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On His Terms (The Arrangement Series Book 1)

Page 29

by Madison Quinn

  “Mac will see to it?” I ask Carter.

  “Yes, he is already here and waiting.”

  “Mac?” Kenzie asks.

  “He’s… my boat guy, I guess you could say. He gets the boat ready when I want to take it out and like today, he will see that it’s shut down completely and secure it for the night.”

  The ride back to the city is quiet, but Kenzie doesn’t let go of my hand the entire ride and I don’t stop holding hers either. When we get back to The Accord, I walk Kenzie to her apartment door and kiss her on the cheek as has become our tradition after dates. I am beyond tempted to kiss her again. I want nothing more than to feel her body against mine and her lips pressed up against mine again. But in the end I know nothing good could come of that… if my image-changing mission is to be successful, I can’t give her a reason to break the contract. A night with me fucking her would almost guarantee that.

  Chapter 27


  What a week! I cannot believe the week I’ve had. It started with Nicholas nearly giving me the first panic attack I’ve had in more than year as Hunter all but kidnapped me when I thought I was supposed to be going to work. Instead he drove me outside the city to a beautiful marina where we met up with Nicholas and Carter. We spent the day aboard his amazing boat, getting to know each other more. I was shocked when Nicholas revealed his past to me. I never would have expected someone to fool Nicholas the way Harper did. I always viewed him as stronger than that or too smart to fall for it. Hearing what happened to him, of what she did to him, made me realize that he is only human. That even someone as strong, smart and rich as he is can be duped by someone as manipulative as Harper was. It also made me realize that at least I’m not the only one who has made stupid mistakes in their life.

  The day on the boat was more than I ever could have hoped for. After Nicholas told me everything that the Bitch did to him, we were still able to have a wonderful afternoon together. We went swimming, joked around and got to know each other even more. We shared a delicious lunch that Julie made us on the deck of the boat after we spent the afternoon swimming. Nicholas looked amazing in his swim shorts! I kept waiting for him to take his shirt off, but to my disappointment he never did.

  Nevertheless, he looked incredibly sexy when he came out of the water and the shirt clung to him. I could see his hardened muscles beneath his shirt and I couldn’t help but imagine what he would look like shirtless. I can’t remember the last time I ever thought of a guy like that; hell I can’t remember the last time I wondered what a man looked like without his clothes on! He looked so relaxed on the boat, not like some big, powerful CEO in charge of hundreds of employees. Instead he looked… well, like someone his age should look.

  And then as our perfect day was coming to an end, I nearly ruined it. I kissed him… and it was not on the cheek. I was so.. .excited, I guess that I had steered the boat to the marina and managed to not hit anything. I hugged him to thank him for taking me out for the day, for telling me about what had happened to him and for teaching me to maneuver the boat. The moment his arms wrapped around me and pulled me close to him, I immediately thought about how nice it felt to sleep next to him last weekend after my nightmare.

  When I went to pull away from him, his eyes caught mine and it was as if he could see right through me again. I remember feeling that way the day we met on the sidewalk, that he could see all the secrets I’ve never told anyone. I was overwhelming how open I felt. I wanted to get away, but at the same time I didn’t want step out of his embrace. I leaned up to kiss him, intending it to be a good-bye kiss on the cheek however when his eyes met mine again, I felt this incredible urge to kiss his lips again.

  I don’t know if I should be thankful for the boat horn that interrupted our kiss just before I think one of us was about to deepen it. We’ve kissed three times now; two of which have been initiated by me. The only time Nicholas initiated it was after my nightmare, probably just as a way to comfort me. I need to be more mindful of our arrangement, even though the lines seem to be getting more and more blurred as we spend time together. I can’t give Nicholas a reason to break our arrangement—I’m finally getting a head on my bills and I think I might start looking for an apartment of my own in the next couple of weeks.

