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Black and White

Page 16

by Cynthia Rayne

  “I mean, she’s gone.” Mack gestured to the empty dressing room. There was no sign of Savvy. “According to the GPS, she’s still in the building.”

  It was impossible to narrow down what part of the venue she was in, however. A design flaw he’d be discussing with Storm, at a later date.

  “Unless somebody made her drop it?”

  Think, dammit.

  King was in a state of full-blown panic. When Mack called him over the comms and told him Savvy had missed her cue, he’d lost his mind.

  “Well, she didn’t up and disappear.” None of this made any sense. The gunman shouldn’t have been able to get past the security checkpoints.

  He took a deep breath. “Walk me through it. Tell me what happened. Was there a disturbance? Maybe somebody created a distraction and snuck her out?” King was grasping at straws. “Or did she have any other visitors besides me?”

  King listened, as patiently as possible, as Mack described a man wearing a backstage pass, knocking on Savvy’s door with a gift basket.

  “Did he come through the checkpoint?

  “No. He was already in the hallway, and I assumed he was an assistant or a roadie. I didn’t think much of it since he was already back there.” Her eyes rounded. “Shit. I fucked up.”

  “Let’s work the problem, and we’ll figure out what happened later. What if this guy snuck in earlier? Maybe with Adam’s help?”

  “And he’s been hiding here? Waiting for his chance?”

  “Exactly. This guy has to be our shooter.”

  “I agree, but where did they go?” Mack already checked with the rest of the team, and no one had seen Savvy.

  “Somehow, he snuck her out of this place.”

  They scanned the room, and King wasn’t sure what he was looking for. Black holes? The Bermuda Triangle?

  And then he noticed the seams in the wall.

  “Son of a bitch!” Sure enough, there was a hidden panel. They hadn’t noticed it earlier, and the oversight might have cost Savvy everything.

  “I’ll be damned.”

  King checked the crawl space, shining the flashlight from his phone into the darkness. There was no sign of Savvy or her abductor.

  “Be advised,” he said into the mic, “I’m gonna see where it leads.” He got down on his hands and knees.

  “Don’t you dare go in there. Not without the rest of us as backup,” West said over the comms.

  “You can bust my balls later. There’s no time.” King started crawling.


  He’s gonna find me and kill me.

  Savvy ran as fast as she could down the hall. There was no sign of the team. Or Phil. She didn’t have a cell phone to call them, and this place might as well be a maze.

  The exit sign at the end of the hall pointed to the left.

  She sped around the corner and tripped, falling on her hands and knees. Hissing in pain, she staggered to her feet and took off again.

  Savvy was overwhelmed, reeling, and the room spun around her, as though she’d stepped onto a carousel. Only she couldn’t get off, couldn’t find her balance.

  It felt like the walls were closing in on her.

  “Where’s the exit?” she whispered. All she could see was more passageways. Savvy wasn’t familiar with her surroundings and didn’t have a clue where she was going.

  Around the next corner, she ran smack dab into Nathan. Bewildered, she stared up at him. He was the very last person she expected to see.

  “Savvy, what’s wrong?”

  She glanced over her shoulder. “The man who shot Gloria is here, and he tried to—”

  “Oh my God. Are you okay? Did he hurt you, Miss Savannah?”

  “No, I’m fine.” More or less. “But we can’t stay out here. We have to go. Now.”

  Nathan took her hand, and they started running. “I’ve been walking around here for ten minutes and haven’t found a way out.”

  “Dammit. We can’t stay out here in the open. We’re sitting ducks.” Any second now, Phil would come around the corner and shoot her. Actually, he’d probably take Nathan out to.

  “You should stay away from me. He’ll kill you, too.”

  “I’m not going to leave you to die.” His eyes were wide, sincere, and despite herself, Savvy was touched.

  “Thank you for not leaving me. Should we hide?”

  “Excellent idea.”

  Around the next corner, they found a bathroom.

