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Chasing Beautiful (Chasing Series #1)

Page 11

by Ann, Pamela

  “Mom’s already seated inside. I just wanted to wait and meet you out here. You know, just making sure you were coming.” He doubted it? Kyle knew I could hardly say no to his mother.

  “I said I was. I wasn’t planning on canceling at the last minute.”

  He nodded and led the way to where his mother was located.

  Marie looked beautiful in her usual Oscar de la Renta suit in light pink, as she greeted me warmly and sat next to Kyle. I sat across the table and Marie took the uneasiness of the situation away. She never once discussed Kyle’s problems, but directed the conversation towards her charity work and other subjects that she deemed safe throughout the entire meal.

  Sipping the excellent red wine, I was a little guarded with Marie’s inquisition, in her gentle manner, of course. “So dear, tell me about your life here? Is it what you dreamed it to be?”

  Smiling, I relented. “I really love it here. I’ve made my own friends and I’m very comfortable now. School’s great, actually! I’m loving where my professor is going with our Art History class. So, I guess I’m happy, if that’s what you wanted to know.” I took another huge sip of my wine and glanced at Kyle. He seemed a little aloof and engrossed in his phone messages.

  “Anyone special, dear?” Marie lightly inquired. Even in her gentle voice, I knew she was dying to know this. Kyle even managed to pause his tapping on his phone, though he never looked up. I could tell he was waiting for my answer as well.

  Mother and son, working together.

  Great, this was just what I need. Since I’m not seeing Blake that way anymore—I guess there’s nothing to tell them. Shaking my head, “No, no one at the moment.”

  “That’s excellent!” Marie exclaimed with a huge smile.

  Excellent? Yeah, right.

  Marie suddenly stood up and announced that she was off to bed. Her flight was early tomorrow morning and she needed all the rest she could get. She thanked me and kissed me goodnight and did the same with Kyle.

  Now, it’s just us, great.

  I fished for my phone and saw that Luce had texted me.

  Going out dancing tonight! Want to join us in Mahiki? Toby wants to take his friend from work. Say you’ll come!

  Oh, definitely!

  Yep! Meet you there in an hour or so!

  I immediately invited Chad to meet us as well if he didn’t have plans already. But knowing him, he’d probably drag his date to come party with us.

  “What’s making you smile like that?” I looked up and clashed with his golden/hazel eyes. I hadn’t realized he was done texting his friends and giving me all his attention.

  Brooke perhaps?

  “My flatmate Luce just texted me if I wanted to go clubbing with them,” putting my phone down next to my glass, I took another copious sip.

  “Going to join your friends?” Kyle inquired.

  “Quite possibly, yes.”

  “Can I invite myself as well? If you go?” He picked up my phone and toyed with it. He was acting like the old Kyle I knew. I was relieved that he was still there, somewhere.

  “Shouldn’t you be resting? You just barely got here. Besides, after the crap that you pulled with your binge drinking and drugs, going out to party should be the least of your worries, no?” I enlightened him, quirking up a brow with my question. I was furious that he placed himself in harm’s way. He could’ve easily overdosed and died. What the heck was he thinking?

  “I’m off that, Sienna. It was a deal I had with my parents. I know it’s stupid but I needed to numb the pain I was feeling—I didn’t want to deal with it. I took the coward’s way out. But now I’m here and I can see you again—not somewhere far away from you—I’m not going to rebel and act out.”

  Handing my phone back to me, “You have a message.”

  It was from Chad saying he’d be on his way soon and he couldn’t wait to see the gang.

  Chad started hanging out with us the moment Luce and I became friends as well. I was glad that everybody got on, even Toby and Blake like him. The guys don’t seem to mind that Chad’s gay and I adore them for it.

  “You’re not really seeing anyone, baby?” He finally managed to ask the stupid question I knew he was dying to ask. Why does he keep studying me? Can’t he look away just for a second? It’s making me nervous.

  “I’m not your baby to call, not anymore.” I shot him a hateful glare.

