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The English: A Social History, 1066–1945 (Text Only)

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by Christopher Hibbert

  Platt, Sir Hugh (1552–1608), 225

  Plimsoll, Samuel (1824–98), 599

  Pollnitz, Karl Ludwig, Baron (1692–1775), 509

  Ponsonby, Frederick, later cr. Baron Sysonby (1867–1935), 553

  Poore, Richard (d.1237), 54

  Pope, Alexander (1688–1744), 428

  Portland, William John Cavendish-Bentinck, 5th Duke of (1800–1879), 556–7

  Portman, William Berkeley, 2nd Viscount (1829–1919), 554, 556

  Powys, Mrs Philip Lybbe, 334, 373–4, 496

  Pratt, Sir George, 323

  Pratt, Sir Roger (1620–84), 323

  Prideaux, John, 278–9

  Pryme, George (1781–1868), 341

  Pückler-Muskau, Hermann Ludwig, Prince von (1785–1871), 554

  Purefoy, Henry, 333–4, 496

  Quin, James (1693–1766), 418

  Rahere (d.1144), 94, 105, 156

  Raikes, Robert (1735–1811), 452

  Ralegh, Sir Walter (1552?–1618), 218, 227, 278

  Read, Sir William (d.1715), 429

  Recorde, Robert (1510?–58), 216

  Redman, Richard (d.1505), 68

  Regent, Prince, see George IV

  Reith, Sir John Reith, 1st Baron (1889–1971), 678

  Repton, George Stanley (d.1858), 521

  Repton, Humphry (1752–1818), 326, 328

  Reynolds, Frederick (1764–1841), 410

  Rhodes, John, 408

  Rich, John (1682?–1761), 413

  Rich, Richard Rich, 1st Baron (1496?–1567), 207

  Richard of Leicester, 101–2

  Richard II, King (1367–1400), 36, 37, 83

  Richard III, King (1452–85), 215

  Richard de Wyche, St (1197?–1253), 135

  Richardson, Samuel (1689–1761), 329

  Richmond, Charles Lennox, 3rd Duke of (1735–1806), 371

  Rideware, Sir Robert de, 73

  Rivers, Anthony Woodville, 2nd Earl (1442?–83), 215–16

  Robertson, Tom (1829–71), 631

  Robertson, Sir William, 1st baronet, (1860–1933), 674

  Roche, Sophie von la, 350–51, 515

  Rolle of Steventon, John Rolle, Baron (1750–1842), 227

  Romilly, Sir Samuel (1757–1818), 661–2

  Rosebery, Arthur Philip Primrose, 5th Earl of (1847–1929), 700

  Rotherham, Thomas (1423–1500), 115

  Rothschild, Nathan Meyer (1777–1836), 318

  Rothschild, Sir Nathan Meyer, 1st Baron (1840–1915), 317

  Rowlands, Samuel (1570?–1630?), 181

  Rowlandson, Thomas (1756–1827), 444

  Rowntree, Joseph (1801–59), 314

  Ruggles-Brise, Sir Evelyn (1857–1935), 670

  Ruskin family, Sabbatarianism, 643

  Ruskin, John (1819–1900), 552, 617

  Ruspini, Bartholomew, 444

  Russell, Richard (d.1771), 679

  Rutebeuf (fl. 1245–85), 95

  Rutland, Charles Cecil Manners, 6th Duke of (1815–88), 542

  Sackville, Lord John, 371

  Salisbury, Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of (1563?–1612), 199

  Salisbury, Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of (1830–1903), 552

  Salt, Sir Titus (1803–76), 577

  Sampson, Abbot, 118

  Sandford, Samuel (fl. 1699), 409

  Sandwich, Lady, 335

  Sassoon, Siegfried (1886–1967), 708

  Saussure, César de, 509–10

  Sayers, Tom (1826–65), 623

  Scott, Sir George Gilbert (1811–78), 579

  Scott, Sir Walter (1771–1832), 82

  Scrope, Stephen, 107–8

  Sedley, Sir Charles (1639?–1701), 411

  Selwyn, George Augustus (1719–91), 608

  Selwyn, George Augustus, Bishop (1809–78), 608

  Senhouse, Humphrey, 456, 460

  Sevenoke, Sir William (1378?–1433?), 117

  Sévigné, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise de (1626–96), 398