  I’ve enjoyed staying at The Accord Towers but the fact remains that it is Nicholas’s apartment. I think I would feel more secure if I had a place of my own—some place that I couldn’t lose without any notice if Nicholas suddenly decides to end our arrangement. The issue I know I’m going to have though is finding a place that is safe so that while Nicholas and I have this arrangement press can’t get to me, at a price I can afford. Right now I think I can afford a small apartment in a decent area but I’m concerned when the arrangement ends what will happen. I don’t think I could sign another contract with Bridget.

  If this arrangement with Nicholas has taught me anything, it’s that I can’t be involved with someone without emotional attachments. Nicholas was right when he said that our arrangement has begun to go beyond a business arrangement and we’ve sort of become friends. We’re not the type of friends who call each other or text, but when we go on dates we share things about our lives. I don’t know how I will feel when Nicholas ends this; I think it will feel like losing a friend and it’s been a long time since I’ve had someone I considered a friend. I quickly shake my head from those thoughts; I need to just focus on keeping things status quo between us which means not kissing him again. I can’t be the reason he decides to end our arrangement.

  Nicholas and I were supposed to go to dinner earlier this week but he ended up having to cancel because of a last minute business meeting he had to fly off to. We’re going to dinner at his parents’ tonight; I’m not sure how I feel about this. Although I’ve met Vivienne and talked to her several times now, I can’t help but feel nervous spending the evening with them. From what Bridget told me, Nicholas’s entire family will be there which I assume includes Austin and Cara.

  Bridget also confirmed that next week Nicholas has a busy schedule and has requested I accompany him to several different events including a charity fundraising dinner and a business. When I was talking to her I couldn’t help but wonder if she knew about our day on the boat or the weekend that we spent together. I feel guilty that we did these things without going through her as stated in our contract. However, I know if we had for either of these things it would have resulted in a payment from Nicholas which is obviously something I don’t want. Since I don’t expect us to be spending more time together outside of our actual arrangement, I decide against informing Bridget about the weekend and the day on the boat.

  I struggled with what to wear for dinner tonight; Bridget said that Nicholas told her that the dress code would be casual for dinner. What the hell is casual though to a family that has the amount of money that the Parkers have? I end up spending an hour at Stacy’s where I eventually choose a halter style sundress that falls just to my knees with a pair of dressy sandals. I think it’s a little more than casual but I hope that it will fit in with what the Parkers expect for tonight. I was a little surprised when Bridget scheduled this dinner. I had assumed I would only see them at different events. I guess I wasn’t expecting to see them in such an intimate or personal setting…

  Knock knock

  Thankfully Nicholas pulls me from my thoughts and overall worry about how tonight is going to go. I quickly grab my purse, set the alarm and open the door where Nicholas is waiting for me. For the first time since I’ve met him, Nicholas is wearing jeans which surprises me. I can’t help but immediately second guess my outfit for tonight, wondering if I shouldn’t go back inside and change into something more casual.

  “You look… very nice,” Nicholas says.

  “Do you think I should change?”

  “No! Why would you?”

  “Bridget mentioned the dress would be casual for tonight, and you’re in jeans... ”

  “I assure you Cara will be not
be dressed in jeans, if that’s what you’re worried about. I’m not sure that girl owns a single pair. I can’t remember the last time I even saw her in jeans. You look perfect… you don’t need to change.”

  “If you’re sure.”

  We walk down to the elevator where Carter is waiting for us; after a short ride we are in the parking garage, seated in the SUV and on our way. Nicholas is busy typing away on his cell phone, but I can’t stop thinking about how tonight will turn out. Meeting Nicholas’s family at the gala was one thing, but meeting in their home at their dinner table is completely different. It feels so much more personal—

  “Are you okay?” Nicholas pulls me from my thoughts once again.


  “Are you nervous?”


  “Why? You’ve met my family before.”

  “But not like this. This is… different. At the gala there were so many other people there or things going on to distract everyone. This feels… more personal.”