  “We’ll see, baby.”

  Huh! Confident are we? If he thought I was just going to fall back and be with him again, after he cheated, because he was here in London—he could think again!

  The big question is, should I invite him to go to Mahiki and meet my friends? He’s eager to go, but what if Blake’s there? Nah—he’s busy with that Marbella project, remember? Hopefully, Lucy and Chad won’t be bothered by Kyle? They might not like him but I know they won’t be hostile either.

  Draining the rest of my wine, I glanced at Kyle. His eyes were staring at my boobs. I rolled my eyes. I knew the tight dress emphasized my small waist, but it pushed my breasts up—and they looked insane. I suppose that’s why I chose it. Just so I could rub what he threw away in his face. Kyle’s a boob man and he loves those suckers. Too bad he wouldn’t be doing much with them other than staring at them longingly; I ignored his blatant mishap.

  “Still want to come and meet my friends?” I double-checked. This was a big deal for me, but I didn’t show it. This was going to be the first time my London friends would meet him. It was a major deal.

  “Definitely do.” Kyle nodded, responding with certainty.

  “Kay, I’m going to just refresh my make-up. Lobby in five minutes?”

  He nodded as I walked away from our table.


  I was thankful when the cab finally stopped outside the club. The silence in the cab was deafening. Awkward much? Why is he acting so weird, anyhow?

  As instructed by Luce, all I had to do was mention “Toby Watson” to get in right away. I was sure Toby had made reservations before coming here. Count on him to always be prepared. And when it comes to his ladylove, he doesn’t think twice about giving her anything.

  Have you seen those couples that are toothache-inducing, sickly sweet to each other? Yep, that was them! But they look like they’re made for each other, so people tend to forgive them for that.

  Brushing past the bouncers, I scoured the booths to look for my friends. I was quite nervous because I didn’t mention bringing Kyle. I just hoped that they would all get along so it wouldn’t be so difficult. Kyle didn’t have many friends here, so he was most likely going to follow me about. God, I hope not. He’ll find friends soon enough, I convinced myself.

  The music was thumping and blaring loudly. The place was starting to get packed and more alcohol-induced bodies swayed to the beat on the dance floor. Polynesian theme boasted the entire club. It was done tastefully with a touch of contemporary design. This place was known for their exotic cocktails and mixers that came with a fire exhibition. It was quite riveting and the crowd goes rampant with awed fascination.

  Kyle’s hand pulled my waist as he whispered closely in my ear, “I think I found your friends. They’re all staring, just to give you a heads up.”

  I quickly turned to my right, away from the fire exhibition, and found their table was actually on the far right, away from the commotion. Kyle was right; they were all staring. I didn’t get to check out everyone at the table because I looked down—a little embarrassed as I made my way towards them.

  “Sienna Richards, glad of you to grace us with your sexy self.” Chad drawled in his flamboyant New York accent. “And you must be?” The question was angled to Kyle. I totally forgot to mention his move here to Chad. He was going to devour the drama. He lives for these things.

  “I’m Kyle, Sienna’s friend from LA.” Kyle introduced himself to both Chad and Luce and flashed them both his seductive smile. Even tired, he could still manage to look handsome. Kyle’s handsome in a lean muscled, surfer, ru
gged kind of way. His dark hair and his hazel/golden eyes amplified his good looks.

  “The Kyle?”

  “Yes Chad! Now drop it, please.” My eyes glared at him full-on. My eyes begged him to stop, but it seemed he didn’t get the damn message. Was he drunk already?

  “My, my! Don’t you two look like the perfect couple! Don’t you think Luce? Toby? Sam? Blake?” The moment Chad said Blake, my eyes shot behind Chad and looked over the booth. Sure enough, the prince of brooding was sitting conveniently behind Chad—he was blocked from my view earlier.

  Oh, fuck.

  Blake looked composed and impassive, like it didn’t bother him. When our eyes met, he simply nodded to acknowledge me and returned to chat with another man I had never met before.