  Sewell, Elizabeth, 361

  Shadwell, Thomas (1642?–92), 410

  Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of (1801–85), 559

  Shakespeare, William (1564–1616), 218, 243–4, 245

  Sharington, Sir William (1495?–1553), 194

  Shaw, Norman (1831–1912), 554, 555, 612

  Shenstone, William (1714–63), 329

  Sheraton, Thomas (1751–1806), 333

  Sheridan, Richard Brinaley (1751–1816), 375

  Shillibeer, George (1797–1866), 652

  Shrewsbury, Elizabeth, Countess of (Bess of Hardwick), 194, 324

  Siddons, Sarah (1755–1831), 631

  Sidney, Sir Philip (1554–86), 218, 278, 279, 464

  Simon, John, 581

  Simon de Paris, 29–30

  Simond, Louis, 475, 477, 511–12

  Simpson, Sir James Young (1811–70), 706

  Sitwell, Francis, 496

  Skinner, John, 314, 315–16

  Slade, John, 619

  Smiles, Samuel (1812–1904), 648

  Smith, Adam (1723–90), 472, 518

  Smith, Sydney (1771–1845), 311–13, 314

  Smollett, Tobias (1721–71), 377, 466, 497

  Smythson, Robert (d.1614), 195–6

  Snow, John (1813–58), 440

  Somerset, Charles Seymour, 6th Duke of (1662–1748), 497

  Somerset, Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of (1506?–52), 230

  Somerville, Thomas (1741–1830), 352

  Southampton, Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of (1573–1624), 209, 278

  Southey, Robert (1774–1843), 474

  Soyer, Alexis (1809–58), 499

  Spain, King of, see Philip II and Philip V

  Spencer, Mary, 261

  Spenser, Edmund (1552?–99), 278

  Spurgeon, Charles H. (1834–92), 642

  Stanley, James, 658

  Stansfeld, Sir James (1820–98), 640

  Stead, William Thomas (1849–1912), 634

  Stephen, Sir Leslie (1832–1904), 680

  Stephens, Henry, 619

  Stephenson, George (1781–1848), 646

  Sterling, Diana, 371

  Stevens, Joanna, 427

  Stoll, Sir Oswald (1866–1942), 630

  Stonor, Edmund de, 120

  Stonor, Thomas, 44

  Stonor, Sir William, 122

  Stopes, Marie (d.1958), 702

  Stow, John (1525?–1605), 229, 230, 231

  Straw, Jack (d.1381), 38

  Strudwick, Thomas, 287

  Strutt, Joseph (1749–1802), 423

  Stubbes, Philip (fl. 1581–93), 212

  Stubbs, George (1724–1806), 345

  Sudbury, Simon of (d.1381), 37

  Sullivan, Sir Arthur (1842–1900), 631

  Surtees, Robert Smith (1803–64), 358

  Sussex, Augustus Frederick, Duke of (1773–1843), 554

  Sutherland, George Granville Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, 3rd Duke of (1828–92), 541

  Sweet-Escott, Thomas, 607

  Swetnam, Joseph (fl. 1617), 387

  Swetnam, William, 265

  Swift, Jonathan (1667–1745), 342, 359, 429

  Swinfield, Richard de (d.1317), 11

  Switzer, Stephen (c. 1682–1745), 326–7

  Symons the acrobat, 242

  Taine, Hyppolyte (1828–93), 570

  Tait, Archibald Campbell (1811–82), 607

  Tallis, Thomas (1510?–85), 218

  Tarleton, Richard (d.1588), 245

  Taverner, John (fl. 1530), 218

  Tayler, William, 500

  Taylor, John (1580–1653), 164–5, 355

  Taylor, John (1711–88), 313–14

  Telford, Thomas (1757–1834), 352

  Terry, Dame Ellen (1847–1928), 631

  Thackeray, William Makepeace (1811–63), 628, 647

  Thomas Becket, St(1118?–70), 80

  Thomas de Chatham, 94

  Thomas of Holland, 118

  Thomas, John (1691–1766), 310

  Thompson, F
lora, 561

  Thoresby, Ralph (1658–1725), 348

  Thornhill, Benjamin, 429

  Thornton, Alice, 259

  Thornton, William, 319

  Thorpe, William (d.1407?), 79

  Thorpe, Sir William (fl. 1350), 144

  Thrale, Henry (c.1728–81), 310, 497

  Thrale, Hester Lynch (1741–1821), 394

  Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, 1st Baron (1731–1806), 309, 351