  “You’re hurt. Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.” Evidently, he’d noticed the bloody streaks on her hands. She’d scratched up her knees and her palms from landing on the concrete, but Savvy was otherwise unharmed.

  “Crap. There’s no lock on the door.” Savvy wanted some barriers between her and Phil.

  “Let’s place something in front of it.” They pushed a couple of wastebaskets against the door, but it wasn’t much of a barricade.

  Savvy climbed up on the bathroom counter. Her heart was still thundering in her chest, but she could think once again.

  Nathan grabbed some paper towels and wet a couple of them underneath the faucet before squirting some soap onto them. Then he turned his attention to her hands, cleaning away the blood.

  She hissed at the contact. The wounds weren’t deep, but they were tender, a bit like having a paper cut.

  “What are you doing back here? I thought you and your dad was sightseein’ around Europe.”

  He’d lifted a shoulder. “We came home early.”

  “Yeah? Did something happen?”

  “No, but I wanted to see your show.” He’d left Europe, to watch her sing? It didn’t make much sense.

  Savvy felt terrible, but she was only half-listening to Nathan as he spoke about the trip. She kept glancing over his shoulder.

  Staying put wasn’t an option. Her instincts urged her to run.

  “Nathan, I don’t want to be rude, I’ve got to go.” As she was about to hop off the counter, he seized her by the shoulders.

  “No, you’re not leaving me.” He said with a quiet intensity she didn’t understand. “Not again.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Nathan was breathing hard and sweat trickled from his brow. “I’ve done everything I can think of to get your attention, and you never notice me.”

  Savvy flinched. Oh no.

  “Um, Nathan, did you send me flowers?”

  “So, you got them.”

  “Yes, I did.”

  So, he’d sent the creepy notes and flowers. Nathan must’ve developed an obsession with her. Savvy never would’ve suspected him. If anything, Magnus was a more likely candidate to be a stalker, since he had boundary issues.

  “You never thanked me.” His chin trembled.

  Could this day get any worse? She thought of an old saying, her momma was fond of. Out of the frying pan, and into the fire.

  Her mouth went dry. “Well, I’m sorry, but you didn’t sign your name to the card.”

  “You knew it was me. Didn’t you?” Nathan demanded, smacking a palm on the counter.

  “I do now.” Mack had said he was dangerous, so she didn’t want to provoke him.

  “You barely noticed me. You wouldn’t even text me back when I finally got your number.”

  Was her reluctance part of the attraction? Or was he just plain nuts?

  “Who gave it to you?”

  “Emerald. She said we were meant to be together. Everyone else knows it, but you.”

  That bitch. “I’m sorry, but I have to—”

  He cut her off before she could give him an excuse.

  “No, you’re gonna stay here with me.” He hugged her, and Savvy shivered in his embrace. “Apologize for hurtin’ me.”

  “I’m sorry, Nathan.”

  “And give me a kiss.”

  He leaned closer.

  Before she could scream, he smothered her mouth with his own. It was wet and slimy.

  “Nathan, let me go,” she gasped, turning her head t
o the side.

  Savvy tried to twist away from him, but Nathan was strong, and she couldn’t fend him off. He even had her legs pinned against the cabinet, so she couldn’t kick him in the balls. There was nowhere to go and no way to get away from him.

  “Never.” Nathan forced his tongue into her mouth and Savvy gagged.

  The bathroom door swung open, sending the trash cans spilling to the floor, startling them both.

  And there stood Emerald, holding a gun.


  It was a tight squeeze in the narrow passage.

  Dust motes floated in the air, and big black spiders lurked in the corners. The dirt had been disturbed though, it was smeared all over the floorboards.

  King finally pushed his way through and found himself in another hallway. Sighing in relief, he stood, brushing himself off.

  “Who designed this place? M. C. Escher?” Any second, he expected to see members of Spinal Tap wandering around back here.

  And then a bullet grazed the side of his head and King hit the deck. The gunman stood at the opposite end of the hallway, weapon drawn.

