as she let her eyes rest hungrily on him.

  He was talking to Tomas in Spanish, his fluency somehow not surprising her, his smile charming, his green eyes veiled yet amused. As she watched, he raked an impatient brown hand through the glinting
vitality of his thick black hair, the indolent grace of that casual, unconscious action riveting Jassy's glance. Sensing her watchful stare, he turned his head towards her and she immediately lowered her eyes, unable to hide the faint colour that stained her cheeks.

  Both men got to their feet as the women stepped on to the patio, and Jassy found herself dry-mouthed and tongue-tied as Max slid a muscled arm around her shoulder and hugged her against him for a second, as though he had missed her. He smiled down at her, his eyes slowly sweeping the young, vulnerable curve of her neck and the rapid rise and fall of her breasts, then he released her and, feeling desperately short of breath, she sank into a chair, taking the cigarette offered by Roxanne with quivering fingers and drawing on it deeply until some semblance of normality returned.

  The afternoon passed quickly and pleasantly. They sat in the sun and sipped long cool drinks, the talk light and amusing. Jassy's eyes strayed to the tall powerful man sitting next to her, times without number, unable to stop herself. In his turn, Max watched her steadily and intently, a tense, hungry awareness building up between them.

  Jassy was again aware of every small movement he made, the casual lifting of an expressive hand, the slight shifting of a muscled leg, even the deep, steady intake of his breath. Every sense she had was filled with him, and she ached low in her stomach.

  As she caught his eye for the umpteenth time, her heart stopped beating for an agonising second, as their glances locked. Flame leapt in Max's green eyes before the contact was broken, flame that burned and seared its message into Jassy's body and mind. This tiny episode lasted only an instant, totally unnoticed by Roxanne and Tomas, but it seemed to Jassy to have lasted for timeless hours.

  And so it continued all afternoon, building up and building up, a never-ending spiral of broken eye-contact and tingling desire, until Max got to his feet with lightning grace, lazily stretching his taut brown arms above his head.

  'Time for us to go, Jassy,' he drawled, with a smile.


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