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Black and White

Page 17

by Cynthia Rayne

  The rest of the team had stayed behind to deal with the situation. Nathan was still alive, not that she cared very much. Both he and King were transported in the same ambulance. The coroner had come for both Phil and Emerald.

  At some point, she’d need to speak with both the local police and the FBI, but not right now.

  It was over. Savvy couldn’t hardly believe it. As soon as she knew King was safe, Savvy planned on celebrating in a big way.

  “Then why wouldn’t they let me stay with him?” She felt like she was coming out of her skin. Not knowing was even worse than bad news.

  “I imagine they want to do their jobs, without you underfoot.” He gave her a friendly pat on the back. “When they give you the green light to see him, will you do me a favor?”


  “Tell King you’re in love with him and you want to ride off into the sunset together.”

  “I didn’t say I,” Savvy paused, swallowing hard. “Was in love with him.”

  “You didn’t have too. He gave her a knowing smile.

  “Fine. Maybe just a little bit.” Or a lot.

  “Right, because that’s how love works. It’s incremental, not an either/or kind of thing.”

  She kicked him in the shin.

  “Ow. What the fuck…?”

  “You’re an insensitive asshole.”

  He shrugged. “You’re right, I deserved it.”

  What the hell is taking so long?

  She twisted in her seat, but she couldn’t get comfortable. Savvy hadn’t worn her disguise, so people kept gawking at her like she was a monkey at the zoo. Normally, she loved interacting with fans, but she wanted to be left alone. Once, when she was in the bathroom at a restaurant, somebody had asked for an autograph while she was on the toilet. Talk about lack of boundaries.

  Thank God no one had approached her. Yet.

  I can’t sit here all night. I’ve gotta do something. No one had ever accused her of being patient.

  “I’m goin’ to the vendin’ machine to get some coffee. Want anythin’?”

  “Yeah, I’ll take a coffee. And do us both a favor?”

  “Hmm?” She was distracted, rubbing necking down the hall, hoping for a glimpse of him. No such luck.

  “Make yours decaf.”

  She kicked him again, and while Zane held his aching shin, Savvy jogged around the corner.

  The vending machines were near the emergency room entrance doors. As she was fighting with a crumpled dollar bill, which refused to slide into the slot, someone tapped her up on the shoulder.

  Seriously? You’re gonna ask for a selfie now?

  Savvy turned around, but instead of a fan, she saw Adam. His face was flushed, and his eyes were bright.

  “You wouldn’t believe it.”

  “About Emerald?” She bit her lower lip. “I’m so sorry for your loss.” The woman had tried to kill her, but Adam had been engaged to Emerald, and she was sorry he’d be grieving.

  His face sobered. “Yes, it’s…tragic.”

  Hmm. Adam seemed to be handling this awfully well.

  “Are you okay? Do you need anything?”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “Didn’t you…?”


  “Love her? Because you aren’t acting like it.”

  Adam shifted uncomfortably. “I liked Emerald very much. Can I be honest?”

  “Always.” She’d take the truth over a pretty lie anyway.

  “The sex was inventive, I enjoyed her company, and we had a mutually beneficial partnership, but I wasn’t in love with her. Although, I’m sorry it ended so tragically.”

  I was right. Adam loves money more than people.

  Adam called it a “partnership” and acted like they were about to buy a franchise together, instead of getting married. Although, Savvy wasn’t sure if Emerald had been in love with him either. More than likely, it had been an obsession.

  “Oh.” Savvy was at a loss for words.

  “She wanted my contacts in the industry, for her family’s business, and I wanted her cash. See? Beneficial.”

  “Don’t look at me like that, darlin’. There’s only one girl I care for,” he said pointedly.

  Care for. He’d chosen his words carefully.

  “Adam, I can’t—”

  “I know, you’re with Mr. Big and Tall, but it won’t last forever. And when it’s over, I’ll still be here.”

  Moving right along.

  “Then why did you withdraw fifty thousand dollars?” It had been bugging her.

  His brow furrowed. “How do you know about that?”

  “Answer the question.”

  Adam pulled at the collar of his shirt. “I made a couple of, shall we say, shady business deals and the loan came due.”

  “Leavin’ you with an empty bank account you need to fill up again.” No wonder he’d been pestering her to get her sales up. But she’d made millions of dollars over the past few years. Where did it all go?

  “And for the record, you weren’t tryin’ to have me killed?”

  Adam blinked. “Of course not. I’d never do anythin’ to hurt you.”

  So, her instincts had been right about him all along. She didn’t have to second guess herself anymore. Although, Savvy had a feeling she’d be dealing with trust issues for quite a while.

  “You had somethin’ to talk with me about, Adam?”

  “Right. Sorry. I came over here to talk to you. When I saw the news, I rushed over to Bloom, and it was a madhouse. The FBI was out in force, local police, and a slew of reporters. This is a huge story.” Adam looked like a little kid in an amusement park. “I did a few interviews and laid the groundwork for a media blitz.”

  Now, I see where this was going.

  Savvy placed her hands on her hips, waiting for it.

  His expression sobered. “I know this was such an ordeal, Savvy, but there’s a bright side.”