  I didn’t see it coming. He had moved on. Blake’s reaction, or what little of it, showed me how over me he was. The dull ache in my chest wouldn’t subside, so I ignored it and pretended I was perfectly happy. Luce introduced him to the rest of the guys and the stranger named Sam. They all seemed nonchalant. Toby and Blake, even less thrilled. I understood the reaction from Blake, but Toby?

  Kyle’s phone flashed and he texted quickly as he pulled on my waist a little too possessively—directly in Blake’s line of sight—and told me that he needed to make a phone call outside. He quickly kissed my cheek before retreating back to the crowd and out the exit door.

  My eyes landed on Blake’s. From the murdering look he gave me, I didn’t have to guess if he saw the exchange. His nostrils flared, his jaw muscles tightened, and his beautiful eyes screamed bloody murder. Unable to stand the burning heat of his stare, I turned around quickly.

  Luce handed me a blue colored drink and Chad pulled my hand, cornering me on the mirrored wall. “You better start explaining yourself baby love, before I start hyperventilating. Aren’t you dating sexy Blake?” Chad rattled on, his ebony eyes curious.

  “Blake decided it was best to end it last night. I wasn’t expecting him here—He’s supposed to be busy with a project. And Kyle’s parents agreed that I’m the medicine to his sobriety, hence the attendance of the one and only.”

  “Goodness! This is awesome drama! I love it! It must be wretched to be you right now, huh? How are you holding up?” As quickly as his eyes lit up to the prospect of fireworks, it immediately vanished when he realized how rotten it was for me.

  “Fuck, yeah! But please—not tonight. I want to have fun! Is that okay with you mister?” giving him a quick hug and kiss on his glossed puckers.

  I sat next to Toby and he immediately gave me a tight hug. “Ex-boyfriend coming after you it seems?” I shrugged, not wanting to reply. “If you need anything—don’t hesitate to call me. It’s not that I don’t trust him, but I want you safe is all,” kissing my forehead and getting up to join Lucy on the dance floor. They looked so happy together, it made me feel worse.

  Taking a sip from my blue sweetened vodka concoction, I noticed Blake toying with his glass of whiskey. Possibly contemplating if he should talk to me or not.

  “Not busy with the Marbella project tonight?” I asked, leaning a little closer to him.

  “Back with him that quickly?” Blake’s sarcasm was palpable. Didn’t I explain the situation last night?

  “No, I am not.”

  I looked around and scouted for someone to rescue me, but it seemed everyone had dispersed to the dance floor. Picking up on my nervous state, Blake leaned close—so close that—I could smell him. My stomach nose-dived as I closed my eyes and breathed him in.

  Damn you, I silently cursed.

  “You look bewitching, my Sienna. I seem to recall how well your body responded to me—and I’m getting hard thinking about those lips of yours.” His gaze went south, gritting his teeth. “Your boobs are indecent. Did you do that purposely to torment and torture me?”

  My, God! I love it when he talks dirty. His cool and composed façade slips off and another man surfaces.

  “If you are tortured and tormented, you have yourself to thank.” I managed to whisper, as I looked him straight in the eye.

  “Seeing how cozy you two are—made me think twice about my decision. Do you know how it makes me feel seeing you together?” Even with the loud thump of music his voice was clear and grating on my delicate ear.

  “I didn’t know you’d be here—if I had known—I wouldn’t have come.”

  Blake abruptly pulled away from my ear and looked over to my side as Kyle came into view. He didn’t seem to notice the tension between us or he was doing a good job at pretending not to see it.

  Releasing a sigh, I turned to Kyle. “How did your call go?”

  “It’s good.” He gave me a sideways glance and his usual flirty smile. When I stood up, he held out his hand. “Dance with me, baby.”

  “I don’t think that’s good idea. How about we just stay here, hmmm?”

  “Come on, baby! We used to have fun dancing! Please? Just this once?” He was still holding out his hand and smiling like an idiot as I took it.


  “I’ll be right back,” addressing Blake but he just stared at me, infuriated.