  “You have nothing to worry about, Kenzie. My mother already loves you –“

  “I doubt that; she barely knows me. We texted a few times and talked at your apartment for a few minutes, but that was pretty much it.”

  “Trust me, my mother likes you.”

  “I doubt it.”

  “Kenzie,” he takes a deep breath and runs his hands through his hair before continuing. “Do you want to know how I know my mother likes you?” I nod. “She lets you call her Vivienne—“

  “She told me—“

  “I know she did. But… she’s never let… Harper call her by her name,” I can hear the disgust in his voice as he says her name. “She was always Mrs. or Dr. Parker to her. My mother never texted her, never talked to her except to be polite and pretty much hated her.”


  “Yeah oh. So, just trust me, my mother likes you. If you’ve won her over, you’ve won over my dad by default. Cara loves everyone and Austin... well Austin will do anything to avoid confrontation, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

  “Is there anything I should know about for tonight?”

  “I don’t think so. Just be yourself.”

  “Sir, ma’am… we have arrived,” Carter alerts us. I have no idea how long we’ve been parked in the driveway but I’m thankful for these last few minutes.

  “You ready?” Nicholas asks.

  “Yes,” I say trying to force some confidence in my voice.

  Although we were here for the gala, the house looks completely different without all the lights and press around it. Nicholas opens the door and leads me into the very large foyer where he takes my jacket and purse to hang them with his own in the closet. I can’t help but look up; the ceiling above us is so high it almost makes me dizzy. There’s a beautiful chandelier above and a curved stairway to our left.

  “Nicholas! Kenzie! I thought I heard the door open,” Vivienne rushes in to greet us, first hugging Nicholas and then me.

  “Vivienne, it’s nice to see you again,” I say.

  “I’m so glad that you could make it tonight, Kenzie! I’ve been after Nicholas to bring you by for two weeks now; I’m glad your plans changed and you are able to join us.”

  “I’m glad it all worked out,” I reply, not entirely sure what Nicholas has told her so I’m trying to play along.

  “Come, everyone’s in the great room,” she leads us to a large room just off the foyer where Nicholas’s dad, Austin and Cara are all talking.

  “Nicholas!” Cara runs towards him and practically jumps into his arms to hug him.

  “Cara!” he chuckles at her reaction.

  “Kenzie! I’m so happy you could come!” She hugs me next before taking my hand, leading me to the couch where she was sitting a few minutes ago.

  “Kenzie, it’s nice of you to join us for dinner tonight,” Nicholas’s dad says.

  “Thank you for inviting me Mr. Parker.”

  “Please it’s Theodore; I’m only Mr. Parker at work.”

  “Kenzie, I love your dress! Where did you get it? Oh! Better yet, can you take me there? Are you going to the dinner next weekend? If so, maybe we can go shopping together this week?” Cara fires off tons of questions at me which catches me off guard.

  “Cara, give the poor girl a minute to think,” Austin warns as he smiles at me.

  “Um… I think we’re going to that dinner,” I glance at Nicholas who nods in indication that we are going. “I haven’t had a chance to shop for a dress yet, so if you want, I’d love to go shopping with you for one.”

  “Fantastic! I’m so excited! When can you go? Do you work every day this week?”

  “How about Wednesday? I work a few hours in the morning but by early afternoon I should be free.”

  “Perfect! I can’t wait!”

  I try to catch Nicholas’s eye to see if I did the right thing by agreeing to go shopping with her but he doesn’t seem to notice me. I hope he doesn’t get mad that I’m spending time with Cara; she caught me completely off guard when she asked if we could go shopping for a dress for the dinner. I couldn’t figure out a way to say no without sounding rude; agreeing just seemed like the appropriate response.

  “Dinner is ready,” Vivienne announces a few minute later.

  Nicholas takes my hand as we stand up before leading me into the dining room which is just as beautiful as the rest of the house. The long dining room table is set beautifully, with wonderful smelling dishes set across the table. Like the perfect gentleman he is, Nicholas pulls my chair out for me then gently pushes it in before taking his seat next to me.