  “Which is…?”

  “We’ve gotten a lot of free publicity. Every mornin’ show in the country has called my office, looking for an exclusive interview with you. If we play this right, we could start up the tour again, and your album sales will spike. Then we can resume the tour, this time we’ll fill stadiums! What if we gave it a catchy title? The Survivor Tour?”

  “You want me to use my near-death experience to make some cash?”

  “No, I’m sayin’ we should make the most of a bad situation.” Adam certainly had a way with words. He could make a blasphemy sound like a benediction.

  “You know what? I’m done.”

  “With what?”

  “With you, with this.” She waved her hands. “From now on, I’m gonna do things my way.”

  “Savvy, I know you’re upset, but—”

  “No, I’m just thinkin’ clearly. You’re fired. I should’ve done this a long time ago. I’m gonna sing whatever the hell I want, when I want, how I want.”

  His face clouded. “You can’t do this to me.”

  “I’m doing this for me, not to you.”

  “I’m the one who discovered you! Without me, you’d be nothing.”

  That’s it.

  “Adam, you’re gonna let me out of the contract, and I’ll pay you a percentage of my royalties for the next two years.”

  “And if I don’t?” His fists clenching.

  “Then you’ll have to sue me for breach of contract. And I’ll make sure it’s messy, Adam. I’ll drag your name through the mud, and no one will ever wanna work with you again.”

  They stood there for a long time, having a silent standoff.

  Come on, buddy, call my bluff. I dare you.

  Adam took a step back. “You’ll never make it work, Savvy. You’re gonna embarrass yourself. And three years from now, you’ll be serving hot chicken again.”

  Savvy winced. “We’ll see. Now, get out of here.”

  She vowed to prove him wrong.


  King was groggy.

nbsp; He managed to focus on the ceiling tiles overhead and blinked at the sudden brightness. His chest hurt like a bitch, and he felt woozy, dizzy.

  And then he remembered Savvy.

  He shot up in the bed, only to groan in pain. The chest wound burned with an unholy fire.

  “Stop movin’. You’ve been shot.” Suddenly, Savvy stood over him, grasping his hand.

  He collapsed on the bed. “It’s not a big deal.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “I was almost gutted by a terrorist, so this ain’t nothin’.” He slurred his words a bit. King felt like he was on the deck of his first ship, being tossed by the waves. They must’ve given him some medication for the pain.

  Whatever it was? It was awesome.

  “The doctor I bribed with a selfie, says you have a concussion.”

  He nodded. King remembered cracking his coconut pretty good. Because she wasn’t a family member, they wouldn’t have let her in, but Savvy’s famous so the rules didn’t always apply to her.

  “I had a blow to the head, so I need to be watched.” His medic training kicked back in, so his brains hadn’t been scrambled. Excellent.

  “Yes, and I’m gonna stay with you.”

  “Thank you, queen. What happened? I’m still fuzzy on some of the details.”

  Savvy filled him in on the whole thing, including Adam’s slimy plan to reignite her career.

  “I’m glad you told the fucker to go to hell.”

  “Me too.” She smiled.

  “Say the word, and I’ll beat the shit out of him.” Just as soon as the world stops spinning.

  “I suppose it’s an alpha male way of showin’ you care, huh?”

  “Damn straight. Well, that, and I still don’t like ‘em.”

  “But Adam didn’t try to have me killed.”

  “Is he still a dick?”

  “Yeah.” Savvy chuckled. “I think watchin’ him eat some crow should help things.”


  “Yeah, if I chart with my next album, and believe me, it’s a great big honkin’ if, I’ll send him a newspaper clipping along with a bitchy note.” Her eyes danced with mischief and King had the strongest urge to kiss her.

  “What note will you send?”

  “Suck it? I don’t know, I’ll have to work on it.”

  King laughed until his side hurt. Again.

  Savvy sighed. “I can’t believe it’s over and I’m still alive.”

  It was nothing short of a miracle. Savvy was no longer in danger, and the guilty parties had been caught. So why did he feel like shit? Because she’s leaving, dumbass, and you’ll be all alone again.

  “Yeah, we got the bad guy. Or guys, and girl…”

  “Thank you.” Savvy squeezed his shoulder. She hadn’t stopped touching him since he’d woken up. King never wanted her to stop.

  Say somethin’, idiot.

  “You’re welcome. I’m glad you’re safe.” He hadn’t been able to protect Nicole, but defending Savvy brought him some small measure of peace.

  “Me, too.”

  And then they stared at one another.

  “We’re doing the thing again,” she said.

  “Only we ain’t in a hallway.”

  “I’m gonna miss you.”

  He swallowed. “Unless…”

  “Unless what?”

  “We do somethin’ about it, but I don’t have a clue how it would work. You jet all over the world, and my job’s here.”

  Savvy bit her lip. “My house isn’t far from here. And I meant what I said. I’m gonna be doin’ things differently. For one thing, I’m puttin’ a studio in my home, and I’m recordin’ my own music there.”

  “You’ll be close?” King could scarcely believe his own ears. It sounded too good to be true.