  Thurlow, Thomas (1737–91), 310

  Thynne, Sir John (d.1580), 194, 195

  Tilley, Vesta (1864–1952), 631

  Todd, Silas, 451

  Topsell, Edward (d.1638?), 218

  Towle, James (d.1817), 487

  Townshend, Charles Townshend, 2nd Viscount (1674–1738), 321

  Tradescant, John, the elder (d.1637?), 200

  Train, George Francis (1829–1904), 656

  Tree, Sir Herbert Beerbohm (1852–1917), 631

  Tresham, Sir Thomas (1543?–1605), 199

  Trollope, Anthony (1815–82), 603, 609, 628

  Trusler, John (1735–1820), 496

  Tryon, Thomas (1634–1703), 265

  Tucker, Josiah (1712–99), 481–2

  Tull, Jethro (1674–1741), 321

  Turner, Sydney (1814–79), 670

  Turner, Thomas, 316, 335, 518

  Tusser, Thomas (1524?–80), 172, 216, 239

  Tye, Christopher (1497?–1572), 218

  Tyler, Wat (d.1381), 36, 37, 38

  Tyndale, William (d.1536), 216–17

  Udall, Nicholas (1505–56), 239

  Unton, Sir Henry (1557?–96), 201

  Unwin, Sir Raymond (1863–1940), 676

  Vanburgh, Sir John (1664–1726), 323, 327

  Veil, Sir Thomas de, 663

  Verney, Sir Edmund (1590–1642), 252, 253

  Verney, Sir Ralph (1613–96), 275–6, 388

  Vestris, Elizabeth Lucy, 631

  Vicary, Thomas (d.1561), 155

  Victoria, Queen (1819–1901), attitude to Sabbatarianism, 643

  childhood holidays, 679

  chloroform in childbirth, 440

  dislikes smoking, 553

  Frith’s Ramsgate Sands, 681

  lavatory for, 652

  motor car, 659–60

  opens St Thomas’s Hospital, 706

  theatre, 631

  travels by rail, 650

  typhoid, 436

  women’s rights, 693

  Vincent, Henry (1813–78), 495

  Vives, Juan Luis de (1492–1540), 239

  Wales, Albert Edward, Prince of, see Edward VII

  Wales, George, Prince of, see George IV

  Walker, Abraham, 467

  Walpole, Horace, 4th Earl of Orford (1717–97), expense of Strawberry Hill, 511

  gambling story, 372

  interior decoration, 332

  robbed by highwaymen, 349

  servants, 497

  Walpole, Robert (1650–1700), 257

  Walpole, Sir Robert, 1st Earl of Orford (1676–1745), 361, 412

  Walsingham, Sir Francis, 278

  Walworth, Sir William (d.1385), 37

  Ward, John William, 1st Earl of Dudley (1781–1833), 664

  Ward, Joshua (1685–1761), 429

  Ware, Isaac (d.1766), 332

  Ware, Samuel (1782–1848), 521

  Warwick, Frances Evelyn Greville, Countess of (Lady Brooke; 1861–1938), 546

  Waterhouse, Alfred (1830–1905), 555

  Watson, Matthias, 282

  Watt, James (1736–1819), 468

  Webb, Matthew (1848–83), 631

  Wedgwood, Josiah (1730–95), 363, 467, 474–5

  Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of (1769–1852), Almack’s Assembly Rooms, 364