  “By all means, dance your socks off.” He bitingly responded.

  That I will, just you wait.

  Joining the crowded floor with people bumping and grinding, Kyle took the opportunity to pull me close to his chest. Our eyes immediately locked and out of the blue he yelled, “I love you.”

  My mouth opened and closed again. I rotated myself and placed his hands on my waist and danced, relieving myself of this odd position without having to talk to him. He seemed to love having his hands on me. His grip was getting tighter as he grinded himself a little too close for comfort on my ass.

  How does one balance an ex and a “possible” new man in her life? It was Kyle’s first day here and I was having a hard time already. I hated what he did and at the same time, I wanted to help him, but it was evident that he wanted more than that. And with Blake, where do I even begin? He was so baffling. Holding our rhythm, I was starting to have fun dancing with Kyle. We both relaxed and started to enjoy each other. When the music ended, I expected us to dance more, but Kyle led me to the entrance door.

  Outside on the pavement, he asked me to take a short walk. I obliged.


  “I’ll give you a few minutes and then I’ll go back inside. I don’t want my friends to worry.” I said to Kyle as he simply nodded in agreement.

  When he stopped walking, he leaned on the building and closed his eyes. With them shut, he spoke softly. “When my parents pitched the idea of me coming here, I was happy and scared—I was scared because you might not love me the way I love you—well, not anymore. I was cruel and I can’t forgive myself for what I’ve done to you. If we turn out to be friends like how it was before we started dating, I’ll take that in a heartbeat. I’m really thankful that you’re even giving me time, but it was hardly a surprise.”

  Opening his hazel eyes, they were miserable and anguished. “You have such a good heart, Sienna. You’re smart, beautiful and brave. When Christy started beating you, I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t dare hurt you. But I did—I broke that promise. You trusted me—you loved me. How could I betray someone I love so much? I was so consumed with anger and hurt that I forgot to think about how I was hurting you. I’m sorry—” Kyle started to massage his temples, sadness racked my body.

  I walked over and hugged him tight. The mention of Christy Brown’s name sent shivers all over my body; that woman was horrid. “I know you are—that’s why I can’t stay mad at you for long. What you did was painful—I’m hurt. I just wish that you could’ve told me about what you were going through. Instead, you looked for a replacement to forget about me. That hurt.”

  “And look how successful that turned out, Sienna—the moment I saw you again—I was a goner. I was invaded by the thought of you. It’s always been you Sienna, no matter how much I try—my heart belonged and
will always belong, to you.” He professed, a little breathless.

  I looked down and studied my toes. Why is it painful when he tells me he loves me? I love Kyle, I do and I guess I’ll always love him—but a big part of me wants Blake—no point in denying myself anymore. I was always attracted to him and I can’t pass this chance up or I might regret it for the rest of my life. Fuck, baby steps. I want him and that’s that.

  What I feel for him is complex, but as fascinating as he is—I’m not going to let anyone trample on my heart. That’s one thing I won’t compromise. Once was humiliating enough.

  “Kyle, I’m sorry. I really am—but right now, I’m not in a place where I want to be in a relationship. Everything is too deep and too much between you and me. I need to step back and think about what I do want. All my life, I was attached to your hip. I lived and breathed you and I loved you with all of my heart—but you must understand—that things changed. It’s different now—” I looked at the man I used to love with unshed tears.

  His thumbs started to wipe the sides of my eyes. “Don’t cry, baby. I feel like a total bastard right now. Please, don’t cry.” Kyle hugged me tightly.

  My head was on his torso as he tried to calm me down. He gently stroked my hair and kissed my cheek.

  Pushing myself off his body, I folded my arms as I waited for him. “Let’s go inside. We’ve been out for awhile now.”

  He pulled me close to him and draped his arm around me as he headed to the club’s entrance where he immediately stopped. “Go be with your friends, I’m going back to the apartment. I was pooped before we came here but I wanted to spend more time with you. Now, I’m ready to crash.”

  “Alright, it was good to see you again. Be safe.”


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