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Page 17

by J H Cardwell

  The long bridge to the main rig was encased in steel and glass and you could see the waterway down below between the main office building and the rig. It was actually a beautiful sight. John grabbed my hand as we walked across and squeezed it. He had a sweet smile on his face as I glanced over at him.

  “What do you think so far Mrs. Rider?” John had to practically yell as we were nearing the edge of the loud rig.

  “Wow! This is crazy how massive this is.” I was looking around in awe.

  “Shhh. That’s just for you and me to know. But I’m glad you think so.” He chuckled.

  I smacked his arm playfully as he pulled me in closer to him. “Yeah, well, don’t let it go to your head Mr. Rider. I’m not sure I could stand any more arrogance.”

  “Hey, he said and growled in my ear. “How about I show you one reason I can be so arrogant when we get back to the house.” He licked the side of my face.

  “Did you just lick me!?” I laughed. “Oh, no, no, no. If you want everyone to see our love licks, literally, I can oblige.” I reached over and licked his neck.

  “Hey you two.” Oh shit. I forgot my dad was following so close behind us. I stiffened up quickly as John cleared his throat.

  “Sorry about that sir. I love your daughter, but she is driving me crazy.” He raised his eyebrows up and down at me. I shook my head and pursed my lips with a small chuckle.

  I was so glad we could be lighthearted with all that was going on, and after so recently learning about his father. While John did his thing on the rig…whatever that was, I decided I wanted to walk back over to the offices. I wanted to meet some more of the people to see if I could get a feel for who all worked for John.

  “Why don’t you stay with me, and we’ll all walk back over together.” He said after I mentioned my plan.

  “I’ll take my dad with me and a couple of agents. I’ll be fine. I’ll meet you with them at the front doors.

  He gave a small growl again. This time it was because he knew he had to concede to me. I gave him a victory smile and kissed him on the lips. He fiercely grabbed me up against him and deepened the kiss. “I’ll miss you Chloe. I love you BB.”

  I playfully smacked his arm again. “I’m still not in love with that nickname of yours, but I love you too John Rider. Besides, you won’t miss me long.” I started to turn around, but I needed one more thing.

  “Hey, do you mind if I borrow some cash. I think I’ll get a drink from your state of the art cafeteria while I’m in there.” He grabbed his money clip filled with a wad of cash, credit cards, and his license and started to pull out a twenty dollar bill. Someone called his name and he turned to look at a few guys needing his assistance.

  “Here BB.” He handed me the entire clip. “Don’t spend it all in one place.” He winked and laughed for using that dang nickname again. He darted off before I could protest again. He was laughing out loud and shaking his head.

  My dad and I crossed the walkway again to head back, all the while he was talking about how good John and I looked together. My phone buzzed just as we got inside the building.

  Hey. Drink machine

  is two doors down to your

  left. Don’t go far please. I

  forgot an important piece

  of paper with a phone

  number in my clip. Hang

  tight. Be there in a min.

  Love you.

  I let out a small sigh. Good grief. Okay, no worries. I would just get a drink out of the machine instead and see the cafeteria a different day.

  After just a couple of minutes I started to head back his way when I got a text.

  Heading your way

  now sweetheart.

  I grinned. Finally, I could hand off the paper that John needed and tour around this enormous outfit of an office. Just as I was turning to my dad to let him know, there was a HUGE explosion of noise and the entire building shook like it was in an earthquake of drastic proportions!

  Chapter 31

  I was shocked from the fearful screaming all around me at first until my brain registered the mayhem, and I hollered as my dad threw his body over mine.

  “Chloe we have to get out of here!” I was so shaken I could barely breathe. All I could think about was where was John? “We can’t leave John, Daddy, we can’t!” I was shaking my head vigorously, trying to stand firm. Then I turned to run in the direction I knew John to be. My dad caught me by the waist and hauled me over his shoulder towards the entrance.