  “For the most part, yes. I’ll still be goin’ on tour but on my terms. I won’t be headin’ out for six months at a time anymore.”

  “So, there might be room in your life for me?” King gripped her hand.

  “I’m gonna make room because you’re important to me. Didn’t you tell me that once?” King nodded. “A queen needs her King.”

  King couldn’t stand it anymore, and he grabbed her.

  She squealed with delight when he hauled her onto the bed. Savvy balanced on her knees, so she wouldn’t brush against his injuries. Despite the aches and pains, his body responded to Savvy’s nearness, getting hard and ready for her.

  He leered. “When I’m healed, you’re gonna be on top of me again, with very different results. Unless you wanna start now?”

  “We’re not havin’ sex,” she whispered furiously. “You’re full of holes, and we’re in the hospital, anyone could walk in.”

  “Yeah? I don’t give a fuck. Hell, I’ll even put on a show. Here, let me demonstrate.” He kissed her, and she melted against him.

  King needed his queen, too.


  What a difference a year makes.

  Savvy sat in the dressing room, inspecting herself in the mirror.

  I’m a whole new woman.

  Savvy took a deep breath. She could hardly believe she was about to perform at the Grand Ole Opry. It was a dream come true.

  Outside the crowd was restless, cheering, chanting her name and the sound was delicious. Savvy closed her eyes and basked in it for a moment.

  This concert would be straight from the heart.

  Since firing Adam, Savvy had taken her career in a completely different direction. Her contract with the record label was history, and she’d put out an album of songs she’d written, performed, and produced. And now she sang about things that really mattered, love and respect, growing up in a small town with parents who cherished her. It was both critically acclaimed and a commercial success, so she’d earned the respect of her peers.

  Now, Savvy spent her evenings performing and her nights in King’s arms.

  He was her other half, and Savvy didn’t know what she’d do without him. Saving her had healed him, too. And he’d slowly come to terms with his wife’s death. King had finally forgiven himself, and he was moving forward, instead of dwelling on the past.

  Savvy had planned out a tour for this coming summer, a smaller, more intimate series of concerts, playing county fairs and rodeos. King would be going on the road with her.

  And while she wasn’t selling out arenas, she’d have no trouble filling the seats. Her audience wasn’t filled with teeny boppers either. There were people in their late twenties and up.

  “Hey, what do ya think of the monkey suit?” King walked into the dressing room and opened the tuxedo jacket. With a sultry expression, he turned to the right and then left, like a male model at a photo shoot.

  Savvy watched his reflection in the mirror, awestruck for a moment. Savvy had special ordered the tux for him, and it fit like a glove. He looked damned good. She could eat him up with a spoon.

  “Damn. You’re hotter than a honeymoon hotel.”

  “Yeah?” And then his arms were around her, hugging her from behind. “Right back at ya,” he purred in her ear.

  Savvy’s eyes slid shut as the electricity crackled through her body. She could jump him right here, but there wasn’t time.

  “After the concert, you’d better watch yourself.” King wore a knowing smirk.

  “Promise?” she asked.

  “You’ll be lucky to make it back to the dressin’ room.”

  “Come on, then.” She stood and threaded her fingers through his. “Let’s go on stage.”

  “Woah.” He planted his feet. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m gonna introduce you to everyone.”

  King frowned. “I thought I was watchin’ you sing from the wings.”

  “You will, but I want my fans to meet you.” A few pictures of them had ended up in gossip rags, but she hadn’t spoken publicly about their relationship.

  “Savvy, I don’t know…”

  “I do. I want them to know you’re the reason I’m
still alive. No, more than that, you’re the reason I’m happy.” Savvy was only tall enough to kiss his chin.

  “If you’re sure.”

  “I’ve never been so sure of anythin’.”

  He swooped down and kissed her mouth, leaving her aching for more.

  “Come on, queen, it’s showtime.”


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  Keep reading for a sneak peek.

  In the Black

  Coming May 21st.



  A Hero’s Scars

  Former Navy SEAL, Quentin Zane, was battle-scarred long before he joined the military. As a child, his father put him through hell. One terrible night, he lost everything. Since then, the only bright spot in his life has been Ellie King. And he’ll stop at nothing to protect her, even if it means unleashing the blackness within.

  Broken but determined

  After many false starts, Ellie finally left her abusive boyfriend and fled to her brother’s place. But her ex is hatching a plan to kill innocent people, and she has to stop him.

  With Zane’s help, she’ll put him behind bars. Ellie’s known her big brother’s best friend for years, but she’s never truly seen Zane before. Will they stop a madman from killing? And will they heal each other’s wounds?

  In the Black

  “What the hell do you think you’re doin’?”

  “What’s it look like?”

  Elinor King tossed a shirt into her duffel bag. She didn’t mean to be rude, but Ellie didn’t want to answer Quentin Zane’s questions. These Navy SEAL guys could suss out trouble from twenty paces. If she started talking, Zane would figure out she was up to something, and then she’d be screwed.

  Zane stood in the doorway, a fierce expression on his face and she turned away, ignoring him. This had been an opportune time to escape since her brother was laid up in the hospital for a day or two, and the rest of the team was working another case.


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