  attitude to smoking, 554

  funeral, 627

  interior decoration, 332

  opinion of his soldiers, 671

  police force, 664

  railways, 644

  underground railway, 657

  Wells, H. G. (1866–1946), 689

  Wentworth, Lady Henrietta, 508

  Wesley, Charles (1707–88), 317

  Wesley, John (1703–91), 316–17, 338, 451, 474

  Westhall, Lilian, 505

  Westminster, Hugh Lupus Grosvenor, 1st Duke of (1825–99), 497. 541. 555, 557

  Weston, Sir Richard (1591–1652), 256

  Whetstone, George (1544?–1587?), 184

  White, Gilbert (1720–93), 313, 336

  Whitefield, George (1714–70), 317

  Whiteley, William, 520

  Whitgift, John (1530?–1604), 192

  Whittington, Richard (c.1358–1423), 50, 100, 160, 209, 215

  Wilberforce, William (1759–1833), 608

  Wilcocks, Joseph (1673–1756), 310

  William I, King, the Conqueror (1027–87), prologue, 141, 146

  William II, King (d. 1100), 68

  William III, King (1650–1702), 258, 437

  William de Morlei, 95

  Willis, Francis (1718–1807), 430

  Wilson, Arthur (1836–1909), 556

  Wilson, Benjamin (1721–88), 494

  Wilson, H. J., 640

  Wilton, Marie (1839–1921), 631

  Winchcomb, John, 174

  Winchilsea, Daniel Finch-Hatton, 8th Earl of (d.1769), 371

  Wodelarke, Robert (d.1479), 136

  Woffington, Peg (1714?–60), 418

  Wolfe, James (1727–59), 340, 671

  Wollstonecraft, Mary (1759–97), 693

  Wolsey, Thomas (1475?–1530), Cardinal College, 187

  Hampton Court, 198, 201, 230

  and Henry VIII’s syphilis, 165

  plague, 162

  Wolverton, George Carr Glyn, 1st Baron (1797–1873), 556

  Wood, Anthony (1632–95), 400

  Wood, John, the elder (1705?–54), 294

  Wood, John, the younger (d.1782), 294

  Woodforde, James (1740–1803), cures a stye, 427

  deaths from fever, 437

  dines at New College, 460

  inoculation, 433

  Oxford/London fare, 352

  servants, 438, 496, 503, 506

  smugglers, 361–2

  workhouse, 493

  Woodville, Anthony, 2nd Earl Rivers (1442?–83), 215

  Woodward, John (1665–1728), 433

  Woolaston, William (b.1659), 269–70

  Woolf, Virginia (1882–1941), 680

  Woolley, Hannah (fl. 1670), 272

  Woolton, Frederick James Marquis, 1st Earl of (1883–1964), 709

  Worde, Wynkyn de (d.1534), 216

  Wotton, Sir Henry (1568–1639), 197, 326

  Wright, Thomas, 621

  Wyatt, James, 364

  Wyatt, Sir Thomas (1503?–42), 177

  Wyatville, Sir Jeffry (1766–1840), 555

  Wyclif, John (c.1320–84), 36, 136

  Wykeham, William of (1324–1404), 115, 117, 144

  Wyndham, Sir Charles (1837–1919), 631

  Wyville, Robert, 142

  York and Albany, Edward Augustus, Duke of (1739–67), 413

  York and Albany, Frederick, Duke of (1763–1827), 673

  York, James, Duke of, see James II

  Young, Arthur (1741–1820), 320

  enclosure of land, 472–3

  failed farmer, 321

  and John Howard, 344

  A Tour Through the Southern Counties, 355

  Travels in France, 336

  Index of Subjects

  The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.

  abbeys, 80–81, 104, 156

  Abingdon, 105

  abortion, 399, 702–3

  actors, see theatre

  Acts of Parliament, Act of Uniformity, 258

  Apothecaries’, 429

  Bank Holiday, 599

  Combination, 480, 482, 492

  Contagious Diseases, 639–40

nbsp; Defence of the Realm, 700, 707

  Education (1918 and 1944), 694

  Emergency Powers, 707

  Fourth Reform, 693

  Free Libraries 622

  Gangs, 559

  Green Belt, 676

  Holidays with Pay, 684

  Hours of Labour in Factories, 582

  Housing, 675

  Intoxicating Liquor (Temporary Restriction), 700

  Licensing, 701

  Married Women’s Property, 693

  Metropolitan Police, 664

  Metropolitan Poor, 706

  Militia, 671

  National Insurance, 707

  Police, 666

  Poor Law Amendment, 492

  Prevention of Crimes, 670

  Prison, 669

  Public Health (1848), 580, 581

  Public Health (1872), 581

  Public Health (1875), 581–2

  Railway, 651

  Reform, 492

  Riot, 455, 490

  Sex Disqualification (Removal), 693, 703

  Shop Hours, 520–21

  Smallholdings, 565–6

  Town and Country Planning, 676

  Tramways, 657

  Waltham Black, 360

  Workhouse, 493

  advertising, 467

  handbills, 430

  mountebanks, 426–7, 429

  rapidly expanding business, 704

  for servants, 503

  tooth powders and tinctures, 443

  agriculture (see also animal husbandry and enclosure of land), children employed, 469, 558

  crops, 173

  decline in, 566

  decline in corn growing, 34

  depression, 488–9, 564

  farm boy’s work, 558–9

  farm labourers’ wear, 345, 535

  fanners with social pretensions, 567

  glebe farming, 311, 312

  improved methods, 256–7

  labouring gangs, 559–61

  largest occupation, 284, 466, 497

  mediaeval, 21–2

  mop fairs, 307

  percentage of labourers in population, 565

  revolution, 321–2

  riots, 254, 479–80, 490–91

  size of farms, 562–3

  smallholdings, 20, 565–6

  unemployment, 469

  wages, 471, 558, 559, 561

  weaver-farmers, 563

  Women’s Land Army, 709

  Aldeburgh, 535

  alehouses, 52, 53, 79, 375–7

  allotments, 565

  animal husbandry, disease, 178, 564

  horse rearing, 301–2

  improved breeds of cattle and sheep, 321

  mediaeval peasants’, 20

  sheep farming, 34, 173, 177, 301, 488

  animals (see also horses and sports), bloodhounds, 666

  cruelty to, 337, 368, 369

  deer, 358, 359


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