  “You’re doing fine, stop worrying,” he whispers and puts his hand on my knee which I hadn’t realized was shaking until that moment. His hand is hot against my cool skin; I can feel my body temperature rising just from his touch. I don’t know if he notices, but he quickly removes his hand a few seconds later.

  “So Kenzie, how’s the bakery?” Theodore asks.

  “It’s good. It seems as if the owner has found a seller for the bakery—“

  “She did?” Nicholas asks surprised.

  “Yes, Ginny just told me about it this morning.” I forgot to mention it when we spoke on the ride over here.

  “Tell me it’s not one of those chain places,” Vivienne pleads.

  “I don’t think so. Ginny said that she had to sign something that prevents her from telling anyone specific details about the sale until a certain date—“

  “That’s fairly common, Kenzie, I don’t think it’s anything you need to worry about,” Nicholas says.

  “She did say that the owners have agreed to keep on all staff who have had solid performance reviews for at least six months following the date of the announcement,” I explain.

  “That’s really good news,” Nicholas says.

  “I’m sure you must be relieved,” Vivienne adds.

  “I am. I hope the new owners keep the feel of the bakery; Ginny has a lot of personal connections with so many of the customers who come in, so it would be a shame to lose that.”

  “I hope they keep the same recipes!” Cara exclaims.

  “I second that,” Austin agrees.

  “I’ve signed too many business deals over their muffins for have them change their recipe now,” Nicholas chuckles. “Melody manages always know exactly what to order for my meetings.”

  The food is passed around as conversation flows easily amongst everyone. I can’t help but sit back and watch what is going on around me. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a family dinner like this one. It’s not only Theodore and Vivienne asking questions about their children’s lives, but it’s Cara, Austin and Nicholas who are talking and seem to know everything that is going on with each other. It amazes me how close everyone is… not just close in the sense that they are family but that they actually care about what is happening with each other.

  “Would you like some wine?” Nicholas asks.

  “Yes, please.”

nbsp; “White or red?”

  “White, thank you.”

  Nicholas puts his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it gently before he walks into the kitchen. I continue to just watch everyone; interestingly I don’t feel uncomfortable like I expected to. Every so often someone asks me a question, making sure like I don’t feel like an outsider. Nicholas comes back to the table a few minutes later, handing me a glass of wine before draping his arm over my shoulders when he sits down.

  Out of the corner of my eye I see Vivienne watching us and smiling and for the first time since Nicholas and I started this arrangement I feel guilty for deceiving everyone. Well maybe not everyone—I don’t feel guilty for deceiving the press so they leave Nicholas alone and he can focus on his company. I think I just feel guilty about deceiving Nicholas’s family as they think we are an actual couple like everyone else does. I understand why he didn’t want to tell anyone else about our arrangement but…

  “How about we move into the great room? Dessert will be ready in a few minutes; I’ll bring it in for everyone in there,” Vivienne suggests.

  “Would you like another glass of wine?” Nicholas asks.

  “No, thank you,” I quickly answer.

  “Anyone else need another drink while I’m in the kitchen?” Nicholas asks everyone.

  “I’ll help you,” Austin jumps up.

  “I’d like another glass of wine,” Cara requests.

  “I’ll have another beer,” Theodore adds.

  “You sure you don’t need anything, Kenzie?” Austin asks.

  “I’m good, thanks,” I answer.

  Theodore and Cara immediately engage in conversation about a fashion design class that Cara is currently taking. I gather from the conversation that she has had a difficult time deciding what she wants to do with her life. I envy her; her parents seem to support her as she takes different classes rather than pushing her in a certain direction or worse not supporting her in furthering her education at all. I’m surprised that Theodore seems genuinely interested in Cara’s description in her last class the other day despite the fact that I’m sure Theodore could care less about fashion design.


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