  King flattened himself against the wall, making his body a smaller target. The shooter did the same.

  Fuck. There’s nowhere to go. The nearest door was fifteen feet away. He’d never make it back to the passage, either.

  “I’ve got the gunman,” King said over the comms. “But I’m pinned down backstage, and I don’t know where the fuck I am.” He spotted a faded number painted on the wall. “It says section nine.” Whatever that means.

  “We’re comin’!” Zane said.

  “Where is she?” King called.

  The dickhead didn’t answer.

  King pulled out his Glock and fired one off, tagging the sonofabitch in the right shoulder.

  Score. The prick’s right-handed.

  The shooter picked up his weapon again and grazed King’s side, before he could press himself against the wall. It hurt like hell, but it wasn’t life-threatening.

  “Where is she, dammit?” So, help me God, if the fucker killed her, I’m gonna paint the walls red before I’m done with him.

  Another shot, this time the bullet ricocheted and King instinctively covered his head.

  Enough fucking around.

  The gunman peeled away from the wall to fire another shot, and King nailed him square in the chest. The shooter slumped to the floor and dropped the gun.

  Glock drawn, King advanced him and then kicked the weapon away.

  “Where’s Savvy?” King hauled him up by the lapels, shaking the bastard. “Tell me!”

  He spit blood at King, spattering his face. “I don’t know. She got away from me.”

  She’s alive! Relief soared through him.

  “Who hired you? Was it Adam Campbell?” Blood poured from the wound, staining his shirt and his face paled.

  In answer, he gave a wheezing laugh as blood bubbled from his mouth.

  “Tell me.”

  “You know I ain’t gonna give up the name.”

  He was right.

  So, King put him down with one shot between the eyes, just like he’d killed Gloria.

  “The shooter’s been neutralized but Savvy’s in the wind,” King said over the comms.

  “Savvy!” he called, breaking into a run.


  “Emerald, what are you doing?”

  This is bananas.

  Savvy and Nathan both held up their hands, waiting to see what she’d do next.

  “What do you think?” She stepped into the room, pointing the weapon at Savvy.

  And things fell into place. I’m such an idiot.

  “Adam didn’t hire the hitman. It was you all along.”

  Why hadn’t she seen it before? Emerald had more than enough cash to hire a killer, and she hated Savvy’s guts. Although, since she wasn’t married to Adam yet, Emerald wouldn’t benefit from the increased royalties.

  The team had been wrong, this was personal. Very personal.

  “It took you long enough to figure it out. I loved watchin’ you worry.” Emerald tossed her hair over one shoulder, grinning with vicious glee.

  “I don’t know what’s going on here, but it doesn’t involve me.” Nathan inched closer to the door. “I won’t say a word, I promise.”

  Savvy scowled at the little worm.

  “You’re right, Nathan, you aren’t necessary.”

  His eyes widened. “Then you’ll let me go?”

  “Emerald, what are you—”

  “Not exactly.”

  She shot him in the chest, and he hit the floor, wheezing for breath, clutching his chest. If he hadn’t been stalking her, Savvy would’ve tried to help him. As it was, she was more concerned with her own hide.

  Nathan groaned, rolling over on his side. He was in pain, but still alive. For now.

  “I know you hate me, but why did you resort to this?” Savvy backed up, struggling for calm once more.

  “Why do you think?” Emerald’s hand shook, and Savvy feared the gun would go off by accident.

  “Tell me you aren’t serious. You’re jealous?”

  A white line formed around her mouth. “I’d be very careful how you speak to me. I’m not jealous!”

  “No?” Riiiight.

  “I have no reason to be. Why would Adam want you, when he has me?”

  And she’s clearly in denial.

  “Then why come after me?” Keep her talking, stall for time.

  King, where are you? She’d heard gunshots in the distance and feared the worst. What if Phil had killed him?

  “I’m doing you a favor when you think about it.”

  “How do you figure?”