  “I just got you back Chloe. I’m not losing you again. I WONT let you die, unless I die with you.” I relished in his words briefly until fear of losing John took over and I thrashed about kicking and screaming. The other two agents walked quickly over to us with their hands on their weapons. I still couldn’t wrap my head around what had happened. I didn’t give myself time to think, I just knew I wasn’t leaving without John.

  As we neared the car, there were sirens all around. The noise was ear-piercing. My dad was yelling at me that an agent had stayed behind to monitor the vehicles while we were inside. That way there wouldn’t be a chance of a repeat of what had happened to John’s car in Charlotte.

  However, as we got closer, my heart flew to my throat. All I could see at first was the hem of khaki pants with work-boots attached, lying on the ground in a puddle of blood. It didn’t take long to realize the officer guarding our car had been shot. My dad flew into Army mode and covered me, while pushing me up against the car in front of us. He hollered for another officer to check the victim. Luckily he announced there was a thread of a pulse. Within moments there was an ambulance by our car, and several others near the petition of the back of the building.

  I heard yelling and screaming and then I finally heard something that clearly made sense. The walkway had been blown up and that hundreds of people were involved in the explosion. Countless bodies were being checked for survivors and injuries.

  I froze. All the noises faded out at that point. My head was spinning. John couldn’t have been walking over that bridge at that exact moment. My hand shook as I pulled my phone back out.

  Heading your way

  now Sweetheart.

  The sensation I felt when reading it again was mind-numbing! He was on that walkway. No! It can’t be true!

  I collapsed to the ground as my father’s arms went around me. I was sobbing hysterically. I couldn’t get a grip. Nothing else mattered. I saw ambulances come and go, transporting victims to the nearest hospitals.

  An agent came running back to us saying there was no sign of John so far, but that they had the perimeter on lockdown as much as possible, and they were bringing in extra men. He would also have calls into the local hospitals to alert the FBI if John showed up at any of the hospitals.

  This was crazy. He was just beyond that building, he had to be. I was determined to find him. I took off on shaky legs when my dad had turned around to answer his phone. Before I knew it, strong arms were engulfing me again as I screamed.

  “Let go of me! I’m going to find him no matter what! Let. Me. Go!” I was twisting and turning for all I was worth. My arm felt like someone was sticking needles in it and I yelped from the pain.

  “Oh God Chloe. I’m so sorry honey. I don’t want to hurt you, but you’re not going! I can’t let you go. I can’t!” My body eased as I realized it was useless. I know he was just trying to keep me safe. My mind was telling me it understood. My heart was yelling at me ‘traitor!’ for giving in and not going after John. I sank down to the ground in defeat. “Now listen baby girl. What if there are more explosions?” He sighed and pulled me into a hug. “We can stand here and worry for the unknown, or we can go to each hospital and try to find your husband. Okay?”

  My dad looked at me as if he were filled with true sorrow. I was so confused. This man in front of me was so familiar, so many memories of my early childhood came rushing back to me. Baby girl was his nickname for me for the first seven years of my life. Just as Beautiful Baby, BB, was
John’s nickname for me. I had so many emotions coursing through my body that I thought I would die from the mixed feelings, the overabundance of memories crossing my brain waves would surely cause me to go mentally insane.


  Nineteen hours and forty-three minutes – that’s how long it had been since I saw him. I was rocking back and forth while being wrapped in a blanket. There was still no news of John. The blank thoughts in my mind told me I was close to shutting down completely. I had been here before, the night my brother lost his battle to cancer. I lost all feeling in my mind and body and nearly died from not eating or drinking for days. It wasn’t until I finally went back to school and met Reese, Elle, and Maura that I finally started to live again.

  We learned the explosion was caused by the same type of bomb that blew up John’s car. Surveillance cameras showed an image of a man with sunglasses and a hat, covered with a jersey hooded sweatshirt, bending over near a potted plant on the walkway. A man that must have had a badge to get in the building, and a code to get on the walkway…an employee. They can only assume that individual set the bomb at that moment. Two minutes later the cameras went fuzzy from the explosions – but not before my John walked past the camera just thirty seconds before. He was on that bridge. He was on his way to meet me just like he said.

  My shoulders shook ferociously as I nearly couldn’t swallow what little saliva I had in my dehydrated mouth. My body was convulsing with pain and fear of loss. I wanted to tell myself how STUPID I was for falling in love! Everybody close to me dies! I knew better! Maybe I’m the one who made this whole ordeal happen! God why??!! I was screaming at him internally. It made me fear for the other people still in my life.

  Strong arms wrapped around me, pulling the blanket up close to my chin. “Oh Chloe, I’m so sorry baby.” I raised my head to meet his. I wanted to tell him not to call me baby. I didn’t want to learn to love him again either; but, I was too weak, and the truth was I needed someone. I really wanted my friends.

  Agents had combed over every hospital in hopes that John would be found. No one fitting his description was located amongst the one hundred and thirty-nine injured and seven dead. Seven dead!! What was left of the bodies that were recovered didn’t seem to match John’s description either. Since he handed me his only means of tangible identification, his money clip and picture ID, they had to go by physical description only until they started the DNA identification process.

  The worst of the damage was from the walkway and out toward the rig. The fireproof, four foot wide external wall and doors protected the offices from being as affected. They had been built to withstand any fire that occurred on the rigs. Evidently, any time oil is involved those type of safety parameters have to be in place.

  I fell asleep sitting upright. I know I must have been so exhausted, that my body took me into rescue mode to sleep off the stress. When I woke up, I jumped to realize it had been five more hours. John had officially been missing for over twenty-four hours. I tried to scramble to my feet, but I was too weak. I hadn’t eaten or drank anything in so long. I never even took a sip of my canned drink from the office. I shivered remembering John’s last smile at me. His gorgeous face was lit up in my memory. The promise of having all of each other when we got back to this house.

  That would never happen now. My hand flew to my stomach and I knew I would be sick. My dad stepped in with a trashcan just in time. Although, I didn’t have much to come out. I was embarrassed, and disgusted with myself yet again for doing this. For causing myself such grief. I wiped my mouth with the cool, wet rag he offered me, and I leaned my head back on the couch.

  “I knew better.” My voice didn’t even sound like me. It was raspy and weak. I looked at my dad out of the corner of my eyes. His expression was one of confusion and pain.

  “What do you mean Chloe? You didn’t do any of this.” He sat down beside of me. There was an uneasiness to him like he didn’t know what to do. He started to put his arm around me, but stopped and gently patted my back.

  “Don’t you see? I tried so hard to not fall in love.” I sniffed and stiffened. I might as well tell it all. I had nothing else to lose. “I never wanted to love someone like you loved mom. I never wanted to be the person you turned into when she died.” I turned to face him. “When she died, she killed you too. You loved her too much to keep going, and Robbie and I suffered.” I paused long enough to swallow the knot in my throat. “You suffered too. You never knew how awesome your own son was. You never knew his talents and his quirks. You never knew how much I hated tomatoes or how much I loved spaghetti sauce despite of it.” I dropped my head. “I never wanted someone else to have that much power over me as mom did you.”

  There was a long pause. My dad was sniffing beside of me. “I can’t bring back time Chloe. I can’t experience all of those things I missed out on when you and Robbie were little. I want to so badly, but I can’t. What you don’t understand is I was so very wrong. I wasn’t man enough to learn how to deal with my grief. I wasn’t man enough to love your mother first but equally love you and your brother. I was spoiled to having your mother all to myself at first, and I didn’t want to share her. She was the love of my life, and I didn’t know how to continue that life without her. What I’ve learned is that I wasn’t meant to continue the life she and I once had. Life is about changes and growth, and I was a slow learner when it came time to adapt.”

  He let out a long sigh. This time his hesitant arms came around my shoulders. He paused them mid-air before I gave a slight nod of my okay, and he continued with his embrace. His soft, warm arms caressed me like a father would his only daughter. I was in awe that I could once again feel like I belonged to him since I had hated him for so long.