  “Face it, honey, you’re a ‘has been.’ A month from now, your album will be in the bargain bin. Six months from now, your record label will drop you. And a year from now, people will wonder, whatever happened to ol’ what’s her name. I’m savin’ you from playing honky tonks and rememberin’ your glory days.”

  The words stung. Those were her biggest fears, all laid out, in the harshest way possible.

  “I see, and this is all for my benefit, huh? You’re so full of shit, your eyes should be brown.”

  “Shut up!” she screamed.

  “So why not let the hitman do your dirty work for you?”

  “He messaged me earlier.” She pulled a cheap burner cellphone from her pocket. “Said you got away from him. I’m bettin’ one of those Black Star guys caught up with him.” Her lips twisted into a sneer.

  Savvy sighed. So, King and the rest of the crew had taken Phil out? She glanced at Nathan, who was sprawled on the floor.

  Two threats down, one to go.

  “Don’t look so relieved, this ain’t over, not for you. I should’ve handled this myself from the start. I can see that now.”

  “Why’d you even come here? If I were plannin’ a crime, I’d get as far away as possible.”

  “I wanted to see you get what’s comin’ to you. In the flesh.”

  Apparently, she was crazy pants, too. Emerald and Nathan would make a great couple.

  “Yeah, you paid him extra for mental torture.”

  Think dammit. How do I get out of this? Emerald wasn’t a pro so Savvy might stand a chance against her. She could grab the gun, and this would be over.

  What if I make her angry? She might get sloppy.

  “Why not?” Emerald smirked. “If you’re rich enough, you can buy anything.”

  “Except someone’s love.”

  “Shut your mouth!” Emerald lurched closer, finger on the trigger. “When you’re gone, Adam will be mine. He’ll appreciate what I did for him. He’ll be free of you, and he’ll have enough money to do anythin’.” The gun wobbled in her grasp, as though she were fighting the urge to shoot Savvy.



  “You missed somethin’.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “Adam’s first love is money, not you. He�
��ll never love you the way you want. Adam’s not capable of it.”

  “I said shut up!” She placed the barrel of a gun on Savvy’s forehead. One squeeze and she’d die just like Gloria.

  Savvy gulped. And the plan failed in a very big way.

  Please, King. Find me. Save me.

  The door swung open once more, and King stood there, like an avenging angel, with his weapon drawn and a scowl on his handsome face. He was blood-spattered, weary, and Savvy nearly collapsed with relief.

  Emerald swung around to face him.

  “Put it down,” King ordered. “Now.”

  “No! Leave! This doesn’t concern you.” She’d never look so desperate.

  “Savvy, are you hurt?” King didn’t take his eyes off Emerald, keeping her in his sightline.

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “You’re kiddin’ me.” Emerald stared at King, hard. “You’re in love with her, too?”

  King ignored the question. “Ma’am, lay down your weapon. The shooter is dead, the FBI’s on the way, and the complex is being evacuated. This is over.”

  “No!” And then she pulled the trigger.

  King nailed her right between the eyes and then clasped his chest. His hand came away bloody, and he stared at it a moment, dazed.

  He stumbled. “Savvy, I—”

  “King no!” Savvy raced to his side.

  And then King collapsed, his skull cracking against the concrete floor.

  Chapter 13

  “You really think he’s going to be okay?”

  Two hours later, Ellie was in the ER waiting room. Zane sat next to her, and he was watching a cooking show on the television in the corner of the room. Savvy had asked him to turn it to the news, but he flatly refused.

  She’d been treated and released for minor scrapes, and she’d asked to stay with King. Because she wasn’t a family member, they wouldn’t let her. And he was unconscious so King couldn’t give permission for her to stay.

  I’m going out of my mind.

  The only thing she could think about was King.

  Please let him be okay. Please?

  Savvy wasn’t certain who she was talking to. The universe? God? Anyone who would listen?


  “What?” He turned to her. “Oh. Yes, he’s a tough bastard. It takes a lot more than a couple of gunshots to kill a Navy SEAL.”


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