  “I have lost so much time Chloe. I can’t bring John back to you, but we can continue to search for him until we know one hundred percent what happened to him. And if that means we mourn, then we mourn. But with everything, I’ve learned to move forward. I will do my best to guide you through it day by day. As pastor Timmy would say. He wouldn’t bring you to it if He wasn’t planning to provide a path through it darling.”

  I felt encouraged, even if only by a shred. Mostly, I wrapped my sliver of hope in his words that we would continue to search for John. I had to have closure. I didn’t feel confident at all that my dad could help me work through anything if my mind was stuck in a case of unknowns.

  Chapter 32

  One day turned into three, and I was still no closer to finding John. My weight had dropped at least eight pounds and I had dark circles under my eyes. I had finally taken a shower only to throw my hair up in a bun and wallow in grief on the couch.

  The FBI had continued their investigation from pulling flight information to and from North Carolina to Houston, to researching each employee and family member of the Houston and North Carolina oil rigs and offices. They had planned to exhaust both locations before moving on to other U.S. facilities or searching internationally. Luckily, they didn’t have to.

  They had gotten a lead from a rig worker off of the coast of Louisiana who saw all of the deaths and injuries on the television of the Houston explosion and he came forward. He told how he was conned into using his code to let in an ex-employee of Rider Industries – Sam Draper. My mind had raced at that news, until it dawned on me who Sam was. He was the crazy, psychotic, cocaine addict who had nearly raped Reese on John’s yacht all of those summers ago. The same Sam who was forced into rehab not once but three times for different reasons. And, the same Sam whose father was bought out for his portion of Rider Industries because John’s dad and Sam’s dad didn’t see eye to eye on morally running the company.

  Evidently there were three drilling or blasting bombs missing from the inventory. Inventory that this man was responsible for checking daily and had not reported the findings for fear of losing his job. Blasting techniques were rarely used except for in heavy mineral and rock areas, but they were available if needed. This guy was hoping they wouldn
’t need these specific bombs for a long time to come. The weight that would lay on his shoulders would be too heavy, I’m afraid. He would always wonder if he could have stopped all of the deaths and injuries from occurring.

  Once the word was out, there was a massive search in place to capture Sam and his father for conducting such a heinous crime.

  Maura, Reese, and Elle had all called every couple of hours to check on me. My rich friend Mel had sent food and flowers to the house. I didn’t want any of those things. I wanted John back. Flowers made me think we were mourning his death, and I didn’t want to…not ever!

  I was sitting on the couch at the end of day three of my mindless wandering when the front doorbell rang. I just assumed it was more agents or other security. They were not only using John’s home as a station to look at tips and points of interest, they were protecting me in case Sam was still after me. I tried to be worried, but truthfully, I didn’t care. I was sick on my stomach, and too tired to eat anyway.

  When the door opened and closed I heard lots of chatter at the entrance and within moments I saw three gorgeous faces, actually four, running to me. Reese, Elle, and Maura were crying and holding onto each other as they flung their arms around me. I took in the scene for a moment before I let out a moan from deep in my gut for having them here for me. When I looked over their shoulder, I saw the red, worried eyes of Brett. He was in pain as well for my grief, but mostly for his. John was one of his best friends. I know this was killing him. The door opened and closed again and a weary Harrison walked slowly towards me. His hands were in his pockets and he looked like he’d lost his puppy dog. He was full of sadness. He had known John the longest. He had also known Sam, and had accepted him in their circle for years, even if it was because of John’s dad and Sam’s dad’s partnership. Tate and Finn were close behind with shared solemn expressions. They all nestled themselves accordingly with their spouses or fiance’s. Which left Brett to sit beside of me. I wondered where Celeste was, but I didn’t ask. I couldn’t pull a sound out at the moment for the thick knot in my throat. I looked around at these people, my family, and closed my eyes feeling the love in the room.


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